The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 20, 1904, Image 19

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Women In Wartime.
" With drum-beat stir and bugle urge
Y The mon have marched away ;
, + But the women , 0 , the women ,
As the daybreak chill and gray-
. The women at the city gates ,
For them no bugles play.
For them no surge of patriot wrath ,
No gladsome shock of steel :
But the aged and the Invalid ,
The helpless child's appeal-
And patience , patience , patience still ,
Whatever one may feel.
At night the torturIng dreams of harm ,
The real fears by day ,
With tasks of han that cannot keep
r The ravening Thought at bay :
Cooking , cleaning , sweeping , sewIng
In the heaviest hours "pray.
. 0 , battles of the silences !
Of hearthstone , heart and toll !
Of these no veteran tales are told ,
, No bloodstain blots the soll-
. : . The battles of the women ,
t4 ' Fought In anguish and In mgil
'i War Cuts a Knot.
Who would suspect E. F. Seaman ,
the jolly Seaman , with his fund of
. . " funny stories , his sparkling wit and
'I. If his keen appreciation of humor , to
, have been one of the principal figures
in o1)e of the most pathetic occur-
rences of the whole war of the rebel-
lion ? ,
Mr. Seaman occupies a position of
great trust and responsibility with
the Black Diamond steel works of
Park Bros. & Co of Plttsburg. A
shade of sadness falls over his laugh-
; ing countenance when\ \ he recalls the
events connected with the Salem raid ,
one of the most trying periods of a
trying four years
. ) 'J ' : ' advance guard , in command of :
i Quartermaster Seaman , had come up-
r on a dancing party in a cabin in the
mountains between Sweet Sulphur
Springs and New Castle After quietly -
ly surrounding the house with his
squad Mr. Seaman opened the door
and demanded the surrender of the
men within. There were about twenty
of them , aU confederate soldiers. I
Orders were given for the prisoners ,
to fall into line , and , except one tall , ' 1
finely formed young man , all obeyed.
He stood with his hand resting on the
: shoulder of a girl in white. Both
seemed dazed by the turn of events.
The girl was the first to recover her
self-possession. Turning to : Mr. Seaman -
man , she said :
l j "You'H let George stay with me ,
.k.l\ won't you , sir ? We have just been
r married "
- .Mr : . Seaman explained , as gently as
, possible , the exigencies of war : that
as a man he sympathized with her , but
as a soldier his duty was to take her
I , husband along. He assured her that
as a union prisoner her husband
. \ should be treated with all kindness ,
and probably in two or three months
he would be exchanged and come back
to her.
Clinging wildly around her Ims-
band's neck sue burst into uncontrol-
lable sobs. As he pressed her to his
bosom many of the soldiers , whose
! hearts had become hardened to pathetic -
1 thetic scenes , found occasion to draw
1 their sleeves across their eyes
I , In a few moments she gained some
control of herself , and , loosing her
I arms , she raised her face to her hus
banlttnd said :
"hood-bye ' , George ; good-bye ! "
The young man kissed her passion-
ately and signified his readiness to
accompany the union troops. Thee
eyes of the young bride followed him
wistfully to the door. That was the
. last time she ever saw him on earth.
Ho was accidentally drowned while
crossing Jackson river
: In 1884 Mr Seaman revisited that
portion ot West Virginia. By malting
inquiries he was able to locate the
. . ' ' bride of twenty years before , and
" " after some search he found her. She ,
: . ' of course , never suspected his iden-
tlty , as twenty years had worked great
Mr. Seaman , being an adroit conversationalist -
versationalist , easily led the conversa-
tion back to the war. In telling at it
he says :
"She conversed pleasantly until that
subject was mentioned , when her manner -
nor became more quiet and her gaze
drIfted from near objects tee , the long
blue horizon down the mountain , as
if to discover something lost. I soon
left and have never seen her sinco.-
Pitts burg Dispatch.
Premonitions of Death.
"S'pealdng of that winter campaign
in East Tennessee , " said the doctor ,
"it must not be assumed that the sea-
soned soldiers of the Army of the
Cumberland or the Army of the 'l'en- '
nesseo were not equal to the ocoasion.
Most of them marched from the bat-
tIc field of Missionary Ridge with as
little preparation as' they would have
made for a one day's scouting expe-
dition. Some of the divisions after
the relief of Knoxville drifted back
toward supplies at Chattanooga , but
Sheridan's division and others remained -
mained to watch Longstreet.
