' - ' '
' -i
' . ,
: , 1\11's. 1\IcGinnis-"Shurc \ , Bridget , an'
, doe3 yez little baby croy ut noight ? "
. . : : - . . 1\Irs. 1\IcDiunis-"Degorl'u , and it's
mesnf that don't know ; thel' auld
man snores so loud that ther poor lit.
tie ] rid wouldn't have u chance on
earth to be hurrud. "
Mother : GraY'1I Sweet l'owdera for Children.
Successfully used by Mother Gray , nurse
- _ in the Children's Home in New York , cur
, , I'
" , . wy ) ; . Constipation , Feverishness , Bad Stomach ,
. ,
. . \ ,
: ;
\ "
Teething Disorders , move md regulate the
Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000
testimonials At all druggists , 25c. Saml'lc
FREE. AddressA.S.OlmstcdLcRoyN.Y.
If you bet on the bay the winner is
often a horse of another color.
\tr" i'lnelO\vS ! 'Suothlnl : Syrup.
For children teething , softens the Rums , raducee fD.
Uammatlon , allays paIn , cures wind collu. 25c 8 bottle
A New Damon and Pythlas.
From North Wales comes the 1'0'
mantic story of a lifelong devotion ,
begun in early boyhood , between two
men , and only ending ill death at the
' - . . ripe age of SO years Henry Price
and Robert Ellis when boys struck up
a friendship , pledging to stick to each
other until death. When young men
' ' i they emigrated to Australia and lived
and worlced together , come weal ,
come woe , for more than fifty 'ears.
Two years ago they both returned
! to their native village of Rhosl1aner.
' " chrogog , in Wales , having amassed
; , . ' ? considerable wealth. This week
Price and Ellis died within twenty-
' . _ . four hours of each other , both being
over SO years of age.
Mount Booker Washington.
. Mrs. Hill , an artist of Tacoma ,
: , : : ; , , Wash. , has been commissioned bj' one
of the Western railroad trunk : lines
to execute for the Louisiana Purchase
' exposition several canvases llustrc.-
tive of the scenery of Washington
state One of the pictures represents
t a lofty mountain , which for some rea
- son had never receive a name. The
I 1
artist suggested that the mountain be
christened Mount Booker Washington ,
. . , in honor , of the principal of the Tusl\ :
' egee institute. Her suggestion was
, confirmed by the United States gea
_ < , logical survey , and the name , Mount
" : ; ? ' , , , Booker 'Vashington is now in use.
The picture will be exhibited at St.
Louis this summer.
fndlcate Improper Diet , Usually Due
to Coffee.
One of the common symptoms of
coffee poisoning is the bad dreams
, that spoil what should be restful
1 sleep. A man wlfo found the reason
; . ; says :
t "Formerly I was a slave to coffee. I
was like a morphine fiend , could' not
sleep at night , would roll and toss in
, . . my bed and when I did get to sleep
" was disturbed by dreams and hobgob.
r buns , would wale up with headaches
and feel bad all day , so nervous I
could not attend to business. My
I writing looked like bird tracks , I had
I sour belchlngs from the stomach , indigestion .
digestion , heartburn and palpitation
of the heart , constipation , irregularity
of the kidneys , etc.
"Indeed , I began to feel I had all
the troubles that human flesh could
, suffer but when a friend advised me
I ' , to leave off coffee I felt as if he had
. . insulted me. I could nol bear the
idea , it had such a hold on me and I
I refused to believe it the cause.
. . . "But it turned out that no advice was
(4 . . ever given at a more needed time for
! , (
, : , I finally consented to try Postum , and
! . with the going of coffee and the corn-
lug of Poslum all my troubles helve
gone and health has returned. I eat
and sleep well now , nerves steadied
down and I write a fair hand ( as you
I ( can see ) , can attend to business again
I I' ' . and rejoice that I am free from the
I monster Coffee. " Name given by
I Postum Co. , Battle Creel , Mich.
I Ten la3's' trial of Postum in place
of coffee will bring sound , restful , re :
o ; f'\ : freshing : sleep. There's a reason.
\ Look in each pkg for the famous
little book , "Tho Road to " WQilvtll "
rI I r ' _ , _
- - - J
- - - - - .t-.1
Convinced at Lm.t.
Tommy-Smoldn' cigarettes Is dead
sure to hurt yer.
JimmY-G'on ! Where did yer git
dat notion ?
Tommy-From pop.
.1inu11Y-Aw ! he wnz fist stringln' !
'fommy-N'o , he wasn't stringin'
me ; he wuz strappln' me. Dat's how
I knows it hurts.-Catho11c Standard
and Times.
Preparing for the Worst.
li h t
Miss Prim-O , I just know you are
going to tale this dime and get tel"
r'ibl1 intoxicated.
Rummy \ RObinson-Yer , do , mum.
