- - - - . I AAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA . . ) % J' ' -s H ' ; S TAADE MAR1G Straighten Up . The main muscular Supports of body weaken : and let go under I . Backache i or Lumbaco To restore , strengthen and straighten up Use . ' St.Jacobs Oil i ' \ Price 25c. and 50c , wYYVYVYYVVYYVvvvrvvvteYlll I Looking ! for ! a Home ! ! ! 1 Then , why not keep In view the fact that the farming lands of b1fr Western 11 $ ? Canada are sufficient to support a population of FO,000,000 : or overt The immigration for the past six years has been phenomennl. FREE Homestead Lands easily accessible while other lands may he pur chased from Railway and Land Compnnies. The grain and grazing lands of Western Cnnnda are the best on the continent , producing : the best grain , and cattle ( fed on crass alone ) ready for marlet. l\lnrkets , School ! , Railways anel nn other ! conditions nmlHJ ' 'cRlern Canada un en'I- able HJ10t for the Hottler. Write to Superintendent hnmhrntionOttnwnC:1I1. : . ads , for n descriptive Atlas , and other information . or to the authorized Canadian Government Alcnt- W. V. Bennett SOl New York Life DuiidiDIl' , Omaha Neb. I" I"r , The Genuine TOWERS : . 44 PO MEL . m\ SLICKER HAS BEEN ADVERTI iD AND SOLD FOR A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. J LIKE ALL ° WATfRPROOf ' I , i b ' ' TNERAk ' > COiNING [ JrAg It I 15 mode of the best . materlal In black or , Yellow , fully guaranteed and sold by reliable dealers everywhere , , STICK TO THE SIGN ! OF THE fcH. . TOWER CANADIAN CO , Lla tdi A. J. TOWtR CO , r I t TORO TO , CAN. . lO.HOH.MA.UH ; f $5 0 0 Given Away tt I " 'rlln us or ask an Alahustlno dealer for particulars and tree sample card of I P""i\i\i ( i r.'flO Sanitary Waif CoUtlll , - : Destro18dl + o erm8 aUll vermin. Never a rubs or fieRIeR You can apply it-mix wIth i . cold wuter. Beautiful etTrctl ! III white and delicate . tints . Nut a , hreedhgout , of.date hot.wator glue prCplll'nt/oll. / Buy AlallllHUno IIIIHII. puckugcII , properly I" . , . hellell ( Il11lnt , hardware and drug deulers. flints on nccorulllI ; ' and our . \rt/ / ts' Wens free. ALAIUB11 : CO..OranI1ItIlI1Jdl.31leb. , or IU : ; Water St. , ti. Y. , " , k LEWIS ' . SINGtE BINDER STRAIGHT 5tf CIGAR , . ANNUAl5 , 600-000' 1 f' I Your Jobber or direct from Factory , corIR , IlL I PORTRAIT AGENTS ! d6avaldoayb : } : : ' M Our goods the bellt. Prices the low08t. PrornptHhlp- , mentH. Delivery of all portraits J.unrlll1tocfl. bend for catalogue anti agenta ' prIce list. AdtJrc ADAM J. KROLL & CO. , New Era Bldg" ( r ! licago. ' 'Y. : BEGG ' BLOOD PURIFIER " " CURES tarrh of the stomacb. I \ I IS NOW TOO LATE THE 'riME IS UP FOR SELECTION OF DELEGATES LAST WEEK OF CONVENTIONS Rules and Regulations for Sale of Part of the Grande Ronde Indian Reservation In Oregon-Othcl' Matters . ters from the National Capital. WASHINGTON-Under the call of the relHlbJican national committee this : ; is lile last week in which the conveu tions for the selection of delegates to the Chicago convention nlay be held. The call requires that all delegates shall he elected at least thirty days prior 1 to the meeting of the conveu- tion. li'ourlecn stale convention have been held or are holding this weele 1'his is the largest number of conventions . ventions held in anyoneek since the call of the committee was iSSUOI1. All of the conventions , slate and district - trict , for the election of national del egates , will have been held by Saturday . urday lllght Returns rec lved thus far al the White House would indicate that , of the 9SS delegates to the Chicago coni vention J2G ! were elected U1 to 1'hurs. day evening , slxty.two yet remaining either to be elected 01' reported on. Some of the slxl ' -lwo have been elected , hut the returns have noL as yet bcon received Of the numhel' elecl01 ! , 70S have boon instructed tih solutely for Pros llcnL Roosevelt J\ majority of the rent : : hick' have indi- cated ttleh' intention to support the prcsiden . Rules for Land Sales 1'1:0 cozi n isslonel' of the genera I lani ( 1 ofce \ has p1' 1 " I'od rules and regulations for the sale of a part of the Grande Honde Indian rescrvation in Oregon which have 1)0011 I > approved by the aeerctary of the interior The lands amount to : .WJOO ( ; : acres and are situatell in the western lnI't of Oregon . gun , wtihln fifteen 01' twenty mileH of the P chic coast. A portion of the ] land is covered with timber of it fairy ] good quality and ! the remaInder Is of an agri < 'ultul'al character. ' 1'110 ] whole tract t is i well wateroll. 'rhis land is to he solll upon scaled ! : bids to be filed in the Oregon City ( Orc. ) land office , beginning Monday , August . gust 1 , at U a. m. , and ending at 11 [ I. m. , August 8. 