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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1904)
April , 15 1904 THE _ FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . . 3 ' - - - - , LOCAL AND PERSONAL. . J. H. Miles returned yesterday from Los Angeles , Ca1. / Coupe & Thornton handle noth- ing but the best of meats. I New goods received every week ; ' J at the Bon Ton millinery store : . , ' G. W. Marsh : , secretary of state , came clown from Lincoln . . last night , 1 : , The swellest hat at the lowest , prices can be bought at the Bon ' Ton millinery store. 1 t. Mina Alexander . entertained the young ladies kensington c1u on Wednesday afternoon. : For sale-Complete printing , outfit fur newspaper and job work Address box 136 , Falls City. . R. S. Coupe was called to this city from Rule yesterday by the . illness of his brother Elmer. . Elmer Coupe is critically in at the home of Ferd Harlow. His , condition is extremely serious. . The young mens dancing club gave a very pleasant dance at , Ryans hall Saturday evening. For sale cheap-New typewriter - er and New Home sewing ma- 1 chine. . Address box 136 , Falls City , Neb. . . The business men have been looking after their awnings this week and several new ones are 1 . in evidence. t E. E Haskins will preach at j i ' Y , the Brethren church Sunday ev- { J eiting and at Silver Creek Sunday morning. An are invited. . I I The ladies are talking about those fine millinery goods at I\frs. , Breithaupts. And H is nice things they are saying about them. 011 Sunday evening Henry B. Smith will begin a series of five "Conferences" on the . . . doctrine and history of the 'Angel cdn church , at St. Thomas church. A question box will be conducted ' . after each conference. - - A cordial invitation is extended - ed to the public and especially straggers to attend services at I the Methodist church on Sunday , , + thc pastor Wharton B. Alexander - ; ! " cler will preach both morning and 7"f11 I evening. The evening sermon _ will be brief and Simon Davies . . 213 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 4\ will sIng a so 1 o. : ai ! ' ! WI , "I have been subject to sciatic I . rheumatism for . years , " says E. r \ ' H. Waldron of f Wilton Junction , I Iowa. " 1\fy joints . were stiff . and a gave me much pam and hscom- . . fort.iy joints would crack , when I straightened up. I used } ' Chamberlains Pain Balm and 1 have been thoroughly cured. Have not had a Vain or ache from ' the old trouble for many months J is most wonderful : : It certainly a w 'j . liniment. " For sale by A. G. . Wanner. - . . tI t ' I . . . 1 I . Francis William Martin. Francis William , son of Mr and Mrs. J. C. Martin died last even- ing , aged 1 year , 1 month and 22 days. Mrs. Martin recently went to Florid on a visit taking her little son with her , while there the little one was taken ill and the return trip was hastilly made. The chills illness however , be- came so critical that no medical skill could save its life. The sor- row that has come to this young father and mother is shared by their many friends and there arc no words to express the depth or sincerity of the sympathy that goes out to them. Everts S. Towle. Everts , son of John \V. Towle and wife died at the home of his parents in Omaha last Monday after an illness covering a period of three weeks. The little one was but year ole1. The remains were brought to this city , the funeral party being accompanied by Rev. Smith , pastor of the First Methodist church of Oma- ha , by whom funeral services were conducted at the home of Edwin S. Towle Wednesday morning. Very many warm friends of : Mr and Mrs. Towle spmpathise deeply with them in their great affliction. . , Notice. In view of the prevalence of measles and its rapid spread throughout the schools , notice is hereby given that the school board will enforce the rules requiring - quiring non attendance , of pupils while the sickness is present in the family , and for two weeks : after fumigation has been effected - ed under the directions of the boar of health. Doubtful cases , where a physician is not caned. will be treated as actual sickness. By order of the board of educa- tion.J.V. . H. . PILI.SBUHV , Supt. Ice ! Ice ! Good clean ice from Culp's lake delivered at your door.-Culp Ice Compan - I Can Get You a Widows' Pension Quicker than anyone else I secured a pension for IHS. ANNA BABD of Falls City. Allowed February 17 , 1904. Mr. Babb died October 29 , 1903. Also pension for MRS. JUNNm 'VUNTWOHTII of Falls City. Allowed - ed March 15 , 1904. Mr. , Wentworth I died November 28 , 1903. John L. , Cleaver PENSION TIORNEY ' I . . . Fa11s : S\t \ ! , Neb'raska' , . . . ; ' I . .I . ' _ ' . . ' Your . Attention ! . , , I would respectfully call the attention of the house owners of Falls City to the fact that I have recently stocked a full line of - - - - - - : 4 - - - tf Heath . a Milligan's Guaranteed M , , . . Paints and Colors . . . . 3 i am also showing to the public a new and a very complete line , , embracing the latest in - - " . ' \ . WALLPAPER , . ' , I Ranging from the Cheapest to the Best I shall aim to carry a first class line including the best grade of goods in the way of , Paints , 'Oils , Varnishes . and Brushes . Please call amd get prices , which will always . be right. Thanking my friends for many fav- ors in past years , I hope for a continuanc' : , " " - W.t-I. KERR . . . , Dealer in Ederythin that Can be Found in a First Clans Pharmacy - - - - - . Missionary Convention. The convention of the first Mis- sionary district of the Christian church has been in session in this city during the fore part of the week and has been an enthusiastic - tic and profitable meeting. Del- egates were present from Paw- nee , Johnson , Nemaha and Rich- ardson counties and the keenest interest was manifested in the proceedings of the conv ntion. The program embraced a wide range of subjects and the papers and discussions were 110t only very entertaining highly instruct- ive. The cause of missions in this district has been given a great impetus by this convention and the deliberations win doubt- less be productive of much good. The delegates returned to their homes much pleased with the reception - ception tendered them by the people of Falls : City and enthused and encouraged by the spirit which waseng'cndercd during the session of the convention - - - - - Where did you get that tat ? Why don't you know at the Bon Ton millinery store It , - - - - - Fraternal Union. The regular meeting of the Fraternal Union was held at Beaulieu's barber shop Monday night and further plans made for the fraternal picnic. The follow- ing executive committee , was appointed - pointed : I. L. Beaulieu , T. J. Gist , W. A. Greenwald , Julius Kleber and Dr. Miner. Go to the City market for bockwurst. . Spring millinery may be seen at its best at Mrs. Breithaupts. Patronize Tribune advertisers , All the local & county news 52 . weeks for $1.00 is what you get when you subscribe . .1 scribe for The I " Tribune. I . _ . . . . . . . . . . _ I . . . . . " " . , _ tJ t ' . ' " . . . . . ' _ . - - , . ' . . _ . . - . ,