The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 22, 1904, Page 10, Image 10
- - - - - + - - ' - - ' a . _ _ . . . . -i. . . . . . - - , .i. " NMhY "uKLa / ' . Fa'LUNJVLVMVC44kCLL.W1 mY'U.1 - - - . _ _ _ _ = x x _ _ , . . , _ . . . . . . 10 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE April 22 , 1904 I . L Educational De artmeni . Conducted by County Superintendent Crocker I . , School Dist No 2 closed April 1st. The teacher and pupils planted one dozen trees. . Prof. S. A. Chidester has been . elected principal of the Ve1'digre , Neb. , public schools for the en- suing year for $80 per month. ( Remember that the Richardson county athletic association will hold its second annual meet Sa t- . , urday , May 2 , on the fair grounds r t : at Salem , Nebr. At a recent meeting of the j Humboldt board of education Ruth C. Chambers of Table Rock was elected for the 4th grade teacher for the ensuing year. Prof. W. L. Evans has been ; , re-elected principal of the north ward school and superintendent of music in the high school at I . Wahoo , Neb. He , was given a ' * nice increase in salary. ' The school board in Dist. 55- " pleasantly surprised their teach- r er Lizzie Hossack , and pupils last week by purchasing for the school a library of 40 volumes , a book case and a Websters diction- ! I ary , li . . . ' . Dist . 28-MISS Laura Alknt'an , > > teacher-Our school closes April I 29th and our attendance is mall V. / on account of the measles. All : those attending seem greatly interested - ) I terested and are doing very good work ' "A transfer of real estate under 14 , j . . Sec. 4a Sub. Div. 5 of the school laws of Nebraska is for school pur- I poses only and such property is t not subject for taxation for bonds in tHe district to which transfer- red.-W. K. Fowler. 1 Geo. A. Lee of : Humboldt , a graduate nf the > Hnmhnlclt high . , , - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.0-- school and now a student of the University has been chosen as one to meet representatives of the Washington university of St. Louis in a debating contest. At a recent meeting of the Sa- I lem board of education the foI- I lowing teachers were elected for 1 the ensuing year : F. S. Feuer- , stein , prin. ; Mary E. Wiltse , 4th room ; Minnie I. Jennings , 3rd room ; Florence B.Jones,1st room. t Dist. 60-H. M. Shaffer teach- - er-School closed last Friday. e "tVe , gave an afternoon program. ' - Several visitors were present. f Bertha Whitney and Ferdie = - Spaulding having : completed the eighth grade work and success- f fully passed the examination , t l were awarded common school J E : diplomas. . } /1r / Church Announcements. Our County Sunday School Convention - ion will be held in the Christian church 1 in this city the third week in June. 1 About fifty delegates will be present besides distinguished workers from a- , . broad. Prof. Steidly of Lincoln , who , ' will be remembered for his able lecture at thc Brethren church last December 1 > l ' "The God Made " f' on the subject , Boy , will bc present at the convention. I Services at St. Thomas' Church Sun = day April 24 as follows- ; Holy Com- munion 7:30a. tn. Choral Eucharist , . Office' of Institution , and sermon by . . . Dist. No. 57 , Maude Heck , eacher-School closed Wednes- day with an Arbor day program. Several visitors were present and and helped us plant trees. Myrtle Yocum and Carrie Wamsley have completed the 8th grade work and received their common school diplomas. We gave an evening program , after which those pres- ent voted on the most popular young lady. The successful can- didate received a box of bon bens and the school $25.92. This has already been expended for library books. We have all enjoyed our school work during the year Dist. No. 9-We have four weeks of school yet , to complete a nine months term. The inter- est manifested is still good , even better than in the fall and although - though only fourteen are now enrolled - rolled , the school is progressing nicely. We enjoyed a very pleasant . ant visit from our , county superin- tendent last week and wish he could come oftener. We could not observe Heroe's Day and Ar- bor Day , too , so we are having memory gems and morning talks for the former and will have a program for the latter. Dist. No. 49-Seven menthes of school are now taught and the interests - terests of the pupils in their school work is not only good but increas- ing. Our school room walls are ornamented with maps in addition to attractive and instructive pic- tures , engravings , etc , making our room quite