The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 10, 1904, Image 23

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When the
back aches
and you are
' always tired
Li . > : r out , depressed -
pressed and
; r nervous -
: when sl'ep
p t is disturbed
by pain and
by urinary
" " I. . _
l- . . - ills , it's time
f to act. The
" kidneys are
Blcle. Doan's
tit' ' Kidney Pills
' cure sick kidneys quickly and perma-
nently. Hero's proof.
Mrs. W. S. Marshall , n. F. D. No. 1 ,
Dawson , Ga. , says : "My husband's
back and hips were so stiff and sore
that he could not get up from a
' chair without help. I got him a box
of DOEm's Kidney P11Is. lIe Celt re-
' Iler in three days. One box cured
him ; '
A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney -
ney medicine which cured Mr. Mar-
shall will bo mailed on application to
any part of the United Statos. Ad-
_ dress Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N.
- Y. Sold all dealers 50
" ' ' ' ' by ; price cents
' '
per box.
A fortified town calls itself a Gib-
raltar Wild as little excuse as some
women call themselves 1\I1\donnaB.
. Under the caption , "The Union Pa-
' clfic Railroad and Louisiana Territory -
. ' tory , " the new 'Vorld's Fair folder issued -
J sued by the advertising department of
the Union Pacific , which } has attracted
such general attention , recites these
interesting facts :
"Wh1o ! the construction of the
Union Pacific Railroad , its trials and
triumphs , are a part of the history of
the United States , the important part
played by this railroad In the development -
ment of the Louisiana Purchase can
hardly be estimated. In the building
up of this vast domain itJ1as been one
\ ' of the chief factors.
) , One hundred years ago the popula-
. . . . : L tlon of the region was estimated at
1 20,000. Up to the inception of the
t Union Pacific ( In 1860) ) It had increased -
creased to 3,233,529. In ' ' 1900 it numbered -
- bored over 13,000,000 of inhabitants.
f. ; . In this wonderful growth , with Its stupendous -
l' , . pendous increase In all the many-sided
t. phases of commercial , material and
: ,1 intellectual prosperity , the Union PaN -
N clUe-as a glance at the map will
I' ahow-has had a conspicuous ahare.
\ It has opened vast regions of fertile
country to settlers , and brought great
areas of an unknown and unproductive -
tive wilderness into close communion
i . with metropolitan centers and mar-
I leets. Thriving cities , towns and hamlets -
. , lets , through its efforts , have sprung
, \ up in every direction.
It may bo of interest to know that
the total number of manufacturing
. plants , and the value of their outputs ,
A combined with that of the national
" . products as reported in the census of
t 1900 , give an aggregate production for
the Louisiana region of $3,500,000,000
annually , or 223 times the original pur-
chase price. The same census reports
(1900) ( ) also show the total population
to be 13,343,255 , of which 8,303,096 inhabitants -
, . habitants are living in the states and
territories reached by the Union Pa-
: elfic. On the 1900 census figures , it i9
estimated that the true wealth of the
Louisiana purchase can bo stated at
I about $13,051,868,359 , of which ' 9,360-
621,387 is represented in the states
. WI a.clied by this great railroad. "
. Honestly , now , If you bad all the
. .
money you needed would you work
' - enough to keep yourself exercised ?
, Our victories depend on how wo
take our defoats.
. ; , : l\lrg. ' { WInslow's oothlnl Syrup.
' 1yr . , ; 7 For children teething , , Boftens the gU11l1 , reduces ta'
: ' - ' l1ammaUonalll'sl'alncurc8w1ndcollu. 25eabotUe.
1' !
\ . . No woman over sixteen ought to
? _ . " . . . try to "movo" her relatives by tears.
. ' t . \ Important to Mothers.
. Examine carefully every bottle of OASTOnIA ,
a 8arO and euro remedy for infants and children ,
IS tad 8CO that It
; lrr '
Ill , 9lgaettlro Deere the of ,
I , , In Ono For Over 30 Years.
r . The Bind You Rave Always Bought.
