The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 29, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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12 THE ( FALLS CITY TRIBUNE April 29 , 1904
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, s 'ENERCENT. , : : ; , < ' . ' \ 'I
i Discount on Suits and Skirts I --41 , "
Ladies are daily expressing high praise of
I the splendid display of Dress and Tailor Made
IJ Suits in our ready to wear departnlent. This
display including all the prevailing colors in
Voiles , Cheviots , Broad Cloths and novelties in
j4 designs that represent the highest art , ranges
; from $10 to $25 , from which during next week
we shall offer a discount of
Ten Per Cent .
Remember that we guarantee the fit of
. 'L' mm r _ _ v " " " _ _ - - - - - _ . - a a. + + mseva..oc r.
Ii > Mercerized heavy weights , Lawns , Satins ,
Mohairs , Peau de Sole , Jap Silks , Crepe de
Chenes , in the cleverest designs at money sav =
ing prices. AU these waists come direct from
; . the manufacturers who are held in the highest
# t : esteem by the largest retailers in the , country.
.v _ _ _ _ _ .
these suits and make an alterations without
expense to you. Do not delay your buying until , .
late as the early cOiners get the choicest styles. { ,
This is one of the banner lines this season. ti .
All sizes from 22 to 36 in waists , 38 to 40 in' : 't .
lengths in a great variety o'f styles and cloths. { " ,
Dress and Walking styles $4 to $20. On all of i
these a discount of 10 per cent viII be given from , , } . \
lay 2 to 7. Our skis : is have individuality , are .
thoroughly well made , are fitters and deserve I
the highest praise. . ' G 3 , , J
. . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tt.-u = _ , . . . - - rlip.
'P\ .
Now that house cleaning is upon liS you
must bear in mind that Lyford carries the larg = 4
I est assortment in town of carpetsrugsnlattings t ! . . , ; ; ; '
I curtains , lace , tapestry and rope couch covers. " 1
We give assurance that in all these goods our !
I prices and values are always the best. t
. _ _ _ _ _
- - - - - - - - .
1 , . .
V.v . W
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! ' I .
- - -
_ . . . . . . . _ _ w --r _ _ _ _ _ - . . - _ _ _ _ - ,
R. A. Clark of Stella was in
. town 'I'uesday.
' , \Vm. Riley of Dawson was in
f town Wednesday.
l Dr. VanCs of Barada was
in town 'Vec nesday. _
Cora Betts spent Sunday at her
home in Blue Springs.
H. J. Kiel and wife of Verdon
were in town yesterday.
t . A. H. ii'ellers came down from
ib Humboldt Wednesday.
Frank 'YrHe has been sick this
week but is now recovering.
, . , . . , . _ I" no . _
Ira Presser ore lmraua : was it
- ; . : . FallsCity visitor 'v ed nesday.
' \ f. , Peter Fredrici { went to IIu111-
. " bldt on business 'Vednesday.
. 1. A . Smith of Humboldt was
in town Ojl legal business yester-
= : \\T p. Fenton of Dawson was
in the city on business 'Vednes-
Vincent Arnold and wife of f
Verdon visited in this city Wed ,
, Sig Fuller and family of Ver
don were in town shopping yes
Blanche Kerr returned Wednes
day from Lexington , 110. , wher e
she has been attending college.
. .
. . _ _ . _ _ -po _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _
It is not often that residents of
Falls City have an opportunity .
to enjoy good l bating , but the : :
flood made such a thing possible
the first of the week. The bot-
tom land adjoining the Nemaha
was transformed into a placid
lake nearly a mile wide and
boating therein in the moonlight
proved a pleasant diversion. On
Tuesday , night Phil Hermes
manned his private transport and
took his family and some friends
out for a cL uisc. They visited the
principal seaports of this latitude
and returned safely without encountering -
countering any Russian fleet or
fl , . , . . . t' . . m . . . . . . . n"
, UUU.\.lU UllU , " , " ' .
"I have been subject to sciatic
rheumatism for years , " says E.
H. Waldron ofTilton Junction ,
Iowa. H.N1y joints were stiff and
gave me much pain and liscom-
fort.1 y joints would crack
when I straightened up. I used
Chamberlains Pain Balm and
have been thoroughly cur d.
Have not had a pain or ache from
the old trouble for many months
. It is certainly a most wonderful
liniment. " For sale by A. G.
. 'Vanner.
The street commissioner has
again dragged the streets and
- they are , if anything in better
condition than they were before
the recent heavy rain.
, .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . -
Hal and Anna Shafer left Sun-
< hy night for a trip , to Los ,
Angeles , Cal.
J. H. Morris of Humboldt 'was
looking after business matters in
this city Wednesday.
J. C. Martin and wife and J. F.
Whetstine and wife left Tuesday
for a few days outing at the Mis
souri lakes.
Saturday was a big clay at the
county treasurcr offi e. The receipts
ceipts for the day were nearly ] '
two thousand dollars.
The Presbytedian ladies ken
sington will meet with \frs.
Bohrer on Thursday , May 5th ,
All are cordially vitecl.
A couple of Falls City boys an
planning to build a house boat
and sail down the Missouri am'
Mississippi to St. Louis and se e
the exposition.
The Modern Woodmen 0 :
America this week paid to Mrs
G. H. Neal , ,83,000 this being tIH
amount of the policy carried i it
t 1at order by the late Dr. Neal
Our educational department i !
of especial interest this week. 1
contains the names of those wh (
will graduate from the varioU !
schools this year , and such com
mencement dates as have beet
fixed. It also contains mud
other interesting matter
- - - - - - - . - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - -
, ' SI-
. t
The Nebraska Wesleyan Quar-
tette No. 2 are out in the concert , _
field and are striking high. The
, Edgar Post says : "On cdnes-
clay . night , February 25 then gave
a great concert to a good audience
at Omaha. They were called . , .
again and again , giving a total .
, ,
. of 22 cumbers. " . . -
R. E. Grinstead republican , , -
. .
candidate . for the legislature swam
. down from Salem edncsday. o.
- He took this means of coming in
, . . . .
order to get further points on the " \ :
drainage question , but was unable - '
. able to learn anything that . . lie .
didn't already kno\\1. .
, Grant Windle who has been
. ,
seriously ill is now able to be
, ont. He will be strong enough _
. .
t by Monday night to , assume the
I. heavy burden that must be borne
1 by a councilman form the second
: Mrs. Henry blutz and , son '
f Grover came in from Barada and
on Wednesday departe.d for Garfield -
' field , Washington where they ' ;
e will make their future home. . , '
1 I
, .
A \
t REAL ESTATE AGENCY ' ' & { . . , ' : :
t \
) Land bought and sold I ,
s Hartford Fire Insurance ' ' ' . j :
n Houses in city for sale , _ } I
1 Money to loan ;
Telephone 178 !
. , . : . - - ' . _ , . - - - . . .
, JIIO .