The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 08, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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2 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ U - - - - - , Igo4 - -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' " Correspondence
. ' News of the County as Told by
Our Special Correspondents
. Dawson.
Chet Belden returned to his
J ' studies , at the University Ionday.
i' : . Father Corcoran was a Falls
'i City visitor between trains Monday
'J . day
! . : Mrs. Wade Whitney was a busi-
t Hess visitor at Falls City last
} _ Friday.
I John Smith and Will 'IFer : -
ton resumed their duties on the
t road Monday .
Margaret o.'Grady and Manic
; Fenton were in IIumuo1clt Sun-
day afternoon.
! . ! Barney Riley returned the last
t of the week from a business trip
! to the sand hills.
Paul Scanlan went to Axtell
J . Kansas last l Thursday and visited
j over 'I'hursday with his parents.
F Sam Zimmerman and family
' were down from IIumholdt Sunday -
g day visiting the Clancy and 0'
GradY families
' Miss McBride , one of the nurses -
es at the Lincoln sanitarium ,
spent a couple of days the last of
the week with friends here.
The A. O. U. W. and Degree
of Honor lodges of this place
- " and for
gave a program banquet )
the members and their families at
Tiehen Hall Tuesday even ing.
A pleasant time is reported.
Last Friday was Guy Snethers
birthday and his mother planned
and executed a pleasant suprise
for him. The evening was de-
voted to music , games and social
reunion , and dainty refreshments
were served. An enjoyable time
is reported by all present.
The W . C. T. U. organization
held an oratorical contest at this
place Friday evening. Nine girls
took part , and their orations were
listened to by a large audience.
The judges were , Prof and Irs.
Funk of Verdon , and Rev. Del-
low of this place , and they were
unanimous in deciding that Miss
Florence Judd was entitled to the
medal. The subject of - the 110ra-
tion was 'Christian Patriotism. "
All the girls were entitled to
special praise for the creditable
manner in which they acquitted
themselves. The contestants
were Misses Belle Bolejack , who
spoke on the subject of "A Brave
Boy" ; 1\label Estes , "Con\ " cted of
lurder" ; Lottie Heim , " \\That
Shall We Do 'vith The Liquor
Traffic" : Florence Judd , HChris-
" Fanna Maze
tian Patriotism" ; ,
"Who Struck The Blow" ; Pearl
Klima , "Prohibitionists' Plea to
the Christian Church" ; Myrtle
Neeld "trhc Result of Treating' ;
Jessie Page , "Hans Prinkerbough
on the Benefit of Drinking" ; Ger-
' : tie Robinson , 'College Oil Can" .
. .
. . .
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- -
Word was received here the
last of the week of the death of
Mrs. Geo.1\iuncie , which occurred
at her home in Oklahoma larch
26. She was a victim of inflammatory -
matory rheumatism which caused
her death. . She left here only a
couple of years ago with her
husband and children to make
her home in that country and her
death is mourned by numerous
friends , in this locality. She
leaves her husband and five children -
dren to whom the community ex-
tends sympathy
G. W. Stile's new residence in
the Riley addition is nearly completed - ,
pleted and will soon be ready for
A number from Humb01c1t attended -
tended easter services at the
Catholic church here.
Bea Riley of DuBois spent Sun-
day with her sister here.
Forest Neeld was a Humboldt
visitor Sunday. .
Van Sailor is uumbered among
the sick.
Carl Jorn and J. Bodle were in
Falls City Ionday.
C. Fehr and \Villard Veils
shipped cattle Monday.
IIeinzelman Bros. sent a load
of flour to Barada Monday.
Harry and Roy Lum left on
Tuesday for their school duties
at Crete , Nebr.
Mrs. J. Beller received a draft
for eight hundred and twenty-fh"e
dollars a few day ago legacy
from a sister in Kentucly.
The lecture given by Rer. Hol-
ly at the 'Christian church on
Monday and Tuesday nights
were enjoyed by large crowds.
Will Lesley finished loading
his car at Stella with Mr. Clark
and Kesler on Saturday and they
started for Idaho Thursday. May
success follow them.
Dr. Leeper moved his house-
hold effects to Nims City here :
he is locating , he has had a good
practice in Barada for the past .
year and a half in his profession.
The school board met on Monday : -
day evening and made the arrangements -
rangements for commencement
at the close of our school ; it was
decided that Prof. Funk secure
the spcaker. ,
About seventy of l\-Iabel : Grif-
fiths friends gave her a surprise
on March 30th. A pleasant time
was reported in games and music
and at a late hour refreshments
were served and the crowd dispersed -
. The egg social given at :1\Irs. :
Frank Veach's on April 1st , by
the ladies aid society of the Christian -
tian church was a grand success.
