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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1904)
, , , , 1 iRY 71kia3kJli1 % iR . . . . - . . . - . py µ yp April , 8 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE 9 - - - - - - - A NEW LINE OF 1F t' WALL PAPER _ . . . ; HAS JUST ARRIVED - ' - , For newness of design as well as for ex- I v --'Ji. " cellence of quality this line cannot be ex- I. : " " " celled. Prices are equally attractive. . . . . WE ALSO CARRY . . . . . JOHN w. MASURY S 1 r. , . PAINTS . - . . . . ' A most superior article of guaranteed ex- " cellence. Costs no more than inferior . . _ p.aint. . Inspection solicited. 6 . , : , 'I AGENT FOR CARBOLINEUM . , A. G. WANNER I : OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE . Preston. Ed Bush drove fo Rule rfues- day. , , \ " ' - ' , Ea ! : Grant . . went to Falls City Monilay. : ' Wi11'Hossack is visiting rela- . tives iii Preston. C. FPribbeno shipped a car of cattle Thursday. . . . . Cecil Jones was visiting at Preston Saturday. John Casey drove clown from . , - " > 0 Falls City Sunday. o "t' / " L. C. Schnell of Filley , Nebr. , was in Preston Sunday. Morris McMahon : has purchased . ' the barber shop of Bilt'\Villiams. , . L. Rogers of \Vymore visited at the home of Dr. Griffith Sun- day. day.Rev. l ev. Kincade held caster ser- vices at the school house Sunday night. Geo. Miner shipped a car load of cattle to St. Joseph Tuesday night. t - ' . _ A. E. Iieacock shipped two cars of hogs to St. Joseph Thursday night. Orville Schoenheit and Fritz Herbster were visiting in our burg Friday. . . . 1 , Henry Reiger of Falls City was visiting his son H. P. Reiger .Monday. : F. \ . Schroder returned to I Preston Monday from a visit at fi' Falls City. 'r Margrave and Herman are ' , painting their new elevator at . , this place. : , _ Frank Schneider , Lillie and . . . . * Grace Pyle and Marie Morris attended - I tended the caster ball at Rulo. OlHe and Pearl Jones returned to their home in' aIls City after attending the Schneider-'I\hacker wedding. I' ' l\Irs. Moore : and daughter of . . ' --r , . . - - - - - : : - Wymore are visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. Griffith at this place. Louis and John Neitzel who will play with the Reserve band this summer attended band prac- tice Satunday night. Geo. Neitzel has accepted a position as general blacksmith } at Wm. Ogdens ranch four miles west of White Cloud , Kansas. He went down Wednesday to go to work. The city election took place Tuesday all of the votes were cast before 12 o'clock. Those being elected were John Morris , 1 year ; Ed Reiger and Herman Zoeller , 2 years ; H. P. Rieger and Peter Bolz holding 1 year longer. Quite a change took place in our business houses Saturday. J. R. Shelly moved the saloon where the drug store was and O. Fro- burg moved his drug store where the saloon was. The post office will also be moved in with the drug store , Dr. Griffith being appointed - pointed post master , Emma Grant having resigned. . . Married at the home of the bride's parents , 1\-Ir. and Mrs. Levi Thacker at the Muddy mill north of town Wednesday , March : 29 , : Mr. John C. Schneider and Miss Leona Thacker , Rev. Kin- caid'of the Rule Methodist : church officiating. The wedding was a quiet affair and only a few friends of the bride were present. John Jones and family of Verdon , Miss Ollie , } hiss Pearl , Orville and Clict Jones of , Falls City , Misses Edna Brown and Ollie Hanna and Rev. Kincaid and wife of Rub , Roiiiey Morris and wife , 1\1rs. : Geo. Schneider and daughter , mother and sister of the groom , Frank Schneider , Edward Bush , Miss Lillie Pyle and Anna Bush of Preston. The wedding took place at one o'clock. l\'Ir. 1 Frank Schneider acted as best I TABLE . BtJrlmnton I : TIME man and bliss Lillie Pyle as I 5 I ' bridesmaid. trhe young