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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1904)
ivIIY 13 , 194 , THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE - - fi : * B- . _ 9' B . . ' I REMNANTS , : " d : I . . ' " , " , \ t ! ' ' ; \ Jt . g t Next week we will place on sale all the short lengths of all l sorts at great . "v " \ . reductions. , . g : Remnants of Dress Goods , Voiles , Aeolians , Batistes , Albatross , Cash ' \ . , mere , Broadcloth , &c. Many of these are Waist or Coat lengths. \ \ , t4 : . Remnants of Calico , Ginghams , Chambrey , Percale , Cotton Flannels , Z Outings. . J Remnants of Silks , Satins , &c. . ; , , : J Remnants of Silesia , Cambric , Spun Glass ! Satines , Canvas , &c. . tit. Remnants of Carpets , Mattll1gs. . 7 r Remnants of Curtains , all single and single pairs of Lace ' : Curtains. ! 'II . ' , IQ : . . ; ' On all these Remnants we shall make a reduction ranging from 25 to : Jt I , , 50 per cent. We propose to close out all the odds and ends. I , , : . . t . ' ' ' " , - - - $ 1 . ' : , /t/ 1 + vaLyFoRD F ' 1 . . . . . c : ' . - _ , - _ . - - - - - - - . - , - - - - - - . . . - - - - LOCAL AND PERSONAL. " Earl North went to Omaha 1'ucsday. Stanley Crook of Salem was in town Friday. " Harry Simon camc up from Rule Saturday. , David Stcaduuu of Stella was in , town I\10nday. Miss Ethel Hutchins visited in Shubcrt over Sunday. Jack Wdsll of Humboldt was in town cdncsday. . V { . I\1. Shubert of Shubcrt was in thc city 'l'ucsday. \Vi11ard Shubcrt of Shubcrt was in this city 'l'ucsday. R. S ; Coupe or Ruth was in thc city on business 1'ucsday. Albert l\'loycr of IIumboldt was a Falls City visitor Tucsday. Supervisor Glasscr was in town on official business 'l'ucsday. Will Story of Preston attended 1 thc ball game here Sunday. Miss Grace Bennett of Verdon visited in this city last Friday. I\lr. and \Irs. G. A. Alcxandcr of Dawson were in thc city Tues day. Chas. 1' Boycc of Salem toad a business trip to this city 'f ues - day. . , Frank4 ' ithcc of Stella was in the city on business thc first of thc wcck. . - - - - - , - - - - - - - - I\1rs. Jp.nnicS. Dorland and son of IIumboldt was in town Wcd- ncsday. \V. S. Lcyda and Ed Glincs went to Lincoln Tuesday afternoon - noon , C. II. Hcincman went to Vcr- don on business Tuesday aftcr- I10011. Joseph Wcdncr came down from I-Iumboldt on business thc latter part of thc wcck. Charles Stoltz and Tom Ryan minglcd with thc crowd at thc county scat Saturday. John Wood of Stella was looking - ing after business interests in this city thc last of thc weck. Peter Bolz , Ed. Dowty and J. D. Harris were up from Preston on business ucsday. Emery Clark went to Sabetha Monday to attend to business mattcrs and visit relatives. 1\1rs. Alice Rowe of Omaha is in the city visiting her parents , Gco. Abbott and wifc. 1. E. Smith of Humboldt was attending to legal business in thc district court this weck. 4 The recent heavy rains washed out many of thc bridges and cul- vcrts in west end of thc coun ty. Prof. R. H. Unsell , wife and son of Preston , attended the Field Day meet in this city Saturday. Chas. Kelsey of Hamlin , Kan. , - - - - . , - - - - - - - - - - . was attending tu sonic business matters in this city last Saturday. Siman ton & Pence have filled the beds in the court yard with fine plants embracing a wide var- icty. 'I1's. . 1. \V. Inner and daughter ' " Kate and 1\1rs. J. M. "Whcelcr of Shubcrt were shopping in this city Tucsday. 'rhe board of education will meet next Monday nigh to elect teachers for the ensuing ycar. A number of IIu111boldt people arc in thc city this week attending - ing court either as jurors , liti- gants or spcctators. House keeper wanted at OI CC- Will pay small wages until I see what is in thc futurc-S. D. Hop- per , IIu111bol , Ncb. The annual conUl1cmcnt exercises - ciscs of thc Falls City high school will bc held at the Gelling thea- trc on the evening of : May 26. I\Imcs. Shcrman Bycrly , Eb. Goolsby and Margaret Saylor of Vcrdon were shopping in this city ycstcrday. The electric fan circuit is being put in shape for the scason's bus- incss. Dlore fans will probably be used this summer than ever bcfore. Sheriff Hossack rcccivcd a letter - tcr from J. C. 'looso of Atlanta , Kansas , a former resident of this place. Hc has sold his livery - - : -h : : : : bar ati(1 has "Cc1 I' ' ( ' purchased a big cat- . . ' tIc ranch in that section. Hc says that his father , Josiah Moose lives with him and is now in his ' 91)th year and is well and hcarty. . ' , . . Yesterday was Ascension Thursday and thc Knights Templar - lar observed the occasion by attending - tending St. Thomas church in - thc ' evening , and listening to an' < . appropriate sermon dclh"crcd by . . Rev. Henry B. Smith. 1\1rs. John Carncy of Western , ' Ncb. , arrived in the city 'Vcdncs- . -oIIi day for an extended visit with old fricnds. She was formerly a - . , resident hcrc. \ The recent changes in the time cards of both railroads have , greatly improved thc local scr- ' : , vice. Very few towns in thc . , . : state have better train service . 11' _ : than Falls City. ' iI 'Vc had thc pleasure of hearing - ' . : ingRey. . Alexander of Burchard preach last Sunday at thc Bap- 1 tist church. . Re\ Alexander is . one of thc finest preachers we ever heard and we hope lie will , come again soon. , J . . A Tribune reporter entered the , _ , lobby of thc National hotel 1\1011- day and found Landlord Andrew weeping and wailing and gnash- ing his tecth. The cause of his ' , trouble was thc fact that hc did ' , J ; ' , " not have fifty more rooms to turn ; over to thc people who were dc- : { mantling accol110da , tions. j ji i