The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 15, 1904, Page 10, Image 10
- - - II .y ( . 10 THE FALLS CITY . TRIBUNE April 15. 1904 I ' . . " A' Busy Week . : " At The Court House. 'P Clerk Lorcc is getting ready to 'i ' make up thc locket for thc May : .ir - term of the district court , which a -r : h will 'meet on May 9. The locket d , j will contain a large number of ' ; : cascs. ; _ . . . _ - - . .tiIJ , ; ' - ! : The county board met Tuesday r. and the members havc' been 'very' busy ; with their official duties ever sincc. Following is a syn- opsis of the business transacted : ' In the matter of the applica- tion to widen thc road between sccs. 20 and ' 23 in Jefferson town- + ship the prayer of thc petition was denied. I A , number vf official bonds were approved. Thc appointment of Howard : Long to be deputy assessor in Falls City precinct to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of A. H. Ernst , was confirmed. On Wednesday the board took up the matter of the bridge con- tract. Bids were submitted by - - thc following : Canton Bridge Co. ' John Gilligan 1\ J. Crummel , t , Chas. G. Sheeley , Midland Bridge Co and J. H. Sparks. When all the bids had been open- ed Q.Hl , considered , Glasser moved that the contract for building cOUlity bridges of every descrip- tion ' for the ensuing year , be awarded to John Gilligan , he being - ing the lowest bidder and < that the county attorney be instructed to draw up a contract and that John Gil1igqn be requested to furnish a bond in the st1m of $2000 for the faithful performance of his contract. On motion of IIutch- ings i further action on the motion vas postponed until 1:30 : p. m. When the board met in the afternoon the matter of the petition - tition of E. E. ; 13arlow ct. a 1. for a road between : sec. 3 and 4 in . Nemaha twp. was taken up and the petition granted and rv1. B. Ryan was allowed the sum of $142 damages. The First National Bank of Ilumboldt and the Fii'st National Bank of Falls City were designated - nated as county depositories sub- ject to the pl'o\'biot1s or the 8tat- utes. utes.On On motion of IcCray further action on thc bridge contract was postponed until April 14 at 2 p.m. The fight over the bridge con- tract was resumcd yesterday afternoon - ternoon but it was not until nearly - ly four o'clock that final action was takcn. Some members cf thc board were in favorof throw- ing out all thc bids and putting . . . ' . . . . the county in the bridge business R' for itself. The county attorney gave it as his opinion that . the s , course ' would be legal. A con- ; , ' , trary opinion from another attorney - torney' was read and after further heated debating n vote wa ! taken on the original motion by Glasser awarding the contract to John Gilligan. There were four votes : cast for the motion and three' against it. _ The following marriage licenses . have been issued. Matthias Poitner , Falls CitYuu.39 Amelia Bippc , Falls City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ 37 , Herman Bauer , Verdon-------------24 I . Mary Goll , Verdott---- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -----20 : William \V.alker . , Dawson--------22' : : Katie E. Smith , Dawson------------21 James Hopper , Humboldt _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ 21 Mantic Sparks , Humboldt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ 19. Sci pie Stringfiel , Stella------------32 Maude : Ashcroft , Stella _ _ - _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22' - - - - - Wil- On Tuesday County Judge - . hite was called upon twice to per- form thc marriage ceremony. The parties were Herman Bauer to Mary Golf , both of Verdon and \ \ illiam R. Walker to Katie E. Smith , both of Dawson. On Wednesday he performed the cer emony which united in marriage Joseph Hopper and IVlatnie Spar { s , both of Ifumboldt. " - " Thc biggest mortgage ever recorded - corded , in this county was filed for record last Saturday and County Recorder Rieger has not yet finished counting up his fees. ' It was the first annual refunding gold bond mortgage given by the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. , to the Central Trust : Co , of New York and David R. ; . Francis , trustees , and involved S1(3 , 000 , 000. This mammoth in- stnt11H."n , when recorded , filled 122 pages of the big record book This mortgage covers all thc lines of the C. R. 1. & P. system , and as the company bas about a mile of track in the extreme southwest corner of this county , it became necessary to have the mortgage recorded here. A special repre- . sentative of the company' visited : Falls City for that purpose. William E. Spratt , who was lately elected mayor of St.Joseph rvlo. : . on the democratic ticket is an old friend and schoolmate of County Clerk Tanner. Although they had not seen each other for twenty years , wlwn :1\11' : Tanner learned of his friend's success ! he sent his congratulations. rvlr. Spratt replied in a letter that recalled - called to our county clerk many pleasant recollections of other days. