The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 13, 1904, Image 18
, : \ 1ayt . i3 t , qo.1 [ - TiI1 ; FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - . . . - " - - ; ; . " . Correspondence .I" News of the County as Told by Our Special Correspondents - . ARTW1MiY . . . . - . . . . . . - . - - - t. I-Iumboldh. 1 : J. P. Bro\\'n and wife are viH t- lj ing" in Junction City , \Io. ! I Ly'manVh itcomb was a F'allH 1 City visitor luring thc wcck. A John Holman leaves this week 1'01' a visit ' to his old home in Eng- latt(1. t ur. \Vilson atICl ; wife spent scv- eral days last week with Lincoln rclativcs. Orin ShraugCl' has returned , , from an cxtcnded visit in Pcnn- s \ ' h ; ani a. L " i1lrs. lD.Vhitncy has bccn , , Unite sick for a week or two with lung trouble _ & \rs. Rollcy went to Falls City Saturday to spend a week with hei ' ( laughter. 1 [ rs.Iarblc entertained her sister , Lena \\Toodlcy of 'l'cctt1n- ; sch , over Sunday. \Y. \Villiams was down from \Vymorc Sunday to spcnd thc day with fricnds. H.uby.Ghumm of Julian is thc guest of. her sister , vln' . Riley . Cooper east of town. . . . . . John Abbey of Concordia . , Kan- sas , was recently a guest of Jas. K. Liggctt and wife. \1rs ; L. R. Smith entertained her sister , I\'Irs. Porter of Cort- land l , Kansas , over Sunday. C. .F. Frank and Nth , Burrow were callcd1to Bal'nston last week hy the death of a rclat \'e. . rIl's. Jason Phillips of Tecumseh - seh was a guest of IIumboldt friends a few days this wcck. Edwin aBorc l has returned from a business trip to Dakota and will make his home here in the future. I\'lrs. ' Ambrose Buerslctta has been visiting relatives and friends in Auburn and 'l'ccumseh thc past wcck. \'Iarshal 1'odd still holds his position , thc new mayor failing to make an appointment of a suc- ccssor at the meeting last wcck. Re\ \Vilson will preach the 1) ICCala , tl'eate sermon to the scn- - iors at the Presbyterian , church nest Sunda ) ' morning. 1'.1rs. Daniel l Keedwell , formerly - lY of this place , visited relatives in this section over Sunday. Her home is inV i1low Spring's. : Mo. , 1\lrs. Litchfield dcparted ( Satur- ' < hi ) ' . for her home in Kansas . City , having spent several weeks with her son , pro Litchfield and wifc. A new building is i being erected - ed < l 011 the south side by J. C. \Viltsc which will bc .lcased to the " , . . . ' Beatrice Creamery Company for . an up-town offi . c. , . . . \ , "t. " , . . . - " . ' ' . ' . . . ' . . , . , . iI . " ' ' ; \ ' . ' ' " , ' " , ' . . . . . " / < 1 ' - . Grandma ; Dalbey dicd suddcnly at her homc in the north part of thc city Monday evening at the ; \'alced age of f)1 ycars. 'rhc dcceascd was a native of Pcnnsyl- , vania and has lived in this county over 40 ycars. She leaves two sons , Charles and Harry Dalbey , and one laughter , l\lrs. P. O. Avery , all of whom reside here : She has enjoyed remarkably good health for one so advanced in years , and performcd her accus- tomcd household duties with regularity - ularity up t.o the time of her dca the She was seated on the porch in the evening when seized with an attack of coughing which evidently resulted in thc bursting of blood vessel her death a \ , ensuing - ing' within fifteen minutcs. A numher of young ladies of the city _ have organized a club for study and social amuscmcllts with tie following officers : Ena Cooper president , Zee Nims vice president , Puny Idle secretary and treasurer and Clara Garvcr assistant secretary and trcasurcr. henry Vance , who came here rccent1\ from \ . \ ' b ' to assist in caring for his father , has de- cidcd to remain in this section , and last 'weck purchased a black- smith shop in Dawson and will reside in that Placc. A shooting gallery ] ] is the new attraction for thc sports of IItttl1- bol(1t. Reid & Shaffer have opened - ed a business on the south side and procured a license for a year. The supreme court has just rcndcrcd .dccision