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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1904)
.r ; . . , ; , " : ' .A ; : , , ; : ; . : . . . . . , . . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ = - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . .J. - _ - _ . . . . . - _ - _ - - . . . -w.- " ' . , 6 . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE April 29J 1904 'f THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Published Every Friday at ALLS CITY , NEBRASK.A By TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO Entcrcd as sccond-class matter , Janu- ary 12 , 1904at the post oflicc at Fal1s ity , . under thc Act of on press of March 3 , 1879. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Telephone No. 226. REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Congress : Er.l\IUR J. llURKlt'.r'l' , Lincoln . . For State Senator : E. A. TUCKER , Humboldt. . For Members of thc Legislature R. E. GIUNS'1'UAD , Salem GEORGE SMITH , Dawson W. H. HOGRIWE , Stella For . ' County Attorney I \V. H. MORUOW , Shubert SUBTERFUGE. The Martins never miss a chance to draw money out of the county treasury. At the last meeting of the county board , F. E. Martin drew $200 salary as county attorney ; Francis Martin drew tomething like $25 for serv- ing on the insanity board ; John Martin drew $21.75 for "print- ing. " It is especially in regard to this printing claim that remarks - marks are in order. According to the sub-head on the editorial ( ? ) page , the Journal is pUblished - ed by one F. E. Martin. F. E. Martin is county attorney and under the law cannot do other than his official services for the county and draw pay therefor. On the bill heads upon which ' . their statements are rendered , it is claimed that the Journal is ' , pubHsheu by Martin & Martin. Then the Martins can take such I county printing as they can get I their hands on , charge a good price cut the bill in two and have it allowed to John Martin. In this instal1ce they forgot them- _ selves and filed their claim in -.1 favor of the Falls City Journal , I which was afterward crossed out and the name of John Marlin : substituted. . Otherwise the bill _ 4 would have been thrown out- and the Martins never lose a chance to draw money from the _ _ county treasury. An this simply illustrates the nature of the sub- terfuge to which the Martins will n resort in order that they may never overlook what is , to them , i the main chance. It would be ' decidedly inconvenient for John + . Martin to have his name appear r + in the Journal as one of the pub- _ _ I _ fishers while the paper is seeking to get the patronage of the republican - publican party and while he is holding office as a democra It is very convenient to have his 1 name appear , however , on the , i , bin heads when there is money i to be drawn from the county , c - - . - he Martins will probably claim that the county got yaluc received , but the fact is that. misfit legal advice and botc led-up printing will not bal- , ance the account. TUCKER. : . ' Several newspapers published outside of this senatorial district have commented on the nomina- tion of lIon. E. A. Tucker for state senator , and these comments have all been favorable. Editor Stowell of the Auburn Post de- votes considerable space to this matter and pays the judge a high tribute. These endorsements are very gratifying , and yet they are not necessary to establish Judge Tuckers standing in this district. That standing has been established - ed for many years. It is based upon his merits and recognized ability as well as upon his ser- vices rendered to the party. Per- sons who desire to see a compe- tent and forceful man sent to rep- resent this district in . the state senate , can unite on Judge Tucker - er without reference to party lines. There would seem to be no rea- son why the republican county ticket should not be elected this fall. Of course in view of the great strength of this ticket the democrats will put forward their best men , but the county is nor- mally republican and there is surely no reason why any repub- lican should fail to support the ticket. There are some good men in the democratic ranks , but none better than Grinstead , Hogrefe , Smith , Morrow and Tucker. Therefore aU things being equal the republican candidates should be elected by good majorities. _ The American people are get- ting tired of the