r . f 1t t 1 falls City Tribune BY TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. . FALLS CITY . . NEBRASKA + When a single pair of hell weevils propagate 13.1,000,000 other weevils during a single season , there Isn'l much to say to them on the evils of race suicide ! Do you suppose ) ) It was Uncle Russell - sell Sage who persuaded ) the other Western Union directors to give uI' the $5,000,000 Income from the poor room service ? Even leap ) rear : Is powerless ) to SIlV . chivalrous man from lCl1eellng at tilt ( : feet of the fair sea , for la , the season I of the Oxford mill Its persistently ( flop ping tics Is at hand. The unwlsdml1 of' wearing a ring set with I\n ohlont ruby worth $1 GOOG has been demonstrated to Spencer , Trade , the New York banker , who hay just been robbed of ono It Is thought that the higher oducn lion for women has just about roach bd the limit In Boston , where the fait students are now clearing { the high jump bar at .1 Te'l 4 inches The Emperor or Koren has bounced his favorite and dOI'lvcd ) her of pot HUcnl powor. The reports } say she has been running things for ten years. That's what she got for growing old A couple ) just married In St. Louis are going to try to lay up 11 com potency for the future by Jiving on IC : cents a day for the prOlOllt. ! : They will ho Spared the expense of ontoI" taming much. . A New York banker has been sent to prison for nine years for stealing 4 $10,000 , Evidently the New York courts have outlived time idea that a man's dealings should be overlooked If ho takes enough Prof. Stm'r of Chicago university says this "mlsc1'nhlo continent Is nit fit for the development of time highest typo of animal life , " Perhaps the professor has been compelled to lay . In another ton of cosh It Is stated that Charles ! l. Flint of Now York has bought two Chl11an cruisers for $5,500,000 and Is dlclccr- Ing for 11 third For a private indivld ual Mr. Flint seems to be pretty well fixed in point of son power The Journal of the Deceased , de r voted entirely to obituary notices , Is the latest newspaper venture In Paris Undoubtedly , ethical considerations will Impel the doctors to try to keen } their names out of the paper. Old seadogs report that time gulf stream Is running at unwonted speed As soon as the political parties find out whether this Is considered advantageous . tllgeons or not , they wIll either ! claim the credit or lay the blame on time oth er fellows. / "Tho best after . dlule' speaker 1 ever heard , " says Senator Depew , "was Gladstone at 50 . and the next In order , in my opinion , was Simon Cameron at 90. " Now , who has been so unkind as to remind our Chauncey that ho was 70 ? A judge has ruled that a man has a right to spank his wife If she Is disobedient. The judge Is a bachelor , but ho noedn't won'y. It Is safe to say that thOl'o's many a girl In Detroit now who would ho wIlling to become his wife just for time llUr- pose of teaching him a few thIngs. It maIms us smile when we think of the school chIldren trying to recite the history of time Japanese . Russlnn war a dozen roars ; from now , and of the teachers trying to correct their pronunciation of the names. - STilL HAS FAITH - CZAR BELIEVES KUROPATKIN WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. - REPORTS OF THE ADVANCE . Story to the Effect That It Is Against the Japs Not C'edlted-Slav , Troops Are Rapidly Being Transported Into Manchuria. S'l' ' ' ' informed PE1'EHSUURa-'I'ho best - formed military circles attach no importance - portanco to the reports that General Kuropatltln has detached a large force from his urlllY at Llao Yang and lIla- patched It southward to 1'Iilevo Port AI thur , and It Is distinctly denied that L ml'eror Nicholas personally ordered such 11. movement It can ho authu1'l- lively stated that the empcror's confidence : - fidence in KuropaUtln Is unshalcem antI his majesty is not attempting to interfere with ids plan of campaign. WhIle no such army has beau dis- patch i1outhward , Ii Is natural that KuropaUeln will do all possible Lo lmr- ass General Oku's rear The 'raIlroad has been kept open hd far au Vatan- gow , twonty-five miles above Kin Chou , and it is not un1l1colY that whir the Japanese have failed to push through 11 lIne across the head of thc Llno Tung peninsula that several : , ; thousand Russian troops may bo sent down the raIlroad to Impede the Japanese . anese operations and InflIct as much damage as possible , as these could easIly ho withdrawn by railroad If the enemy threatened to cut the line of commuunlcatIons aIJovo Even the loss of a few regiments would be con- oldorotI cheap If the Japanese opera- tions against Port Arthur wens there- by retarded for an appreciable time. However , It is realized that with time Japanese occupation of Port Dairy and 'l'allenwan as bases for landing siege guns , the small force above Kin Chou could accomplish but little , and It Is now more llltely to be withdrawn , destroying the railroad as It rotIl'3 \ nortlnWlrd. For strategic purposes , Kuropatkln may be trying to maIm the Japanese believe that n. movement southward Is contemplated , In order to divert Kurolcl's attention In that direction - rection The Impression Is being thrown out In certain quartoI' : here that Kurolmt- kin Is about to take the offensive , and that an engagement with KuroltI is Imminent. But , so far as can be as- cOI'LaJned , there is no solid foundation for thla. It Is unquestionable , how- ever , that time railroad is pouring troops Into Manchuria at the rate or almost 2GOO a day , and It wIll nol belong long at the present rate before : ; the Russian commander.ln.chlef w111 be at least on equal terms with any force limo enemy can bring against him. The general staff Is keeping very dark about the whereabouts and pur- poses of the Cossn.clts reported to bo working around Kurolcl's rear and the number of the raiders operating in Koroa. DENEEN GETS NOMINATION. Deadlock In Republican Convention a Springfield Broken. SPRINGFIELD , n1.