The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 13, 1904, Image 7
0 \ ' THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE \ray 13 , , 1904 _ . - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r"kt , l Educailoncil Department . : . Conducted by County Superintendent Croc1er . . . y. G. A. i\1endcnhall , director ; uf Dist. 73 writes as follows : "Just ' ' - ' - , . a line to let you know that we ; , : . have contracted with Lizzie Morris - " ris for a Second l term at 845 , an ( " , tncrease of 85.00 per month. " " Dist. 58-Alvirda Allen , teach- er-School closed May ( , . Our last day was spent in a social 1 . way in 'games , pleasant } conver- sation and a treat for the chil- . dren. Our eighth grade gradu- ates this year are Hattie RcIf , Fnuna Kelly and \ollic.Stewart. [ Dist 55-Elizabeth A. Hossack tcacher-Our school closed on Tuesday , : May 3rd , at which time we enjoyed a basket dinner. In the afternoon we played games and had a good time in gcncral. , At eight o'clock p.m.the children I rendered a splendid program to a . . . large audicnce. The school year 4- seemed only too short. Pearl Cunningham closed a successful term of school in Dist. blast Friday. In the evening . the pupils gave a program and a basket supper. 'fhe program is considered thc Lest ever given in the district. The basket supper J 1 - netted 823 which will be used to purchase library books. ; . . Dist. 94-Cathcrine 1'lcMahan ' , . . . . teacher-School closed Friday , . I May ( , . 'l'hc pupils enjoyed a' J lawn social at the home of their teacher in the afternoon. One 4 pupil has taken the examination , for common school diploma I York win soon begin on the new . school building so that it may be " , in readiness for the opening of , ' < school next September. . - -4 four-horse load of school peo'ple from Districts 5 and 6 , between - tween Stella and Shubert , attended - ed the Field Day Saturday. They , met with strenous experiences on " the way home. Besides being caught in a heavy rain a broken : wheel compellcd them to borrow a wagon and continue the home- . . ward journey on a hay rack. . 'rhcy reached home at . 4 a. m. the next da \ ' . , Dist. S0. Nellie Dunn teacher , school closed Friday , May ( ) . 'l'he i pupils gave a short program in . the afternoon , and nearly all the patrons were presen t. , Vega an exhibit of the school work J clone during the last two months. t . . Our attendance for the term was , . ' " r : I" 22 and only three tardy marl\s. : . , Miss Dunn will attend the summer - user session of the State Normal. Our institute will be held . Aug' 15 to 20 inclusive. . . . , . - - - - - - Dist. 55- Pearl Snethen , teach er-Ou school closed April 27th . Ve had an old fashioned basket - . . . , . limier and all the school boar l and most of thc patrons were present. After dinner we g.lve a program and made an exhibit of each pupils work during the year. At our basket social that we gave last fall we took in 823.87. with the proceeds we purchased window - ow shades , stage curtains , waste basket , water can , some ' black board , a box of talc heat protec- tors and a few books. During the year for part oJ our morning exercises we studied seven of our most pronlinentAmerican authors and their principal works , three of the great artists and thei l' principal paintings and one musi- cian. ' 1 \ lie members of the 7th grade drew maps of Richardson county , which with a little other work we will take : to the exhibit at the teachers iltstitutc . - - - Special Examination for the Summer. Friday and Saturday , : May 20 and 21 in Central : school building , Falls City ; lay 23 and 24 in the high school room , Humbc1 ; June 17 and 18 and July 15 and 16 in Central school building , Falls City. Program of Examinations. 'rhe presentation of and the time limit for writing 011 the var- ious subject will be as follows : First day-morning. Arithmetic - 8:00 : to 11:30 : Grammar , - 10:00 : to 12:00 : Afternoon. Reading , - 1:00 : to 2:00 : Geography , - 2:00 : to 3:30 : History , - 3:00 : to 4:30 : Civics , - 4:00 : to 5:30 : Second clay-morning. 