. , , . . - . . . . ' , , . , I . ' , . " , " e < " I. . . , . ' IIci " " , . , ' 5' . " ' ; _ _ _ _ - - ' . _ , ' VOLUME I FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , APRIL 15 , 1904. NUMBER IS' _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ \ "LOCAL AND PERSONAL. , " Harry Jenne is spending the : week at home L. J. Varvel of Rule was in . town Tuesday. , . " Dr. VanOsdel of Barada was \ in town Tuesday. . IngraIn Cain came down from ; Stella V4 ednesday . Nellie Goolsby was down from , Verdon . Thursday. J P. S. Heacock went to Kansas i , , . . City on business Monday. G. E. Hall made a business . trip to Verdon eclnesday. Carrie Boyd of Rule was a Falls City visitor 1'uesday. : , M A. Frank and wife were down ' , from Verdon Tuesday. Irs. Hoops came down from , Verdon on business Tuesday. John Hoover drove down from r Shubert on business Tuesday. . . "Cap" Evans was down from Stella on business ednesday. A. Neitzel made a business , trip to Highland , Kan. . Tuesday. . , , Chas. l\fIcCool of Salem was in ; , .tr' i : r _ the city on business edl1esday. - J. W. Christy of Shubert trans- , acted business in the city Mon- day. J. M. Robertson of Verdon was transacting business in this city Thursday. . Minnie Swisegood , of Verdon was a pleasant caller at this office Thursday. J. 'V : Patterson of Humboldt made a business trip to this city . ednesday. , ' Grace Hale of Auburn spent I - Wednesday with Belle Hossack . at this place. Mrs. Sarah Wylie left Wednes- day for an extended visit in Forest - est . City. Mo. - - = m Rob't. Hoback of Barada was II circulating among his Fans City friends Monday. : Ii A. Graham is slowly getting ' rid of a very large and complete , specimen of a carbuncle. II . , Will Codington and George Schneider Auburn werein Falls , City the first of the week. . . . Mrs. E. Firebaugh has pur- l : J . . ; chased the Barker property on \ , . , McLa street and has moved therein. . Dr. Miner reports the arrival of a son at the nome of Geo. Duer' = : , . feldt and wife northeast of town on last Saturday. . ' t\ . I . , ' " . . , , . , , , . . , , ' . : ' " _ " ,0 ; " . : r- " r , T c ! . The work of building the power house at the new mill is in pro- gress. For greater safety the power house will be entirely sep- arate from the main structure. As soon as this work is compl ted the mill win be ready for operation ! - tion , and Falls City win have one of the largest and ' best flouring mills in the state. The movi ng picture show at the Gehling Monday night was witnessed by a large audience. . The pictures were good and the exhibit embraced a wide vari- ety of subjects. A feature of the entertainment was the appear- ance of a male singer with a good soprano voice. , Great improvements will be made in Falls City during the summer in the way of permanent walks. Most of the concrete will probably be laid early in the season as that which was laid late last fall was injured in some cases bv freezing. Irs. J. C. Martin who has been visiting in Florid .l ret rned , home Tuesday her return having been hastened by the serious illness of her infant son. Mr. : Martin met her at St. Louis. Now is mankind generally haunted' by that hungry restless look that won't come off until houses are cleaned and order once more restored in the domestic circle. - . . . Governor Mickey has appointed - ed J. H. Hill of this city as a delegate to the national good roads association which win con- vene in St. Louis May 16. The interior _ of the ling Phar- macy has been newly papered this week , which adds much to the appearance of that . . already neat and popular place. Joe Culp left yesterday : for oungston , Ohio where he goes to visit his father , who is 91 years of age and whom he has not seen for many years. Prof. Harnack is very busy getting things in shape for train- ing the band and orchestra that will furnish music for the Salem chautauqua. Chas. Hoffman who was so bad- ly injured a few weeks ago by falling on the sidewalk is able to get around again without the aid of a crutch. J. H. Han and Walter . Veach of Verdon was in the city yester- day. . . . .r " , < , _ " ' . , ' . . - Does Falls City - ' . - . ' Want a . Brick Plant A well known resident of this city has lately been irt correspon- dence with parties who desire to establish a big brick manufacturing - ing plant in this city. The mat- ter has begun to assume definite form , as shown by the following letter which was received W d- nesday. Chanute , Kan. . April 11 , 1.904 -Your most valuable letter at hand of the 10th and will say that we are ready to consider a loca- tioli for a press brick plant and would like to have some detailed information of the size of your city ; also some information with reference to pure water and the inducement the city might make for an institution of that kind. We propose to run an institution with a capacity of 18,000 pressed brick and 35,000 commons daily. If you have a commercial club in your city would kindly ask you to put us in contact with them. . Thanking you in advance for any favors you might render us , we remain , Yours truly , Smith & Elliott. New Time Card. A new time card went into ef- fect 011 the Burlington last Sun- day and some important changes have been made in the arrival and departure of trains at this point. The east bound express which formerly arrived at 7:44 : a. m. , now arrives at 7:47. : The Denver express arrives at 1:35 : p. m. instead of 1:55 : ; the local Lin- coln express arrives at ] :48 p. m. instead of at 2:05 : ; the east bound Portland train will arrive at 7:27 : p. m. instead of at 5:12. : No. 116 the local accommodation will stop here instead of proceeding to Atchison and will arrive at 9:30 : p. m. No. 115 will run between Falls City and Nebraska City , leaving at 11:30 : p. m. every day except Sunday , The turn table was erected in accordance with this change of servic Blaze ai Dawson. Dawson was again visited by the fire fiend Tuesday forenoon of this week. About 11 o'clock while Geo. Stiles and his assist- ants were shelling corn out of the mammoth cribs of the J. H. Lynds company , a spark from the engine blew into the crib and in a very short time the south end was a solid mass Qf flame. The . . . . . , I This letter l has been turned , over to V. G. Lyford , president ref of the commercial club , and the ' " information asked has' -been for- warded. Messrs. Smith & Elliott " - w win doubtless reply stating their wants and outlining their propo- t tition more definitely and then it j \ ' \ win be up to the citizens to decide upon acceptance or rejection. If \ . , the requests of these gentlemen , are reasonable , the people of this 6' f' city will doubtless stand ready to \ give them the proper encourage- ment We have in the immediate . . , vicinity of Fans City an abundance - \ dance of of clay perfectly adapted to brick making , and this , together - gether with good shipping facih : . ties and other advantages , should wake Falls City a good point for the location of an idustry of this kind. From the figures quoted , it ! is evident that the plant is to be a big one and is alt enterprise we should secure if it is possible to do so upon reasonable terms. flames quickly spread to the wheat and oats cribs near by and by the time the fire boys arrived on the scene the fire had attained such headway that it was ! useless to try to quench the blaze and they concentrated their energies on saving the coal bins and adjoining - joining buildings. About 3,000 bushels of fine corn were destroyed - ed with many hundred of wheat and oats , but at this " writing ( Tuesday aft ; rnoon ) the exact loss has not been ascertained. The wind was blowing from the . . ! northwest at the time the fire a started which fact saved the . elevator - vator and other valuable property - from destruction. . Christopher V eick . - . Christopher Veick died at the ' home of his daughter Alrs.Laud- kemper , near Barada last Mon- day. Mr. Veick was born in Ger- many 71 years ago. He was wen known and highly regarded in the vicinity in which he lived. Besides the daughter at whose home he died he leaves a son who lives at Highland , Kan , and a daughter who is a 'missionary in South Africa. His funeral was held at Barada on Wednesday and was largely attended. . . .Y