The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 10, 1904, Image 21
RIOT AT THE EXPO ' ALL BECAUSE A BULL FIGHT WAS . NOT PULLED OFF - . . . COV. DOCKERY STOPS THE SHOW ( i # - \ , , ; . : : cnsed Mob Fires One of the l.t" . World's Fair Buildings Because , . They Could not Get Money Beck Jj , ' , Paid to See the Fight ST. UlS-lncensed over their failure to see t1 "genuine Spanish bull fight , " which the authorities bad ordered - ' dered stopped , a riot was started in an arena near the 'Vorhl's Fair grounds Sunday 'evening by u. crowd of 2,500 men and boys who were unable . able to get their money back and the building was burned to the ground. Thu price of admission charged was $1. Four men were wry . ' . placed under arrest by the author- ties of St. Louis county , charged with the dstrucUon of proporty. The crowd , thinking these men were connected with the show , mad an attempt to mob them and in their encounter with the deputy sheriffs a . number were roughly handled and some received scalp wounds. The building is said to have cost $2,500. It is a total loss with no insm'ance. The initial Il0rfor111anco by the com- pany of Spanish bull fighters had been advertised widely for Sunday , but Governor Decker , to whom numerous , ous protests had been made by religious - glous and human societies ordered \ . - that it should not be allowed to take ' , ' , _ place. Despite these orders a large \ crowd assembled in the arena at the " , . # ( advertised time of opening . ' Before the regular performance a \ ( number cowboys drove iu some bulls t I which they rail around the arena in ; . true wild west style. The crowd soon , . ' ( ' became tired of this and called for . L I , , . , , the bull tight. j I The announcement was then made . that the bull fight would be proceeded with. As the matadors came into the ring , a county official stepped up to the announcer and handed him a pa- per , Informing him that the proposed show could not take place. Whell " ' , this became known to the crowd they leaped into the arena and demanded the return of their money. Falling ) to get this , the crowd went to the - office , which was located in a small building outside the arena , and be- gan to stone the structure. This was followed by attempts to burn the arena , which is an immense building constructed of pine. BIts of burning paper were thrown at the woodwork and finally some went in- side and dropped a lighted match in a pile of hay under the arena. The whole structure was soon on fire and - before long was in ruins. . . A call was made for the fire depart- , meat , but the angle engine that responded - o sponded stuck in the mud and there was nothing to stop the fiames The fire department ot the 'Vorld's fair was called out to protect the oxposl- , I"r. buildings \ I'houhl ; It become noe- " , v'.qil.ry , but as the wind blew In an- other direction , there was no danger. I' , ' . - " ' Getting Ready to Dig Canql. r COLON.-The first party of twenty i surveying engineers for the canal is engaged in selecting suitable locations - tlons for camping out at Gat im. A > party of fifty is expected next Tue5- day. It's a poor patent medicine that J can't get itself mltnted. . . . . . . , p- ' " - RUSSIAN DEFEAT. - ouropatldn's I Forces Repulsed by Kurokl's Army LONDON-A special dispatch from Homo says 11. telegram has been 1'0' celved there from 'l'oldo reporting that General 1urol l has completely de bated General Kouropatltin's forces near t3umentse ( probably t3ahnatsza or Simatsl ) . All the Husslan position east of Hal Cheng have been abandoned accords lag to the telegram ; several guns have been taken and whole squadrons of Cossacks capturetl. LIAO YANU-UelnOed ( in 'frans' mlssion.