1 Fats ( CRy Tribune BY TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. I ' NgDHASKA FALLS CITY - - - - - - - - - i I An attempt Lo wreck Pennsylvania train No. 32 was discovered near Hleh. i mand , Ind , when the engineer stopped the train within a few feet of a pile of I bricks and steno which had been placed on the tracl Two boys have , been nrrested. I The census has prepared a bulletin on Irrigation in Oklahoma , showing t , that In HI02 there were 3,382 acres nn- tier irrhntinn . The water i9 supplied - from 113 systems , the cost of construe- Hon of which averaged about $11 per acre. acre.Dr. Dr. Robert Bartholmew , the eminent physician } anti emeritus professor of materia medica , general therapeutics and hygiene of Jefferson Medica college . lege , Phlladephia , died after a angering . ing 111ness. Dr. Bartholomew was the author of many medical works. The national treasury department drew a warrant for $50,874 in favor of the state of Texas , that being the amount appropriated at the last session . aion of congress for the state for expenses - penses incured in maintaining a civil government in Greer county. That county is now a part of Ot1ahomn. : Dr. Clinton Cashing , one of the oldest . eat and best known physicians of Washington , D. . C. , died. After nearly forty years the Palmer house for a long time the best known hotel in Chicago , has passed from the hands of the Palmer family Into the control of the Chicago Hotel company , recently Incorporated. . Mra. : Potter Palmer and the other heirs to the es- tate will not have any Interest in the corporation. 'fhC2lr love for each other and the fear that they might. be separated by death is believed to have led Conrad Hauenstein , 59 years old , and his son , Conrad , jr. , aged 38 years , to take ! heir own lives. The bodies of the two men were found in a room in East Twenty.fifth street , New York , where they had lived together for several years. The Louisville , Ky. , Post says : : Prelminary steps toward the consolidation . dation or all the independent telephone . phone lines in the United States wtn probably be taken at' I a conference to bo held In this city between President T. G. Splaine of the Pitlsburg C Allegheny - rheny Telephone company and the of. dais of lno Louisville Home Tele- i Qhone company. I The correspondent of the London Dally Mail , it is announced In that paper , has been expelled from Belgrade - grade for his severe comment on the conspirators who planned and executed cd the assassination of King Alexander . tIer and Queen Draga. J George F. Edmunds , formerly United . cd States senator from Vermont , alter passing most of the winter in the Mouth , has returned to Philadelphia , where be now lives. The venerable gentleman is In fine physical condition t . and scorns as alert in body and mind as he was twenty years ago. 1 Mayor Collins of Boston has written n. letter declining to entertain fifty Philippine representatives who will visit the east. The chamber of com- merce of that city , not deeming the visit of much commercial importance , 1 also doclines. Chicago is a little plqquecl at the report - port that the first day's attendance at the Louisiana Purchase exposition was greater than that at the opening day of the Columbian exposition. 'The ' number in attendance at St. Louis is given as 187,793 , that at Chicago was 137,557. Extensive damage is being done throughout the upper peninsula 01 Michigan by forest fires. It rain does not come soon the losses will be enor mous. Loggers are out day and night trying to save the product of their winter's labor. . OPENS IN AUGUST PROCLAMATION REGARDING RIS. ERVATION LAND SALES. A CHANCE FOR CHEAP HOMES Entries Can Be Made from August 8 to September 1 , Registry After July 5 at Chamberlain , Yankton , Bone- steel and Fairfax , South Dakota. \V ASIIING'l'ON-President Roosevelt . velt has signed the proclamation open- Ilg to settlement on August 8 the itose- bud ( reservation lying In Gregory coun- ty , South DRkota. After deducting lands withheld to state for school purposes . poses the proclamation opens to settler meat about 385,000 acres. Under the provisions of the procla- maUGn registration will begin July : 5 at 9 a. m. , at Chamberlain , Yanltton , Donesteel and Fairfax and continue until 6 o'clock Saturday