in the case of the Coleman heirs , who objected to the executors of thc estate pay- ing a note held by thc state bank of this city out of thc procccds of an insurance policy. Mrs. : Albert Cottrell , who has been in thc city caring for her daughter , 1\1rs. Fred Fisher , during - ing the laUcr's illness , left this week for her home in \Vhiting , Kansas. Lute Skalak , who \vas chosen city clerk at the last election , failed to appear and qualify at thc last meeting of thc council , and the place is therefore held by Clerk Edwards by dcfault. Miss Harmon , teacher of the fourth grade in our schools , was ' called to Nebraska City Saturday to attend the funeral of her sister who lied very suddenly that ' day in Omaha. The council has finally granted a franchise to thc stew telephone company , and it is claimed the line will ' be . put up at an early date , but the work has not com- menccd yct. \1rs. E. S. Coop has received word of thc death of her mother , which occurred at DuBois last , wcck. Burton Nebcter ; and wife arc thc parents , of a baby bo ) ' , . , ' . " , ' . ' . . , " , ' . ' . , ' . . . " . . . . . ' . . " . ' . . . . . . , . - - - - - - - - - - Reavis ' ' Abbey L : . . . . . , . " . , - r Quiet Flirtation : j t1tt . OBJECT innocent Amusement : = = RESULT = = Sometimes matrimony I then comes furniture and this is where we get interested. . - - . . . . . . . . . . . - - - ' " I "It is the way I of the \vise" to buy the best goods for I . the least moneY : We have the t ! only cOlnplete line of furniture and floor coverings to ever carried in the I county. x Straw matting 12 to 60c ; .all wool Ingrain carpet 50 - - - - 01 ; : ; I Reavis&Abbey I 'l\W t't , . ; " , . . . ' . . . . . . . . . Wi- ; J I Da\-vson. 1\1. J. Clancy was over from Stella'Puesdav. DVpt.l , agner returned to Paw- nee City Saturday. \ Angela 'l'ichen visited her sis- ter at Falls City , Sunday. Mary Nesladek spent Sunday at her home in Falls City. - \Vm. Schaefer of Humboldt was a Dawson visitor nday. 1rsVill Pcnton and little daughter , arc visiting in Omaha. John Spa lding and wife mo\- eel from the farm to town this wcck. Chester Beldcn came down from Lincoln and spent Sunday with his 'parct1 ts. Frank Bush is here from Cali- fornia on a visit to John Rutz and family. . 1\-1rs. Tim Fcn ton \Vymorc is visiting at home of H. S. Beldcn and family. It Bess Graham spent several days during thc week with her sister , rIr.s. Charles Cooper at Salem. George Schlosscr and wife left , Friday for Omaha where , they . . . , : . " - ' - . . . , I I to 75 cts sewed ; Linoleum , 6 , 7.1z ; and 12 feet wide 50 to 65 cts , laid. Some of our designs = will certain signs = - , . ( . , ly interest you and the quality and prices are right. I , . . . ' a . . , , ' " "ifi .t : J F' ' ' I . . . . . . . ' " " - - - - - - - - .rr ; win reside if Gorge finds work to this liking. Dr. Hewitt \Vagg'cner , who graduated from Crcighton edi- cal college in Omaha , came home Saturday evening and will prac- tice with his father for thc prcs- cnt. l. - Little Dannie Graham had two of his fingers mashed by' getting them in thc way of an ax used by I\Ir. Foster , one day this wcek. The little fellow had ( a narrow 1 escape from losing his fingers. , I Maine and Bea Riley left last 1 a Thursday for their home in \Vy- , more , having completed their school work hcrc. 'l'hey' were ' accompanied by their sister Nel- lie who had been visiting hcrc. 1 George P. Adams , who has been blacksmithing here for several - . eral years , this week sold his , - shop to Henry Vance of 11u111- bold Alr. . . . ; Jf' t. r. Adams has acccpted ; , _ _ a position as traveling representative - , tativc of thc 1'.1.V. . A. lodge and will assume his ne\ duties at" oncc. Dawson win continue to be his home for thc prcsent. Mr. Vancc will move his family here as soon as he can fin(1 ' suitable quarters and will become a per- mancnt citizen of Dawson. , . - - . . . J