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - Sorosis Entertains. The ladies of Sorosis entertained - cd their husbands and thc mem- bers of Friends in Council and their husbands at the home of George \ \ ' . Holland on 'Vednc . WALL PAPERIt ' . Yes all kinds ! Our stock is now cOlnplete. " y . . . . . If in need of anything in the line of VV all Paper call and inspect our line. That's our I ! long suitVe ! have the exclusive sale for j Richardson County of the BER.GE Special l i Papers . , nothing . finer. _ _ _ . _ . - , . , . -4 , . j Don't forget while buying Paint you had just as well buy the best and have us give you a . FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE on it. . . ' . THE KING PHARMACY FALLS CITY , NEBR. _ , . , . ' " IIU : " N -1- ; ? day evening. About sixty guests were present. The feature of the evening was an address delivered - livered by 1\lrs. Ioores of Platts- mouth She has spent several years in Mexico and chose as her subject the Mexican people and their customs. She stated her impressions in an easy , yet forci- ble manner and brought to her hearers the result of careful'Stmh- and close observation. Not only was the address intensely } inter- esting but it was also practical and instructive. ' At the close of the address elaborate refreshments were served. Thc house had been very prettily decorated in the Mexican colors. It , vas a typical evening with Sorosis which has come to mean an evening of pleasure and of profit School of Few Pupils. The little islet of Nordstrand schmor , in the North sea , bout what is probably the smallest school in the world. Oceanic up' heaval hits wrenched the isle way from the island of Nerd , strand , and the action of the sea is continually wearing the earth awaJ' A century ago there were 50 inhabitants , who lived bJ' fish jng and rude husbandry , and in 1836 a. little school was erected , capable of providing for about ; 1 dozen children With the dwin dling of the islet , however , the population has thinned , and now numbers no more than 15 S01IIH For five rears : past the school a1. ' tendance has varied from nothing to hulfa-dozen children. Food for Escaped Prisoner In Siberia the houses in every village upon the main street facing - ing the road have little windows with shelves about six feet above the ground , and on these steel t'es the inmates place whatever food they have to spare. This is a-cus- tom handed down from a former mod to aid escaped prisoners ; , the shelves being placed at that height to prevent dogs from get. Ling at the food. , . f I I ' TIME TABLE . ? : 1 , I < ' Falls City. Neb. ' ' ; f Lincoln Omaha Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points east and south. - Denver Helena - Butte Salt Lake City Portland San Francisco and all l points' south. ' , tRAINS J.H.\ ' } . AS FOrJ.o\\'s : No. 42. Portland-St Louis j t Special , St. Joseph , . ( Kansas City , St ! . ' . Louis and all points . . - \ . . . . . " ' east anti sou tl 1. , . . . 7:27 : p 111 ' " ' \ ' No 13. Vestibuled express , " 't ' I ' I Denver amI , . I daily , YCl' ; . all points west and " northwcst. " . , . . , . , . 1:33 : a u1' , 1 No. H. Yestitmlcd express , . daily , St Joe , Kansas - . . sas City , St. Louis . , ' and all points cast , 1 and south , . . " . . " , , a 111 . ' No 15. Local express , daily i . . . ; + _ , Lincoln and points east , wcstnorthwcst 1:48 p 111 . No.21. Vcstibuled express , ' " . , daily , DClIver , and \ all points west and northwest . " . . . " . " . 1:35 : p m No 16. Vestibuled express daily , St. Joe , Kan sas City , St. Louis . ' Chicago and points . . east and sonth . . . . 4:30 : pm. . ' ' \ No. 22. Local express , daily. \ . . . . . . . . . . . Atchison ami points . . south and west" . , . 4.f4 : pm' , No. 41. St. Louis-Portland ' . SpecialI4 ncoln , He- , lenu , Tacoma and - Portland without . . change. . . . . . . . . . . . 10:0i : pnt . . ' 1. t No. 115. Local accomJ11oda- tion , daily except . - Sunday , Salem , Ne- - , 1 1. 1.aha and Nebraska City " . . . . " . " . . . . . , . 11:30 : p m t I Sleeping , dining and reeling chair 1 , r 1 i1 cars ( seats free ) 011 through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to , , any point in the States 01' Canada ; For F information , time tables , maps and . tickets , call on or write to G Stewart , . I ' Agent , Falls ! City , Neb. , or J. Francis G. P. & 1' . A. , Omaha. A. O. U. W. E. G. Phillips. , deputy master / \t \ , workmen of the A. O. U. W. has 1 been working in the city for some time in the interests of the order. Last night , as , a result of his efforts twcnty-five new members ' were initiatcd. This brings the membership up to 250 and makes . it the largest lodge in the city. ' , Jtr , . . . " . . . . , . i / - . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1'-- : . . . . . . . . \ , ' _ ' , - '