The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 22, 1904, Image 1

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. , . Boys Meet . , Death
I at Heacock's E1evor
Arthur Boyd , aged fourteen
and Lester Kermode , aged about
seven , were killed Friday evening
by being smothered in a bin of
shelled corn at P. S. Heacock's
elevator Just how the. boys
came to get into the bin , win
. probably never , be known , as no-
body saw : them enter the building
or knew of their presence there
until their dead . bodies were dis-
" covered. It is supposed that they
climbed up the stairs on the out-
side of the building and the the-
ory is advanced by some that , the
, . smaller boy fell from the narrows
foot-board into the bin and that
. in attempting to rescue him , the
older boy also lost his life. A
f car was being loaded from this
. , bin and the corn flowing from
the chute created a powerful suc-
tion and dragged the boys down
under the grain where they were
smothered to death.
The Kermode boy was a son of
Mrs. Fred Harris , while the Boyd
. boy was her brother. When the
I : boys did not come home to sup-
i per a search was begun and the
older boys cap was found on the
roof of the engine house at the
. . _ elevator. This caused . a fear on
the part of the employes at the
elevator that the boys might of
fallen into the bin , and this fear
was soon confirmed by the fact
that thegrain ceased to flow from
the chute. On further examina-
tion , it was found that the body
of the Iermode boy had lodged
! at the mouth of the spout and it
J ' was quickly removed. The body
- - - -
Grandma Schrader died at the
J home of her son , J. J. Schrader
in Ven10n on Sunday , April 17th ,
. . , - -1904. The flfncral waR held from
the Evangelical chnrcli on Tuesday -
, day at 1 p. m.
Mrs Isabella Tul1\a : Schrader
, ' Ger-
was born in Mecklenburg -
i many , June 24 , 1811 and lived
until after her marriage in Ger-
many. Sometime in the forties
they moved to Australia and
there lived about eight years ,
during their stay there her hus-
, . band died. From there she and
the children moved to America
settling in Illinois. While there
or about 1858 she united with the
. .
. Evangelical church of which she
has been a member ever since.
In 1875 she moved . to Richardson
i county where she lived until death
- -
of the Boyd boy was re cred
later by removing a portion of
the . . floor of the bin. Mr. Heacock
, . '
was - nbtified and went at once to
to the scene. He was much affected : "
fected ; by the accident , as he
never allows children to play
around the elevator and under no
circumstances would the employes
have allowed the boys to remain
had they seen them. At the re-
quest of Mr. Heacock , CQroner
Reneker held an inquest and the
jury returned the following ver-
dict :
Richardson County f SS
At an inquisition holden at Falls
City in Richardson county on the 15th
day of April A. D. 1904 , before me ,
George W. Reneker , coroner of said
county , upon the bodies of Lester Ker-
mode and Alfred Boyd , lying dead , by
the jurors whose names are here sub-
scribed , the said jurors upon their oath
do say that they came to their death
accidentally by being smothered in a
corn bin at the elevator and not due to
any foul means.T. . G. Brown , P. H.
Hermes , J. Wilcox , E. W. Woolcock ,
George F. Plege , A. R. Goolsby.
In witness whereof the said jurors
have hereunto set their hands the day
and year , aforesaid.
Attest : DR. Guo W. RnNEKER ,
'rvlrs. Harris was prostrate
when the news of the accident
was conveyed to her. The . entire
community sympathizes with h r
and with the members of her
family in this great and sudden
bereavement ' The bodies were
taken to Rule Sunday for inter-
ment , the father of the Kermode
boy being buried there.
claimed her. She was 92 years ,
9 months and 23 days old.
She leaves to mourn her departure -
parture 4 children , J. J. Schrader
and frs. John Benedict of Ver-
don , Mrs. E. Reike , of Chester ,
and lvlrs. Brandt of Illinois be-
sides several grand children and
great grand children.
Hepfingers Big Log.
Wm . Hepfinger was in town
this week visiting i his
old friends. He lived here
a great many years , during part
of which time be was deputy
United States marshal. Since
leaving here he has sojourned along -
long the Pacific coast and .is now
enroute for St. Louis , where he
will have an exhibit at the expos-
ition. The exhibit is the embod-
iment of his own idea and is very
. . . - . . . . .
r f r j. _ "
unique , He secured one of the
big trees that grow in Washington -
ton and from it cut a log 36 feet
long and 9 feet in diameter.
