The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 20, 1904, Image 14
1" :1. : . . r i May 20 , J904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . - - t Eclacationa ! lieparirneni Conducted : County Superrniendeni Crocker I Bert Stcadm of DisC No. 6 was neither absent or tardy during - ing thc six month's tcrm. - - - 41 ; 1 Rcmcmbcr thc next session of our institute will bc held in Falls City , Aug. 15th to 20th inclush'c. - - diary E. Wiltse has resigncd her position as grammar grade teacher in the Salem schools on account of her parents' health. Prof. Geo. E. Ivartin has been re-elccted principal of the Ne- braska City high school by an unanimous - animous vote. JIis salary is $900 per year The Salem schools closed Fri- ; ' \ day , : May 13th. The graduating exercises were held in the Salem i opera home ; last Saturday eve- ping , May 14th. tl'he late of the commet1cment exercises of the Dawson high school has been set for : May 27th. ! A class of seven , five boys and , two girls , will graduatc. Dist. No. 49-J. R. Recd teach- th er-school closed : May 13. Only one pupil was abscnt. : Many vis- itors were present , including two 1 members of the school board. t The pupils gave a creditable dosing - mg program " , tL'eachers for the Stella schools I for the ensuing year : Prof. 1. G. ' Wilson Maud Montgomery , Jen - tl'hompson 1\rs. 1. G. Wilson and Sadie Joy of Peru. Al1ie Davis expects to attend school I4I next year. vVinifred Ryan closed a very successful term of school in Dist. ii 84 , Friday , May 13 , with appropriate - priate exercises. Ice-crcam and cake were served and quite a E " number of visitors and patrons of i the school were present. - - t The summer session of the Nebraska - bras1Gt State Normal school will ' ' begin May 20 and continue six weeks. Last year 69 Richardson , county teachers attend the 1' : State Norma1. Several have been - --I : , attending during tine year , and ! . I many will attend this summer. . , ' ' 'a' r The second annual commence- .I ment exercises of the Shubert i , : , high school were held in the 1\1. E. church , Friday evening , \Iay l ' ; 13th. A splendid program was i " ' : given. Mattie Cook Ellis of the ' ' 1 ! , State Normal gave the class ad- dress. The graduates are Frank 'i" O. Imler , Bessie 1Icnderson , Fred " ; ; ; Lundy and Nellie Harper. "i , " I fi 11 i Nebraska State University de- I . . : ; haters defeated l\'hssourl at S t. ° : a ! Louis. 1.'he'er < 1ict of the judges " : i was unanimous. The question . . ' < was "The Monroe Doctrine , " and 1 I the same with which Nebraska ) w _ ! won from the Kansas University 1 ! 1 I - 'j several weeks ag-o. Geo. A. Lee of lIumboldt was one of the Ne- braska debalors. trhe Richardson - school de- son county inter-high - bates will bring out many strung debaters who will be heard from in the future. Dist. No. 38-1da Stalder teacher-School closed April 22. Though our attendance was small during the last few weeks , we prepared a closing program which was given in the afternoot Quite a number of patrons were present and seemingly enjoyed the program. Just before school closed we planted fourteen trees. The year's work of the Verdon public schools closed last Friday evening with the graduating ex- ercises. A splendid audience was present and the Hall opera house was crowded. The following are the high school graduates : Ethel Iieler , Edith Shafer , Jessie Grif- fiths , .Miles Kelley , Kate Crouch , Inez Griffiths , Ray Arnold , Lester ayfield and Dannie Griffiths. The following are the eighth grade graduates : Maude Clark , Mary Hanley , Howard Cono\rer , 1\'ladge Bourne , Lloyd Dietrich , lVlabcl Auxier , Ethel Saylors , Mabel Nusbaum , llleda Heineman , Jennie Stump , Hazel Pennington , Stella Johnson and Edna \Vheat- ley. Prof and lVlrs. Funk resigned their positions in the Verdon schools last Friday. They mov- to Kansas City Thursday , where Prof. Funk will engage in there- tail coal and wood business. The teachers of Richardson county re- gret to lose 1\11' . and 1\1rs. Funk kr from their ranks , and their going is not only a loss to the Verdon schools , but to the schools of Richardson county. The annual field day meet of the Southeastern Nebraska Ath- letic association was held at Ne- braska City , Saturday May 14th. The following high schools participated - ticipated ; Nebraska City , Pawnee City , Falls City and Humboldt. Staple and Fancy Groceries FRUIT IN SEASON We Sell WANK'S BREAD Cash for BUTTER AND EGGS First Door North of Post Office . . PHONE 14 A. G. HOPPOCK _ _ _ _ _ _ r - - - - ; : : : = : a-- , r----w NONE TOO GOOD 1 , " : J > A PRETTY RESIDENCE - . . . . . - - - - - - < . . . . . . . I LOSES HALF ITS ATTRACTIVENISG IF IT Is NOT PROP- I ERLY PAINTED. IT Is NOT PROPERLY PAINTED UNLESS I \ GOOD PAINT Is ApPLIED By SKILLED WORKMEN. THAT'S ; OUR WAY OF DOING BUSINESS. FOR PARTIULARS JUST DROP US A CARD BAXTER & COMPANY - _ _ I . - - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ THE DECORATORS The weather was fine , the attend- ance was good , the visitors were royally treated and the meet was prouounced a grand success. Pawnee City took first honors 61 of the 108 points. Falls City and Humboldt tied for second place each receiving 21 5-6 points Slater of Pawnee City won first honors as individual athlete and Petrashck of Humboldt won sec- end honors. In the evening the Nebraska City high school ] pupils gave the visiting schools a reception which was enjoyed by all. Officers for the ensuing year Supt. Geo. P. Griffith , Pawnee City , President ; Supt. v" . H. Pillsbury , Falls City , secretary and treasurer. It is quite certain that the meet will be held in Pawnee City next year. The score follows : 100 yd. dash-Slater of Pawnee City first , Morris of I-Iumboldt second and Bennett of Pawnee City third , record 10.8 sec. 440 ) 'd . run-Slater of Pawnee City first , Burnham of Pawnee City second and trheron Lewis of Falls City third , record 55.4 sec. Running broad jump-Green- wald of Falls City first , Ralph Lewis of same city second and Benz of Pawnee City third , 17 ft. and 10 in. One mile run-Davis of Pawnee City first , Boob of this city sec- and and Stahfhut of Nebraska City third , record 5 min and 27 sec. Running high jump-Petrashek of 1Iumboldt and Bennett of Paw- nee City were tied for first-four each-Lyons of this city third , record 5 f1. and 2 in. Shotput-James of Humboldt first , Benz of Pawnee City second and Burnham of the same city third , record 33 ft . 220 yd. run-Slater of Pawnee City first , Petrashek of Humboldt second and Burnham of Pawnee City third , record 25.4 sec. 880 yd run-Davis of Pawnee City first , Burnham of same city second and Theron Lewis of this third , record 2 min and 18.8. sec Pole vault-Conover of Pawnee City and l\JcMaster of the same place were tied for first , getting 4 each , and Petrashek of Hum- boldt and Ralph Lewis of' this city were tied for third place , re- cord 8 ft and 9 in. Standing high jump-Petrash- ek of Humboldt first , Greenwald and Bickel of Nebraska City were tied for second and third place , record 4 ft and 4 in. Hammer throw-Benz of Paw- nee City first , Ralph Lewis of . , , , .r. this city second and Kilpatrick of the former city third , record 95 ft . and 3/ in. Relay Race-Pawnee City first , . this city second and Nebraska " City third , no record taken ' , 1\- - \ . . . Apportionment of School Funds. Supt. Fowler has just made the largest apportionment of the ' t temporary school funds that has been made since Nebraska has i i ! been a state. In round numbers . the sum is $435,000 or nearly . ' ; - 55,000 more than the previous J record , which was made in 1898 ' I when $430,690 was distributed on the semi-annual . The per capita apportionment is Y $1.1333. Richardson county's share is 57,879.40. To this will be added local fines and licenses. . - Teachers for Falls City Schools. Board of education met Monday evening and elected the following teachers : , High school-FloraFifer , prin- . cipal ; E.L. Tobie , sciences ; Elea- . nora : Miller history and business training ; lVlab1e Bridges , eighth grade ; fifth and sixth grades { passed ; Elfie Foster , third and . . fourth grades. I-Iarlan school-Grace Saylor , first grade ; Grace Miner , kinder- " . garten. Central school-Cora Betts , principal , seventh grade ; Lillian . Dorring-ton , sixth grade ; Josephine - ine Graves , fifth grade ; 1\'lrs. Snyder der fourth grade ; Pearl Prater , thirdlgrade ; : Myrtle Bowers , sec- end ; first grade passed , Minnie McDonald , kindergarten , Grace . Bucher and Maggie Fergus , as- sistan ts. W. MADDOX , . . " , REAL ESTATE AGENCY Lands bought and sold . Hartford Fire Insurance . Houses in city for sale - Money to lo.h Telephone ! , I