-Dy making a combination with Charles S. Do- neon , L. Y. Sherman , Howland J. Hamlin antI John Ih Pierce , Governor Yates on Friday broke the deadlock In the republican state convention and brought about the nomination of Doneon for govornor. The nomination was made on time soventr-nlnth ballot - lot , which steele : Yates , 1 : Lowden , 022 % : Denoen , U57 % : Warner , 21. 'rho combination was the result of a series of conforoncos. The agreement . ment ] had not been consummated when the convention met Ilt 10 'clock In the morning , and the Yates and Dencen people forced n re' I cess until 2 p , m. Then the parties to the combination met and finally agreed upon Deneen ai ! the candldato - - - - . - . - - CJ + rslfr 6ri h 'CL'MJ"a . ' riff . , y : i r 'e 1 \ , - . . , t' 'ly ' ' ' ' ° 1 i"lAif' ( d " ! , ; ' ' y " . . . . . . . . . . . . .1ft . } ? \ , ' yr , + . * 51 + e of r ' - / rl4 1t h' ' l - \ n 1 G" ' ' s 1 t : ' ? ; " S" ' 1 Yy ' , ' ' ' 9 ? + TT"1 mYti „ t F'x ' L + 'i t F J rr „ / . : , , ra' h 1 a 1 I , , . . , E k tkl4 } I ' , ,4 ft . i' ' .f ; ry , ; ' SSA vwltir e r ) . . I , . . . ' . " : , . . . . . ! ; - . kt r nr , . . . . ' . ' f. , ; , ' / . . ' , . f To be a successful wife , to retain the love I 7f- and admiration of her husband should be a volnan' constant study. Mrs. Brown and 1"11"s. Potts tell their stories for the benefit r of all wives and l11others. ' ' " ' - . "DEAn MRS. PINRlIA r-Lydia : E. Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound - pound will maleo every mother well , strong , healthy ; and happy. I dragged through nine years ; of miserable edstence , worn out with pain and weariness. I then noticed It statement of 11. woman troubled as I was , and the wonderful results she had had from your Vegetable Compound , und decided to try what . - it would do for me , and used it for three months At the end of that time 1 I was a different woman , the neighbors remarked it , and my husband fell in . love with me all over again. It seemed like a new existence. I had been suffering . - fering with inflammation and falling of the womb , but ; your medicine cured I - that and built up my entire system , till I was illlteed like n new woman-- Sincerely yours , Mns. CUAS. 1llnow ! , 21 Cedar Terrace , 'not Springs , Ark , Vice President j\Iothers' Club" I Suffering women should not fail to profit by 1\11'8. Drown's experiences - pcricnccs ; just as surely as sue was curcl of time troubles enumerated - atclln her letter , just 1-0 ; surely will Lydia E. PinJduull's Yegetablo Compound cure other women who suffer from womb troubles , iul1n.mmntlun or the ovaries , kldncy troubles , nervous excitability , and nervous prostration. tend the story of lrs. Potts to all mothers'I II DEAR Mns. ; PnmrrAM : During the early ' 4 ' . part of my married life I was very delicate kt „ m health I had two miscarriages , and both my husband and I felt very badly as we were " ' t'm anxious to have children. A neighbor \vho b l { : rt , ; w ri r had been using Lydia E. Jllkbam's ' ; Vegetable Compound advise me to try it , and I decided to do so. I soon felt that , : lrtu to , k- - , . , : i' - t my appetite was increasing , time headaches . : .t " + L . , r gradually decreased and finally disappeared , a : 'i" i , t and my general health improved. I felt as . - S , if new blood coursed through my veins , the ' . - . sluggish tired feeling : disappeared , and I became - . - . . tl , , , r 1 i tv II Within a year after I became the mother Ii y ' , ofastronglmaalthychild , thejoyof our home. J r rr { , . Yon certainly have a splendid remedy , and I wish every mother knew of it. - Sincerely 1 r l yours , Mns. ANNA POTTS , 510 Park Ave. , Hot 2 4 Z , + Springs , Arlc. " If you feel that there is anything at all \ . unusual or puzzling about your case , or ' " if you wish confidential advice of the A most experienced , write to firs Pink- 1. ham , Lynn , MUSG. : , and you will be advised free of charA"c. Lydia E. 41 PinIdmm's Vegetable Compound has cured .l and IS curing thousands 1. p of cases of female tl'ou lcs-curing them inexpensively : and absolutely. " Hemcmbel' this when you go to your drngg"ist. Insist upon getting 'I ' Lydia lEa Phi's { 'Vege'lalble toFnpollnd. , THE IIMSY FLY KILLER destmysnnnioftesand alrordscoudort toevery bomo-In dining-room , sleoptngaoom . and places where - , ss ' - ; - . tiles uro troublesome - some , ( 'loan , liar ; rf m udn'lllgotsollor V ) -r 1 a l n r o anything. f , Try them once and you trill , ever be tir , , 'wJ ' t + , ' tdthonttliemlrnot keptbydealerssoam prepaid 1nr 2ov. ' : t Ii 1501.1) omIEImS , 'E'SI } ad : : ' : itVrauilJN Y.uh . W. N. U. , Omaha. No 24-1004 BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach. PORTRAIT E1'TS Deal and Save Direct : . - - I Oargoods the best. Prlccs the IOC8t. . l'romptHhlp- montH , JJclh'orr of till Ilortrlllts RUllrnnlccd , Scud ) for . 'utnlogu1 nod ncntli' price list. Address ADAM J. KROLL & CO , Icw Era Bldg" OhlclIO. ! . - . When Answering Advertisements , Kindly Mention This Paper. ' UUUES tYNtk All EISE fAIIS ' Best Cough Syrup , ' 1'astoe ( loud. URO . fn time. Surd by dnIgglsts. \ . rt e > i t - a r1 i " , i .