. >
' ,
I . 1 -
h , ' -
Demand for Sweet Cream Butter.
Sweet cream butter is butter that
has not been salted and not butter
made from unripened cream. That
the demand for this kind of butter is
increasing is a remarkable fact. The
creamery at Ringwood , Illinois , Is ma-
king about 30,000 pounds of butter a :
month and all , except that used by
the patrons , is being taken by a large
dairy company of Chicago. Gradually
there has been an Increase in the demand -
mand for unsalted butter , tin now '
two - thlyds of all the butter supplied
by that creamery is of this Idnd. That
is , about 20,000 pounds of unsalted
butter is being supplied by this ono
reamery every mont and here are
numerous other creameries making
some sweet cream butter. At first the
demand Was from the foreigners almost -
most wholly , and especially from the
Jews. Indeed , the Jews were such
great users of this unsalted butter
that the factory men dubbed it "Jew
butter. " But it is now losing that
characterization , for the reason that
many native Americans are using it
instead of the salted article. We have
supposed that the demand for the
fresh article was to bo confined to
European countries like France , but
wo are evidently mistaken. The but- -
ter is making great headway In England .
land , where the demand has always
previously been for salted butter. This
In our country at least marks a new
phase of creamery development.
The Dairies and the ' Doctors.
One man that has the handling of
n good deal of milk for Chicago tells
the writer that he has an arrangement
with the doctors in several towns
from which he buys milk , by which
the doctors report to him the presence
of any contagious disease on any farm
in the locality , whether that farm is
producing milk or not. In thin way it
Is possible for him to know about the
conditions under which milk Is being
made for his trade This he finds to
be n very good plan. In the case of
the contagious disease being on the
farm of a man that is selling him
milk , ho can take measures to prevent
the sending out of that milk. On the
other hand , if the disease is on the
farm of a man that is not selling him
milk , he can serve a notice on the
men that are selling him milk that
they are not to recAlvo the milk from
such a farm. If this practice were
made general it would greatly improve -
prove the situation as to the spread
of contagious diseases by means of
mille. Cases are constantly coming to
the attention of the public where some
man that is supplying perhaps only a
very small amount of milk to the
trade Is the means of scattering dis
else:1 : : that ravage communities using
the milk. Every man should have too
much conscience to sell milk when he
has a deadly disease in his family , but
actual experience demonstrates that
that is just the time ho will sell his
product , as a general thing , for the
reason that his needs are greatest at
that time. This phase of human na-
ture must bo taken Into consideration.
"Scalding with Cold Watery
In a visit to n creamery recently the
writer noted that the combined churns
and butter workers were in perfect
condition and that no smell could be
detected. These churns had been in
use for a year. The buttermalter
laughed when the condition of the
churns were mentioned to him and
said that be never had trouble in Iteep-
Ing his churns perfectly sweet and
clean , though he knew of factories
where the combined utensils were always -
ways in a condition that was not sat-
isfactory. Some of them wouldn't
bear looking into , unless the nose
were kept out. He declared the trou
ble to bo that too many buttermakers
"scald out their churns with cold wafer .
for "
Recommends Pe-ru-na p
For Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble
I r
Ex . Senator M. C. Butlor.
If you do not derive prompt and satis-
factory results from the use of Peruna ,
write nt once to Dt' Hartman , giving 0.
full statement of you case , and ho will
be pleased to give you his vnlua'llo advice -
vice gratis.
Address Dr. IIartman , President of
The Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus. O.
Catarrh of the Stomach Is Generally
Called Dyspepsla-Somothlng to ,
Produce Artificial Digestion d . ,
Is Generally Taken.
Hence , Pepsin , Panoreatln and a Host
of Other Digestive Remedies
Has Been Invented
These Remedies Do Not Reach tho'
Seat t of the Difficulty , Which
Is Really Catarrh.
. u. A. Senator M. c. nutler from
South Carolina , was Senator from
that State for two tlr1l1H. In a
recent letter to The Pcruna Medicine
Co. , from Washington , D. G. , says :
"I can recommend Peruna for dyspepsIa -
pepsin and stomach trouble. I have
been using your medicine for If lJhort
period and I feel very much rel/eved.
