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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1904)
10 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE April 8 , 1904- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Correspondence i w News of the County as Told by m Our Special Correspondents Ohio. Eph Peck shelled corn I1onlay. % ' : Mrs. Dodds . is 011 the sick Hst. Mary Dodds visited with Sadie Peck Sunday. "j l " Chas. Santo , returned from va- lwta last week. " a Born , to Frank Lichty and wife t April 1st , a girl. ' { John Pourty built a large cat- tie barn last week. P. S. Lichty and "Vm. Hunter shipped a car load of hogs last week. 11 ' T lie youngest child of W111. Neighmires died of measles l'1on- ' II day and was buried at the Ger- man church in Arago precinct. : Ohio Precinct. t Wm. Bartletts spent Sunday in Verd011. Daisy Peck visited . at G.V. . Pecks Sunday. . Jas. Stoudcr visited at Eph Pecks Sunday. Emma 1v1cCann visited with 0- . . A. Burk Sunday. ' " Samuel 1vlcCumbcr visited at O. A. Burls Sundar. 1\1rs. Wes Ncdrow visited at F. S. Lichh"s 'ruesc1ay. A. J4. Kniscly and sister visited . I with G. W. Pecks Sunday. Michael Lichty and wife \ ' sit- 1 cd at J. W. Dodds Sunday. 14' H. Rawlinson of Johnstown Pa. , preached at Silver Creek Sunday. A. E. Kniscly closed his school in Dist. 81 Friday and is now working for E. ' 1' . Pcck. A lumber thc young people of this vicinity attended church in Fall City Sunday night. Salem 1\1rs. J. J-I. 'fimmcrman is eli thc sick list. 1\1-r8' : ' . 'Pattic Harlin has been ill since Sunday. Jim and Willie Pearson are reported - ported quite sick. - _ lv11's. A. J. Wheeler went to HUl11boldtVcdnesday. . Clarence Baldwin was down froIll Lincoln Saturday. \V. \V. Wertz and wife returned - ' ed from St. Joe V \ cdnesday. Chester I-Iarbaugh , Steve Milcs Bcss Graham and Jessie Page drove down from Dawson Sun- day. day.K. K. & 14' of S. gave a supper to their families last Saturday evening - ing and a short program was rcn- . dcred. The Ninth Hour club held a very pleasant meeting at the hone of Virginia 1vfead 'l'lmrs- , - - . . - - . . . . . . . . .r' < 'W- . . ' " , - - . . , . , ' " - , - * 4 : : ' " _ . . . . , $ , . - It ri'tisR , , . . . d't ' ' , . .SdnRto ; ' 3f'h1' ' , , - . . - day evening. At roll call each member responded with a piece of poetry composed by themselves - selves and thc club organized in- to a literary socicty. They also started a chtb magazine of which each member is the editor of some subjcct. H frcshl11ents were served and thc meeting ad- journcd. Oeo. Porter came home from his school duties at Parkvil1c. lY1o. Friday to remain a couple of wccks. Benson Jones and Prank Hantsma returned to Lincoln Monday after spending the caster vacation at homc. - Our village election passed off very quietly and avery small vote was pollcd. Four new members were elected on thc village board. On arriving his place of business - incss Wednesday morning Fred Boyd noticcd that a board had been pried off of his chouse and some meat stolcn. The N. If. club held their meeing on Thursday evening of last week at the ] home of Orrie French , when a literary program was rcndcrcd. The members wcre 'all present and enjoyed an . . interesting c s say on " 'TI 1e Strength of Pure omanhood" read by 1v1rs. \V. L. Portcr. : Mrs. Wheeler gave a talk along thc line of literary work and some helpful suggestions for thc advancement - vanccmcnt of thc club , Dainty refreshments were served by thc hostcss. . . - - - - - - - - - Barada. Born , to \Vm. Dragoo and wife Friday a nine pound boy. Ira Presser of Corning , was looking after business here this wcck. A number from here trans- acted business _ at Falls City Sat- urday. The little child of Herbert Stokes and wife was very sick this wcck. . Veterinary Surgeon Scott of Falls City was hereon professional - al business 'l'uesday. Tom Mann of Oxford after an absence of twenty-t vc years is visiting old friends herc. J. H. : Morchcld , wife and mother of Falls City were pleasant - ant visitors here Sunday. 