The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 17, 1904, Image 1

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. . .
" ' . .a1ht < ! tit ! ! ( Jribunt. . " 1t 1 t
, ,
V . ' " Ladies , Entertain .
I The. ladies of the Woodmen
. . . . i
. .
. ° , 'circle . enleitained the lodge in
' ' '
: the \V O. W. hall Saturday even-
. : :1 : 1g. . . ; , Strawberries , ice cream
. ,
- ai5d ' cake w re served and a most
enjoyable . : . titnG w'as rep rted.
1 . . Signed' the Contract.
Prof , William Harnack signed -
ed a contract yesterday to fur-
: 'nish _ . . . . . both . band . and orchestra for
irs : r. : <
, ; . ar-ie ! : ; . ' Salem. Cha 1.1 ta.tiq ua , Reher-
. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , : , . , . : . . . 5als ? 0 will begin a.t ; once and ' chau-
: 4tauqua patrons wIll be assured of
\ II' first class musicd ring the entire
/ . '
' seSSIOn.
, ,
" ' ' , " , Bitten by a Dog.
o 7 . ' , ' A little son of Chas Lei ke was .
f , ' i bitten , Wednesday ; . , by a dog own-
: : f eel by ; l\In \ . Davis who lives on
t : Morgan 'place. The little fellow
: j was bitten , on both limbs , the in-
, jury to the left limb being so se-
4 . t ver as to require surgical aden-
. , . . ; tion. . r ' . . . .
: . . ' . tion.County
t' ; . : . . , . County Board.
, . . . , . } .
. : . ' r . : , The county superVisors have
; . . 1 . tJeen' ' in session this week . as a
" ' , . . . , . . . . ; IL : board of equalization and have
. : , ' . listened to inany protests and ad-
. . . i justed mauy -matters pretaining
. ' , : . t ; ; 'to tlx'he board will
. .
. . . '
. , i. jrobabl'y remain session about
> : - : : two wcqks. '
I < . \ . , Circus Coming.
1 , : " : , j Mayo'r' Barton has received a
' . ' : . : . . : .letter from the management of
' - , " . : - ' ; r Barn'um . & Baileys : circus announ-
. .
.J . ; ' that the show will
: : , . . . .cing' positively
be here at some' tim during the
. ; season. The necessary money
has been subscribed by the busi-
. ness men. The exact' date will
. , r-'be announced in the near future
. ,
. ' ' . '
: : ;
: : , . : Clegg Sells Out.
. ; : . > -\Vhitaker'Bfos. this week sold
. .
, : : J ' , : } ' i' . Cleggs drug store to Dr. T.
. , : t 1 .c , . MdMillan of . .Fullerton , Neb. ,
° ; ; .4' ' : wit ( ) will remove his family here
f 4 " . and J take possession of the drug
. V storaJuly : 1st. . . Dr. McMillan has
beet } ' a resident ; of Fullerton for
- .f . 7cighteen . ' years and is a man
1 . , thoroughly . : conversant ; . . with . , the
; , , . : ; 1' .
, . '
" : .f . . . . . \ . . . ' : 'Married.
{ : ; < i Nettie E. Young : and Dr. A.\V.
: ; . ' married at
. - ; -Montgomery were
' ' : : .t.
e . : ) c Stella Wednesday evening. The
' , ' .I ; . ride is a well known and very
. . .
, .3"fo , ' " " .
, , \ . . " :1)OpularJ'oung : lady and the
- * . , . ; t . : : J'oung , )
? groom . is i a young physician who
Y ; ! { ' - : . ' ; has a brilliant professional career
before him and who , both as a
( . : 'I.nan . ! and as a physician is most
" . highly respected . The Tribune
I" ' , : in tulatiOl .
" . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . joins . , congratulations. - " . . : '
" 11'0 ; ' o . ( . .
. . . . . "
--0 <
' . " .4/ ' ' ' ' ' _ _
Royal Arcanum.
An open meeting of the Royal
Arcanum was held at the Jenne
opera house on Tuesday evening.
The house was filled with members -
bers of the order and their invited -
ed guests. Addresses were delivered -
livered bv Rev. Mackay and \1.
M. Giller both of Omaha , the
speakers holding the undivided
attention of the audience by their
eloquence. Although the Royal
Arcanum is a comparitively new
order inthis . city , its membership
is very large and includes many
representative citizens. The in-
vited guests feel very grateful to
the order for the splendid enter-
tainment that was afforded them.
The special musical feature of
the evening was a vocal ! sOlo by
Blanche Kerr. -
Base Ball.
Two games between the Falls
City and Beatrice teams were
played on Sunday and Monday.
The game on Sunday resulted in
a victory for Beatrice , the score
being 8 to 7. But on Monday it
was a different matter. The
home boys went into the game to
win and they did so , although it
took ten innings. The score was
4 to 3 and it was a good stiff
game from start to finish.
An Error.
An error , . which we deeply re-
gret , appears on the editorial
page of this paper. The editor
wrote : "In short , it makes no
difference what the democrats
mayor may not do , this is going
to be a republican year , ete. "
The compositor made time sentence
read : "It makes no matter what
the democratic mayor may not
do , etc. " It was purely an error
and no reference to the city administration -
ministration was intended.
