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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1904)
, ' -I. , - . ; Ii April , 29 Ig04 . TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE \ ) IJ EdaccnionaDepariinen Conducted by County Superintendent Crocker . R Our High School Gra.dua.tes. ' Of course the final examinations _ . _ are to be considered yet and there , . . is some back work to be made up but it seems quite certain that the following are the names of the ' . . Richardson county high school graduates for 1904 : Da.waon. Date of commencement not yet ' announced. Norman Sanson Norman Ulmer . Lillitli Waggener Florence Judd Harry Libbee Thomas Ryan Emerson Heint Humboldt. Date of commencement May . Edward Hodapp Clara Garver , Ralph Hummel Nora Stalder ? \Je1mie Gravatte Maude Tosland , Georgia Wells Wilma Wright Sa.lem. . . \ Date of commencement May 14. Ira Crook Frank Relf ' . Ira McCool Joe \Vindle ' " 'j" " Cecil Sheeley Myrtle Ramel " 'j Irene Spurlock Bessie Campbell Verdon. Date of commencement May 13 Ethel Kieler Katie Crouch Edith Shafer Inez Griffiths " Jessie Griffiths Ray Arnold Miles Kelly Lester Mayfield \ Dannie Griffiths Shubert. . Date . of commencement May , 13 . . . . . Bessie Henderson . ; ! J' < , " ' Nellie Harper ; * -'i : Fred Imler Fred Lundy . , Stella. Date of commencement , not definitely decided but probably will be May 19. . F' , M. \Velter F. C. Nutter . Mae Vandeveer Carrie Young . . Myrtle McCray Nellie Swihart I Dora Montgomery falls Ctty. Date of commencement unde- cided yet. . _ Elizabeth Brecht Meeker Cain NeUe Cain Alice Douglas Nelle Hanna Alice Jaquet -i Mabel Lyford May Maddox - " - . . . Laura Naylor Stella Stone Guy Crook Harry Gardner _ _ . b . Quimby Hossack George Lyons Eighth Grade Gr..duatea. Of course it can not be stated . . . definitely yet how man eighth grade graduates each town will : have. Verdon will have about 13 ; IIumbo1dt 20 ; Rule probably none ; Falls City 15 ; Salem 15 : Stella 10 ; Dawson 12 ; Preston 9 ; Shubert 2. The country schools . about 60. A total of about 156 for 1904. Last year the total number was 114. t. / ; ; : Dawson School Notes. , . . ' , " . ' ' " Our box supper netted us near- 'j , . ly $30. This with $10 already on hand and the gift of 40 vol- - , urns by E. E. Barlow will make a beginning be may be proud of The botany class are on the a- lert for the first flowers. These J' classes are in good conditon for . herbarium work - ' \ ( , . , ) 'If"- 'If""J " ' . . . . . . . . . . , . . uJrf , . , Humboldt and Dawson are now a tie on base t an games. This will make the Salem game extremely - tremely interesting. A number of our large boys have had to drop out for the spring w rk. This will weaken us for field day , but worse than that it is bad for the boys. If possible they should remain in school. , Humboldt School Note. Humboldt will have about 8 ligh school graduates this year and about 20 eighth grade grad- uates. Our school has a list 1 of 39 roll of honor spellers , , based on list three of the Crabtree Speller. We are eagerly preparing for the Field Day. Our base ball nine will play the Dawson nine. We hope for favorable weather. The high school boys went dowin to Dawson Tuesday and played a return game of ball with the team from that school , but came name losers to the tune of 16 to 14. Shubert School Notes. Shubert will have four high school graduates , two boys and two gir1s. The commencement exercises win be held Friday ev- ening , May 13. Miss Ellis of the State Normal will give the class address. We shall have two 8th grade graduates this year. The lower rooms are prepar- ing an entertainment to be given Friday evening , May 6th. Our boys are working hard preparing for Field Day , at Salem , May 7th. At a meeting of the school board the present teachers were re-el- ected and each given a nice increase - crease in salary. Dist. 93-Julius F , Young , teacher-We were pleased to have the County Superintendent with us recently. School closed April 15th. A short but well prepared program was rendered. A number - ber of patrons were presen t. At a recent meeting of the Salem board of educaton : Miss Orri French was elected second room teacher for the ensuing year. The Nebraska State University stands thirteenth in the point of attendance among the univer- sities of the United States. Remember that the Richardson County Athletic Association will hold its second annual Field Day at the fair grounds , Salem , Neb. Saturday , May 7th. AU are in- vited to attend. There are 49 seniors this year . at the state Normal. . - - - - Friday , April 22nd 1 , Zelia Cor- nell closed a successful term of school in Dist 33 and Saturday noon , April 23 became Mrs. Rob- ert J. Mickel. The teachers in Richardson county join in extend- I ing congratuations. ] The following is taken : , from the Lincoln Star-"J. Robert Mickel and Zelia Cornell were married in Falls City Saturday morning. Miss Cornell is the eldest daughter of ex-State Auditor - itor Cornell of Richardson county and Mr. Mickel is in the adver- tising department of the Daily Lincoln Star. Mr. and Mrs. J\1Iickel : will return to Lincoln early next week and be at home to their friends at 1709 Euclid avenue after May 1. " Dist. 73-Lizzie Morris , teach- er-School closed Ayril 22. Quite a surprise was given the school by the parents and friends. At 12 o'clock they marched in bring- ing wen filled basiets. We had a real school picnic. A good time was had by all. Forty-five visitors were present to enjoy the closing exercises. - Dist. 26-Ida Pierce , teacher- Our school is progressing nicely and those attending take much interest in their work. All the larger pupils have stopped on account of the spring work and many of the smaller ones are out at present on account of the measles ] . School in Dist. 29 has been closed during the past two weeks on account of sickness , and even now on account of sickness , spring work and bad weather , the attendance is poor. . School closes , May 13th. Supt. Stetson of Maine writ- ing of his recent trip through Nebraska - braska , said "I enjoyed my trip' and formed a very high opinion of your teachers. " , McN&.II's GROCERY Fancy and Staple - Groceries. Fruit in Season. Satisfaction Guar- anteed. Free City Delivery Phone 40. Storage for Household and Other Goods. 1 . W. S. Byrley of Verdon spent Sunday in this city. Henry King made a business trip to Omaha the first of " 'the week. . . Mrs. Frank Clark of Verdon spent this week visiting Mrs. . . DeVv aId in this city. . City market for good sausage. $45 California and Back. Apr i1 23 to ay 1st , inclusive , tickets on sale via Burlington route to San Francisco to Los An- geles and return at $44.00 This is less than the regular one way rate. rate.No No more delightful outing can be imagined. The trip is made at the time of year when travel- ing is a pleasure and the climate of California at its best. Attractive diverse routes are offered as well as liberal stop- over privileges and return limit , Folder giving details mailed free on request. Our agent can give you any further information that may be desired.-J. Francis , general passenger agent , Qmaha. 5- . ' 5 HOLT'S . " ' " : -I' T < ' { : 1 . A ; . ' > : . . . _ . Shoe Store Falls City , Neb. SHOES Men Women , an d. , , . . . . . . ' , , " - , , . - . . ; , . * , ' for Children ' . . . I I would be pleased to have you call to see our Shoe Styles ' , Would also , like add your name _ _ to our list of customers Children's Shoes Specialty. Warm Lined Shoes for Old Folks. Rubbers and Overshoes of Inds. Want to Phone ? Call 23. eo