The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 29, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    . 1
April , 29 1904 . ' 'IIIE4"ALLS CITY TRIBUNE , 7
E News of the County as Told by
Our Special Correspondents
. - )
w Rev. Calvert is in Johnson this
- week
: ' Ethel Bullis left Monday for
Ashford Edie was in . . Falls City
R. S. Unland was in Lincoln
last week.
. J. H. Morehead was up from
Falls City last week.
rs Harry Hall visited relatives -
tives in T able Rock
Mrs. Louis Strasil is spending
, the week in Burchard. .
F Ray Linn was a Lincoln visitor -
, or several days recently
George McConnell a barber at
this place went to Seattle , Wash-
. ' + Hutton. . .
- 'o _ :
, - . , Ed" ' Wittwer came up from
Kansas City to spend short time
with relatives
E. A. Tucker has been con-
- fined to his home by an attack
of the grip the past week.
' Winnie Freemole was in Table
Rock Sunday and on account of
t the high water could not return.
. . , ' ' , ' "
The lighting during the , ' storm
Saturday night put a number 'of
the electric lighls out of service. . , .
Lou Billings and wife arrived
last week from Avoca , Iowa , , . and ' , "
will make their future liome in
. ,
this city . , ; .
Richard Mitchell has returned
from , Mt. Pleasant , Iowa where
, he has been in the hands of a
t. .
. specialist on cancers.
Mesdames Elizabeth , Whit-
. . comb and , George Turner , and
relatives at
children are visiting . . ,
Falls City , Salem and , Dawson . . . ,
C. M. Sarber and wife t and H.
V. Dorland , . , ' , r'e , among the
Humboldt people : : . represented at
at the Odd Fellows celebration
c 4
in Falls City Tuesday. ' : ' . . . 1
Irs. : M : . E. Lit rl has started
home from Californi . nd is expected -
'pected to arrive sbou. " She wilY
v"s"t one or two points along the
t. ' .
way for a short ' tire. /
J. . . W. Hhizda has ' traded ' his
. . .
stock of hardware ' to'F'A. Mat-
son of Madison for a farm . in that
vicinity and the new."proprietor .
. is . already in charge. .
i : . Fred W est al1 a well known
German resident of the section
I t . lay and was buried from the Ger-
" , -3- man church in that vicinity.
I ; , > t' . ' . ' ' ' ' ' - S. B. Bobst celebrated the 50th
' _ . " " . anniversary of his arrival in the
k ' . , . state of Nebraska last Wednesday
; i \ , , " ' ; ' r' ' bv going up to Lincoln and mak-
a visit to rooms and exhibits of
the state historical society. He
reports an enthusiastic welcome
and a most interesting time
The G rman Methodist min-
isterial conference closed a four
days' session at the local church
on Sunday evening , and all of
the twenty visiting clergyman re-
port an interesting and profitable
meeting in spite of the inclement
weather :
J. H. Geison of Covington ,
Kentucky , and Miss Bessie
Muchmore of this city were un-
ited in marriage at Fans City by
county Judge last Friday. They
were accompanied to the county
seat by a sister of the bride , Mrs.
C. A. Gore , with whom the for-
mer has made her home for sev-
. aral years. The groom is in the
employ of the Standard Oil com-
pany with headquarters at Kan-
sas City , where the newly wedded
pair went at once after the cere-
money and where they ! will make
their future bome.
The firemen met Friday even-
: . . . and - . _ . . .4. . . .1 . t ch fb 4. -
mg : UUU presente : a wa \ . . J.uu LU
their retiring secretary , Bert Mc-
Culloch , who has gone to Have-
lock to work in the Burlingto.n
shops. The following night , the
Odd Fellows followed suit b ey
calling a special session and giving -
ing the young man a fine gold
watch to go with the fob. After
wards the. entire company par
todk of a supper prepared for the
occasion by the popular local cat
erer Frank Karsn ) ' . McCulloch
has been for some years past : an
employe of the Cooper & Linn
mills but last week resigned to
take the place in the 'shops.
' , . . 'Verdon.
Sheriff Hossack was in town
Tuesday. , '
Mrs' . King is able to be up and
around again ,
Joe Veal came up from St. Joe
to attend thc funeral of his
About the ' , first of' May 'Mrs.
