. . . . , . . ' . . " , ; ' ' , - , , - ; , " ' " . ' . , r April , 22 1904 'TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE - ' 9 - - , - _ . " ' " Our Weekly Market Letter . _ Kansas City , 1\10. , " Monday , April 18. PJ04-After the lower prices at the begining of last \ . - . week account of big runs here and elsewhere , the market revived - ed and advanced 15 or 20 cents trhursday ; and Frida y.tl'his put prices on best beef steers as good or a little better than close of previous week , but plain steers 10stlO , cents Cows and heifers sold wen every day. A load of the very best heavy cows , weigh- ing 1400 lbs. , were picied up at an average cost of $4.45 and choice heifers brought $4.45 on . 'l'hursday. Stockers and feeders . were quiet and a shade lower ex- cept best stockers , which remained - ed steady. Export bulls were . dull , but light butcher weights sold strong. Veal calves were _ . " steady at a lower range , best now bringing $5.75. Supply to- I day is 8000 head , which is not excessive - cessive , but a rUtt of 40,000 at Chicago , with 15 to 20 cents , lower price there caused a de- cline of 10 to 15 cents on steers . here. Cows and heifers , also stockers and feeders arc stea < ly. I Beef steers prices arc about like last Tuesday , which was the low , point last week 'rhere appears L. to be plenty of bl1yiny orders , and the supply to-day was well cleaned up by noon. Hog prices declined steadily last week , with small fluctuations. The loss was 5 to 10 cents , and to-day there is a further decline of 10 cents with $5.00 as top price and bulk of sales at $4.75 to $4.95 weights below 200 lbs sell at S4.85 and down. Predictions bf . S. .50 hogs by June first arc frequently - quently heard. Quality hogs was not so good last week , 1n ire half fat light weights appeared , ' indicating a distaste in the country - try , of feeding high priced corn. . . ' . . Sheep and Iambs gained 20 to - , ; , ' . ' . 30 cents last week , as result of light runs at all markets and ex- . I MCNi\.Il's I GROCERY I . . Fancy and Staple Groceries. Fruit in Season. - . - Satisfaction Guar- unteed. \ Free City Delivery A Phone 40. Storage for Household and Other Goods. - cellent demands at consuming points in the East and t' in Europe. Supply to day is light at 3000 head , and market stead y.trop Iambs brought $6.20 to-day , ewes sold last week at $5.25 and wclh- ers at 85.50. Visible supply of. ewes and wethers particularly is extremely limited for the next six weeks , and prices arc almost sure . to remain high.-J. A. Rickart , Live Stock Correspond- ent. Never so Good as Now. The above has reference to' Campbell Bros big shows now consolidated which will give two exhibitions at Falls City on Fri- day : May 6th. Campbell Bros. have passed the point of competition - tion and this season sees the grandest effort of their carecr. Their rise in the circus world has been phenomenal They have been successful because they give the people what they want and arc ever alert in securing features are entirely new and entail the efforts of 250 artists in the eques- trian , gymnastic , acrobatic , and aerial line , together with twenty five clowns. Three-hundred horses are used and the performance - ance of the trained animals is in itself , . marvelous. A gorgeous street parade will take place at 10 a. m. over the principal street. This is positively the only big show that win visit Falls City this scar 0 1. The Horse Ran Aw . .Y. Ed. Morgan and Paul Green- walel were driving north on Stone street Sunday morning and when near the corner of First street , the horse scared at a bi- cycle and turned suddenly , over- turning the buggy and throw- ing the occupants to the ground. Neither were seriously injured , although both were considerably shaken up and somewhat bruised. The horse ran cast to the corner of W. W. Jenne's place where it was caught. The buggy was completely demolished. $45 California and Back. April 23 to May 1st , inclusive , tickets on sale via Burlington route to San Francisco to Los Angeles - geles and return at $44.00 This is less than the regular one way ra te. rate.No No more delightful outing can be imagined. The trip is made at the time of year when travel- ing is a pleasure and the climate of California at its best. Attractive diverse routes arc offered as well as liberal stop- over privileges and return limit , Folder giving details mailed free on request. Our agent can give you any further information that may be desired.