-Tho ) Japanese lost 200 killed . 0:1 : and a number of horses in the , fight at Vagenfl1chu. The Russians opened fire at H in the morning anti after two hours and a half long.range firing the Japanese under General Ala : : Idama prepared to charge and crush the force which had been harassing them for days. In the mealitlme General nmsonorr was ap' 1)1 caching Va ellfuehu with n strong ) force of cavalry. It was a sight worth seeing when ut the word of command the Russian squadrons formed and rushed like a whirlwind across the 'terribly cut up country , clearing away all obstacles the batteries at the same time trotting along the frightful roads Having passed the railroad station the troops nmo under the fire DC the Japanese machine guns , but withdrew without suffering much loss. 'rill : ! Fourth and the Sixth companies of the Eighth Siberian Cossacks furious ly the Japanese cavalry with lances attacking both fianlts. In 3 few minutes they literally cut the whole squadron into pieces. This waH the first time lances were used and they struck terror to the enemy. Some of the lances pierced the rIders through and wounded their horses. Some of the lances could not bo with. drawn from time bodies. The Jat an- ese infantry , numbering four battal- ions of 300 men to a company , and eight squadrons ; of cavalry attempted to advance , but the Russian batteries opened and soon the slope up which the enemy was advancing was covered wtlh black spots and the enemy was forced to scatter and retire Sonic of the Japanese cavalry were von derfully dashing , charging with shouts upon the Russians , who met and scattered . tereel them. The Cossacks picked up boots which had been taken off by the Japanese in order to facilitate their flight and flourished them on their lances as trophies The Japanese used the Boer trick of displaying dummies but the Cossacks - sacks did not waste a shot on them General Samsonoff highly praised the practice of the Russian gunners. TREATY WITH FRANCE House of Commons Passes on Second Reading Terms of Convention LONDON-The Anglo.French convention . yentlon bill unanimously passed its second reading in the House of Com mon this evening. Time bill } provider for the assent of Parliament to the ; Indemnities and cessions of territory under the recent Anglo-French agree ment. Premier Balfour , In time course of the debate , said time speakers showed ; lack of appreciation of the enormous ! benefits accruing from time arrange ments In regard to Newfoundland . Under the old arrangement peace beg tween France and Great Britain hung by a thread. Time difficulty was now removed forever Ho considered the Anglo.F'rench ' agreement to he one ot the greatest international transue tlons on record and the beginning 01 a happier era in national relations . . . 1 1 D _ t 1 . . 111111111111001011 111 x111111 M 111 1 1111 1.1 II II1 o1110o o.lilol , i iii i ' ; 'ii ; f ; t " \ _ T. I ' ir e : , I. ' Fyl : . 1 " it Y Jr - ' ' u \.l : : . , . 1 , ! ; j l 't' , ' . ; : t ( , ; ; . I : ' , , " , ' \"I1 . ' " . \ . ; " \ . , - . ' u . . . ' ' , , Kd . . . - , . ' : " . < . t 'I. l : ; , ; . 1 R.'S"7..o\.r .it.A. . _ . P11. ; ; ; ; . . $11111gpup0'1111111111111111'1 . ' iiiil'm i ti C111b111g111e11 , , , , , $ utlp1111T,111 , , , , , 1 , , ' . ' : , \ gcta lc Prcpnrationfor A'3- \ " slmilating the Food nndUcg u { - ji , lillg the.Slomachs Or ' u 1 1I ? i mlfn ' : r Promotes Digcslion.Chcerrul- I nessand1lest.Containsneither j ; L Opiumofl > hinB nor'Hincral.'f 'f ' k1 T + TOT NAieC OTIC. ip1J ' . . , - ' 1 . ; 3of''dJJrSAUllElPJraJlER I ! J IL1vt Sc..rt / : t , , { l..SrlUllt . . l ? ogtcrrn srs- , . .AIMJtvd f' nl11 J fylclrutb : j IJII r J1'"I'.rW7 ( : . rcrla " yi" , ! rJ " 1Inf'Jml - M ; . I'I/ ' I / . . lmrwd .A lq11J' I" A JI tTrnylcrn " : nmw : Inv , ' , : : Aperfccl Remedy ( forConstipc' ! non , Sour Stomach.Dinrrhocn J ) Worms .Convulsions , Feverishness - ' , ness and ' Loss . . OF SUER . i J FllC'simitc Signnturc of Jillt 4 , . . # . I CMh.l , UII NEW , YORl Jr YORK.'y. II 11 ; 1 ' . 