The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 13, 1904, Image 1

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    1J 1I
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" . ! . ' . : PAGES 24 t ctIii ! (1t4t t. nut. , PAGES 24 I , \ " " ' . .
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y ' * ' -
. . , . '
. . " A Small Fire.
A blaze in the office of thc
' Falls City Compound Co. , upstairs
over Cleveland Bros. ' store , came
near resulting in a dIsastrous
conflagration yesterday morning
' : Bart Messier who was at work
. - in the laboratory , accidcntly
- dropped a lighted match HI a ves-
_ sel containing a quantity of gaso-
lenc , and ill his excitement upset
, the vessel and allowed the burning -
. ' ing liquid t.o run over the floor.
Time whole interior of the room
was in a blaze almost instantly
and the hall-ways on the second
. floor of the building were filled
with smokc. The prompt arrival
- of M. Sweency , manager of the
6 company , averted a serious conflagration -
' } - - flag ration , for he succceded in
f' throwing the blazing can out of
the window and extinguishing
the flames mother can contain-
ing b"o gallons of gasoline was
in the roam , but did not ignite.
- The location and nature of the
fire caused considerable excite-
ment among the occupants of the
building. The actual damage
done was comparatively slight
- -
' ,
; * - - ' Mrs. Dora Miller.
1\1rs. Dora : Miller died at her
home in Kansas City last Satur-
day , at the age of 25 years. The
deceased was a native of Scot-
land , but while she was yet an
infant her parents came to this
country and located in this city.
When Dora was only two years
' . old her mother died , after which
she was taken into the home of
W S. Korner , where she was
tenderly cared for and became
known to our people as Dottie
Korner. She was , married six .
J . _
_ II ,
/ - .
, years ag-o.
_ _ The remains were brought to
this city on Tuesday and interred
. in. Steele cemetery beside those
ot her mothcr.
- - -
; . Wolf Scalps
. , .
. County Clerk Tanner paid
I bounties on wolf scalps this week
. . .
, ' as follow : S. Timmerman . , 5
I young wolves ; Archie Bacon , 9
- ; young wolves ; Joshua Burnie , 4
- young wol \'cs.
City Council
The city council met in special
session on i\Ionday evening and
. t : finished some business left over '
. ) - :
from the regular session. The
bonds of thc dcctrician- the
engineer were approvcd.
. Married
: " . . Our old time friend and fellow
' : citizen , 'Villiam Phebus , taking
advantage of one of the few
spring like days we have eXlcri- ?
cnccd this season , took his lady
love , Miss : Sarah StC'phens , out to
the residence of Judge Cleaver ,
on Wednesday evening , the 11th
inst. , when they were by thc
Judge united in the holy bonds 9f
matrimony in thc approved and
agreeable manner customary with
the Judge.
After congratulations had been
extenaed they all enjoyed a sur-
prise in the way of refreshments
prepared by lrs. CI aver.
After spending a pleasant eve-
ning at the Judgc's , Iv1r. Phebus
took his new made bride to their
new home on IVlorton street ,
where everything had been pre-
pared in advance for their rccep-
May they live long and prosper
is the hearty wish of the Tribune
Laura Gianini and Albert Speer
were married at the home of the
bride's parents , 1'11' . and 1\Irs. M.
Gianini Wednesday evening.
Rev. Alexander performed the
ceremony in the presence of a few
friends and relatives of the bride
and groom. .
The bride is a very excellent
young lady , commanding the
highest respect and esteem of a
wide circle of friends who have
known l1er since childlwod. The
groom is in the employ of J. S.
Johnston & SOilS , and during a
comparatively short residence in
this city has impressed all as a
worthy young man and fully en-
titled to the confidence and the
best regards of thc commt111ity.
: Mr. and l\1rs. Speer will be at
home to their friends in the
Weaver cottage Morton street
aftcr June . ' ( . 1st.
John Hinton Na.tura.lized.
John Hinton , chairman of the
county board of supervisors appeared
peared before the district court
this week , renounced all allegiance -
giance to Edward VII , King of
. " England and 'having subscribed
to , the necessary dcclarations
declared by the court to be a citi-
zen pf the United States of Amcr-
ica. 1\11' I-Iinton was born in
England and came with his par-
cnts to this country when hc was
two years old. His father took
out papers and became a citizen
of this country which of course
made his minor son also a citizen. ' "
But thc fathers papers have be-
come lost and in order to estab-
lish his citizenship beyond any
doubt , .1\11' 1-Iinton took out pa-
pers for himself. The court also
granted naturalization papers to
Hugh E. hillips. Charles 'Ventz
and Henry Bickel.
