The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 29, 1904, Image 1

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I , " - . " VOLUME I FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY - , APRIL 29 , 1904. ' NUMBER 17 . . . . t- ,
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" " Bon. i. J. Crook
: Will Be Postmaster
\ I ' .
I . ' . . , Upon recommendation of Congressman -
I' ' gressman Burkett , the president
\ .has named Hon. G. J. Crook to
l \ f . . be postmaster at Falls City , and
: the senate has confirmed the nom-
1 ination. The fight is over , and
: a long and bitter fight it was.
I ow While the rank and file of the re-
t I publican party , not only of Falls
\ City but of the entire county had
l stood behind Mr. Crook ever
t - since 'he announced his candidacy
for the Falls City postoffice , the
1 bolting element had used , every
I means and resorted to the most
4 I , , . . , unscrupulous methods to block
l : ! 7 ' , the appointment. The political
, opponents of Mr. Crook brought
I every influence that they could
\ ,1/ . . . . . command to bear upon Congress-
't ' , " t man Burkett in order to .make
him break his plighted word and
appoint another. The most v ci-
- -
' : ous circulars were issued , false
' ; letters and even affidavits , were
I. \1 filed at Washington ; .the. personal
' , character of Mr. Crook was attacked -
11 ' t tacked and lies were uttered
about him second in the malice
. , of their nature , only to those ut-
tere during the recent judicial
campaign. During all this time
the loyal and fair minded repub-
licans were endeavoring to count-
, „ Bract these influences and to place
Mr. Crook in the proper light be-
fore the powers that be. Mr.
Burkett heard die evidences on
Elmer E. Coupe.
Elmer E. Coupe died at the
' home of his mother , .1rs. Julian
li 1 " Harlow on Saturday morning at
' 1 the age of 33 years. Mr. Coupe
i had been ill for a long time and
I fought bravely aga1mist death ,
but to no avail. His death marked -
ed the passing of a worthy young
, man. He was born at Rule and
- raised in this county having been
in his earlier years a farmer and
stockman. About a year ago he
entered a partnership with J. F.
, Clegg and the two engaged in
the drug business under the firm
name of Clegg & Coupe. The
deceased was a young man of
quiet disposition and yet one who
, . . made many friends , to all of
, , whom his death has brought
keen regret. To his' mother and
to the other relatives , these
friends extend sympathy and
share " with them in their sorrow.
The funeral was held on Sunday -
lay afternoon from St. Francis
k .
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both sides. He weighed it care-
fully and when the preponderance
'of evidence showed that Mr.
Crook's right'to the appointment
was all that his friends claimed
it to be , and that the opposition
to the appointment was based
upon personal hate and unreason-
ing malice , he prompt recom-
mend d Mr. Crook for appoint-
men t.
he people of Falls City are
glad that the post office matter
has been settled and settled right.
They are glad that Mr. Crook
has been vindicated. Especially
gratifying is the appointment to
loyal republicans all over the
count ) ' . They see in it the substantial -
stantial recognition of Mr. Crooks
splendid services to the party.
The stand taken by Congress-
- -
man Burkett is . . . ho exceedingly
gratifying to republicans. He
bas again .pro\'en. that he , is _ a
man of'hfs ' '
of , word. The pressure
that was brought to bear upon
him was ' tremendous. But he
heard all endorsements and con-
sidered all remonstrances on their
merits and when the time came
he had the moral stamina to act
in accordance with his best judg-
men\ The appointment has not
only been'a victory for \tIr.Crook ,
but a victory for : Mr. Burkett and
a triumph for true republicanistn.
Catholic church and at the close
of the services the remains were
taken to Rule for in termen t.
Burglars entered the home of
John W. Powell some time between -
tween ore and six o'clock Thursday -
day morning and secured his gold
watch and a pocket book contain-
.ing , about twenty dollars and then
safely made their escape. They
left no clue whatever. John came
down town the next morning and
met several tramp each of which
he proceeded to search but found
no trace of the property , which
made it very nice-for the tramps.
Marriage Record.
The following marriage license
have been issued :
Chas. C. Bruhn , Dawson22
Minnie A. Fisher , Verdon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20
John B. Geisen , Kansas Cityu..23
Bessie Muchmore , Humboldt.u19
Jerry Robert Mickel , Lincoln23
I Zelia May Cornell , Vcrdollu20
High Wa.ter.