This log has been hollowed out
and contains three rooms an of-
fice , a parlor and a den of living
wild animals. The log is mounted -
ed on a flat car and will form a
part 'of the Washington exhibit
at the exposition.
Johanna Sullivan and John J.
Vogel were married at St Fran-
cis Catholic church Wednesday
morning , Rev Bex performing
the ceremony in the presence of
anumber of friends and relatives.
The bride and groom and both
well known to the pople of this
community and many friends sin-
cerely congratulate them.
-A Lincoln special of April 20
says : Miss Florence Sullivan ,
whose parents live in Oklahoma
City , Ok. , and C. E. Bently , jr. ,
whose father was the prohibition
candidate for president in the
campaign of 1896 , were married
in Omaha last Saturday night.
The parents-of neither knew of
the marriage. The father of the
groom , a preacher in this city ,
was so disappointed when he
learned that his son had been
married by another' minister , that
he persuaded the young man to
procure a license in this county
and be wedded again. The sec-
end ceremony was performed in
Lincoln last night and the couple
left today for Denver where Mr.
Bently is employed in a railroad
officer The bride was a student
in the University of Nebraska
and would have been graduated
next year. Mr. Bently had been
employed in the Burlington of-
fices here. When he received
word that he had secured a place
in the Denver & Rio Grande of-
fices he asked Miss Sullivan if she
would marry him.
The above dispatch will be of
interest to the many friends of
the bride in this city. She is the
daughter of T. F. : Sullivan who
lived here for a number of years
Odd Fellows Anniversary.
On next Tuesday the Odd Fel-
lows of this city will celebrate
the 85th anniversary of their
order. They have invited a num-
ber of other lodges to assist them
and it is expected that they win
have some 300 visitors. A num-
ber of the business houses will
decorate in honor of the event
the colors being white ; , pink , red ,
blue and green. . . , - -
- , . . - . . .
, , jI , r J . . . . . I J . . . . . . .
Wm Murphy Kills Himielf.
. . . JO
William Murphy commited - -
suicide at the home of his brother - = :
er , Patrick Murphy , two miles V
east and three miles south of this - - .
city about ten o'clock Tuesday .
morning Mr. Murphy had been
? '
living in Chicago for the past ten , . . , ]
years but a short time ago he returned -
turned and had been staying at
the home of his brother. At the
time of his return he was sick
and unable to work , and it is sup-
posed that brooding over his ill- . t. ,
ness led to , despondency and the . ,
consequent taking of his own life.
He arose about nine o'clock'
Monday morning and shortly be-
fore ten asked Mr. Murphy if his
good clothes were in the room up
stairs , and being so informed , declared -
clared his intentions of getting
them. He went up stairs and a
few moments late the report of
the gun was heard. A daughter
of Mrs. Murphy rushed to the
room and found the unfortunate
man lying in a pool of blood and
in a few moments he had breathed -
ed his last Investigation showed -
ed that he had taken a shot gun
that stood in the corner of the
room , and after ransacking bu' = ;
'reau drawers for shells , had load-
ed and cocked both barrels. He
removed the shoe from the fight
foot , placed the muzzle of , the
weapon against his left side over
the heart and pulled trigger with
his toe. The powder burned his
clothing and the charge tore a
great hole in his side
Coroner Reneker was notified
of the tragedy and went at once
to the scene. A jury was empan-
elled and on the evidence sub
mitted , the following verdict was
returned :
Richardson County f 55
At an inquisition holden at Patrick
Murphy's in Falls City township in
Richardson county on the 19th day of
April , A. D. 1904 , before me , Dr. Geo.
W. Reucker , corouerof said COUlltyUp-
on the body of William Murphy lying
dead , by the juror's whose names are
hereto subscribed , the said jurors upon
their oath do say that William Murphy
came to his death by a gunshot wound ' ' ;
in his left breast by his own hand.-
E1lis Powell , M. Sullivan , C. F. Zoel- ,
ler , M. McMahon , Anton Smith , J. A.
Etheridge. .
In testimony whereof the said jurors
have hereunto set their hands the day
and year aforesaid
Attest ; DR. Gao. W. RENEKRR ,
. . . Coroner.
Mr. Murphy was about thirty- ,
five years of age and unmarried
He leaves two brothers , Patrick ,
at whose home he died , Thomas ,
who resides near , Barada , and one
sister : Mrs. J. Kanaly.
. . . . . , . ,
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