Smoot investiga- tion Enough is enough of any- thing and more than that is too much. Of course we suppose it is necessary that Smoot be inves- tigated , and yet but few people care to read about it. There are divers breeds knockers , but we believe that the reprehensible class is made up of those who make their pur- chases out of town. Patronizing the home merchant is the best possible way of standing up for your home town. it looks as though Willie Hearst and Willie Bryan were preparing to play the parts of the two mischievous boys when Grover Cleveland assumes the role of the Foxy Grandpa of the democracy. Laundry work is to be taught in the Lincoln schools Well , we have known instances where the pupils would have been tenefitted by a little more laundry and not so much latin . . - . A NEW LINE OF WALL PAPER _ _ HAS JUST ARRIVED Fur newness 'of design as well as for excellence - cellence of quality this line cannot be ex- celled. Prices are equally attractive. . . . . . . WE ALSO CARRY . . . JOHN W. MASURYS PANTS 9 A most superior article of guaranteed ex- cellence. Costs no more than inferior paint. Inspection solicited , AGENT FOR CARBOLINEUM , . A.G.WANNER . . . . t OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE 4. II How the' great democratic leaders must envy the harmony that exists in the republican party ! All the American sympathy for the Japs seem to be wasted. It is apparent that the Japs don't need sympathy. Mr. Burketts motto would seem to be "Be sure you're right , then go ahead. " He satisfied himself that he was right and then went ahead : Some democrats pretend to be- believe that the republican county ticket is weak , but when pressed for a specific instance they promptly change the . subject. Serious Stomach Trouble Cured. I was troubled with a distress in my stomach and vomiting spells , and can truthfully say that Chamberlains Stomachand Liver Tablets cured me.-Mrs. T. V. Williams , Laingsburg , Mich. For sale by A. G. Wanner. _ SAR ENTTI + 1 Our . Line IS AS VARIED AS IT IS GOOD Wcn ches . Clocks . . Jewelry Edison Phonographs And Records EaJtman loda1J and Supplies Kodak Developing - ing Machines Musical Instruments i One Third Off Repairing a .J peeialty Eye" Tested Free. . . . . , Dan Sa.rgent 4 * II SARGENT IL . - - I' ' Wcrlds Fair Rates via Burlington Roup. Tickets to St. Louis and " return turn , good all summer , $16.25. 9n and after April 25. sixty day tickets 1355. , On and after April ten-day _ " tickets ; $12.20. 16-7 For full information about train service ask the ticket agen t. IAff11iTI1 TIME ABLE I ' , BurllQQJon ! , , ; : Rout I ' Falis . City. Neb. Lincoln Denver Omaha Helena Chicago Butte St. Joseph Salt Lake City Kansas City Portland St. Louis and all San F r a nclsco - points east and and all points . , south south. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : . : No. 42. Portland-St. Louis . . ' . ' Special , St. Joseph , Kansas City , St. " ' Louis and all points east and south. . . . . .7:27 p ni No. 13. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver .and all points west and northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 : a 111 No. 14 : Vestib led express , daily , ute Joe , Kan- sas City St Louis - and all points east ' and south : : . . . . . . . . 7:47 a 111' No. 15. Local express , daily . , Lincoln and points . eastwestnorthw-est 1:48 : p 111 No. 21. Vestib\tl express , daily , Denver , and ; . all points west and _ northwest . . . . . . . . . 1:35 p m No 16. Vestibuled express . daily , St. Joe , Kan- sas City , St. Louis . " . Chicago and points - east and south. . . . . 4:30 p 111 . . . No 22. Local express , daily " Atchison and points south and west. . . . 4:44 p 111 No 41. St : Louis-Portland ' SpecialLincoln lcna , Tacoma and Portland without change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : p m _ -.i , " No. 115. Local accommoda- -L tion , daily Mon- . . . . - day , VVednsday and Friday , Salem , Ne- maha and Nebraska . . f . City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:30 pm ) . . . . . ' Sleeping , dining and reeling chair ' ? cars ( seats free ) on through h'ains. . Tickets sold and baggage checked to I . ' g , any point in the tates or anada. For . " , . information , time tables , maps and . , . f' tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart , " ' ( Agent , Falls City , Neb. , 01' J. Francis G. P. & T. A. , Omaha. A