"In our division ( Sheridan's ) , there
was much suffering , but officers and
men were resourceful and disposed
to make the best of a situation. When
it was decided to start the abandoned
grist mills , hundreds of men were
sent into the fields to gather corn , and
the mills were kept going steadily
turning out cornmeal for the men ot
the several brigades. It was a trying
time , however , and a time for pre'
monitions. I never took much stock
in the latter , but one case has haunted -
ed me for forty years. One day the
brigade was sent out to make a feint.
It was known that there was no ene-
my in force in front , but the men
were instructed to act as if there was
a division there. They were to feign
an attack to compel a move of the
enemy in that direction , but no one
expected a fight.
"As the regiment moved forward In
line the lieutenant of one of the corn-
panics took a memorandum book from
one pocket and his watch from another -
other , and , handing them to the cap'
lain , asked him , in case ho was killed ,
'o send them to his father. The cap
lain said , 'Holy smoke , man ! We are
not going into a fight' This is aU
sham , and there is no danger , ' and
returned the book and watch. ThG
lieutenant ran across to the captain
and again insisted he should take the
book , saying that ho had a feeling
that be was to be Idlled. The captain
took the book , and in five minutes
the lieutenant fell dead from one ot
the few shots fired by the fleeing
rebel piclwts.-Chicago Inter Ocean.
- - .
Honor SoldlerlS' Widows
A monument to the union soldiers'
widows was unveiled and dedicated
e 'l iJq ! .
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by the department of Illinois , Women's
Relief Corps , in Elmwood cemetery ,
Sunday , April 24 , at 2:30 : p. m. The
memorial has been presented by Mrs
Esther Elmira Springer ill memorIam
to her daughter , Silvia Springer Do-
ton , who died about a year ago.
Good Service by Jailer's Wife.
1\Irs. Ranldns , wife of the jailer at
Alfred , Me" , caught a woman smug-
gling whiskey into her husband's cell ,
but she took the goods away and had
the woman arrested and fined.
. Profit in
IS.Cent Butter
How much profit does the farmer's
wife get out of 15 . cent butter ? The
natural inference from this question
suggests a possibility of a profit from
the production of 15-cent butter to t.ho 1
farmer's wife. If the anatomy of the
modern dairy cow were identical with
that of the ancient ass of Bible fame ,
which waxed fat on the winds of the
desert , then a profit might be possi-
ble But so long as is requires a generous -
orous ration of tangible , palpable substances -
stances rich in protein as well as
carbohydrates to produce an average
of one pound of butter per day time
year through at a minimum cost of
at least 16 cents per pound , there cor-
tainly can be no profit in 15 . cent but-
ter. The manufacture of 16.cent but- '
tel' Is a luxury that the average Carm-
er's wife cannot afford to indulge in.
The standard price of butter ought to
be 25 cents , and this would be the
rule , if the butter was only good
enough to bring it. It is a deplorable
fact that on 76 per cent of the farms
cows are kept at a loss. If farmers
would only bring their brains and
pencils Into more common use in connection -
nection with their farm operations ,
marked improvement would be the
result. If the farmer would only
study the economic aspects of his occupation -
cupation a little more studiously , ho
, would be surprised to find how little
of real profit he derives. And yet it
is aU so simple , so easy to compre-
hend. For instance , a cow weighing
from 1,000 to 1,200 pounds will require
to produce a pound of butter a day the
year around u. grain ration of at least
12 pounds daily , as well as an equiva-
lent of at least 20 pounds of the best
clover hay. One ent ' a pound would
be a very small price for the grain
ration , and $6 a lon a low price for
the hay. This would make the cost
of the feed per day 18 cents. Sup-
hose you sell the product at 15 cents
per pound , how long will it take to
pay the mortgage on the farm ?
