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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1904)
. L April , 8 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE 1'1 , - I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - I Educational Department Conducted by County Superintendent Crocer I We have four weeks of school ! yet in Dist. No , 62. We shall have two pupils to take : the examination - - amination for common school dip- , r lon1as' . Rocktlale School - Dist. 87.- Janie Brown , teacher.-Our school i8 progressing , nicely. We have 21 scholors nrolled. We have a small library started from the proceeds of an entertainment given Christmas. The W. C. T. U. declamatory contest was held in Dawson last Friday evening. There was a large attendance and each speaker - er did well Florence Judd of the Dawson high school was awarded first honors. . Dist. 39 , Lela Patterson teach- er-Our school closed March : ! 31. . The parents and friends helped make the day pleasant by joining in a basket dinner. We had a - , real school picnic. 1.n losing the pupils gave a short 'program. : Dist No.:15-1\tlinnie ' M , Hud- . . . . . . son teacher.-.School is - , progress- ing nicely. "Ve are beginning to prepare : an Arbor day program , : and are planning to plant trees ! in the afternoon. vVe hope we I have won the first attendance j " prize for this month. , : : t ; . Dist. 3-Bertha Kcrncnteach- , /1 er-School closed Friday , April ; / 1st. A pleasing program was , rendered. There : were 18 visitors . present. Three or four pupils completed the eighth grade work , and have received their common I school diplomas. Dfst. 7-Bea Riley teacher- . ' School closes April 22nd. We will plan some tree ; in the fore- . noon and we are planning to have a dinner and a program in the 1 . . afternoon. Our attendance is growing small but the interest is ) , . _ . still good. We are planning some work for the school exhibit . to be given during the institute. . - Dist. 47-Elsie Peck teacher . - We are getting along nicelY . : , . .1 'lJld . are busy preparing w q program for our closing day , Kpril 8. The . . following names arc on' the roll of honor this month : Ethel , Jake ann Elma _ Cook , Willie Braun , } Lydia Dowty ; Lola Sturms , Mary - . Dnechler , Emma vVetzel , Nellie il' ] fisher and Minnie Goolsby. Dist 63.-Julius F. Young , ; . cher-Our pupils are progress- . . , , ing nicely and all seem deeply interested - , , terested in their work. We now ( . - have a library of 79 volumes , a splendid set of maps and a large bell in our school tower as a re- sult of our basket socials. A . number of our pupils are plan- ning to take the 8th grade exam- : ination. ' School closes April ] 5. , ! - . . . : ' : . . . -t . " \ ' : . . , . . , It . - - J ; . > " - The summer session of the Nebraska "esleyan university will be held , from' June 10th to July 22t1(1 The aim is to give special instruction and professional - al training to teachers and prin- cipals of schools. Write to Prof W. R. Jackson : , University Place , Nebr. for special circular. Dist. 64-1\1ae Burgett , teacher -School closed April 1st. The school gave an entertainment and box social , March 25th. and cleared $10.55 which will be used to purchase a school' ' Hbrary. The school list of books has been selected from "List of Books for School Libraries" recommended by the Nebraska Public Library ' Commission At a meeting of the Omaha board of education , March 28th , Wm. ' D. Davidson of Topeka. Kansas was elected superintendent - ent of the Omaha schools to suc- ceed Carrel G.Pearse. There were 21 candidates. The superintendent - ent of the Omaha schools receives a salary of $3,600 , the principal of the high school $3,000 and l'flr. Pearse as superintendent of the Milwaukee : schools will receive a salary $6,000. . . A few weeks ago we asked pu- pils to send .in solutions for the following problem : "vVhat is the exact length of one side of a square acre ? " Splendid solutions have been sent in by Harry Zur- brick , 8th grade and Lizzie Zur- brick , 6th grade , Dist. 77 , D. D. Houtz teacher We regret that we do not have space to publish these solutions But , one acre contains 6,272,640 square inches. Extracting the square root and reducing to . compound numbers we find that the exact length of one side of a square acre is 12 rds 3 yds , 1 ft and 8.5239 inches. As announced in this depart- ment the 16th annual session of the S. E. N. E. A. was held in Beatrice March : ! 