The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 20, 1904, Image 18
May 20 , 1904. . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOCAL AND PERSONAL Jake Mcsslcr : went to Vcrdon on business l\londay. Guy Spencer of Omaha spent Sunday ill Ibis city. Elsie Goldncr left Sunday for a visit in Pawnee City. P. Carpenter of Humboldt [ was in thc city Saturday. P. 1\1. Hinklc of Stella was in the city over Sunday. . J. \\T. Vaught of Stella was a halls City visitor Sunday. . 1\lrs. A. 0. Gisc of Vcrdon spent Sunday in this city. llcrman ; Spangler of ivlorrill spent Sunday in this city. Roy Ward of 'rablc .H.ock . was in thc city several days this wcck. . Nfss. G. \V. llnttcrficlcl of 1-111111- boldt was in thc city over Sun- day. . day.L. ' L. A. Griffith of Salcm made a business trip to this city Satur- day. day.Arr. l\r. sold \ vIrs. John \V. 'rowlc went to 9maha Nlonday aftcr- noon. .r"lr. and 1rs. , 'Y111. Uhlig left Sunday for a trip to the . St. Louis cxposition. , Clark Peed came over from Reserve - serve hUH Saturday to look after some business ma Hcrs. 1 Ii' S. Crabill has opened thc ' Derby to thc public and it is a very finely , appointed placc. Quimby Hossack has been seri- ously ill this weck , having becn a sulTcrcr from a severe attack of quinsy' .i 1\rs. . Janc Shoup , who has been visiting in Oklahoma and Kansas for thc past three months return Si ed to this city Suhday evening. j 1\lrs. Jennie await and daughter tcr l\lagnolia returned from Lin- coin Frida\ Miss : Magnolia : has been attcilding' school at Linculii during thc winter. A couple of ladies were in the city this wcek soliciting aid for "Joseph's Homc" of Joplin , 1\0. , , a charitable institution for the dire . of dependent women and childrcn. They received consid- erable aid in our city. ' \ ' . 1-1. Stowcll , editor of thc Auburn Post was in the city Sun- day cnroutc to the S1. Louis exposition - position lDditor Stowell was so astounded at the growth of Falls City since his last visit , that he camc near dcciding' to remain here instead of going to the cx- po i tion. ' .fie bottom roads have been in ' terrible shape this spring. Sat- nr < lay John 'Vagner found it nec- b essary to use four horses to pull a load of sand from the Exchange mill to the depot. The condition of this road alone has cost Falls City a large sum in trade that has gone to other towns. . , . f , ' " . . . . ' . - - - - - An error occurred in one of D. W. Sowlcs' local advcrtisements last wcC'k. We referred to hand made ice-cream , when wc should have said machine made icc- crcam. The icc-cream is now oracle in a line new Bower freezer which insures a much better qual- ity of cream than call be produced - ed in a freezer that is operated by han < 1. J. S. Johnston & Sons are busy this week remodeling thc rear end of their store room , and chang- ing' thc cloak room , around so as to give diem more room in which to show their stock to better advantage - . vantage and also to better accommodate - commodate their tradc. . A number of Palls City people drove to Verdon Sunday to see the ball The game pliy- : ed between the Falls City and Verdon teams was a good one and resulted in a score of 3 to 1 in favor of Falls City. Both teams put up a good scientific gamc. . Earl 1'\1arts returned Thursday from an cxicnded pleasure trip and during his absence , visited New Orleans , New York , Niagara - ra Falls and many other points. Hc returned via S1. Louis and took a look at thc exposition. The bicycle fad is being revived - ed to certain extent. J. H. Pecht says that he has sold and repaired an unusual number of wheels this spring. M. N. Bail' went to Stella Tuesday afternoon to look after some work he has on hand al that 1)IfCC. . Vyc r'lettz ' who is now a full- fledged travelling 111an spent several - cral days in the city this week. If thc l\Hssouri Pacific depot is not moved the sidewalk should bc repaired by all means. Norman Idussclman left. 