The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 10, 1904, Image 9

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    ( .
_ _ n
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - -
} . . . l ; at Sowles Candy.
\Vagg-euer of Dawson was
, .
rJ 111 town Monday .
1 Ii' M. Boss of Humboldt was
in the city over Sunda ) ' .
' O. A Sarbcr of Humboldt was
in the city over Sunda.r.
4 Frank Hnizda of Humboldt
. y. " \ spent Sunday in this city
" . , . Russ Gaudy of Humboldt was . ,
t in town over Suuday.
Lizzie Hossack is visiting with
friends Weeping \ \ ' ater.
, V. C. McCool of Salem was in
town on business Saturday.
Coupe & Thornton handle noth-
ing' but the best of meats.
J. B. Anderson of Reserve was
in the city Sunday.
James Hinton of Hamlin transacted -
_ sactcd business in this city Mon-
da y.
: Joseph Wedner of Humboldt
made a business to this city Sat-
. .
- . A. D. Sargent of Humboldt
-J was a business visitor in this city
. , Mend ) ' .
Try Berr"s Chick Food for lit-
: tIe chicks - just the stuff . - at
Heck's Feed Store.
Elizabeth Shadd , Bonnie Love
and Pearle Seaman of Hiawatha
visited in this city Sunday.
Joe Minnick returned from
) . Council Bluffs the last of the
$ - . . . week for a visit with his Falls
' ) : " .
i " City friends.
t or
; , ' , J ' . Charles W'lie came ever from
r Forest Ciiy Mo. , Saturday to be
present at the Woodmen unveil-
, ing exercises on' Sunday. .
\Ve kill aU our own meats.
therefore we can supply you with
. the best the market affords.-
, Coupe & Thornton ,
The Falls City people who
have been attending the state
Ii. 4 university , have returned for the
-\-t-A \ . summer vacation.
The National hotel has been
named as the place , and June 21.
the time for the hearing of the
Samuelson bankruptcy : case.
There will be German services
, in the Brethren church at 2 p. m.
next Sunday , Rev A. Koehler will
preach. All Germans are cordi-
, . . ally invited to attend.
Alice Cleaver , the artist returned -
. turned Saturday from Philadelphia -
phia where she has been attend-
" ing an art school She will spend
the summer with her parents , J.
, ; i L. Cleaver and wife of this city
! Rev. Henry B. Smith of St.
. .
. . . . . ( f Thomas Episcopal church held
. r mission services in Hiawatha last
, .I , ; , /.i\- ' week On Sunday a number of
: Ail " / the members of the church here
h rlJo'V went to Hiawatha to be present
, . : , r at the evening services. Rev.
Moore of Omaha held services in
St. Thomas church last Sunda
" - - - - . . . - ' - ' "
, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\Vc are in receipt of a copy of
The Daily Observer , published at
Cameron , Mo. , and find therein
an illlnOUI1CCmcnt of the marriage
of Lou E. Schaeffer to Lucile
Olive Morehcad of Columbia , Mo
Mr. Schaeffer is now foreman on
the Observer , but formerly pub-
lished the Reporter at Hulo. He
is a fine young man and a good
printer and we congratulate both
hc and his bride.
The country is full of' movers
qnd camping outfits mar be seen
on most 'any road. An outfit
camped north of town , near Hen-
r.r Mc'cr's place the other night
and raised so much disturbance
that somebody telephoned , for the
sheriff. Wlien the officer arrived
however , everything was quiet
and no arrests were made.
. Pool Grinstead , editor of the
Wathena , Kan , Times , was in
town 1'uesday. Grinstead and
Cy Leland have buried the hatchet -
et and are now fast friencls. Libel
suits have been' declared out of
order'-ancl editorial life in Wa-
thena i is not as strenuous as it
; used to be.
Both the 'Nemaha and the Mud-
dy were out of their banks : again
the first of the week. As some
crops had been planted on the
lowlands considerable damage re-
sulted. The ponds and ditches
were again stocked with fish and
many fine specimens have been
caught. .
The new mill will soon be in
operation. The mill itself has
been finished for some time , but
work on the power house has been
delayed from various causes.
This work is now in progress and
will soon be completed.
Mrs. Robert Norton who has
been visiting in this city returned
to her home in Colorado Springs
1'uesday. She was accompanied
by her motherMrs. Barbara Cus-
ter who will spend the summer
at that place.
