. ( , i , , I . i \ 'av t , I 20' ! . _ . THE FALL CITY TRIBUNE . ' _ _ - " - . _ _ _ _ I LOCAL AND PERSON L. \V. . G. ummcl of Dawson was ; , I in the city Satunl 1) ' . 1 1 r ' L D. Cornell was down from s , " Verdott over Sunday. Hiss ' Zola Jones is visiting this 1 . wcek in Ivlacon , ll'lo J. g. lcttx is i building H ; large . ' - adnition ( to his livery barn. l ' rliss lVIina Anderson left Sat- urday for a visit in Plattsulout1i Dr H. P. Roberts of Omaha . . , ' 11m ( S opcncd Genital parlors in this . . city. ) ( : Mr and t..rrs. A. J. Bucrstctta " of Humboldt spent Sunday in this city , . 'rhc interior of Schocnheit's " ; i- : TJ inc ; newly painted and pa- perecL Frank Sncthcn of Ilu111boldt , transacted business in this city 11'lollla ' . Ivlonday. " Dr lVIcConncl left Sunday for . a visit with his people in Pcnn- syh'a11ia. I Dr. R. P. Robertsdentist " over Kings Pharmacy in Falls City , Neb. . Vi1liam C.Jlc is looking after hiii property ? intcrcft in thc wcst- : crn part of Kansas i I ' " Charles Barker and family left I t.hc.last of thc week for their fut- I . , ) arc home in western Kansas . . ' ! George Dictsch , II C. Davis , 11 ! , Clyd Davis and Peter Frcdrick i : I ' wcnt.to thc ltssol1n bakes on a r + 1 - . fishing trip Saturday. If } ' . Fred Hall of Galesburg , Ill , arrived in the city thc last of thc week for a visit with his brother , I George Hall Hc left : Monday for a visit at the home place near . crdon. 'l'hc ladies of the auxiliary to Steele cemetery association had charge of the opening thc soda fountain at the King pharmacy . Sattll aY. The day's business " , well rcwardcd thc ladics. , III The Frills . Ci ty' bal team cross a cd bats with a tcam from St. Joseph - cph Sunday and thc home boys . { , won thc game by a score of 6 to I 4. It was an cxcitLlg game and . . , ( l' good exliibition of cientific ball playing- ' , . , 'I : The St. Louis special on thc : Missouri Pacific is carrying a i ' ' 3 . " greater number of people every I day and it will soon bc crowded . . on every trip. It is doubtful if i f ' . . the train will be taken off aftcr thc exposition , . - A very fine Chickcringpianc arrived at thc Burlington dcp01 ) thc other day , thc instrument bc - ing' , consigned to Quimby BcavcI . S who lives southeast of town , - . O\vin'g to the condition of the bottom roads it will he sonic time before the pianocall bc hauled ! tits o . . , " : .S . ' S its clcstilia tion. . S . 4i A . 1 ! ails city man entertained a friend from a neighboring town and last Sunday took him for a walk over thc city' The strang- ers ! delight continued to grow until they struck the sidcvalk , on South 1\'lo1'1on strect. 'l"hcn thc stranger turned lo his host and askec1 how soon he could gct a train out of town and liO one could blame him , ci thcr. The Tribune takes great pleasure - urc in recommending its advertisers - tisers to strangers who arc look- ing' for a place to trade The Tribune will acccpt advertising from e no man whose standing thc com111unity is 110t guarantced. 11011. E. A. 'l'uckcr , republican cai1clic1de for state senators has been in , thc city this week attcnc1- ( ing district court. Judge 'l uck- cr's canc1idacy. is proving more popular every clay and his eleG- lion is conceded by practically vcrybody. ' " \Vc visited a neighboring town Tuesday and the first person , , wc met asked us when the fraternal picnic will bc held. The people of thc county' have come to look forward to this picnic as one of thc big events of thc year . Jack O'Kcefc , Judge Babcock's reporter , is probably the most skilled man C at this work in thc statc. The manner in which hc executes sixteenth chromatic runs on thc typewriter is certainly a caution Sixteen members of Elizabeth Rcbckah lodge went to Hiawatha Monday to visit thc lodge at that place and to exemplify thc floor work. The party was chaperoned by AI. Burchard laude Graham left yesterday for St. Louis where she will visit at the home of her brother , Cecil , and attend the cxpositi'on. , Mollie \'Ioran ' , whose dangerous - ous illness wasreported last week is better and hopes arc entertained - cd for her rccoycry. There is consolation in thc fact that unless thc unexpected hap- pens , thc next circus will have an clephan Sydney Lapp is working for 1\ ' . E. TIaner this week , Grace Hallcr being confined to her home by illness We arc still making special low prices on lard ' and cured meats of al1ldnds.