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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1904)
- - - - - . - - - - - - - 2 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Ma } ' 6 , rya4 M ; Correspondence . . : News of the County as Told by . Our Special Correspondents i , , , . i. Humboldt. l L. Slama was iu Falls City i f Tuesday . : . 'f L Mrs Hell Stanter return Fri- 'i' clay night. I . M. Watts and wife are located : ' : . { ' iu Lincoln : t , H. P. Marble and wife spent , f Sunday in Kansas City - . Mrs Joy McKie left Sunday ; for her home in I\1exico. \ Dr. Gandy was a Falls City f visitor the fore part of the week ' : Otis Unkefer and wife have : , been visiting relatives ' in Lincoln ; / : Mrs. Grace Beyer is visiting at Hhe home of .Dr. Garver and wife. 4 t Dr. . Litchfield and wife now , : ' occupy the C. C. Unland prop- \ . erty.Fred ? : Fred Wright came down from , . t Tecumseh on business one day re- - ent1y. John Power and , ' amily have ; moved out to their farm north of . town " for the summer. . Editor Sharts spent , Saturday : : : and Sunday with his son Charles . and wife at Kansas City : , " I\1rs. M. L. Linn is expected - " pected home soon from California ; here she has spent the past year. . . ' : Mrs. I-Iolapp living south of town , fell from , a chair on Sun- i , day and sustained several broken ribs Chas. Hasness and wife from + , : Coffeyville , Kas. , have been here i . for a week or two yisiting with 1 "relatives. Ivlesdames. J as. D. Davis and . , Faulkner who are here from St. Louis visited friends in Lincoln this week . J\'Irs. E. C. Colhapp entertained . a small company of friends at j ' , six o'clock dinner Friday in honor I of Mrs. McKie. J' A crowd of the young friends I of George Hummel enjoyed a party at his home in the country . ' _ L _ Friday evening. . . l ' . Mrs. Dora : Bacon went to Lin- 1 coIn Saturday in response -to information - 1. - formation announcing the serious _ j . ' - - illness of Mrs. Bracelen r. . ' R. E. 'Vatzke went to St. Louis ' : . to be present at the opening ! ; of rL . the great fair and incidentally attend " tend to business matters D. W. Neill and family moved ° : - from this place to Pawnee City last week where the he will en- . ' gage . in the real estate business. Secretary of State Marsh and several companions were down from Lincoln a day or two recent- i i , ly ' testing their luck fishing in f I\lolony lake - . . . - - - 'i i , . . .M - = --w-t"- ' ! ' ! " UBiJII. ! ! ! J : : TWWf . " : ' , . . " .i Ed Hughes who was so seriously - ly hurt last week , is getting along nicely but it will be . a . , . , . long time before he will be able to be . out. The Arcade restaurant has been closed up for the present and 1\1r. : Thompson and family now occupy the Gandy residence on west Fifth street : Mrs Kate Dorland and daughter ter Dorothy left Monday after- noon for St. Louis where they win spend a month visiting friends and attending the fair. We understand that IIarding & Leggy have disposed of the. remainder - mainder of their 'interest in fhe livery barn to a gentleman named Clark who has already taken pos- sesion. Jacob Perry has returned to his former home in Coffeyville , Kas. , after having , vorked at the shoe- maker's trade in this city for about a year . He expects to go into business for himself in the veer future. Rev. John Calver went Johnson last week to attend to a district ministeral meeting , and stopped on his way home to preach a funeral sermon at Cook and per- form a marriage cermonv of two popular young people at Tecum- seh. Mrs.Calvert filled the Methodist : pulpit Sunday evening in an ' address - dress upon her deaconess work in London. A very large crowd was present and the eleyan quartet