Struck the Horse.
As Chas. Heilman , who lives
on Route 5 , was coming to town
Saturday , Mail Carrier Lively
passed him. The carrier was on
horseback and Mr. Heilman did
not turn out. As the carrier
went past , lie reached over and
struck one of Heilman's horses
and this became lively right
away , the spirited , team coming
very nearly getting beyond con-
Marriage Record.
Asa W. Montgomery , Stcllauuu.31
Ncttic E. Young , Stcllauuuuuu30
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Roy D. Bain , Table Rockuuuu.2i
B'rUm Mae Copc. Humboldtuu.20
Lockwood Rogcrs , Vermilion , Kan . .38
Louisa Hollyman , Toronto , Can----.3'
Gave Him a Ring.
The laC1ies of the Christian
church gave a tea on Tuesday
evening at the home of J. H.
Cain. rhe people of the church
took achantage : of this occasion
to present Will Wherry with a
fine ring in recognition of his
past services as superintendent of
the Sunday School. Mr. Wherry'
has served in that capacity for
about twenty years , but resigned
upon deciding to remove to Cali-
Found Dead.
Oscar Frohber , a druggistnat
Preston was found dead in his
place of business last Tuesday
morning. Dr. Griffith had a key
to the drug store amid early Tues-
day morning attempted to un-
lock the front door but found
Frohberg's key on the inside.
He then went to the rear of the
building and through a window
saw the body of Frohberg lying
on the floor behind the prescription -
tion case. He notified some of
the neighbors and an entrance to
the building was effected. Froh-
berg had evidently been dead for
several hours.
Coroner Heneker was notified
and going to Preston at once , he
empanel1ed a jury which listened
to the testimony in the case and
returned the following verdict.
State of Nebraska
Richardson Cdunty , f 5S.
At an inquisition holdcn at Preston ,
Ncb. , Jefferson township , in Richard-
ardson county , on thc 14th day of June
A D. 1903 , before me , Dr. Gco. W.
Rcneker , coroner of said county , upon
thc body of Oscar Frohberg , lying
dead , by the jurors whose names are
hereto subscribed , thc said jurors upon
their oath do say that hc came to his
death by a cause unknown to thc jur-
ors , but not due to violcnce.
R. W. Unsell ,
C. J. Hoppc ,
. , ' .
, ' " - E. Dowty ,
Richard Kaiser ,
John Ncitzcl ,
A. E. Hcacock.
In testimony whereof the said jurors
have hereunto set their hands thc day
and year af resaic1.
Attest--Dr : . GeQ. W. Relleker ,
Frohberg was about thirty-five
years of age and unmarried. He
leaves an aged mother who is
almost prostrated over the sud-
den death of her son.
John \Yiltse , who has been
reading law in the office of Clar-
ence Gi11espie for some time
took the bar examination at Lin-
coln this week. He secured the
highest grades in a class of fif-
N. '
" ' .
c " "
Ira Johnson was a visitor in t \
Craig , Mo. . Sunday
H. P. 1'homas of Mound City " . .
. , . .
was a Falls City visitor this week. I
A . .
Harry Jenne and wife spent a ' 1 - , , I
portion of this week at the Mis- \ ' I
souri lakes , . : : i t , ,
George Smith , republican can-
cHelate for representative was in " . -
. .
town yesterday. . '
VV. 'B. ' HUlllmel , B. F. r-.nlcsH : , \ " ' . , . . .
S. Bcldcn and R. B. Allen of " "
Dawson were in the city on , busi- \
ness edneselay. ; .
Grace Saylor left Saturday for ' . ' "
Chicago where she will visit with . a
relatives for a few weeks. .
Rev. Stouder and family visit- ( .
cd at the home of Henry White - , ,
in Falls City Sund.ay. { \
Mrs. Andrew Cameron 'enter- ; . . .
tained the Married Ladies kensington - >
sington club yesterday afternoon. " ,
Ike Ilarris the well known ' , "
farmer and stock raiser of Stella
transacted business in this city
Herbert Southard of Denver is
in the city visiting at the home
of his father , A. W. Soutl ard.
He is a captain on the Denver i
police force.
Elmer Butler was in town yes- .
terday making some preliminary
arrangements for a Fourth of
July celebration to be held at
Albert Maust is the possessor
of a fine new , automobile. The
machine is a Cadillac touring
car and has a capacity of four
The concert given for the benefit "
efit of the. choir boys camping
fund at the Jenne opera house
last night was well attended , and
the said fund was materially ben-
efi ted.
John W.Dorrington and George
E. Dorrington of Yuma , Arizona
. are in the city- yisiting with W.
E.Dorrington.and other relatives.
John Dorrington is a delegate
from Arizona , . to the republican
national convention at Chicago
and will leave for that place Sun-
o Hon. E. A. Tucker , republican
candidate for state senator , was .
in town Monday : : Judge Tucker
does not appear any older notwithstanding -
withstanding the fact that he
has just become a grandfather.
A son was born to Ray Gist and
and wife at Humboldt the last of
the week and Judge trucker is the
father of Mrs. Gist. .
. , r.