. . . - . . . '
Alice Banks of Preston spent
this week with Pearl Prater.
J. C. Shulcnbcrg and wife of
Barada were in the city Wedncs-
day. '
Walter Boyle came down from
Omaha Vv ednesday to visit Falls
City friends.
l\1is : 1\Hnnie Jussen returned
this week from an cxtended visit
in Kansas City.
George Hall and Simon Davies
went to Verdon to attend commencement -
mencement exercises.
The telephone company has a
force of men at work putting the
line in better shape.
Next Sunday is Octave of Ascension -
cension day at the St. Thomas
Episcopal church. All services
as usual , and strangers are wel-
'rhere will be a German service
next Sunday at the church of the
Brethren at 2:30 : p. iii . Rev. A.
Kohler will prcach. AU Germans
are invited to attcnd.
To any boy or girl who brings
two paid up subscribers to The
'rribune , wc will give a free ticket
to the big Wallace circus. Why
carry water for the elephant or
crawl under the canvas ?
The ladies' guild of the Episcopal -
pal church met Tuesday with
1\'lrs. ' J. R. Wilhite. A basket
dinner was a feature of thc meet-
ing which resolved itself into an
old fashioned picnic.
IvIrs. D. W. Sowles called up
this office vVednesday and invited
the force to the ice cream ' parlor
where all were served with ice
cream and berries vVe have
seat he < 1'the dictionary from one
cover to the other , but have been
unable to find words sufficiently
strong to express our apprecia-
Dr. Hannah Fleming's black
dog performed a daring feat yes-
terday morning. 'fhe dog had
been left in the doctor's office and
tiring ot the confinement , leaped
through a screen on a second
story window and landed on a11-
fours on the concrete walk in
front of thc post office , much to
thc astonishment of a number of
men who were standing there.
The dog seemed none the worse
for his high divc.
Marriage Record.
Time following marriage licenses
have been issued :
Albert E. Speer , Falls , . . . . . . . _ _
Laura Gianiui , Falls CitY , _ _ _ . . . . . . .22
Wm. tl' S. Phebus , Falls City , _ _ _ _ _ .42
Susan L. Stephens , Falls City------29
May Move Depot ,
Division Superintendent Rus- "
sel of the Missouri Pacific Rus"f
companicd by the chief engineer , .
was in town Monday invcstigat-
ing thc changes that will bc necessary -
cssary in order to move the l1CCt
nearer thc business part of the'I ;
city. It is proposed to move the t
station to a point about two
blocks west of the Commercia ]
hotcl. Superintendent . Russell .
expressed himself as , being much
in favor of the change , and the
chief engineer says thc plan is
entirely fcasiblc.
. State Delegation '
Fred W. Miller has named thc
following persons as delegates to
the state convention to bc held at ° t
Lincoln , May 18 as follows ; C.
F. Reavis , chairman , J. L. Cleaver -
er , W. J. Wells , Louis Plegc ,
Geo. Peck , Earl Lemmon , Cass
Jones , Henry P. Rieger jr , C. B.
Snyder , T. C. Cunningham , W.
1-1. 'Vigton , Claude Linn , James
Stephenson , Martin Werner , H.
D. 'Veller , H. S. Belden , W. B ,
Alexander L. Shelton , O. Ayres ,
C. Morris , L. Poor and William
Brando . ,
More Expa.nsion.
You will notice that The Tri-
bune has grown considerable
since you saw it last. We know
that you will appreciate the good
timings tha the change provides.
In its present shape 'fhe Tribune
is by far thc largest paper in
Richardson county and its circu-
lation is rapidly assuming the
same proportions. Notwith-
standing the fact that the size
has been doubled the price remains - '
mains the same-one . dollar per
yea . '
District Court.
Judge Babcock held district
court in this city during the week ,
and while a whole lot of business
was transacted , but few cases
reached a final scttlement. The
time was taken up in arguing
motions , and progress was made
ill many cases that still remained .
on the docket when court adjourned -
journed yesterday noon. Several
divorces were granted and sever-
al decrees of fore closure entercd.
'fhe jury was dismissed Tuesday
morning without having been
called upon to serve.
Pastor Resigns
Rev. J. E. 1-Iollcy has tendered
his resignation as pastor of the
Christian church and the same
has been accepted. No defi ite
arrangements have been made to
fill the vacancy.