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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1904)
- , . . "w _ _ . _ . _ . , . " _ _ . _ ' _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ " ' ' " _ _ " _ _ _ ' _ " ' " , , , , , _ _ , , : : _ _ . _ . _ : . _ . . . , _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ " , _ _ _ . ; 4 TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE IVlay 6 , 1904 , , " LOCAL AND PERSONAL \ Willie Vaughn went to AtchiM r _ son Sunday ; : i 1\ L. Hall caui down from ' Verdon Sunday. I Dr. Burchard went to Atchison . . . . . T : : Sunday afternoon. A. J. Helmick of Stella was in . I town Sunday. . C. L. Ivlatten of IIumboldt wa in town lVloriday. , . Howard Conover of Verdon was in the city Saturday Sam Ayres and wife of Sabetha spent Sunday in this city. R. E. Fenton came down from Dawson 011 business 1\1onday. IvIatt Shulenberg of Barada was in town on business Satur : . " day. . John Hall and Walter Veach . of Verdon spent Sunday in this . 'f ' city . t George Thomas who has been working for Kaiser & IIarnack , returned to Nebraska City SunM day. Mrs . Ed \"herry of Kansas City arrived in the city the latter part of the week for a visit with friends Dr. Houston has purchased the vacant lots north of Dr. \Viscrs . residence on Stone street , and will build a modern house thercM on. A. R. Stetler came down from r Pawnee and . spent Sunday in this . - city , visiting his daughter Carrie 4.4 I' ; who is a teacher in the city schools. James l\'Iartin who has been i l working in the capacity of a pressman on The Tribune for k some time past , left Sunday for LaCy gne , Kansas. Y G The ground is so full of moisture 7 ? that some of the wells hi the east .t j part of town are full and running over. The water has also caused some damage to cellars Jol111 Higgins who works at Coupe & hornton has a badly - cut hand. " \Vhile cutting meat last Saturday the knife slipped , = and inflicted the i nj ury. The ball game on last Sunday - resulted in a victory for the Falls . City team and another defeat' for the Verdon boys. The score was 7 t9 1. A big crowd witnessed i he game. ' " \ \ ' . C. Boyd drove down from Salem , : Monday to meet Robert Boyd and wife who came from Ohio. They were called to Salem - x C lem l by the serious illness of l\fr. i { . Boyd's mother. ' - - ' ' 'Irs G. H. Parsell was called . the serious - to Chicago Saturday by - ous illness of her daughter , Irs. Foster. 1\1rs. Foster has visited iii i this city several times and has many friends and acquaintances . who regret to learn of her illness . . 1.'t : : " - - , . . . . _ . . - . " - " - - - - - - - - ' . : , . . . . . . . - " ; , , I The advertising car of Wallace Bros circus arrived in town this week and the force of men proceeded - ceec1ec1 to post bills. Time show will be here May 31. . No sooner will the Campbell Bros. behe- mouth disappear in the distance than the Wallace Bros. camels will poke their noses over the horizon. The farmers are very busy planting corn. The ground is in good condition and the crop out- o lee is fine. When the farmers are so busy it is pretty dull in town , but if it is quiet now it will be all the more lively after while. More Falls City people will attend - tend the St. Louis exposition than attended the exposition at Omaha At all times during the summer , Falls City will be represented at St. Louis. A fair audience heard the Wesleyan - leyan Quartet No. 2 at the 1\lethM odist church 1\Ionc1ay : evening and the entertainment gave general satisfaction. W. K. Knight is having the interior of his photo studio redecorated - decorated and the changes will make a. decided improvement in the appearance of the place The work of enlarging the big sheds at the Graham lumber yard is in progres'S. : The main . shed will be extended north to cover the site of the old Lange residence. The commencement exercises this year promises to be very bri1- li lnt. On this occasion the proper - er amount of school spirit win assert itself. . The'lloods have practically disappeared - appeared and unless another one comes farming on the lowlands will not be seriously yetarded. There is only one way you can get all the local news one year for one dollar and that is to subscribe . for The Tribune . C. F. Reavis went to Lincoln Monday to appear in a case be- fore the supreme court. 