. . , . , ' ; ' ! f . _ l'1a27 ' , 1904'u'- THE ! FALLS CITY TRIBUNE _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ u , . - - - - ' - - - - j , - \ Citizens Mold Mass cetin8. 'L ime mass meeting of citizens held at thc court house on 1\Ion- ' I , , day j ) cvening' to consider the prop- r ositipn to locate a big brick plant in this city , was not so largely attcnded as it should have beets but there were enough people there to permit a discussion of the subject in hand. It was the opinion of all that Smith t.C El. liott should be given reasonable cncouragemcnt and a committcc I 'I was lppoinlcd to correspond with with them and to have a representative - scntath'e of the firm come here lnd meet with thc commcrcial I . c' ' ub . " ' f'\ . . . Another platter was then taken I . ' up and discusscd. A. L.StumLo , 'j. ' . mail carrier 011 route 1\0. 1 , has _ " , ; : ; ' " . been interesting the people who live across the river south of town I f in thc matter 01 securing better I , l4 roads across thc bottom. A ' ' 'I f f - numbcr of these people have signed a petition agreeing to do- _ hate laborer money to this end if thc people of Falls City do their part. The commercial 1 club and \ thc Gitizcns generally recognize " . the importance of such an i111- ' ' . A committee provement. was . appointed to sec what could bl ' : . I 1 ' . done in thc matter. . . ; : : . , ' , ' ; . . , " ' . . . ' 'l'hc question of holding a ' 1tIt .i , _ . . , , , . , , ' ' . I ! 1 Fourth of , July celebration was , , -.t' ; also discussed Thc opinion r" ' \ ' / scented to prevail that it would - - , . - R bc better not to hold a celebration - tion but for the business men and ; . . . - citizens to unite in making thc fraternal picnic a bigger succcss - than cvcr. Another meeting will . bc held in two weeks at which : time the committecs will report : ! . and further steps will bc taken k,4 , _ . ' t.wl1d , securing thc brick plant , \ ' and the better roads. It is hoped . " . , that there will he a larger at- \ ; . attcndance as these meetings are .J . ' . , - . ' very important and cannot result I' I , ; . ' - in anything but great good for . . ; . . , . , tile town. . . ( " ' &r- : - ' . . . . ' . ll's. Ann Hollebaugh : YL1 : 1lrs. Ann Hollebaug-h dicd at . , . . ' ' ; . - thc home of her slaughter , 1\11s. : ' . , Irene \Iusselman in Omaha last ' . : . f - . ; F'dday. .Mrs. Hollebaugh wa very well known to thc residents of this community and her death . . : caused profound regret on thc part of many old friends and ac- . . . . . " - . " ' . qua111tances. 7 . , , : : ; \ . . I . . ' . f' Ann Hcrg-cshcimcr was born at . . . _ , Frcdrick City , J\laryland , Nov . v - " , . ; ( - ' ; ; 2 . 6 , 182 $ . She spent her youth yr ri. ' , , in that city , and on Nov. 23 , ' ; .l' " 1847 , was married to Joel V. , Ho1'1cbaugh. 'T'hey came vest in thc early days and loc . itecl at . . " White Cloud , Kan. , afterward n : : : removing to this city where they 7' . lived for many years i\r. : Hollc- bal1gh lied several years , and t since that time 1\rs. [ Ilollebaugh . . . . . had lived with her laughter in Omaha. The dcccascd was thc - , . ' ' . < , . . ) . ' 40\ . . I1.G.1 < < ' 'J H I - \1j il : : , , , , , , , , H I flf . . 1 g'i g' i ! . I d . . , " fit& . ' f.J .IJ : r' i fiti' ' . MIlt1 IQdKti /f1 lL " , . ; . . , . , M " .AVItW1 . . . _ _ _ _ ' ' ' ' _ b _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ I I FREE RCUS TICKETS - j - - - . . - . . - - . - - - - . . - - - - - . - " . . . . , _ . . _ . . . . . . - / . . . . . w Y 1aa- + , . I I To any boy or girt who will bring us two paid subscriptions to The Tribune , \ve viii give a ticket to the Great Wallace Circus free of charge. The only condition is that you bring in your subscriptions by ( londay even ing , May 30. l I - - - . . , . . - ' Ti1E PALLS CITY TRIBUNE _ _ . . . . . , _ _ . . . - - - lDIMlR l lRltlt Y.YYr.1 _ [ RJ w.CN # mother of six children , live f of whom arc living , they being 11rs. [ Irene A'Iusslemaa of Omaha , ' 1\Hs. Sloan of \Vichita , 1 an . , Dlrs Gray of Fremont , Ncb. , Chas Hell baug'h of Kansas City and Asa Hol1chai.1g-h . of A1cova , \ \ yo. The remains were brought ' to this city Sunday and taken to Steele cemetery , where funeral services were conclucted by l cv. Smith of Sl. Thomas : church. Among those present at thc bur- ial i wire Charles : Hollebangh , a son , illrs. Sloan , a < laughter . and bliss Ada ussleman , a grand- daughter of thc dcccascd. Katie Ba.hb. Katie Babb , daughter of thc late Dan Babb , lied at her home south of this 1 city last Saturday. Thc young lady had been in poor health for a long period and some time ago went to Lincoln for trea tmcn t. She returned recently - ly , and bout a week ago had thc misfortUlw to fall against a hot stove and sustain burns which resulted in her death. The deceased - ceased was about twenty years of agc. 