The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 06, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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I ,
News of the County as Told by
Our Special Correspondents
. '
I Shubert.
'i Emma Crimm is the guest of
- . . . . . . .
I : ' Irs. Tay lor.
} i L. O. Walker . was the guest of
. , ' Frank Brannin Sunday.
, - : . . Mrs. Anna : Reasoner and children -
, ' . . . , - ren visited here Sunday.
. ' W. H. Morrow was in Falls
, . " . . City on business Saturday.
, . rs. Jim Bolejack returned
. home from Verdon Saturday.
" , Jim Weddle and wife entertained -
. . ed George Brisby' and wife Sun-
. . _ ' Mesdames Felt and Alexander
. I " " were shopping at Stella 'Wed-
: , -ncsday.
" . _ C. H. Smiley and wife enter-
tained relatives from Nemaha
. : Sunday.
' Walter Vanlandingham and
; cl , Pearl Ransom were Nemaha visit-
( t' , , nrs Sunday.
Cora and Gussie Henderson '
were shopping in Stella during
the past week. . .
. ' J.L. Dalbey and wife ltertain-
" cd their niece , ' Bessie Davis of
Falls City the past week.
D. C. Simmons and wife of
Salem were the guests of Charles
Smiley and wife over Sunday.
-i , : : ! 1 . esdames Chas Felt and Wil-
I' lard Shubert were the guests of
Chas Bright and wife Sunday.
: . ' . J. P. King and wife . are en-
. . .
f. tertaining' their son Roy , who
; has been absent for the past few
" . years. .
. , Geo. Randall and wife , J\lrs. :
John Raper and daughter , Neva
. of Stella were the guests of Chas.
Raper and family Sunday.
' . Gertrude Berg met with a very
. ,
painful accident during the past
: week. While sewing on the
, 4 . ' . machine the needle passed entirely -
' - . : . ' ly though : her finger. The need-
. ; , , , ; Ie was bent to the shape of a fish
, j .
: " T hook.
. Da\vson.
. . . : . . w- S. Leyda of Falls City was
- - - , ' ! . ' : . in the city : Monday.
. ' Dr. Litchfield was down from
, Humboldt Tuesday
\ . . . . Father Corcoran cOdducted ; : ) er-
. .
J. , . .
. : = : , , , , - - vices at Shubert Sunday.
- . ' .
: " Joseph and Mina Fenton was
home from Falls City Sunday.
Ed Curran is now able to be
. out after long and serious ill-
' : ness.
\ .
_ W. S. , Ifeim spent a portion of
{ ' . : . last week fishing at the Fortescue
' : , t lakes.
. . . . . J. If. Miles came up from Falls
City Sunday and spent a few day :
, - . on the ranch. - - .
1 . -
. ' . , _ .
; , - - ' ' . . . ; ' " 1 . : . , . : . ' ' . -
, . . .
. . . . .
f. ,
Nellie , Riley of Wymore is visit-
ing her sisters , Mame and Bea at
this place.
PaulScanlan spent several days
early in the week fishing on the
Blue river.
H. A. Tiehn and family spenr
Sunday with Thos. Murphy and
family near Shubert.
HarveY and Edgar Estcs spent
a few days the last 01 the week
with Table Rock relatives.
R. E. Fcnton spent ! several :
days last week in Pawnee City
assistsng in invoicing a. drug
stock that has lately changed
Walter E. Draper of this place
graduated on Wednesday evening
of this week from the Souix City
Medical college and is soon expected -
pected home on a short visit.
The repair work on the depot
at this place is now about com-
pleted. An extensive addition
has been built to the freight room
besides other substantial improve-
men ts.
pro Waggener and wife went
to Omaha 'Monday to be present
at the commencement exercises of
the Creighton Medical college
when their SOft' Hewitt , received
his diploma as a full fledged M.
Dr. Bourne will remoye to Au-
burn where he will reside.
Gi : ace Sailor returned Saturday
from a weeks visit with her sister.
C. M Heinzehuan and wife vis-
ited Ben Jorn and wife Sunday.
Born--To : Dr. G. R. Taylor
and wife on Friday , April 26 , a
Mrs. Stine of Stella was the
: Mrs. Hoops the fore part of , the
week. -
On Wednesday the Misses Lu-
cas enterained a party of young
foll\s. :
lay Johnson came up from
Falls City on Saturday returning
Mrs. A. C. Petty .wen t Stella
Saturday to visit a week with her
Mary Hanlcy and , Stella John-
son , visited the Ewing school on
Nellie Weaver and Howard
Conover drove to Falls City on
, Mrs. Lucy Cornell returned an
extended visit her daughter in
Atchison Kan.
The ladies of the Congregational -
al Church gave a strawberry fes-
tival Thursday night.
John Gibson and Nellie Rich-
ardson were quietly married at
ten o'clock Saturday.
Dr. Hall arrived on Monday
from Wood Lake , Neb. , for a
short visit with his motber.
f :
t .1 . ,
Your Attention !
I would respectfully can the attention of the
house owners of Falls City to the fact that I
have recently stocked a full line of - - - - - -
( - ;
Heath t Milligan's Guaranteed
Paints and Colors
I am also showing to the public a new and a
very complete line , embracing the latest in - -
Ranging from the Cheapest to the Best
I shall aim to carry , a first class line including
the best grade of goods in the way of
' \ . -
Paints , Oils , Varnishes
, and Brushes -
Please call amd get prices , which will always
be right. Thanking my friends for many fav-
ors in past years , I hope for a continuanc . ' .
. . e
W. H. KERR ,
Dealer In E'tJerythlnl ! that Can be Found
In a First Class Pharmacy
Mrs. Sherwood and daughter ,
Ethel , came down from Nemaba
to visit with friends this week. I
Allen Combs and wife of near
Salem visited Mrs. Combs moth-
, 1\lrs. A. B. Foutch on Sunday.
: Miss Camma Hall , came down
from Peru Tuesday where she has
been attending Normal. She returned -
turned Thursday.
Frank Eversoole and his famly
drove to Verdon Sunday and the
spent thc day with L. A. Kinsey
and famly.
Gandpa Durands remains were
brought to Verdon last Friday
from Natonal City Ca ! , and in-
tered in Verdon cemetery besides
his wife.
Messrs. Crouch , Veils and Zook
accompanied Uncle Ben Wiser to
Sycamore Springs on Sunday. For
several weeks : past he has bad
rheumatism and it is thought the
Spring water might relieve him.
W m. Jones and wife were Fall
City visitors Tuesday.
I H. L. Iloepfel went to St Jo-
seph last Tuesday returning Sat-
The Owl Club met at the home
of Wm.F. Dorste Saturday. night. .
A large crowd was present. IRe-
freshmcnts were served at twelve .
o'clock.A11report a pleasant time.
Wm. Willick of Huron , is visit-
ing Wm. Wissman and family.
Joseph Allen of Clinton , New
York ; and Mrs. Murphy of PlaJs-
mouth are visiting with Frank
Morehouse this week.
Ice ! Ice !
Good clean ice from Culp's lake '
delivered at your door.-Culp Ice
\Ve are still making , special low
prices on lard and cured meats of
all kinds.-Coupe & Thornton.
. D. S. McCarthy
- - - - - - - - - -
Fort Hazel. .
Elmer Arnold marketed hogs CITY DRAY LINE
to Rule Fnday.
W m. Hunt of Fortescue is Special Attention to Household lUovlnK' . '
visiting with Albert Kent this Phone 211
week. " Falls City - - Nebraska
, .Y. , " - , a . n , . - " M1 , ,
{ 1