'I'he land will be sold in tracts of 1130 acres according to a schedule , which , together with instructions governIng the sale , "iII he furn ! cd upon application to me United Stales hand office at Oregon City OJ' to the general land otlice \Vashington. . Each tract must he bit upon scparatcl , and each hill mast be lccompRnle 1 by it certified clock , 1) lyahle lo the secretary of the interior , for 20 per cent of the amount of the bid ; Each bidder may ] present bids for any number of tracts , hilt with each \ hill must make and transmit - mit the required deposit. No hid will bo accepted at a less rate than $1.25 per ncreo No hill ran be accepted unless : : the aggregate of all bids shall eq"lal or exceed $28,500. Upon the acceptance of a hid 1 and the ) ) a 'mcnt of the hlance lue , the patent will he i3suell hy the government : no rest deuce or improvement being I required The right ( is reserved to reject any ' 01' R bids. Irrigation in Montana. A census bureau irrigation bulletin just issued is devoted to Montana and shows in 1902 ( there were 1,1-10 ; G9l acres under Irrigation in the state , covering U,4hi ! farms and costing $5 ; 17 ; u,975. Seventeen Villages Destroyed. CONS'l'AN'l'INOPIJI"-According " to a dispatch from . -e vnli of Ditlis , Asi atic Turkey , seventeen villages have been destro"ed bj' armed insurgents . In the district at Sassoun. More than 600 Armenian families have taken refuge . ! ugo inIush , a town In DJUla , . . " - - - : . . . , r . , . -'p ; . - : ' ' ? ; : . _ 1 , , " , p , rr j jI I , . 1 + , - r" ' . , t V " . . . . " : : : , -t . . . . . . , . ' . . . % ; NL s \ „ . . . . . . . . 1" . . . . . . . . . . . .Pl ! , . . . . . . : , " ' : ; . . . ' . . . . ( , r , ' : ; ' . I' " " ' J" " . . r " . I ' I / " \ ; . . . I ' . . . ' ' . . . , ' . . . ' - . 'f . A prominent club woman , Mrs : Dan- , forth , of St. Joseph , Mich. , tells how she was cured of falling of the womb and its accompanying pains and misery by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "DJCARns. ] \ . PINKIIA { : -IMo looks clark indeed when n. woman feels that her strength is fading away and she huts no hopes of ever being restored. Such was my feeling It few months ago when I was advised that my poor health was causcci by prollpsus 01 ; falling of the yomb. The words sounded like a knell to me , I felt that lIlY Bun had set ; but Lydia , E. Pinldmm's Vegetable Compound canto to mo as nn clbdr of lifo ; it restored the lost forces and built mo up until my good health returned to me. For four months I took the medicine daily and each dose added health and strength. I am so thankful for the help I obtained through its me. . " - ] \lns. \ FLOItENOE DANlrORTII , 1007 Miles A vc. , St. Joseph , Mich A medicine that has restored so many women to health and < ' ; , n produce : proof of the fact mist ho regarded with re8)eet. This } is the record of Lydia E. Pinldmm's Veg-etahlo Compound , which cannot be equallecl hy any other medicine the world has ever pro- duced. IIerc is another caso- caseDann "DEAlt l\Ins. Pnm:1TAr For I : ) if : - years was s troubled with falling of the womb , irregular and painful menstruation , leucorrh , hearing- L down pains , backache , headache , dizzy and fainting spells , and stomach trouble "I doctored for about five years but did not seem to improve. I began the use of your medicine find have taken seven bottles of t.4) Lydia ; E . jnJduun's Vegetable Compound , three of Blood Purifier , and also used the Sanative Wash and Liver Pills , and am now enjoying good health , and have gained in fles : . I thank you very much for what you .7. have done for me , , and heartily recom- : - ' mend your medicine to all suffering .iJ ) women. . " - ] \Iss \ EDIMA SNYDER 218 East Center St. , Marion , Ohio. t , c'FRF MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEL" . Women would save time and much sickness if they would write to Mrs. jnkham for advice as soon as any distressing symp- toms appear. It is free , and has put thousands of WOOlen on the right roul to recovery. l'Irs. inldmTll never violates the conflcleneo thus entrusted to her , and although she publishes thousands of testimonials front women who have been benefited 1)y her advice and medicine , never in all expcrienco has ! site published slwh n letter without the full consent , and often by > > special rcqucst of the wrltcr. FO R F E I TIe wo call . ot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures of $5 000 nllovo tCLti111oulals , which will Provo their nbsolnto IrClIlIlnllIcsl ! w Lydia E. l'jultlmw Iclilcluu Co. . Lynn , Mus. WESTERN SUPPLY CO JOBBERS OF PUMPS ' , WINrBMllLS and PLR1 k G MATERIAL eEL TUIG and THRESHER SUPPLIES. PACKING and ELEVA"O REPAIRS 20.U2 ti I Street. . LINCOLN NEBRASKA F.stnb. WELL DRILLING . Ilrhrd 186T MiiCHINERYI1 rOUTun.l ; and drill any depth , by hten/11 or her 6 lower. ) 42 IIFI'ERENT STYC.ES. We . cballrngo competition. Send for Erie lIIu.trat.d l'aldugue f\o i. IILLv.t'I't\IYhIiLL : ( ; 0. i Vhc..tnut ( . , \ \ ' IIte" : lO , Iow5tw - - - - SOLD BY ANTISEPTIC PILE CONES WHILE YOU DRUGGISTS. Sam pia Frco , ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE CO" Crole , Neb. SLEEP. jjjjjjjjuSamjoFrcjjNTjjPjjPjjCjjEjjjCjjjb.SLjjP. I