attractive and pleasant , the leading one among the ' latter being that of The _ Father of His Country. " On Fri- day afternoons of each week 'Ne employ about an hour in ciphering j and spelling matches in which exercises much interest is shown and not a. little excitement arous- ed in friendly rivalry. We think that these special exercises are not only entertaining but highly beneficial. We have one more month to complete the term. Preaton School Notes. Our library club held their last meeting on Friday night of last week and a good program was carried out. The question de- bated was "Resolved that Amer- ica is Growing Worse. " June McMillan , Kenneth Heacock and Howard Pribbeno affirmed and Laura Pribbeno , Sadie Meyers and Alma Daeschner denied. The discussions were spirited and interesting on both sides. The judges Dr. GriffithsJohn Snyder , Vina Shelly decided , two for the negative and one for the affirma- ti ve. Bishop Williams of Omaha at 10:45 : a. m. Special music with instruments at this service. Evensong and sermon 7:30 p. m. Strangers are cordially in- vited to attend all scrvices.-Henry B. Smith , Rector. Regular services will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church next Sun- day morning and evcning. The pas- ter Wharton B. Alexander will preach. The morning service will begin at 8 o'clock. There will be special music in the morning. The Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. and the Epworth League at 7:00 : p. m. . 1 Reavis fA Abbey -if FURNITUREif , - H CARPETS \ . UNDERTAKING , ' . . . } i We carry ev = erything one could expect to find in an up 11I to . . date store of this kind and our prices are ai- ways right. I Reavis& Abbey " } . Official News. The county board remained in ses- sion until Saturday and transacted a great deal of routine business. The committee on revenue and taxes sub- mitted several long reports , The sal- ary of the county attorney was reduced from one thousand to eight hunderd dollars per ) 'ear. A large number of claims were allowed , The annual spring crop of wolf scalps is being harvested and during the week County Clerk Tanner bas paid bounties as follows : Newton Dra- per , five young wolves ; Lewis I-4enher , four young wolves M. Hoover , four young wolves. The following real estate transact- ions have been made : John H. Kuhn to Ethel Rutlege , 153 acres in Barada pre- cinct. Consideration , $9,500.Henry Luhn to Edward V. Shultz , 110 acres in Sec. 32 township 3 , Range 17. Consideration - eration 54,700. V. S. Korner to Geo. W. Holland , lots 23 and 24 in block 70 and a fractional tract in Sec. 2 , t 1 , r17 , Consideration $1. Janitor Ruegge's salary was increased - ed by the county board from $25 to $40 per month. Heretofore he has been required - quired to devote but a portion of his time to his work , but will now be required - quired to give all his time to his duties as janitor. New cases have been filed with the clerk of the district court as follows : 'Ida Ransom VB David Ransom , di vorce. . . . We request I j you to take I a look at the .1 display win = I dews when . ( passing our store. They will . interest ' YQU. - . H Wheeler Bros : vs Henry Shaw , To foreclose morgage. 3 The following marrage licenses s have been issued. . ' Charls E. Moore , San Francisco - - - - 42 Viola Moore Kansas City Mo.37 John J. Vogel , Falls Cit ) " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 29 y Johanna Sullivan , Falls City _ _ _ _ _ _ - 23 . , Thomas Higgins , Stella _ _ - _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ 21 Carrie Jenkins , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Francis Hiram Dole , Hamilton Mo29 Maude May Till , Braymer ; Moo-18 Joseh G. 'VilsonMouud City , Mo.21 Jestie B. Swain , Mound CIty , Mo. _ _ 18 Jessie VanOsdell , St. Deroin25 1tfaucl Hunt , St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , John Ross and wife and T. 1\ Ross and family spent Sunday with W. I. Ross and family in _ Verdon. - ' Mrs. George Boon returned to- , her home in St. Joseph Wednes- day after a few days visit with friends in this cit , ' . Mrs. John J. Faulkner of East ; St. Louis , Ill. , and Mrs. Nell Ab- bey-Hagensack of Iowa Falls , Ia. " are visiting at the home of their { . sister , Irs. C. F. Reavis. Iv The next issue of The Tribune : . will contain a long and very interesting - , : teresting letter from Emma Boose " Tucker who is now engaged in " missionary work in China. The " letter will prove of great interest , to the many friends of Mrs. i Tucker . in this city. - ' : - : . ' I . .