It Is indeed a wonderful medicine besides -
sides D good tonic.M. . C. Dutler.
The only rntlnnnt way to cure (13's-
pepsin la torenhove the catarrh. Peruna
cures catlwrh. Peruna docs not produce
artificial dig-eRtion. It clues catarrh
and leaves thcRtomnch perform digestion -
tiou in n. natural wny. This Is vastl ,
better and safer than resorting to art -
tidal methods or Jlarcotics.
, 1'crunn has cured more cases of dys-
pepsia than all other remedies combined -
I blued , simply because It cures catarrh
wherever located , If rnarrhislocated
in the head , I'eruna cures it. H catarrh
has fastened itself hi the throat or
bronchial tubes , I'crurllLcures it. . When
catarrh becomes settled in the stomach ,
l'cruna cures it , nI : : well in this location .
as in any other. .
I'eruna is not simply n remedy for
d ' ! . Peruna is 0. catarrh remedy.
Peruna cures dyspepsia because it 'is
generally dependent upon catnrl'll.
- - - - - - -
- - - -
- - - -
These brands will guarantee you a good shoe for men : I
Star and Crescent E. Z. Walker
II Comet Cock of Walk
lOur PRAIRIE QUEEN lends all others in Women's and lldrcn'-s Shoes. I
See /Iat our tlams - Oil the shots you bu. ) ' .
F . Po KIRKENDALL 6 co. Ma"OMAHAd 1ft
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ I
- - - - - - - - - - -
_ .
- - - - - - -
. .
, - - - - - - - -
- -
I o I ] ) : ft - n c. THE ONLY that cllmnte PAIfIT8 WUlI't como They mRlle olf-ther stand eolely II-like eta for ) ' . this nnd the
i athome fond
J ! I OCft n . QJ J thowenthcr. beautify gohtat WrlleusrurnnlnCofneo.rc hlJllle while they protect It tnuellt from , I
. , : . . - " " and get a special color etilgll wltlJout coat.
. . r . '
- Lincoln , Nebr. ,
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
R. Western
They are settled and settling ! 011 the Grain and
Grazinz Lands , and arc prosperous and sntisfied
Sir Wllrr"d IRurler recently said : "A new star
bas risen on the horizon and h Is toward it that
every Immigrant who leaves the land of his ancc -
tars to come and seek a home for himself now
turns his iazu"-ClI1ada. There Is
Room' for Millions.
FIn E I10mcllteallK given 1\\711" Schools ,
Churches , Italh"IIYII , lUl\rkcts. Climate ,
evcrythllll Lo be desired.
For a descriptive Atlas and oIlier Information
apply to Superintend immigration . Ottawa , Can
ada or authorized Canadian Government A.enl-
W. V. Bennett 801 New York Life Dulldini
Omaha. Neb.
U , = t I 4t : Thompon's f : ; Eye Water
LanUord lIamm Colton Filled Collar
We absolutely Guarantee It to
cure and prevent Oalls or Sore
Shoulders. NOltopplnlC the plow
fur It docs Its work while the
animal duce his. Collar and pad
O combined. Economical and
cheap. Lasts two to ere selWIn. .
If ronr denier doe n't handle
them send us .1.25 end get one
prepaid ! ' yountaUoa. Write for
clrrular snit memorandum book.
' 1110 I'owrn JUr. Co. , "lIrrloo , 10. . .
Lawn Fence
Iron or wlrc."mnny aty lon ,
f/lr rl'\l1 \ CUt'f' , C 11 II re II .Re hool.
cemetery ; poultry and hot
fence ; furor atos , Send for
. catalogue.
( Itlrpcn : ! tree aril Blre Works
oy1Al1A Nlm
W. N. U. , Omaha. No. 23-1904.
tiU.'cS WNE It lS rAllS ,
neat Cough Syrup. Tastes Oood. Uee
In time. Sold by druggists.
as _