George Frey burghouse and
family have removed from Los
Angeles , Cal , to this city and
occupy a cottage in the Crook &
'l'owle addition.
Reba Eversole entertained the
members of the H. S. M. club in
a charming manner on last Sat-
urday evening.
Mrs P. H. Jussen left Tuesday
for a visit with her daughter ,
Mrs \'V. A. Stuart of Okmulgee ,
I. T.
Mrs. Fred Beaulieu and daugh-
tcr Georgia and son 'Vilber are
visiting relatives in Sabeth , Kas.
The front 'of Leister & LoU-
man's saloon has been brilliantly
and artistically painted.
Elva Sears and Pearl Prater
went to St Joseph Tucsday.
See Coupe & Thornton for
fresh meats of all kinds.
_ _ _
For newness of design as well as for excellence -
cellence of quality this 'line cannot be ex-
celled. Prices are equally attractive.
- . .
. . . . WE ALSO CARRY . . . : .
A most superior article of guaranteed ex-
cellence. Costs no more than inferior
paint. Inspection solicited - .
Our Market Letter.
Kansas City , Mo. . Monday
June 6 , 1904.-Smaller cattle receipts -
ceiptR last week at all points
helped to benefit the already good
prices prevailing. The principal
advance was made on Monday ,
but putside of Wednesday , the
market each day was strong and
sotne higher. As is usually the
case , the high prices brought out
good cattle , and in this way new
tops were l1'ade nearly every day
in one clas or another. Beef
steers sold at $6.05 Friday , and
new records for the year W re
made during the week by heifers ,
at $5.35 ; heifers and steers mixed
$5.50 ; Western fed steers at $5.60
and heavy cows at 460. Feeders -
ers made a moderate gain , as a
result of improving fat steer
prices but stockers and stock
calves were dull and some lower.
Good feeders bring $4,00 to $4.70 ,
and best stockers sell at $4.00 to
$4.60. Veal calves were unchanged -
ed , and still sell below $5.00 for
the best. Only 4,000 cattle ar-
rived here today and buyers were
out early , making an active mar-
ket , with prices 5' to 15 cents
above Friday's close. $6.10 was
paid for beef steers toda ) ' .
The hog market advanced 5 to
10 cents last week as a result of
light receipts. Packers still cling
to the idea that they will secure
their droves at $4.25 before the
close of June , but unless receipts
increase materially , it does not
look as though their plans would
work out. It is admitted , how-
ever , that when grass hogs begin
coming they will be sharply discriminated -
criminated against. Market is a
shade lower today , with a top of
$4.67-1 : ; bulk of sales $4.50 to
$4.60 , and weights below 200 lbs.
up to $4.50.
Most of the sheep now coming
are Texas muttons , which kind
lost 10 to 15 cents last week. Na-
tives and Westerns were strong
and sold a little higher than pre-
viously Wooled Colorado lambs
bring $7.25 for choice onesspring ;
lambs $6,5 to $7.00 ; clipped
lambs up to $6.00wethers and
yearlings at $5.50 to $5.5 and
some extra choice ewes brought
$5.35 during the week. Market
is strong , and somewhat higher.
J. A. Rickart ,
R 0 1 ute Falls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Omaha Helena
Chicago Butte
St. Joseph Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and an San Francisco
points east and and all points
south. so th.
No. 42. Portland-St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points
east and south. . . . . 7:27 : p m
No. 13. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver and s
all points west and
' northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 . : am t
No 14. Vestibuled express ,
daily , St Joe , Kan-
sas City , st. Louis
and all points east
and south. . . . . . . . . . 7:47 : a m
No 15. Local express , daily
Lincoln and points
cast , west , northwest 1:48 : p m
No. 21. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and 1
northwest . . . . . . . . 1:35 : p nip
No. 16. Vestibuled express j
daily , St Joe , Kan- , 1 '
sas City , St Louis 'I
Chicago and points If ,
east and south. . . . . 4:30 : p m
No. 22. Local express , daily ,
Atchison and points
south and west. . . . 4:44 : p'm
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tacoma and
Portland without
change. . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : p m
No. 115. Local i\ccommoda-
Honl daily Mon-
day 'Vednsdayand
Friday , Salem , Ne-
maIm and Nebraska
City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30 : pint
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on through trains
'rickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the States or Canada. For
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart ,
Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis ,
G. P. & T. A. , Omaha