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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1904)
, 4 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE April 81. 90i _ j f 4 I ' Current Press Comments . Dead f , : Almost anybody can jump into . . thc gubernatorial race and jump ; out again.- - York trimcs. a None so Bad. I A judge may be bold 1 enough to . tell Mr. Bryan to "sit down" but who will dare ask him to shut up-Chicag-o Post. e Courtesy. The readers of tIle average newspaper arc courteous enough not to trade at a store where their presence is not desired nor invit- vited.-llumboldt I.4cadcr. . Ihud Times. "I hope this rain reaches Okla- homa" said a traveling man. "It ' is so dry down there you can't sell r gold dollars , for fall delivery , at 4 75 ccnts.-Hiawatha . - - - Endorsement. , trhc Fremont Tribune : editor v suggests that Hon. C. B. Demps- ter bc made delegate at large to thc national convention. The suggestion : will meet with unani- mous approval with republicans .it who know Mr. Dcmpster.-Bluc Springs Sentincl. d , Another Tribute. r Hon. E. J. Burkctt rcccivcd an . unanimous rcnomination for con- gress in the first cong-ressiona il convention held at Lincoln Mon- day. fIc deserves it in every , \yay. fIe is one of the most able and clean then in Nebraska.- Rushville Rccordcr. Gentle Roast. A fIiawatha man who is quite a gossiper went into a neighbors thc other day with a new piece of lcandal. He settled himself down in an easy chair and said "One half the world don't know how the other half livcs. " " \V cll , that isn't your fault" quietly remarked - marked the lady of thc housc.- lIiawatha Hcra1 It Circul&.rs. George Seaman is candidate for sheriff of Brown county , Kansas and sonie of his enemies have circulated - culated postal cards denouncing him and attacking his personal character. The Hiawatha World vigorously denounces this sort of politics and closes its comment thus : --J "The newspapers often print similar articles about candidates and in a recent judicial election at Falls City thousand of circu- lars and cards are said to have been mailed , all meaner than this postal card , which is one of those things that has reacted in favor of the accused. " WANTED 100 Bushels Sweet Corn at . : ijeck's Feed Store. Will pay S1.00 per bushel. - . . I . . . . . , , _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ : " : . . . , " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - , . , . : ; ; ! . . . . - .4.t - - - - - - - ; ' t . ' . . - . . . . ' - " - ( ' ! w - , - . - - - . , , _ , Easter. Easter Sunday was very generally - ally observed in this city. As far as climatic conditions were concerned - cerncd , it was a typical day. Thc blue sky was unclouded , and thc air ' was just crisp enough to in- vitc one out of doors , without be- ing cold enough to demand that caster suits and gowns bc con- cealcd beneath winter wraps. Shortly after ten o'clock a double quartette from IIarnacks Military band appeared on thc cupola of the court house and played "The Day of the Lord" and "Nearcr my God to tfhcc.It In the old countries this custom is general and we think it a very beautiful onc. Thc tones of thc horns blended together very nicely and could 1 be heard practically all over town. tfhe services at thc churches were impressive and very largely attendcd. Truly thc spirit ot thc castcr-tidc prevaded the sanctu- ary. In all the houses of wor- ship the decorations were profuse and especial attention was given to easter music. Nothing Equal to Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. \Ve have used Chambcrlain's Colic , Cholera and Ditlrrhoea Remedy in our family for years , says Mrs. J. B. Cooke of Ncder- lands , Texas " \ \ c have given it to all of our cillldrel1. We have used other meutcines for the same purpose but have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's. If you will use it as directed it will always cure. " For sale by A. G. \Vanncr. Special Sale. A special clearing sale at Mc Nails on all Oak brand canned goods. 25c cans for 20c. First quality tomatoes per can 10c. Remember the place is 12tf lV1c Nails Grocery. IISARGENTII - Our Line IS AS VARIED AS IT IS GOOD Watches Clocks Jewelry Edison Phonographs And Records Eastman loda1.s and Supplies loda1 ( 'Develop- ing Machines Musical Instruments One Third Off Repairing a Jpecialty Eyes Tested Free. . . . . Dan Sa..rgent " SARGENT I L/ - - . . . , - . . - - - - - - - - - - I . . WMIMII/ I Reavis & Abbey f DEALERS IN I FURNITURE I - I . . J , I t UNDERTAKING - j H I CARPETS . - I We carry everything that you could expect to find in a GOOD furniture store. - . When passing take a look at our window display Right Goods at Right Prices ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reavis ftl Abbey ' 7 - " - . . , " -r" . . ; . . . , . . . . . . . . . . LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Eat Sowle's Candy. Re\ Holly went to Salem Sun day. day.Go Go to thc City market for bock wurst. Will 'Vhcrry was in Salem over Sunday. T. C. Cunningham of crdon was in the city lVIonday. lVII's. F. H. Werner left Mon- day for a visit in Atchison. George Jennings and wife spent Sunday visiting in Salcm. lVII's. John Startzel has been visiting in Atchison this wcek. Do not forget Coupe & Thorn- ton when you want good meat chcap. ' , j Mattie Williams came up from Kansas City and spent Sunday visiting her friends here. Maude Graham returned from Chicago thc latter part of the week and win remain in this city during thc summer. The university i students who spent caster at their homes in this city have all returned to .Lin- coIn to resume their school work. The funeral of Joseph I-I. Davidson was held at the Baptist ! church Sunday afternoon. The church was filled with friends of family including the members. of the A. O. U. " W. , of which the deceased was a member. Swccney , Paxton , Cornell and Knobc , Falls City's crack bowlers went to Hiawatha Thursday to indulge in a friendly contest with thc Hiawatha playcrs. The Falls City boys were defeated , but this defeat was plainly due ; to the difference between the Hiawatha and Falls City alleys. The Hiawatha boys will realize this when they come to Falls City to play. , "I have been subject to sciatic rheumatism for years , " says E. H. Waldron of Wilton Junction , Iowa. " 1\'ly joints were stiff and gave me much pain and discom- fort. lV1y joints would crack when I straightened up. I used Chamberlains Pain Balm and 4 ha\'e been thoroughly cured. Have not had a pain or ache from the old trouble for many months It is certainly a 1110St wcnderful liniment. " For sale by A. G. \"jaiiner. .a , , - -f' t . . - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - ' : ' . . "I' . _ ' 1f - - _ . . - ' . - : . . . . " . . - - s - . ,