-J. Francis , general passenger agent , Omaha - . 'I ' ! HOLT'S , , . ' : , Shoe Store I . , , , . ; : : ' . . ' " ' " " ' ' . . . : : " , Palls City , Neb. ' I I , " . SHOES Men , Women and ' . - for Children , ' . I would be pleased to have you call to see our Shoe Styles . . Would also like add your name to our list of customers. Children's Shoes a Specialty. Warm Lined Shoes for Old Folks. Rubbers and Overshoes of all Kinds. Want to Phone ? . Call 23. , LOCAL AND PERSONAL City market for good sausage. Dr. I . L. Cal1ison was down from . Stella Sunday . John Glligan made a business trip to Omaha Sunday evening. Do not forget Coupe & Thorn- ton when you want good meat cheap. Grace Hancr of Hiawatha made a short call on her parents ' here Monday. V. le arc still making special low prices on lard and cured meats of all kinds.-Coupe & Thornton. Geo. I1. Moore and Martin Werner of Arago precinct were in the city Saturday and - were pleafent callers at this office. Dr. Kerr has been arranging his paint and wall paper so that he has one of the nicest displays and best stocks in that line in the city. city.W. W. A. Hossack left Monday for Rock Rapids , Iowa , where he is foreman of a bridge gang. lIe was accompanied by Aleck Flowers - ers who will work there through the summer. Frank Brown , wife and children came up from Rule Saturday afternoon. Mr. Brown went to Pawnee to attend the convention , while : Mrs. Brown and the chil- dren remained here for a visit at the home of V'V. . Browu. Special Sale A special clearing sale at Mc Nails on all Oak brand canned goods. 25c cans for 20c. First quality tomatoes per can 'lOco Remember the place is 2tf : Mc Nails Grocery. Ice ! Ice ! Good clean ice from Culp's lake . . delivered at your door.-Culp Ice Compan LEGAL NOTICE. First publication April 15. , , t Notice is hereby given that Matt Schulenberg has filed his petition signed - ed by the requisite number of free hold- ers of the village of Barada , Richardson - son COUllty , Nebraska , asking that a license as saloon keeper be granted him to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors on the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 23 , town- ship 3 , range 16 east of the 6th P. M. in Richardson county , Nebraska , being in a building in the village of Barada known as the Schulenberg building on the west side of the street of said vil- lage and 011 a lot 28 feet in width north and south and 140 feet east and west in said quarter section , for the municipal year beginning May 1st , 1904 and end- , ing April 30th.1905. Robt. Williamson , Village Clerk A LEGAL NOTICE. First publication April 8 , 1904. Notice is hereby given that Frank S. ! I Crabill has filed his petition signed by the requisite number of freeholders of the Second Ward of Falls City asking . that a saloon license be granted him to = ' sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors on lot 2lin block91 in the Second Ward I .j' of said city for the municipal year commencing - mencing May 5th , 1904. , . O. W. BROWNS 3 3t City Clerk A Patronize Tribune advertisers. . I 8 FLOUR FEED AND SALT n 0 I have just received a car of salt which I can furnish you in ( J ) 3 : lump rock , crushed fine rock salt 100 lb. ill sack , No. l rock salt for = : ice cream , No.1 Michigan barrel salt , No. 1 Michigan sack salt 70 C lb in sack just the thing for house use. -r ) Z Also received a car of Illinois washed nut coal , just the thing 0 Q for cook stove or range , $6.00 a ton delivered , satisfaction guar- . :0 : ' " " " ' " allteed. I can deliver you flour , feed , grain , hay and straw , wood for heating and cook stove , on short notice. I pay cash for butter J m eggs and poultry , rubber , copper , brass , zinc and old iron. Q G ) 8 O.P.HECK ( '