Den yer might hand over a dollar , so
I can tale a Turkish bath an' straight-
an up afterward.-Pittsburg Chroni
cle . ' ' .
Doesn't Like to Guess.
Pretty Daughter-I'd rather marry
the worst man on earth than the best
Horrified mother-Good gracious !
Are you crazy ?
Pretty Daughter-Not necessarily.
You see , I'd know then right from the
start what I was up against and
wouldn't be kept guessing.
High Finance.
"He's a splendid financier , they
say "
"Yes , indeed. Why , he can manipu-
tate the assets of a corporation in
which you are interested so cleverly
that you continue to feel grateful
toward him when you wake up and
find you have lost everything "
Disturbing Peace.
, v
"Did your daughter's musical training .
ing cost you much money ? "
"Sure WhY , the next.door neigh.
bors have sued me for damages. "
Enough Said.
Miflcins-Hello , old man ! What do
you think or that cigar I gave you
last night ?
Bifkins-Don't ask me to thinlt. I'm
trying to forget It.
Danl-OD.kland is a contradictory
kind of a cuss , isn't he ?
Blash- Yes , the other night he
dreamed that he coul l1't go to sleep !
-Plttsburg Dispatch.
; -
i'l I Have Every Reason to Praise PC9ru-na , " '
: . .
I c53. I
w :
y }
t4t4 'i # Lenunolltich
172 StborStCiitc.ot11u.
Mrs. K. Kane , 172 Sober Street ,
Chicago , Ill. , writes :
"Peruna has been used so long In
our family that I do not know how
I could get along without It. have
given It to all of my children at
different times when they suffered
with croup , colds and thc many ailments -
meets that children are subject to ,
and am pleased to say that It has
kept them In splendid h alth. I
have also used It for B catarrhal
difficulty 01 long standing and It
cured mc In II short time ' , so I have
every reason to praise Peruna. " . . -
Mrs. K. Kane.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pc-ru-no Protects the Entire Household -
hold Against Catarrhal
. Diseases.
One of the greatest foes with which
every family has to contend is our
changeable clinmte. To protect the
family from colds and coughs is always
serious problem , and often impos."ible.
Sooner or later it is the inevitable
fate of everyone to catch cold. Care in
avoiding exposure and the use of proper
clothing will protect from the frequency -
quency and perhaps Uleseverity of colds ,
but with the greatest of precautions
they will come. This is a settled fact
of human experience. Everybody must
expect to bo caught somewhere or
Perhaps it will be wet feet , or a. .
draught , or damp clothes , 01' it may be
one of a thousand other little mishaps ,
but to one is shrewd enough to always
avoid the inevitable catching cold.
There is no fact of medical science
better known than that Pertnia cures
oa\.a1'rh wherever located. Thousands
of families in all parts of the United
States are protected from colds and
catarrh h.V Peruna. Once in the family
Peruna a ways stn.ys. Nt } home can
Mrs. . A. Hobson , 225 ; Washington '
St. , Lansing , Mich. , writes : .
"Peruna bad been such a blessing
to I ! my only child , as well liS myself ,
that I feel Induced to give my testl- '
monlal. He has always suffered
from catarrh of the head and threat , . '
and I had to use extra precautions '
so liS not to have him exposed to : i
damp or cold wcather. Last year ;
he w.s.tllken with I. grippe , and as \ '
It was a severe case , caused me I
much anxiety. No medicine helped r I
him till ho took Perun. I noticed .
an improvement ' once and In
three weeks he a different :
. was : r
child ; the grippe bad been comr r ; ' i
pletely cured and I noticed that the /
catarrh was made better. lIe kept : !
taking It two weeks longer , when . \
he was entirely well. 1 now use It . . ;
off and on for colds , cramps , Indl- 1
gestlon general Indisposition , and '
find It superior to any doctors or .
medicine I ever tried. It keeps me , t
liS well as my child , In perfect . :
health , and I gladly I '
to mothers. " ---Mrs. A. Hobson. " ,
spare PerUllrL after the first trial of it.
We have au file many thousand testis 4
menials like the ones given above. W6 , '
can only give our readers a slight i
glimpse of the vast army of unsolicited j
endorsements we are receiving every'j j
month. No other physician in the world' .1
has receivel''Such n volume of enthusi-
astie and grateful letters of thanks aa i
Dr. llartman for Perunu. .
# r # - r
164qxic- I
- - . .
.oAKBRANDj. . tI I
- ; I
' !
i ,
No More Blind Horses For Bpt"clnc Optljlllm 1L.
loansiflludse eudother ,
1ft fo'n ' DJ1ui1ncbB \ otber
Bore eyes , nary Co. , Iowa City I. . . . . Gave U guru cure , . '
UUH S H All All
next Cough 6yrup , Tagtea Good , Use
' in tha bold by druggbts
CURES catarrh of the stomach.