'l'hc bereaved family , which includes her mother and several brothers and sisters , have thc sympathy of thc entire communi- ty in this sad and sudden bereavement - 111cnt. Thc funeral was held on idonlay [ morning from thc Cath- olic church and was attended by' a large number of friends of thc fauli1) A New Lodge. A lodge of thc fraternal life association was organized in this city last Friday c'enitig'l'hc new lodge has a charter member ship of about scvcnty-fivc , which is certainly a splcndid showing for a new ordcr. For some tint . N . ' , , , : hiss ' Jordon thc field deputy , has been working up interest in thc matter and the good results of h 2r clTorts is shown by the ' very large charter mcmbcrship , which includes sonic of the best people in thc city. The meeting on Friday ; - clay evening i was presic1cc1 over hy A. C. Albright , past supreme senior , and ene of thc founders of thc order. The following officers were elected : ' 1' . J. Gist , past honored senior ; IV. . Michel honored senior ; , Mrs. C. H. Rush , honored junior ; l\'frs. ' J. R. Pick- ctt , chap1ai ; ) drs. J . H. Siman- ton , master of ceremonies ; Isabel Hossack , inside sentinel ; F. I C. \Vylic , outside sentinel ; J. C. l\Jorchcacl } , J. E Leyda , O. 'Vach- tel , trustccs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ h _ _ _ Judge Scott Wins Case. Judge A. H. Scott won a decisive - ive i victory in thc decision of thc supreme court in thc case of Flint vs. Chaloupka which went up from Salilw coun ty. It was called last week and thc court sustains thc judgc's contention in every particular. The case was one growing out of a crcditor's bill and the question presented had ( never before been decided in this state 'I ' bis decision will govern all cases of like character in thc statc. 'l'his is the scvcnth successive time that udg-c Scott has been succcssful before thc supreme court , and in as much as wc believe that one of thc duties in life is tp bc just to each other wc feel inclined to speak of this splendid record , Basket Ball The basket ball team from thc state normal at Peru defeated thc Falls City high school team in a game played here last Friday af- tcrnoon. 'l'he score was 5 to O. . . . ' 1 , 'I ' he gamc , which was exciting and interesting i , was witncssed hy a large number of spectators . Straw berries. 'Ve receive time finest of fresh strawberries every morning direct from thc g-arclcns.--D. . So wIes : . . 1.I" ' TIME TABLE falls City. Neb. - - - - - - - - - - - ------r------ - " Lincoln Omaha Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points east und south , . ; . 1f . k : ; i I . . - - - - . . I' ' I . . . . I \ . , , $ . \ \ \ .y ' \'i - . . . . . . . - . . - - tVfl f\SW1 \ Denver Helena Butte Suit Lake City Portland San F r uncisco und all points south. TRAINS iIAVR AS ItOJ.J.o'ws : : No. 42. Portland-St T-touis Special , St. Joseph , Kansas City , St. Louis and all points east and south. . . . . 7:27 : p 111 No 13. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver and ! , all points west arid lIorthwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 : a 111 . No. 14. Vestihuled express , . daily , St. Joe , Kansas - sas City , St. Louis and all points cast atld ! south. . . . . . . . . . 7:47 : it 111 : No. 15. Local express , daily T-4incoln and points . cast , wcst , tloltl1\\'est ( 1:48 : p toNe No . 21. Vestihuled express , daily , Denver , and all points west awl northwest . . . . . . . . 1:35 : p " m a No. 16. Vestihuled express daily , St. Joe , Kansas - sas City , St Louis Chicago and points east and south. . . . . 4:30 : p 111 No. 22. Local express , daily Atchison am ! points \ south noel west. . . . 4:44 : p m : No 41. St. Louis-Portland Hpecial , li i ncoln , He- lcna , 'r tconnt and Portland without change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : put : No 115. Local accom111oda- . tion , daily Mon- lay 'Vednsday and Friday , Salem , Ne- maIm and Nebraska City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30pin : Sleeping , dining and recling chair cars ( scats free ) on through trains 'l'ickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart , Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis , G. P. & ' 1' . A. , 0maha. .