The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 15, 1904, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE April ISJ 1904 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I M MMMMMMMM - MMMMMMMMMMM M I _ _ FLOOR COVERINGS i I INGRAIN CARPETS , I No floor covering has been invented which : e1 fills the place of the standard all wool Ingrain , : r- , I. , attractive in coloring and design , clean and dur- able , they meet at a moderate cost a popular need. Our stock this season is so complete in ; its range of colors and designs that you will find in it the exact thing you desire. Prices range from 25 to 75c. : As a special offering in this department . . . partnlent until May 1st we offer one piece of s . Ii good weight , all wool , at 50c and three pieces , all wool , full standard in excellent patterns at 65c. We have several remnants from 3 to 12 . yard i $ lengths , best grades to close at 55c. f - ! LINOLEUM . i Two pieces of best makes Linoleum , two yards wide , at 50c a square yd. These goods are , & worth 60c but we have an over stock of this width Two pieces four yards wide just in , handsome \ patterns and of best makes . Linoleum is the Jtj most substantial , satisfactory covering for Jt kitchen , dining room , and hall floors. I - - - - - fv' RUGS _ The proper thing for dining room , parlor , Iff ' bed room , reception room , etc is a rug. When * in proper proportions and harmony , nothing ? l\ lends so an air of novelty. We show room sizes in Ingrain , Axnlinsters , Wilton , Tapestry , Body Brussels , Sll1yrna , and Casimere , in a great var- , ietyof design , coloring and size. i3 AXMINISTERS VELVETS , BODY BR U SS E LS. A large line of the best grades and new designs in these lines at the lowest prices. These came from the best house in the V ' West and 110shilly sballying is done to cover up R- quality. These are made in any size with Of without borders. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TTINGS Thirty pieces of matting just in fresh from ' a high class importer. Prices from 15c to 30e . plains , damasks and inlaids. . _ _ . _ _ FULL STOCKS .f . : I Shades , Lace , Tapestry and Rope , Curtain Goods I Upholstery Goods , etc. , . - . I ( If It - - - . - , . - & . . . . : - . . - . : : : : : : ' . - - = . _ - - . : = : . - = - - . , . . I VG.LYFORDa ; edrr 4sl/ j Correspondence . News of the County as Told by Our Special Correspondents Shubert. . Miss Nora Pond is on the sick list. ° John Harmon is still under the , . doctor's care. - Joe- Harper was a I-Imnboldt visitor Tuesday. John I-Iooyer-made a trip to Falls City 'ruesday. Vern Taylor has been clerking for C. H. IIenderson. . Will Brannin and family are ' relatives at this'place. . visiting \'es place. Jessie Kinton has been enter- .taining a lady friend this week. - Art Doman and wife entertain- . ed friends from the country Sun- ' day. day.G. . G. \V. Barnes and vifc enter- - - tained Nellie Harper and Bessie Henderson recently. _ Etta Cutter of Falls City will visit a few days with her sister i Jim 'Veddle and wife John Alexander and wife 1110\- cd into the brick building on the g east side of Main street 1\'Ionday. i ; .1\lrs. Odessa Handley returnel . to her home the latter part of the week after a few days visit with . her parents at . this place. . rr Ort r . - " . . - - - - . - . . . . . . . . . - : - - .1\1rs. : Ross Kenton visited her parents l\londa .1\ Shook and baby , who have been visiting friend at HUnlboldt T , returned during the week . . Salem. Hal Shafer was , n Salem Sun- day. day."V. W B. Boyd was in Falls City .Monday. C. P. Jones went to Dawson vVednesday. . Joe 'Vindle shipp stock to St Wednesday night. Clay Wagner and wife drove . to Falls City 'Vednesday. J. I-I. Timmerman made a bus- iness trip to Stella Tuesday. Grandma and Grandma Boyd came down from Humboldt 'Ved- nesda ) " . l\'lrs. 'l om l\'Iajors came down from Rockford last week to visit her mother. The Ninth Hour club. met at the home of Beulah Russell last Thursday evening. F. H. Hahn who has been here for several months has gone to Char.iton Iowa .1\1rs. Jas. French went to Falls City Monday to attend the con- vention returning home 'V ed- nesday. ' . ' . . " . . . . . . . . . : - ' - . r A . Bess Graham came down from Dawson Tuesday and win visit until Friday. W. \V. vVertz is loading some cars of corn at Verdon to ship to his Kansas ranch 1\'lrs. W B. Boyd started for Ohio , Wednesday where she wiil visit her parents for several weeks. Nothing Equal to Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. vVe have used Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Didrrhoea Remedy in our family for years , says .1\11'8. J. B. Cooke of Neder- lands , exas.V have given it to all of our ci1l1dren. Ve have used other meatcines for the same purpose tut have never found anything to equal Chambcrain's. ] If you win use it as directed it will always cure. " For sale by A. G. 'Vanner. Special Sale. . - A special clearing sale at \'Ic Nails on all Oak brand canned goods. 25c cans for 20c. First quality tomatoes per can .10c. Remember the place is 2tf vIc Nails Grocery For Sale For sale-As nice a HO as you ever saw. Deep black soil , not a pebble on within twelve miles of the capital of South Dakota for S100 see "Thitakcr Bros. at once. , , . 14-tf 4 r- : , , - , , , TAN = = . OXFORDS . . . c i ' < ic y ; { c' . 1 F ; : py y . . . ? W . . " C ) ; . , ; ' W " ' , q . . ' / . ( ' . . . . . . . - , . ' ' ; ' . : . . . . - , - , t. - . ' ' . . . ARE STYLISHh - . . ; . . < . \ . ; - - . . ' . THIS SUMMER _ : Tj ; : , , . . . . BUY A PAIR . . \ ' . , fA i. a , . . ' . , -AT- - - - 1p HALL r&l - f GREENW ALD'S SHOE PARLOR , . , -7 - , ' ' Z red Knickerbocker was drh'- ing Prof. Harnack's spirited colt . .ruesday morning and the animal was feeling so good that Fred - lost control . of him and a small \ runaway resulted. No serious I . damage was done. . ' , , . , ' . . _ " - - - y , , ' . , ' - ; : - . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . : , S , .r ' " " -