'y. I 'y.I 1 EXACT COpy QJ WRAP.EER. : 1 I , W _ 10" v - - - - - - - - "FOLLOW Tun FLAQ TAKE THE WABASH TO SAINT lOUIS ! THE OCJLY LINE TO TaE WORLD'S @ FAIR MAIN ENTRANCE. D'Hnng checked to " 'or Ill' , . Fair Jrouulhl Stopovers allowed All Agents can route yoU via the 'ABASH. For beau- tiful "orld'lI Fair folder and all information . matlon address HARRY E. MOORI . Gen Agt Pass. fJopt. . Omaha Neb TIlpnns Tatn1lC8 Rl110 best dye. pap " 1a III1'IIIIln" O\'I1r IUnde. A . ( ' - , r."I'\ . mll1l.n , lit tI'1 ' hare 1'1' ' ! Jcen 60ld In the Untlell Stntcd In , 7 aesing1e year.tlConstipation ! ! , heart l,4QU ' 6l a 61ngl0 ) 'ear. Condlpaton ) U burn hick heallllche , dizziness , I J1111 l breath Toro throat , and every Ills nebs arising ! from a disordered l stomach are relieved or cured hy HlIant , TnJule ! One will generally give relief within twenty min- utcs. The 110:0Ilt package 1M enough fur ordinary IICCIl510118. All druggists sell them ROSEBUD VMAPS . Largest complete snap puLIMlI'lI. Copy of I're81. tent' procllul1l1tun. ! Scntl\Do ! tu W. II. PINE , mgr The Doneateel Land Co. , Doneateel , S , D. Ever get a meal at a railway dining station that you didn't worry over the fear oC getting left ? Ever get left ? GOOD nOUSEtIEEPEIUI Use the bost. That's why they buy Red Cross lll lllluo. At leading grocora , 5 conti. ! . CASTORIA For Infants and ChildJen. ; The 1iiid ! ( You Have ' I Always Bought , = Bears the I' 0 I Si nature [ of lti ' I't' ' , ' ' i , - 0 In I . Ii i.q- ' Y . : Use For Over ! i . Thirty Years , N ud i l CASTIUI1A ' 'Jt : . - \"HI . . ! OENTAU" - ' . . . " , . ; : IJO. - ; . . " " . . "Y. _ . . . nEW . . : : ' _ yenlC ' . . ern' . . . . . . -0' . I . . ' < : : : , . . . I I I - , . ; \ Jl i ; Z 1) I ' ) . : . . J' , ; i . , NEW HOMES IN THE WEST Alm03t : hl111l11l11ol1 acres of Ihe fertile and well.water' ) lands : of the UosclJtul Inl.llan Ites- or"atlon , In South Dakota , will lip thro\\'n open to settlemcllt lI ' thc Go\"crnlHellt 111.1111) ' , These lands arc , best ) reached hy the Chlcllgo h North- Wcstern Ua\l\73Y'f \ direct through ! ; lines from ChIcago to nouiltcel : , S. n. All agents sell tickets vl : IlIlf ) IIn . , Special low ratcs. HOW TO GET A HOME , Send for ; cojyof pamphlet : giving fllll informa _ tion (1.5 .o dates or opening ; ltd how 10 secure 1j0 ( acres of land at uomhml cost , with full description . tlon of the soil , climate , timber \ and mineral 1r " resources , towns , schools and churches , ollpor- . tunltlcs for business \ openings ) , railway rates , . . J etc. , free on application. W. B. KNISKERN , Passenger Trallle Manager etwso6 CIiICAGO.ILL ' Lawn Fence Iron or wire . many styles , 1 forrclldcncc. : chureliflcllOol. Cc.-IIIOhJl'n ; poultry and ! hoe i fence : farm IUC6. Send fur . catalogue ! ( hznpon : ! Iron and " 1re Works mIAHA NIW. HOI FOR ROSEBUD RESERVATION ROUlh lIakota. dlo , tO ( acres fund open under U.R. drnw- 1ng.lteglstratlou'beghtrJul LI ; ends 23 Fifteen ) ran ' eitOklahoma laoliopenlu s. My Nor"clI ) - ern 011I1'0 a lit 1,0 at 1I0uc.tccl , H. 1)ak Rend el8. for ups Iallll ) ll1l1ul1l. cOlilatnlul l.roclaU1aUun nllli com. IJlcta IliforwnUoli. Soldiers desiring nn agent should \rltu 1110. IJlCI T. lie1UA5 , 110"1. . , b 1 nth 1I.1..t. & EWSNGL 9 ' Tilt BtTQUAUTY BINDER SJiAlGflJ5 AR'LWAYS RELIABLE { lour JOIJl.ier or iilr'ct treat Factory , l'corla , 111.