Heavy local l rains and 'a big
cloud burst near Table Rock on
Tuesday night , cawed the Ne-
maha to go out of its banks and
overflowed the bottom lands ,
transforming the lower Nemaha
valley into a wide expanse of
water. The water rose very rapidly -
idly and then began to fall. The
damage will not be nearly so seri-
ous as it wonld have have been
had the raise came a month later
as practically no farm work had
been done on the bottom lands.
Many snakes and varmints gen-
erally were killed by sightseers.
Railroad traffic was not delayed
to any great exten
Flood Damage a.t Humboldt.
A Humboldt _ special dated Wed-
nesday says : : The heavy rains
have swollen the rivers and
streams , flooding the lowlands
throughout this section. Resi-
dents of the south part of the city
were forced to flee from their
" -
homes Sunday evening and seek T" " ' "
shelter in higher I ? laccs. The - :
Nemaha and Long Branch are
both out and the waters are still
rising. Th waters are higher
now and more of the lowland ,
covered than during the great - , ,
floods of last year. Telephone
communications from south of
town tell of the loss of some stock.
Young Ladies Take Veil. ,
Miss Iitt of Denver who has
been attending the Ursuline con-
vent , and : Miss Sullivan of this ,
city have been reclived as novices
in the order of Ursuline sisters
and have assumed the habit pf
the order. The beautiful cere-
monies were elaborate and were
conducted br the Rt. Rev. Bishop
Bonacum at Nazareth convent ,
the mother house in York. Miss
Kitt has taken the name of Sister
Mary Cecelia and Miss Sullivan
will be known as Sister Mary
Teresa. .
- - '
The . Odd . Fellows . '
- Celebrate Anniversary
The eighty-fifth anniversary of
the birth of Odd Fellowship was
celebrated Tuesday by Nemaha
Valley Lodge No. 36 1. O. O. F.
and Elizabeth Rebekah Lodge.
No. 103. These lodges celebrate
this anniversary every year but
never before had the celebration
been conducted upon , so elaborate
if scale. Invitations had been extended -
tended to lodges all over the dis-
trict and while the number ot vis-
itors was large , it is probable
that the number would have been
twice as great had not the high
water prevented their coming.
Early in the morning the busi-
ness men began to decorate and
Odd Fellow colors were to be
seen everywhere. Some of the
designs were strikingly original
and many of them very beautiful.
Every in-coming train brought
visitors and 1Jy noon the gather-
ing had begun to assume preten-
tious proportions. In the after-
noon a parade was formed and
headed bv Harnack's Military
band , marched to the : Missouri
Pacific train where Rev. J. A.
Huddleson of Lincoln , the speaker
of the day was met and escorted
to the Jenne opera house. When
the meeting had been called to
order the address of welcome was
delivered by Geo. W. Holland ,
president of the city council and
then A. E. Gantt introduced Rev.
Huddle oJ1 who delivered a strong
address appropriate to the occa-
sion. At four o'clock Elizabeth ,
Rebekah lodge gave an exempli-
fication' work that elicited the
most favorable comment on the
part of the visitors. At six o'clock
supper was served at the G. A.
R. hall , the repast having been
prepared by the ladies of the W.
R. C. At seven o'clock Nemaha
Valley lodge gave a splendid exemplification -
emplification of degree work , and
at eight o'clock the ladies and
other guests assembled dt the .
Jenne opera house where a pro-
gram was rendered consisting of
an instrumental solo by Miss Zola
Jones , address of welcome by
Naomi Burcharl , reading by
Miss Grace Miner , paper on "Re-
bekah and Odd Fellowship , " by
: Mrs. Helen Simanton and a vocal
solo by Miss Anna Dorrington.
When the program was concluded
the Odd Fellows had finished their'
degree work and joined the ladies
at the opera house. At nine
otclock Harnack's orchestra played -
ed the grand march ana the ball
was opened. All participated in
the festivities and all had a good
time until the backs called to
take the visitors to their .trains.
The celebration was a great
success in every way. About 150
visitors were present representing
Pawnee , Table Rock , Humboldt , ,
Salem , Auburn , Stella , Verdon ,
Shubert , Rub , Hiawatha and