A large crowd was in attendance
and a neat sum was deposited in
the heasury.
. - .
' "
- - . . . . , . - - . . - -
-yrNw. . . .
, . - ii
For the Practical . "
Amateur' Mechanic
or _
A very Happy Year is
in prospect if he will 4" . . . , , ' - I !
resolve to use tools ' I
, from Meyer's Harder I
- . ware. For the metal
. Ck or wood worker we
: have the very best ' ' ,
lines , new and up = tOcl :
date with every known
-M improven1ent.
Ale.x ' FG M..eyer . J i' '
. . . . . " , , ' g , . r. : : ; ' :1 : : ; [ - " . . . . . . ,
City market for good .
Peter Kaiser was down from
Nebraska City 1'uesday.
John Walker ] and wife of Ver-
were in this city tl'uesday.
Edwin S. 'I"owle who has been
very ill is slowly improving'
J. C. Lacher of Humboldt was
a Falls City visitor ! : ; Monday.
Mrs. Lila Flowers of Hum-
boldt spent Sunday visiting in
this city. .
Remember that Coupe &
Thorntons corn fed beef and pork
cannot be excelled. .
Norman Bullis of I-Iumboldt
transacted business in this city
during the 'week. .
F. W. Cleveland was looking
after his business interests in
Pawnee City Tuesday.
Clarence Burch ant returned
from Grand Island the first of the
week to visit his parents.
Vole are still making special low
prices on lard and cured meats of
, all1dnds.-Coupe & Thrton.
. Geoffrey Barnhart , traveling
representative of the Nemaha
County Herald was in the city
. Rev ' . Henry B. Smith went to
Hiawatha Tuesday and heM ser-
vices at the Episcopal church at , .
that place.
! Ors. Allie Watson went to
Peru , Nebr. , Saturday to attend
the commencement exercises at
the state norma1.
Joe McMahon who has been attending -
tending college at Quincy. Ill. ,
returned to his home Saturday
where he will spend the summer.
Clara Beller of Verdon was in
town Tuesday and left that evening -
. ing for Portland , Oregon , where
she will make an extended visit
with friends.
- -
. . . -
- - - -
- - - -
L. P. Vol irthV. . K. Knight
and George Holt visited the Missouri -
souri lakes the fist of the week
in quest . . . of the restive - bass and ;
croppy. They report very good
luck considering the fact that it
was so early in the season.
Some men never learn anything
by expetience. : On Tuesday the
usual number of men came down
town early to get their morning
drink , only -to discover that it was
election day and all the saloons
were closed. - I
Many new concrete side-walks
are to be laid this season. A
' . . . .
great deal of improving of this Ii
kind is to be done on North Har-
lan street.
Wayne and Benton Marsh of ' -
Lincoln have been , risiting their ' - j
Falls City - friends during the ,
week. i
Missouri Paciik ; Rail , ' ay f ; , _
Time Table , Falls City t Nebl tb. ,
. I
No. 51 Omaha and Lincoln '
Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:28 : a 111
No. 57 Omaha and Lincoln .
passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:48 : p 111 >
No. 233 Local Freight , . Au-
burn . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1:05 : p 111
sOUTii '
No. 52 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver : , , ' . . . . . A 2:28 : a 111
No. 58 Kansas City - and . &t- :
Louis and Deaver . . . . . . . A 1:46 : a 111
No. 232 Local , AtchisQn : ' , . 10:30 : a 111
No 220 : Stock Freight , Hi-
aw'afba \ . . . ' , . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 8:30 p m
A. DaB ) . . . . " B. Daily 'cxcept ' Sunday.
J. B. VARNiR , Agent.
Bargains in Fruit Trees
You can get 6 first class Kief-
fer Pear tree for Sl ; one dozen
of the finest budded peach trees
for $1.50 ; one dozen 3-foot
Scotch Pine trees for S2.50. A
full line of first class trees , . . . . Y'
, .
vines , etc. , on which you don't o ,
have to pay freight or agent's S
commission by going to the
Falls City Nursery for your
Fruit Trees. Sale Ground one
block north of Court House
. . . ,
, . - . - . . . . . . . . . - - , . . - - . . - - - - - . - - - _ - - - . - - - , " "
- , - ? RBI _ . . . ' .