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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1904)
' ; ii : . , . . . u . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . - - . - - _ . . . . . . _ _ . - . - . _ . _ . aorcfl + eS aa R1A . _ wueaanw + aasac6b.6 .u. { 'r 4 I 2 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE April II 1904 : , . _ _ _ . _ - _ _ - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - . - - Correspondence Ncws of thc County as Told by Our Special Correspondents " : Humboldt. . _ Mrs 14' A. Fisher has been quite ill this week. , Miss Eva Burgett was a visitor .to Liberty this week. " Walter Billings of Salem was a Sunday visitor in this-city. Elmer Wood 01 Elk Creek was ' i' . : 'a 11umboldt visitor over Sunday. . The German Methodist people arc papering and repairing their , church II. P. Marble and famfiy spent last Sunday with relatives in , fable Rock. S Joe Patterson and wife arc pre- paring to move to Lincoln to re- side permanen tly. Irvin Idle of Kansas City spent " Sunday in this city the guest of his parents , W 111. Idle and wife Mrs. Jas . Thompson was called to Hiawatha , las. , Sunday after- noon by the death of her mother W. B. Alexander and wife were up from Dawson to visit over Sunday with Dr. Morris and f atn- il ) ' . Van Rauh , the Burchard lumberman - berman , was down from that city over Sunday . the guest of rela- ti ves. O. L. Unkeferr is making some subLtantial improvements about his residence on south Nemaha street. . , IvIiss Lulu Gandy , who is attending - tending the Midland College at Hutchison , is at home 011 a visit to her fol1 < : s. . The municipal campaign has been one of the most quiet in years and the outcome at the polls is uncertain. John J. D\'orak came home from St. Louis the first of the week to look after business inter- ests , and visit his mother Mrs. Arthur Cox , formerly of this city , was sent to the asylum for the insane br the Pawnee . county authorities last week . firs . August Barnhart was up from Salem a few days the past . week visiting her sister , vIrs. Frank Todd D. M. Neill last week sold his drug store to C. II. 'Vi1lsun of Brock , who is already in charge of the establishment. Mr. Neill intends to remain here and will likely devote his time to the real- estate business. IvIiss Margaret Rice , is now assistant - sistant to Postmaster Bantz , she having resigned her place in Stramer's store to accept this .po- sition. The former deputy , : Miss Ethel Bullis , expects to leave ere long for a visit with r relatives at Seattle , 'Vash. . " J . _ . T + r4 _ n ! . . . . : _ : + . . . : rwc. + swlLi7k.W' ' - - - . The masons have begun work on the new National bank block 011 tha north side of the square. Eddie Hlavaty returned Sunday afternoon to his studies at Atch- ison , after having attended the funeral of his grandmother , Irs. Rieg-er. Miss Ethlyn Glasser , who has been visiting her parents for about a month , left Sunday for Philadelphia to resume her work as stcnographcr. James B. Davis and wife were Lincoln visitors the latter part of last week , Mr. Davis returning home Sunday afternoon Mrs. Davis is still at the capital city. G. L. Beard , whose rstauran was destroyed , by fire two weeks ago , has arranged to open up at once as soon as necessary repairs on the building can bc completed. The store room of Skalak & Artwood on the west side is al- most . ready for - occupancy and is being fitted -with modern cases and equipment in every parti ular. , Cecil Phillips , a form r Hum boldt boy , has completed his course of study at the Hastings college , and we understand will as.sume the pastorate of the Pres- byterian church at Broken Bow. Chris Johnson returned Sunday afternoon to his home in Nelson after a two weeks visit with rela- tives hereabouts. His wife will remain some time with her father - er , J. C. Fergus , whose health is still very poorly. Dr. Morris was called to Hern- don , Kas. , the latter part of last week to sec a daughter of Henry 1Ncycr , who recently moved there from this city. The young lady - - - - was quite low with pneumonia , but is reported improving by the doctor r-'lrs. : Joseph Rieger , who died on 'Vednesday evening in this city , was buried on Friday at Dawson , thc funeral services be- ing conducted from St. VIary's church at that place by Father Corcoran. Quite a number of friends of the family from this place attended the obsequies. The board of directors vf the new building and loan association have selected officers as follows : J. F. 'Valsh presidcnt , E. A. Tucker vice president A. A. tl'anner treasurer , Ii' R. Butter- field clerk It is thought the company wil bc ready to begin business by thc first of May. : Committees were appointed as follows : Appraisement , J. F. 'Vozab , E. A. Tucker and 1-1. E. Boyd ; finance , L. Howell , \V Skalak and H. P. 1\'Iarble. - - - - " - , Ohio Precinct. J as. Stouder and family spent Sunday at the home of Joe rv1aust. C. 11' . Yoder preached a very . . . - - _ I- : _ DOES YOUR HOUSE NEED PAINTING ? r No matter where yon have been buvincr ' - - . - ' " t { come to us this time and let us figure on ' " ' the jol ) . Let us show you our latest designs and newest combinations. VV'e will gladly be of service to you in the selection of your 'Tall Paper if you desire. \Ve can furnish volt the Plate Chair or Photo Rail Room IVIoulding and . Beading to match our Papers vVe also carr" a full line of Mixed faints , Lead and Oils , Glass , Varnishes and Brushes. 1 . . , 'j ' J Wh.ite's Wall Paper Store I Falls City , Nebraska . . " " , _ ' . . . . . , . " . , . . . . . . . ' - ; - . , - " , . . . . , 'f - - ' . , ' - - - , interesting . . sermon at the Silver Creek church Sunday. Quite a number of people were out from Falls City. Nettie Bartled spent Sunday with Anna Stump Ed Kimmel and wife visited at Wes Nedrows Sunday. A singing class will bc organ- ized at Silver Creek Thursday night. Elena ling will be the teacher. Frank and Han'e Peck visited with Gilbert Dodds Sunday. Henry Albery shelled corn Tuesday. Daisy Peck visited at H. M . Knislcy's Saturday night. . Born to 1. R. Rhoades and wife March 28th , a boy. . Fort Hazel. The wheat is looking fine Robert Vagle was in Falls City Saturday. H.JKloepfel shipped his cattle Monday. Ben K1a pf el.shipped his cattle Tuesday. . Otto Huettner attended services at the St. Paul church Snnd y. Easter services will be held at St. Pauls church Sunday at 2:30 : p. m. in.M. M. F. Dorste shipped two cars of cattle and one car of hogs to Kansas City Tuesday. Mr Dor- stc and son Edmund went with them. During the past week a large bird supposed to be an eagle or hawk was seen flying in the air with a bell fastened around its neck. It has been seen by sev- eral of our people. Sunday school was well attended - ed at the school house last Sun- day. Fort Havel has not only ' - - - ; , the largest country school but ! also the largest Sunday school in the county. . r- Cord \ ood. Good hard wood , oak and hickory for sale. C. F. Rea vis. . WANTED 100 Bushels Sweet Corn at Hcck's Feed Store. Will pay S1.00 per bus hel. . diVe \Ve carry a. . . . " I COMPLETE LINE OF Building Materia.l I And all kinds of COAL . WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Chicago . \ Lumber r&l Coal Co : TELEPHONE 58. . ; Fire Insurance . ' , For Reasonable Rates and Prompt Payment of . Losses call on . . . .1 John L. Cleaver' I INSURANCE AGENT 'I J Falls City , Nebraska - . Preston losses settled In two days . : . ' Goolsby barn loss settled In four days . II I I 1