couple L Route I I Falls City. Neb. . , . took the train the next day' for . - their new home in Pawnee City Lincoln which 1 1 the groom purchased 1 1 this Chicago Omaha spring. The people of this place St. Joseph . . Kansas City wish them much JOY and a long St Louis and all and happy life. points cast and south. Williamsville. C. Steinbrink and wife spent Sunday in Falls city. I. A. Dunn and laughter spent Sunday morning in Barada. R. J. Dunn is trying to seed down his orchard this spring. Albert Michel assisted TvIr. J. Wissinger paper several rooms. R. Faner and wife spent Sun- day with l\'Ir. Luhn and family. Dr. Williamson of Barada visited - ed at the home of F. Shutz Sun- day. day.E Edward Duerfeldt hauled two load of hogs to Shubert Wed- nesday. 1. A. Dunn and wife and Mr. : Maurer and wife were in Falls City Tuesday. 1\ Shutz is on the sick list. H. Leslie bought two loa ( ! , of hogs of G. W. Duerfeldt. Chas. Steinbrink and wife spent Sunday evening at the home of Rudolph B"'aller. : Messrs. Schutz and Weissenger shelled six hundred bushel of 'corn for Mr. Goety , Saturday. The WilliamsviJ1e band met Wednesday evening at B. C. DuerfeIclt's to practice , and di- vide the net proceeds of their earnings. Wanted to Rent. A good four room cottage near business center in a nice neigh- borhood. Enquire at The Tribune - bunc office. Coupe 'rhornton handle noth- ing but the best of meats. - . Sleeping , dining and reeling chair cars ( scats free ) on through trains. 'rickets sold and baggage checked to . any point in thc States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart ; , . Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis ! , G. P. 8 T. A. , Omaha. Serious Stomt\.ch Trouble Cured. I was troubled with a distress . in my stomach and ! vomiting spells , and can truthfully say that Chamberlains.Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me.-l\1rs. T. V. Williams , Laingsburg , Mich. - For sale by A. G. Wanner. . HOLT'S . . " Shoe Store Palls City , Neb. ' SHOES I' for Denver Helena Butte Salt Lake City Portland San Francisco an oJ and all points south. I TRAINS r.itAVE AS Itor.r.o\Vs : No. 42. Portland-St. Louis Special , St. Joseph , . Kansas City , St. Louis and all points . ' cast and south. . . . . 5:12 : p m No. 13. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver and all points west and uorthwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33am : ; , , No. 14. Vestibuled express , daily , St. Joe , Kansas - sas City , St. Louis and all points cast and south. . . . . . . . . . 7:44 : a m No. 15. Local express , daily . . Lincoln cold points eastwestnorthwest 2:05 : pm No. 21. Vestibuled express , . daily , Deuver , and all points west and . . northwest , . . . . . . . 1:55 : p m No. 16. Vestibuled express . daily , St. Joe , Kansas - w sas City , se Louis Chicago and points cast and south. . . . . 4:33 : p m No. 22. Local express , daily Atchison and points south and west. . . . ' 4:42 : pm' No. 41. St. Louis-Portland \ SpecialLincoln lena , Tacoma and Portland without change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : p m No 116. Local accQmmoda- - tion daily except Sunday , Atchison and intermediate points . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:17 p m No. 115. Local accommodation - tion , daily except Sunday , Salem , Ne- maIm and Nebraska City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:25 : U 111 Men Women , and , ' . . . . , I I ' ' , ' ' . ' " Children . . _ : " . - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - , , , , - I would be pleased to have you call ' : . . to see our Shoe Styles ' Would also like add your name . . to our list ' of customers. Children's Shoes a Specialty. . \Varm ' Lined Shoes for Old Folks. Rubbers and Overshoes of all Kinds. ' t" . Want to Phone ? Call 23. i 3 . , w . . " . . , " " . ' " a