'Pry Berry's Chick Food for little - tle chicks - just the stuff - at IIeck's Feed Store. \Ve honestly believe that when you cut < ; off one dandelion , two will grow in its place. Do not forget Coupe & tl horn- ton when you want good meat cheap Jacob Nofsger came down from Dubois on business the first of the week. - . . . Fred IIerpster is having the interior of his place nicely c1ecoM rated. Clara Tanner is acting in the capacity of clerk at the postofi ce. F. E. Hinkle of Stella 'was in the city over Sunday , . A. T. Parsons of Verdon . . . . spent Sunday in this city. - Eat Sowle's Candy. - . . . . , , - - _ THE WORLDS , . , Iifl ROUTE " I ? Ii - - TO ST. LOUIS , - Jq.1 I AND THE EAST t ' C t i lt. t II < Past Trains Elegant Service . _ - - - . . . - . . - - - - - Rates to the St. Louis Worlds Fair as Follows Season _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - - _ $ . Sixty day limit ticket----uu--u--uu------------ 13.55 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ten day limit ticket---u----------- . _ _ _ _ _ _ l2.O u - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . - - - 9lOCiR".C . IITfil/INISl1ia1R _ . . - - . . _ - - - Leave on No. 50 VlORLD'S FAIR SPECIAL at 8:45 : p. 111. and arrive in St. Louis for.breakfast. . No change of cars. Leave on No. 52 at 3:47 : a. m. and arrive in St. Louis in the afternoon. . Leave on No. 59 at 2 :48 : p. m. , and arrive in St. Louis at 7oo : a. m. , . Stop-overs of TO days may be had on lll tickets " . reading through St. Louis Extension of time limit may be had at St. Louis by applying to joint agent and paying the difference be- ; . .tweem limit purchased and limit desired plus 25 c nts. For further information see local agent. I J. B.VARNER , . AGENT II 4 I-Ierman Tiehn of Stella was in town Saturday and called at the court house to pay his taxes. Ivr. 'I'ieha is one of the heaviest tax- payers in the county and when he shows up the force at the treasurers office sees work ahead. By the way , the reciepts at the treasurers office did not fall below two thousand dollars any day last week George Smith was down from Dawson Saturday. Mr. ' Smith is one of the republican candi- dates for the legislature but in this case was not 'in Falls City looking after his political fences , but to meet Mrs. Smith who has been visiting in Canada for the past four 111onths. W. H. Morrow republican can- didate for county attorney was in the city Saturday' Cot.Ior - 'row is some what stiff and lame I : : - Fire I Insurance For Reasonable Rates and Prompt Payment of Losses call on r Preston losses settled In two days Goolsby barn loss settled In four days John L. Cleaver . INSURANCE AGENT Palls City , Nebraska - . from having been kicked by a horse but his injuries have in : 110 ' . , . _ ' ) wise diminished the speed with - > > 1 which he is running for the r. county attorneyship . J Geo. Holt and Jim Powell lost . one of their fine grey hounds last ; riday. : The animal was missed and later was found near the Leachman place north of town with its neck broken. It probab- ly 1 ran into a tree while chasing a rabbit. Big Horn Basin Your spare time will be well spent if YOl.l will use it in imiaking'l . a trip to this new irriagted COUl1- 'l- try. The United States will not Y bit long now in getting under 0 irrigation all the land that is . \ subject to this class of farming , us it is becoming the most pop- 1 ulm' way to farm for sure results ; This country iR yet in infancy- . , j and homeseekers should avail . themselves of this opportunity to ; get a farm 111 the BigHorn BaRin. - ; , Just now you can get the choice I of this land at a very low price . ! and you will be s\\rpprised what. I a delay of a. few days will do for . I i you in the price of this land. \ Post yourself on this country 'fl" I by Writi11g for a booklet decrip- ' 4 i tive of the Big Horn Basin and . . I an other information you may desire. \Ve will make very low round trip rates to this country the first' . and third Tuesdays in . J. Francis , General Passenger J Agent , Burlington R 0 ute , f 1 Omaha , Neb. 1-3 , ; . - d / - . - _ . 04 ,