'r11Oma blooding and l\'linnic Stokes left last week for an extended - tended stay at Palls City. A number of young people from this vicinity attended a ball at Shubcrt Friday cvcning. The I\Iisses : Smitli and 1'omp- son were guests at the home of thc Misses Dragoo , Sunday. 1\'lr. Drag-oo and wife of 'l'ar- kio , Mo. : , visited a few clays last week with their son \Vil1iam. . ' , . . . . ' " r. . . . - . " " _ " "n . , , , . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - 10-- . . . . - . ' n , . , - . . " ' . - ; ' _ ' - _ . < : : . , : . . . . : : : - . DOES YOUR HOUSE NEED PAINTING ? f t - - - - - - - - - - . ; No matter where you have been buying , - come to us this tilne and let us l7L'llr f ( : , on the job. Let us show you our latest designs ; and newest combinations. e will gladly be of service to you in the selection of your . \Vall Paper'if you desire. \ \ ' e can furnish yOU the Plate Chair or Photo Rail Room J ' l\Ioulding and Beading to match our Papers \ \Te also carry a full line of Mixed .l Paints : , I' ' Lead and Oils , Glass , Varnishes and % Brushes. ; JJ White's Wall - Paper t.St ; . ; I. t.l Falls City , Nebraska . ' I I fJ $ l tt4 ; Warren Stokes of Ncmaha City visited with his old friend Robt. 1-Ioback Sunday. vII's. Ncttic IIoback of Falls Cit ) . visited the past week with 1\1r5. Gco. Fra cr. Emma Schulcnbcrg visited this week with her sister Mrs. Joseph \Vatton near Shubert. Dr. Lecpcr and John Bridgman will open up a drug store at Nim CitVc ) wish them succcss. Election pasRcd off very qme t- Iy. l obt. I-Ioback , \\'ooding ' and John Mark were elected members of the town board. . Patronize rrribune al\.ertisers. H. R. 1vlcNulty of Stella was in thc city 1vIonday. Mrs. 11ary Rowlcy went to HumDoldt Tuesday aftcrnoon. -v. H. Morrow of Shubert , republican - publican candidatc for . , county attorney , was in the city \Ved- ncsday. l'ticNt.IIII l'ticNt\.II\ GROCERY - - Fancy and Staple nror - . . .i . _ c : . Fruit in Season. Satisfaction Guai"- anteed. Free City Delivery Phone 40. . - - - Storage for Household and Other Goods. . ' - ' . . . , - . . . . . . - - - - . - - - . JADE AS : MEDICINE. Used as Remedy for Many Complaints i by Chinese PhysicIans. ? ' Everything in China , of any rar- ity is quite certain to be dragged into the pharmacopoeia of the : Chinese . Jade is phJsician. one ex : I 'ption to the rule , says Pr < ? f. Herbert . bert A. Giles , in the Nineteenth ' Oentury. It may be swallowed asa a powder , or in little pieces thp size of hemp seed , for various stomaehic complaints ; even pock- marks and scars may be obliter- ated by being daily rubbed with a ' piece of pure jade. It is also considered - sidered to be of a very moist na- . ' tllre , and we read of an imperial 1 ' favorite of the eighth century who ; was cured of excessive thirst by holding a fish shaped jade in het' mouth. And so when the tomb of the great commander , Ts'ao Ts'ao , third century , A. I ) . , was opened 200 rears : after his death , among the usual objects found in such circumstances - cumstances was a large silver bowl full of water. That the wa- ter had not dried up was accounted - ed for by the presence in the bowl of a jade boy three feet in heig'ht. Jade is chiefly brought from the K'un.lun ' between , 01' Koulgun , range , - tween the Desert of Gobi and Thi- bet ; from Khoten 01' Ilchi in Yar- . . t knnd , and from IJfin-t'ien on the } Belurtagh mountains , still fur- ther to the west. This Lan-t'ien has been confused by the Chinese writers with another I.Jan.t'ien , in the Province of Shen-Se , near time . city Qf Rsi-an , whither the Chinese court fled in August , 1900 , upon the relief of Peldng. In the tenth century A. D. , the latter was ac tually known as the Jade Rillp district , though it does not apJeal'I ) that any jade bas ever been found ] . , , ' there. , , ( Counting the ChIckens. People sometimes count their . chickens before the eggs are laid : -ChicJo Daily N eW8. - The Tribune-onlr $ I a , .car , . - . _ . . , . _ . . - _ . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . - - - - : : - . . . . : ; : . . ; . . . . : : : . . . r . . - - - - : - - ' " , - . . . . . . . . , " ' 1. . 1. . . . _ . ' _ _ .r- _ . .