evening , July 23. As has been stated heretofore in these dispatches , land will be disposed of by drawing. The drawing will take place at the Chamberlain land office commencing at 9 a. m. Thursday , July 28 , and continuing for such period os may . be necessary to draw from the box all envelopes contained there- In. Three persons of highest integrity and of spotless reputation will be selected - lected by the commissioner of the general land office , who will be pres- ent In person to supervIse the draw- ing. Entries will be made at Bonesteel , beginning August 8 and continuing un- til September 10 inclusive. The land office , for convenience of entrymen , will be temporarily removed from Chamberlain to Bonesteel in order to facllltate the rush which Is expected. After September 10 subsequent entries will be recorded at Chamberlain as usual. Those contemplating filing regIstra- tion must do so In person at one of the four towns mentioned above , with the exception of soldiers or sailors , who may employ an agent. , 'fhe price of land as provided by law is as follows : Lands taken during the first three months , $4 per acre ; within six months , $3 ; after six months , $2.50 per acre. All lands remaining undis'posed of after four years : shaH be disposed of by the secretary of the interior under such rules and regulations - tions as he may prescribe. The proclamation among other things , says : All persons are especially admon- ished that under the said act of con- gress approved April 23 , 1904 , it is provided that no person shall be per- mitted to settle upon , occupy or enter any of said ceded lands except in the manner prescribed in this proclamation - tion until after the expiration of sixty days from the time when the same are opened to settlement and entry. "After the expiration of the said period of sixty days , but not before , and until the expiration of three months after the same shall have been opened for settlement and entry as hereinbefore prescribed , any of said lands remaining undisposed of may be settled upon , occupied and entered - tered under the general provisions of the homestead and townsite laws of the United States in like manner as If the manner of effecting such settle- ment , occupancy and entry had not been prescribed herein in obedience to Jaw , subject , however , to the pay- ment of $4 per acre for the land en- tered , in the manner and at the time required by the said act of congress above mentioned. "Arter expiration of three Months and not before , and until the expira- tion of six months after the same shall have been opened for settlement and entry as aforesaid , any of said lands remaining undisposed of may also be settled upon , occupied and entered un- der the general provisions of the same Jaws and in the same manner , sub- ject , however , to the payment of $3 per acre for the land entered In the manner and at the times required by the same tact of congress.1t , - . . TO BE EVACUATED. Russians Have Dcclded to Depart from New Chwang. NEW CHWANG-'l'hel'e is every indication . I dlcallon that the Russians have decided . I cldell to evacuate New Chwang. The , troops have been leaving here all day Jong. Forts have been dismantled and . all artillery has been placed on hoard trains. All the local transportation has been commandeered 1)y the Rus sian authorltiees. There is current here a native rUe more that Japanese troops are In too Chau hay ( on the west side of the Liao Tung peninsula , and about sixty miles north of Port Arthur ) , but this report lacks confirmation. The fear is held here that If the Russians leave and the Japanese do not at once take possession of New Chwang the brigands , who are now across the river near Yin Kow , will pillage the place. The foreign resi. dents are prepared to resist the brig ands [ ) should they come over. The . British consul has requested that a gunboat be sent to New Chwang. The Russians probably will de3troy the gunboat Sivoutch before leaving. The , vessel is at New Chwang. I It is reported here that Viceroy I Alexieff was slightly wounded before I his departure from Port Arthur. Ile barely escaped from thdre before the Japanese closed the lines of commu- nication. . The Russian general staff has mov- ed from 1..lao Yang to 1\Iullen. Russians here will not talk of the situation