30 and 31 and April 1st. The program was car- . "vVe carry a. . . . COMPLETE LINE OF Building Material And all kinds of : COAL r " , WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Chicago Lumber 8t Coal 1 Co. I TELEPHONE 58. . " . , J' h.j\ . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . - - WALL PAPERJ ; Yes all kinds ! Our stock is now complete. . If in I\eed of anything in the line of \\Tall ; : Paper call and inspect our line. That's our : long suitV ! ( - have the exclusive sale for - Richardson County of the BI RG ESpecIal . Papers , nothing finer. Don't forget while buying Paint you had just , . as well buy the best and have us give you a FIVE ; YEAR GUARANTEE on it. . . - . , THE KING PHARMACY : FALLS CITY , NEBR. . < , vied out in full. The papers of the state published the proceed- ings from day to day. The enrollment - rollment reached nearly three hundred. The Beatrice Commercial - cial club invited the teachers to make Beatrice the permanent place of holding the meetings , but the constitution permitted the teachers to accept this invitation for only one year at a time. The next meeting will be held in Bda- trice. The following are the officers for the ensuing year , president , W. L. Stephens , Lancaster - caster county ; vice president , Olive True , Jefferson county ; sec- retary , Anna V. Day , Gage county - ' ty ; treasurer , J. C. Waddell , Paw- nee county. Members : ! of the executive - ecutive committee , . N. Sinclair , Otoe county and W. R. Hart , Ne- maha county. The closing ses- sion of the association , was the inter-high school debate. The question , dResolvd : that the United States is Justified in its Action Toward the Panama Re- public. " Speakers on the affir- ' mative Sam Rinaler , Beatrice ; Virgil Iirkpatrick , Pawnee City : Harry Gardner , Falls City ; Edward - ward Hodapp Humboldt. Speakers - ers on the negative , Robertine Joiner , Wymore ; James B. Har- vey , Wilber ; James Brown , Ne- braska City , Neal Nash , Fair- bury. The decision was given in favor of the neg-ative. Beatrice won first honors , Falls : City sec- end Wilbur third and Nebraska City fourth D. S. McCarthy PROPRIETOR OF CITY DRAY LINE Special Attention to Household Moving. Phone 211 Falls City - - Nebraska Patronize Tribune advertis rs. . . , . . . . , . " . Correspondence _ News of the County as Told by . Our Special Correspondents Shubert. - 11Irs. Willard Shubert was . a ' " " , Stella visitor last Friday. . ' ; Louie Brisbv is home from Ne' = ; , ' - braska City for a , short time. , ' . , . Ross Kenton and wife were the " ' " guests of Henry Leslie and wife ' : . , . , Sunday. - G. W. Barnes and wife entertained - tertained Will Leslie Sunday at their home north of town , Rulla Reasoner and family spent Sunday with Henry and wife in the north part of town Dick Atterberry who has been . the guest of Attie , Morrow for the past week returned to his home in Crete. Ethel Davenport who has been visiting her father for the past , week returned to Omaha the first . . . of the week. Dr. Stong and wife who have been visiting relatives in Iowa for some time returned home Fri : . . day of last week. The easter program given by . the Christian Sunday school was . well attended and all present en- joy.ed the evening very much. Mrs. McClomy and children moved to Browl1ville during last l ' _ . . week , where they will make their future home. 11rs.'IcClony : ! will . . join them in a short time. . Mrs. Lula Vanwinkle and children of California are visit- ing relatives at this place and her father and mother 1\'lrs. and Mr. H. W. Shubert near . . Bracken Nebr. : ! \1 ss'Iarie : ! - Riggs of Stella , . , who has been visiting with rela- tives for a few days returned Monday , where she has a posi- . . . tion with Miss Colglazier in' the milliner shop . " ' . . . . . . . . . . c , - - .