1 i Composition - 8:00 : to 9:30 < : Elements of Agricul. , 9:00 : to 10:30 : Orthography , - 10:00 : to 11:30 : Theory , - 11:00 : to 12:00 : Afternoon. Drawing , - 1:00 : to 2:30 : Physiology , - 2:00 : to 3:30 : Bookkeeping : , - 3:00 : to 5:30 : , y ri ting , - 4:00 : to 5:00 : Time for first grade branches will ] be given on examination days. Verdon School Notes. The , botany class are having some trouble to get their herba- rium completed owing to the late spring and the early closing of school. ? I. A. breach gave a dollar prize of 50 , 30 and 20 cents respective- ly to the first three pupils of the eighth grade who would solve the following problem correctly : "Find the number of cords of wool in a cylindrical pile 7 ft 3 in high and 12 ft in diameter. " i\abel Auxier won first prize , Howard Conoversecon 1 and Mary Hanley third. 75 per cent of the ei class got the correct answer and i . i . . - - - - . - - - - Gasoline and Coal Oil STOVES . ' . SAFE . _ . . . . . " . ' . . R'ELIABLE' ; \ ' . : . < , . ECONOMICAL . . , . CALL AND SEE THEM NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS Alex F. Meyer . AT UHLIGJS _ _ _ STAND. _ n a hundred percent used the cor- rect answer and a l1undred per ' cent used the correct method. ' - - - Second Annual Field Day Meet Owing to the recent rains the Salem fair grounds could not be us d , and at the last moment it was decided to hold the meet at Falls City. on the high school grounds. The weather was fine. . . . . Delegations from nearly" every high school in the county were prcs n t. 'l'he'leet was a grand success ; the enthusiasm was great. Such collateral activities create high school patriotism and raise and st'rengthen the quality of the high school work. In the basket ball game , Falls City vs ; Dawson the score was 16 to 3 in favor of the former. , In the regular Field Day sports Geo. Petrashek of I-Il11nboldt won first honors as individual athlete , having made 30 points. Taylor of Shubert ranked second , with 20 poin ts. lIU1n bold t high school took lirst t honors with 41 points ; Shubert second with 31 points. The trophy ( the cup as it were ) of the association was carried home by the Humboldt schopl. 100 yard dash. 'l' lylor of Shub- ert first ; Patrashek of IIumboldt second ; Morris of Humboldt third ; record 12 seconds. 440 yd run , 'l'heron Lewis of Falls City ; Stalder of Humboldt ; Lundy of Shubert ; record 62 second. Running broad jump , Taylor of Shubert first ; Grecnwald of Falls City second ; Lundy of S111.1- bert third ; record P ft 116. in. Mile ' run , M. Boose first ; Higgins - gins of Shubert second ; I"ibbe of Dawson third , record 5 min 42 second. Running high jump , Petrashek of Humboldt first ; Greenwald of Falls City second ; 'l ayer of Sm- } : bert third ; record 5 ft.3 in. . Shot put , James of HU1nbold , first ; Patrashek of Humboldt sec- end ; Lundy of Shubert third ; record 34 ft 7 in. 220 yd run , Petrashek of II um- boldt first ; Taylor of Shubert second1orris ; of Humboldt third record 25 seconds. 880 yd run , Yates of Dawson first ; Boose of Falls City second , Lundy of Shubert third ; record 2 min 26 sec. Pole vault , Ralph Lewis of Falls City and Petrashek of Hum- boldt were tied , 4 each ; Crawford of Humbollt was third , record 8 ft. 9 in. Standing high jump , Pctrashek of I-Iumboldt first ; Taylor of Slm- bert second and Greenwald of Falls City third , record 4 ft. 3 in. Hammer throw , Petrashek of Humboldt first ; Taylor of Shubert second , and Lundy of Shubert third , record 102 ft and 5 in . Relay race , Dawson first , Shu- bert second , record 4 minutes and . 50 seconds. Whooping Coulfh. In the spring of 1901111y children - ren had whooping cough , " says \1rs. ' D. \V. Capps of Capps , Ala. "I used Chamberlains Cough Remedy with the most satisfactory - ory results. I think this i c tw ] test renwdy I have ever used for whooping cough. " This remedy keeps the cough loose , lessens the severity and frequency of the coughing spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneuulotlia For ; sale by A. G. \Vanner. W. H. MADDOX REAL ESTATE AGENCY . - - - Land bought and sold Hartford Fire Insurance Houses in city for sale Money to loon Telephone 178