G. W. Mott.
Mott.s _
Notes by a Wisconsin
. Milk Inspector
There are a great many stables in
Wisconsin that are too close and do
not have enough light. The cold
weather that we have had this winter
rendered many such stables unsanitary -
tary for a time. All stables for cows ,
aB well as for other animals , should
be light and well ventl1ated. Some
of the stables I have seen have not
a. window in them. As a rule the
now buildings are being put up in
first class shape. In some localities
the health officers have been after
the cow keepers ; : and have got them
to put in ventilating systems. Here
and there farmers are putting in good
ventilating systems of themselves ,
but these ' are the men that improve
their conditions as the result of read-
A good many of the dairymen that
have put in ventilation systems have
used the King system , or some modifi-
cation of It. I have been inspecting
the stables largely ill the neighbor-
hood of clUes , and ' when I get out I
into the creamery and cheese factory I
districts , I anticipate that I shall not
be able to find things In as good
shape as I have in the localities
where I have been , for the latter localities -
caI1tles are largely those engaged in
supplying milk to the cities.
In our Investigations this winter
wo have found no preservatives In
the milk ; though we do occasionally
find it in the milk in summer. Preservatives -
servatives seem never to have been
used much in Wisconsin. As a rule ,
formaldehyde Is used more than any
, , , ,
. . - , -
other kind of presorvative. But farm
ers do not have to use any hind of
preservative. The farmers deliver
their milk every other day as a rule ,
when they send It to creamerIes and
cheese factories. In the summer many.
of them deliver every day.
In some of the localities where
Limburger cheese is made , It is absolutely -
solutely necessary to deliver every
day , as this is a sweet curd cheese ,
and the milk out of which it is made
must bo perfectly sweet. It takes
a very fine milk to make a Limburger
cheese It must bo free from aU
taints and bad odors , for. It cannot
bo allowed to develop any acid. The
bad smell of Limburger comes from ;
a large amount of moisture in the j
cheese. Wo have a cheese that is
very similar to the Limburger , ox-
cept that it is salted somewhat high-
er. That is the common bric1e.
'Vo are very busy , and are working "
night and day. 'We are looking care- . . ;
fully after all adulterations ill what- .
ever form. We are also paying close"
attention to the sanitary condition of
the barns. :
U. S. Baqr , Wisconsin
" , \
Fall Calving . }
Cows : '
" .
4 ,
1 do not profess to have gained any -
great knowledge of the above subject , ' . : .
although I have for some years past
had from ten to fifteen cows freshen " , "
from September to November. From ;
the dairyman's standpoint I prefer to
have the most of my cows freshen
then. I believe that the yearly return
in milk and butter from the cow calving - , s
ing in fall or early winter will bo considerably
siderably greater than the same cow .
would produce if she came fresh In
the spring. Late spring or summer :
calving ought to be avoided if possi-
ble , as the extreme heat of summer ,
combined with the pest of flies and
nearly always drIed-up pastures reduces "
cluces the milk flow below any chance ' : '
for profit. :
Generally the calves that are - . .
dropped in fly time do not do well and
go into winter quarters In bad shape ,
to come out in the following spring .
worth less than their mates three or .
four months younger .
It is an easy matter by generous
and Judicious feeding to leeep the faU-
fresh cow up to near her maximum
flow during the winter , even without
silage , if the feeder will provide himself - " ;
self with plenty of clover or alfalfa '
hay and concentrated feeds , rich in t
protein , such as time gluten feeds , , .
dried brewers' grains , all-meal and a '
little cottonseed meal. Then when
the juicy grasses come with : May sun-
shine , time winter ration being only a
little reduced , the cow really fresh- i
ens a second timo.
Time calves , too , if they have been
properly fed and housed during the ' I
winter , gain rapidly on grass with _ . :
- ,
. some grain , and when the heat of '
summer comes they are better prepared - . ;
pared to stand the flies than the lit- .
tIe youngsters a few months old - .
Samuel Gray. ' >
- ,
Tough on the Joke
A member of a photographic so-
ciety in a suburb ot London was to - ,
give an illustrated lecture on some of
his travels. Another member , think-
fug to have a joke at the expense or
the lecturer , sUpped in among the
slides a lantern portrait of himself .
The joke would come in , of course , . . .
by the portrait's appearing on time '
screen after the lecturer had announced .
nounced the appearIng of something
quite diITerent. Fate and chance were "
unluckily against the humorist ; for ,
when his portrait was presented , the
lecturer , without knowing what was
< -
on the screen , gravely read from the
list , "Tho next slide , ladies and gentlemen
tlemen is the picture of a refractory
No hog will ever carry damp or
filthy straw to his nest , If he can have
access to that which Is dry and clean.