who were spending Sun- day here furnished some excel- len music. Preston. . - . Julia Cronin went to Rule Fri- day. - day.D. D. D. Hanna was in town rvlon- : day. Emma Grant spent Sunday in town Will Zoeller went 'to St Louis Tuesday Lawrence - Wheeler was in town Tuesday. Quimby Hossack was in town Tuesday L. D. McCumber went to Rule . Saturday A. E. Heacock was in St. Joe Wednesday Anna Neitzel went to Blue Springs Sunday. Lula Hunsakp.l' went to White Cloud Friday. . Elmer Hoselton went to St Joe Monday morning f A. R. Shelly was granted a sa- loon license. . J. C. Wise was over from Re- serve Wednesday . A number from here were Fans City visitors Saturday. : Mrs. Hatfield and daughter are visiting at the home of Ross PyJe. . ' - ' " . . ' . . - , . . . , . . . . , - " . . - - - - . . .r. KING'S PICTURE PUZZLE NO.2 i . . . . . I ° % ' , " . t ' x _ ' , r . , . . . 'l" . e w w w w O ' [ 'lie above picture represents an article of food with which I we are all familiar. Can you guess it ? It costs nothing to try and yon may be a winner. Cut out , this ad , sign name and ad- dress below and bring it to our store not later than Monday ) , May 16. All correct answers will be dropped in the ballot box. The first ten drawn the refrom will each receive a bottle of our SYRUP SARSAPARILLA COvIPOUND. . S I G NED uuu _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - uu _ _ _ _ _ . - u _ _ _ _ - - _ u _ _ _ _ u - _ u , f AD DRESS _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ , ; . . THE ! tt9cl PHARMACY I FALLS CITY , NEBR. Lou and John Neitzel were in Reserve Saturday night. B. Harpston came down from Blue Springs , Saturday. Eel Bush left Monday for Cloud county Kansas to" visit his sister. Quite a number from here attended - tended the ball game at Falls City Sunday. Mrs. John Norris returned home Tuerday after a six weeks visit at St. Joe. F. W. Schroeder returned from Gettysburg , Iowa where he had . been visiting his sisters. Mrs. Black and : Huron , S. Dakota are visiting at the home of John Morris. Will Kanaly and Maurice c- Mahon attended the dance at White Cloud Friday night. Prof. Unsell and wife enter- ed the eighth grade pupils at their home Monday evening. Catalpa Grove. G. A. Saville is suffering with rheumatism. Clay Prine lost another horse the past week. Sherman Mendenhall is very sick with typhoid fever. Ed Morrison visited Ernest r Wagners in rvlorril : Thursdar. Mrs Clay Prine fell Sunday and in some manner struck a childs rocking horse , afidinjured herself internally. Just how ser- ' . . - 'H " ' " :1 : , " _ ' _ - ' ' " - ' - _ _ ' - u"r \ : ; . " . , ' , . ' . . -u- . ' : " "r" ious cannot be determined at presen t. Once more the floods have come \ : . t'i' and gone and Noah and his fam- . ily are happy. Henry Stitzer and Ed Iorrison are treating their buildings to a - new coat of paint _ The patrons of the school sur- prised the teacher with a basket dinner on the last day. All had a merry time and were entertained - ed by the pupils in fine style. Special Sale A special clearing sale at Mc : Nails on all Oak brand canned ' . t ( goods. ,25c cans for 20c. First \ . - . J quality tomatoes per can 10c. , Remember the place is - J 2tf Mc Nails Grocery. j We carry a. . . ' . . 1 COMPLETE LINE J OF Building Material . And all kind of . COAL , . . ; ' \ - . . WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE \ Chicago Lumber f Coal Co TELEPHONE 58. - , - . . - . .a . - : . . , . , , M1@Mw' - " " ' _ . . TV "v. ' > IiIIII\W . . _ ' . . .t . - ; , - " t - " : " . 1 - . " " . " . . . . . - . . _ - . . . . . . . . - - . . . . ' , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . , i ! ' . . ' . ' . . , , - . :4 : J > ' ; . , , " ' .Ji'LtJ.o..A. : : ! ' : Ot. . . . . : , . .