-Coupc & Thorn ton. . It is a uecaless expenditure of , money to pay more than a dollar a year for a county paper , Try Berry's Chick Food for lit- : tIc chicks - just thc , stuff - at . Hcck's Feed Storc. , Stella Johnson of Vcrdon spent Sunday visiting relatives in this city. The court docket is thc lawyers , best testimonial . . . , NO' - Eat Sowlc s Candy ) . : , - : ' . . : . ' -H7 > LT'S p ' . L . . ' Shoe Store Falls City , Neb. , ' ( SHOP Men , ' - - "y Wonlen and ' , for Children I would be pleased to have you call ' . , , to see our Shoe Styles ' , Would also like add your name : to our list of custo111ers. Childrcn's Shoes a Spccialty. warm Lined Shoes for Old Folies. ; . . ' Rubbers and Overshoes of aU Kinds. . 5' , . " ' Want to Phone ? Call 23. r. .AJ .1 . . . , . , . , Circus Da.y. Friday was circus day , Campbell - bell Bros , shows exhibiting herc. tl"hcrc was a good crowd in town and they stood as such crowds al- Wll'S do lined up along the street waiting for the great , grand , glit- tcring , glorious , gorgeous gaudy , gigantic , CtC'1 paradc , which was several hours late in putting in an appcarancc. The parade did not amount to much but the show itsc1f\vas very good and at both performances thc tent was well fllled. . 'l"hc ice cold lemonade man and thc red hot peanut man both did a good business , the children saw thc balloons and cried for them and got them and thc usual number of concert tick- cts were sold. The elephant had died a fiery death at Pawnee City some days before , and he was . sadly missed , for circus day with- out an elephant , always leaves something to be dC'sirec1 A Highway . Robber. John Shulcnberg , ayoung man who works for Joe Coupe north- cast of town , was held up and robbed near the corner of Lane and Second streets Friday evcn- ing. Shulenbcrg had attended the circus and was on . his way homc. A stranger followed him from thc court house and when near thc above mcntioncd corner overtook him. As he passed he wheeled suddenly and poin ting a revolver at Shulenbcrg , ordered - ed him to throw up his hands. The order was promptly complied with and the robber went through his pockets and took a purse containing - taining about S3.75 but in his hurry overlooked a gold watch. The robber then ordered his vic- tim to proceed on his way a course of action which suited him exactly - ly , and thc robber himself disap- pcarcd on thc run. No trace of hill has been found and it is not known whether the highwayman was a follower of the circus or . " . . whether thc job was done by local talent Richardson County Stockmen. Kansas City , May ll-Special to Thc Tribune. . Chester Powers of Humboldt , Neb. , who with his brothers have been feeding a string of 12,000 head of lambs and sheep this winter , was among the late . arri- ' vials at the yards yesterday with - a shipment consisting of a car- load of shorn lambs and a carload of mixed shcep "Shcep have passed through the winter in fine shape , " remarked 1\11' ' Powers , "and feeding was not attended ' . by any bad results , as wc had no stormy wcathcr. But most of thc fed 'sheep have been shipped out , and the few that were back will bc marketed within a few wecks. " . The Hon. John ichty of 11"a11s City , Ncb. , one of Richardson county's foremost feeders and representative - _ rcsc'ntah\'c of that county iii thc state legislature , had on today's . . . market two loads of good handy- a ( J weight steers , averaging 1,31.0. I lbs ! , which brought S4.S0 , thc top of thc market. 1m : : Guy Harris , a prominent young stockman of Stella , Ncb. , had a " bunch of butcher stuff on today's market , Mr. Harris is mciated with his father and together they . have several hundred head of cat- tlc , including 100 head of steers on fecd. Tile steers they expect to market shortly. 1\11' Harris says thc outlook for wheat in . . . . . . ; Richardson county is not flatte.r- " ' \ , ing. Thc fly has damaged thc crop cqnsideraby. ] Thc acreage of corn this year hc says will bc . large Do not forget Coupe , & Thorn- . ton whcn you -want . good 1' meat " . S , . S ' chcap. ' 6' . , - .