for fear that they may impart . part some information. They do not consider that their forces here are suf. ficlent to hold this section of i. " ) country. It is probable that the Russian - sian troops will withdraw to Harbin The Russian civilians at New Chwang are leaving' hurriedlY and many natives are fleeing from the city in fear that they will be subjected to maltreatment at the hands of the brigands. WARNS LAND SEEKERS. Gangs of Swindlers Said to Be Victimizing izlng Prospective Settlers. WASHINGTON-An organized ban of swindlers is actively at work In several western states , notably Utah , North Dakota and South Dakota , and also operating to a lesser extent in the cast. These sharpers have selected - lected as easy victims prospective home seekers who are greatly interested - ed In the various declamation projects undertaken by the government. By means ; of advertisements cleverly worded , in which they claim to have secured Inside Information regarding the plans of the engineers , and by the display of alleged copies ] of govern. ment maps and surveys , they have been successful in duping many unwary . wary homeseeleers. For a consideration - tion of from $50 to $200 these swindlers . dlers guarantee to locate settlers upon the best irrigable lands under the government worles. Notwithstanding that the government . ment some time ago issued a circular warning the people against being taken - en in by just such frauds , the swin- dung goes right along and the sharks are reaping a rich harvest. It should be clearly understood that these sharp. ers have no Inside information. Their maps are mere township plats or rough drafts such as can be obtained from the land office. The swindlers have no data other than any intending settler can obtain upon request of the department. Reports Not Confirmed. LONDON.--Thus far no confirmation . tlon has reached London of the reported - ported battle near Liao Yang. One of the explanations of the restoration of the Port Arthur railroad suggested here is that the landing of the Japanese at Pitsewo. was interrupted by a gale , which compelled their temporary retirement - tirement to the coast or that the Japa. nese are allowing the line to remain open for the removal of non.combatants from Port Arthur prIor to the bombardment . bardment which is about to begin. HAIR J.- ' 6ROTH } ( 1 . ' fll f , . . 1 Promoted by ,1 . dl t d 1 _ I I . , I 1 Shampoos of ( utlCUf t -f-- YSOAP H ' . ' And light. dressings of CUTICURA , the great Skin Cure and : , 1 sweetest of emollients. . f This treatment at once stops falling hair , removes crusts , scales , and dandruff , destroys hair parasites , n soothes irritated , itching sur- faces , stimulates the hair fol- licles , loosens the scalp skin , supplies the roots with energy and nourishment and makes the hair grow upon a sweet , wholesome , healthy scalp , when all else fails. N. B. Complete External and Internal : Treatment for every Humor from Pimples to Scrofula , from Infancy to Age , consisting or CUTlCUR.A Soap , Ointment , and Pills , m ny I now be had of all Druggists for One Dollar Sold throughout the world. Cuticura Soap , " , 25c. : Olnt- i mpnt , SOc , iteoivent oc. 'In ( form of Chocolate ! Coated fill \ , 25c. per vial of 00 I. Dcpotsl Landon 27 Charter- hou.e sq. ' " ; Part , . S Rue de la Pal x I norton tai Columbua ATe. Potter Drug k Chprn. Corp. , Sole Proprietor nj- Scull for II flow to I'rp.ervp , Purity and Deautlf7 Uu Skin , Scalp , flair and 1Iand. " I' " Rumors often darken the sky more 1' \ ' than thunder clonds. t M tI I \\riggle-Stlck \ LAUNnltY BLUE , . Won't spill , break , freeze nor spot clothes. ; Dosts . 10 cents and equals 20 cents : worth of , stty other bluing. If your g Jcer docs not I seep it send lOc for sample to The Lnnm1rv Blue Co. , H Michigan Street Chicago. The 'man who has the least to say usually talks the most. . . Lewis' Single Binder" straight 5c : : Igar. The highest price rx cigar to the dealer : and the highest ullltr for the smoker. Lewis' Factory , Peoria , Ill. The turning event of some men's , , . lives Is when they make a fancy flipti flop on a banana peel. Superior quality and extra Quanttty must win. This hi why Defiance Starch Is taking the place of all others. . Man is a harp and not a hand or- & : an. " , 1 I ' . I , - ,