Keel ey will leave ' for ' St' , Louis
to be absent . all , summer. . " .
" " ' '
: Vashti Cornell , was home from
her duties at the Peru State nor
mal , the ; . last . of the week. ' ,
rs. Bird , rrrived Sunday from
- ' - - . ' , > , - , - -
11'onton. Ohio to attend the fune-
ral o'f' her fath r'Evan Evans '
"Mrs. Thos . Gibso'rl and her
daughter , Mrs. , Earl Sal10way
will leave , for Texas , in a few
days. ' . . '
, Mrs. Guy Gage returned : ' from
Nebraska : City Sunday where she
atten'ded' the funeral of her
Died - Simeon Veal at the home
of his son Orlando Veal on April
24th" , aged 79 years , 4 months
and 28 : days. The funeral was
held from the Baptist church
west of' Verdon Tuesday after-
noon. .
"f I
No matter where you have been buying ,
come to us this time and let us figure on
the job. Let us show you our latest designs
and newest c.ombinations. We will gladly
be of service to you in the selection of your
Wall Paper if you desire. We can furnish
you the Plate Chair or Photo Rail Room
Moulding and Beading to match our Papers
We also carry a full line of Mixed Paints ,
Lead and Oils , Glass , Varnishes and
Brushes '
. Wh.ite' Wall Paper Store
Falls City , Nebraska
. Mrs. C. ' KHppenger of Centra-
. lia Kansas attended Congrega-
tional services on Sunday with
her niece , Mrs. G. D. Knapp.
Mrs. Belle Webster left Thurs-
. day for her home in Emporia.
She win remain a week or so
. when she will return and attend
. to business matters here
Died-Evan Evans at his home
west of town on Friday night of
dropsy. The remains were tak-
en to Milwaukee , Wisconsin for
interment i on' Sunday ' .
Mr. Hughes and wife came up
from Sabetha , Kansas to help
care for lrs. Hughes father , B.
F. Wiser who has been under the
doctors care for . some . . . - time.
Dr. . Bourn'e returned from Okla-
homa Monday where he was
caned by 'telegram' nearly two
weeks ago on account of , the sick .
ness of his mother. He left her
much improved
M. A. Veach and wife are
making rranget11ents t9 , yisit' in
' Wisconsin , Illinois and the St.
Louis fair. Abe Stewart and
family will occupytheir residence
during their absence.
Staple and ,
. Fancy . Groceries . ,
Try Our 1775 Coffee
Highest Market Price
Paid for Butter . and
First Door North
of Post Office. . .
A Bridge Case.
The supreme court of Nebraska -
ka reversed and dismissed a case '
last week which is of peculiar interest -
terest just at this time to the tax "
payers of this county. A resi-
dent of Lancaster , county was ,
killed hy the breaking of a bridge
which , he was crossing. Suit for
damages ( was brought against the '
county and in the district court
the county lost. The , county attorney -
torney for Lancaster county appealed -
pealed to the supreme , court ' which
court reversed and dismissed the
case , holding that a county is' nOt ,
an insurer of those who , cross its
bridges , and if injured because
of some latent defect which . can " . '
not be discovered . by . the ordinary , .
tests and examination the county
is not liable Richardson county ' .
under the advice of its able and
brilliant county attorney , settled
just such a case ( ( The Van Osdel
case ) for $2,100 , and the ' , county .
to gay all costs Mr. Taxpayer . ; .
what do you think of it ? ' ,
"t r , I'
' For Sate I " " L
For sale-As nice . _
- a 16.0 as you - : : :
ever saw . Deep black. soil , - not ! a . ' "
pebble , within , twelve miles 'I"
of the capital of . , South Dako a . '
fr $100 see Whitaler Bros. 'at ; ; ,
once ' . . : 14-tf , ' , J : :
. . '
: .
" .
Ice ! Ice ! ' ' . . ' . w
Good clean ice from Culp's , lake . t'1l .
t ' ' .
delivered at your . door.-Culp Ice ' ' ,
Company. :
. _
O. S. . McCarthy ' : j
, n
SPecial Attention to Household Movlntr. . 'iJ
Phone 211. , ' 3
Fall City - - Nebraska
. 't
- . , . _
- - - " "
: = " " 'IiI I