'rues- day for western Kansas to look after land intercsts. James Elliott of Washington is in the city visiting at thc home of \V111. Cade. Dr. Rush is now occupying his elegant new office in the Jussen block. Jim \Vhitaker went to southern Kansas 'l'uesday on 'a business trip. trip.A A daughter was born to JDlwood Kauffman and wife Sunday. C. \Imlowse of Arago was in town on business ' .l\lcsday. Laura Schaible is visiting with relatives in Preston. F. \V. Schroeder was up from Preston Saturday. Judge Stull was down from Auburn 'ruesc1ay. J. H. Kloeppfcl of Rule was in town 'l\lcsday. The race for the earliest potato is now on " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ \ \ ! . : Your Attention ! x. ! - ' I would respectfully call the attention of the 7 f . . r house owners of Falls City to the fact that I j1 - ' 1 have recently stocked a full line of - - - - - - db4 I" " , : : Heath f& Milli , an's . Gua..ranteed . . Paints and C 0 I ors. ° ' . . : : 1 . ' , If- . . ' ' 1 I am also to thc public l a new , and. . a ; ; ) J very complete line , embracing the latest in - - . - { - - - , ---40. . - . . . . . . . - . . . . - 0L4 - - - . . . " , . . . . . , . . . - - - - , t . 1 ' . .w WALL PAPER V9v : \ Ranging from the Cheapest to the Best , - . . - , _ - .nL , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . . . _ _ _ . . . . . _ - . I cf . 9 . . . s I shall aim to carry a first class line including ! C the best grade of goods in thc way of . n ' - . . S D 0 J \\1 \ G r. " : tJ. Fain9 0th9 Vanihhe tt : j ( 4 I , and the ; t Please call and get prices , which will always . be right. Thanking my frhmds for many fav'f t ors in past years , I hope for a continuanc' . " . . . d. ' . ! iS r \ P tii , U" . ' I ; r - ' ' . & 7 ( ' ' ' 1 - v , V V t ! t. l ! Q iscRR , . rt Dealer in E'lJerything that Can be Found . in a First Class pharmacy ' . . b5 'M . . . A'Y ' l L.i c.a-L'\ se 4oq Ar. . ru a'o + h aa w l : LSo do lr7) F' Our Market Letter. Kansas City , 11'lo. , l\onday , May 16 , 1904.-0uts of loss of 10 cents Tuesday , which was regained - gained Thursday and Friday , beef steers were steady all last week. Nothing very toppy came in dur- ing- the week. Best price was $5.10 , paid Tuesday for 1380 lb. white faces. Light butcher cat- tle were considerable lower all week , with a' siiiall recovery Thursday and . Friday , leaving the net loss 25 to 30 ccnts. Opin- ion is tHHl1iimot1s that much of this loss will be regained this wcek. I-lcifers sold from $3.75 to $4.80. 1\'ledium to good cows did not lose anything , but sold drag- gy one or two days. 'rhey bring from $3.25 to $4.25. Common cows and canners sell from $2.00 to $3.00 ; stockers and feeders sold about steady all week ; demand good ; prices ranged from $3.50 to $4.40 , with exceptions both higher - er and lower. Veal calves lost $1.00 during the week , and best now sell at $4.50 to $5.25. Sup- ply today is 1l1cdcrate at 5,000 head ; market steady to strong. Best beef . steers $5.00 ; stockers - feeders and butcher stuff strong- Hogs were steady all of last . week , 85.83 was top price every y day but one. Usual l\'fonday ' run ' is in today (7,000 ( hcad. ) \larket 5 to I0 cents lower ; top price $5.85. Bulk of sales $4.35 to , # ' 84.70 ; weights below 200 pounds bring up to -J.)5. Quality is now the main factor in fixing prices Sheep run last week was 15,400 ' head , about half as much as same - week last year , market vanced 5 to 10 cents and is expected to , - remain as good or better for some . time. Supply today is 5,000 head ' . including 2,000 'rexas grass shecp. Quotations are for clip- pcd stuff : Lambs $5.00 to S5.75 ; wethers $4.iS to $5.25 ; ewes $4.63 . " to $5.00 ; Texas sheep $4.50 to 85 ; - and woolcd 'Vestern lambs $6.50 . . to $7.00. J. A. Rickart , Live Stock Correspondent. . . . . .4. , Stra.wberries. . . . - 'Vc receive thc finest of fresh strawberries every morning direct from the gal'dcns.--D. 1V. Smvles. ' THE TRIBUNE - DOES GOOD JOB WORK . - . "