The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 01, 1904, Page 12, Image 14

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12 _ . April . IJ 1904
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
- - ' . H 0 L T'S I
Shoe Store
' " Palls City , Neb. .
' " . SHOES Men , .
Women and
for Children
. .
, - . " , q .
A , -
I would be pleased to have you call
k to see our Shoe Styles
Would also like add your 'nalne
to our list of customers.
i I
s Children's Shoes a Specialty. :
Warm Lined Shoes for Old Folks.
{ Rubbers and Overshoes of Kinds.
, .
Want to Phone ?
Call 23.
News of the County as Told by
Our Special Correspondents
Nellie Weaver was in Fans City
Fay Simmons and wife went to
Omaha Sunday.
I-Ioward'Cono\'cr is clerking
a dry goods store on Saturdays.
May Johnson is learning dress
making of vIrs. Lippold in Fans
Max Georgia and wife of Daw-
son were over Monday trading
with our millcrs
D. M. Griffith and wife were
visiting in Fans City the latter
part of last weck.
! Quimby Hossack , Jacob Grecn-
wald and Chas. Hofcr came up
t from Falls City Sunday cvcning-
Camma Hall left for Peru on
Wednesday to attend thc normal
class the remainder of thc term
Mrs. Pearl Sloan and little son
are spending this week with
John Hossack and family in Falls
C. 1\1. Heinzclman returned
from Bethany , Mo. , Thursday.
2 He saw some fine country and
enjoyed the trip.
Carl Jorn came up from Okla-
E _ homa last Saturday , He will
probably stay until June when
a he expects to be in school again.
Jesse Griffiths was called home
from Crete where he has been
attending ' school by the death of
i his grandfather , Wm. 'Villiams.
Will Leslie and family made a
farewell visit to his brother in
Salem Saturday and Sunday and
; he leaves on April 2nd for Caldwell -
well , Idaho.
r , 'Vilr-Hoss-ack spent last week
with his many friends in Verdon
and Stella returning thc first of
. : . -J ! it-.l. - -vss
- ,
this week to his home in Falls
City. From there he goeR to
The Odd Fellows organized a'
lodge in crdon on Monday ' night
and a number came up from Falls
City and with them thc drill
team. They assisted Grand : Mas-
tel' C. H. Ellis in org < < nizing to
thc satisfaction of aU prcscnt.
Harry and Roy'Lum are visit-
ing folks at home for a' short
time This is their second year
at Crete and it is a great treat
for them to come home on a vaca-
tion. They look hale and hearty
and their friends are glad to wel-
come them home.
Dr. EWer was in S1. Dcroin the
last of the week.
Elmer Butler made a business
trip to Falls City lVlonday.
Wesley Smith and son James
were in Falls City l'\'londay.
Lucy Smith is entertaining
Miss Tompkins of Guide Rock.
Tom Smith and wife saw "Too
Proud too Beg' at the Gehling.
lrs. A. Rambeau was the
guest of Falls City friends vlon-
< ay.Wnt. .
'Vm. Nuttcr and family spent
Sunday at the home of Wesley
JUdge Scott and wife of Falls
City visited their daughter Eva
! Mary Arnold of Kansas City is
visiting at the home of Jude
Arnold this weck.
C. F. Reavis and Ed Faloon
of Falls City were professional
callers her 1\'Ionday. .
I-Ienry Kuker and family were
visitors at the home of grandpa
Scimcrings'Ionday. .
A number of men have been
dragging the roads , which makes
a decided improvement and for
which they deserve much praise.
1\fary Shulenucrg was a pleasant -
ant caller at thc home of Charles
Steinbrink Friday
Samuel Vassar and wife are
rcjoicil over the arrival of a son
at their borne last week
Daisy Arnold and 1\1rs. Mack '
were pleasant callers at the home
ofMrs. . J. C. Shulenberg , Tues-
day evening.
1\1rs. : J. C. Shulcnburg and
( laughter Emma were visiting
relatives at Falls City Friday and
Saturday of last week.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mr. Wissinger was in Barada.
Johny Nutzman is on the sick
list. ,
Prank Butler and wife spent
Sunday with 1. A. Dunll.
Williamsville band boys
met to practic at Mr. C. Wick.
Mr.Wissinger and family spent
Sunday at the lVIichels homc. -
G. W. and E. Duerfeldt and
I-Icnry Luhn shipped cattle ' Mon-
Mrs. R. J. Dunn entertained
her friends at a carpet rag bee
Thursday and Friday.
The farmers of Williams vi lIe
were very busy breaking stalks
Saturday morning on account of
the frecze.
The canning factory agent called -
ed on several farmers last week
and contracted with them to raise
tomatoes for them this season.
Jesse Maurer and wife who have
been visiting with their , daughter
1\1rs. : Ira Dunn will leave the 29
for Binford North Dakota where
they will spend a few days with
their son before returning home
at Jameston.
- - -
Art Pottery
In order to better meet the demands -
mands of our customers we
have added to our stock a com-
plete assortment of
Vases and Tankards
\Ve have exercised much care in
buying only that which would
afford our customers entire satisfaction -
isfaction and we place this
Art Pottery
before our patrons with the assurance -
surance that for Beauty of De-
sign , Excellence of Finish and
Lowness of cost
It Is Unexcelled
The wide range of prices makes
them very desirable gifts for all
occasions ,
N n , - Our line of Spring Jewelry
is complete and up-to-date ,
"The Old Reliable" Jeweler
, -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . ' '
: ; : - ; ; ; : , : ; . :
C _
- -
Ralph Clark of Stella spent
Sunday in this city. '
C. F. Reavis to Burchard
went . . . f : : :
Tuesday afternoon. ,
. F. 'V levcland was in Reserve t :
011 business Monday : . "
Prof 'Vm. Harnack was in . - l
Salem . on business Monday t. G .
J. J. Dvorak of Humboldt made j
a business trip to this city Satur-
day. .
day.Will '
Will Jenne is home ; for a- : few . ' , 'J
days rest from his duties as tra y- :
, .
cling salesman. ° ;
: Mrs. J. 1\1. ' Foster who , has been
visiting her mother , Mrs. Parsell' "
left Saturday for her home in
Chicago. ' ' !
1\lrs. J. F. 'Vhctstinc has returned - I
turned from an extended visit
with her parents at Washington ,
IIenr.Hahn . , one of Richardson
county's prosperous farmers has
moved to town and is now a reader -
cr of The 'fribune. "
Chas. Hoffman who has been
laid up with a badly sprained
ankle is again able to attend bus-
iness at his clothing store.
But one marriage license was
issued this week and that was to
John C. Schneider and Leona _
May Thacker , both of Pr.eston ,
Remember that our ring offer
to thc girls and watch offer to
thc boys still holds good. 'V rite
us for particulars and go to work ' ' a
and earn one of these valuable . .
presen ts.
Mr. McDowell of Salem pre-
cinct made this - office a pleasant 7
call Wednesday evening. He has
been appointed deputy assessor
in his precinct and will commence
work April 1st. '
J. C. Schneider has removed to "
Pawnce City and will make that 1
place his home in thc futur He
will keep in touch with Falls City
people and events through the ;
medium of The 'I'ribune.
Martin Kraph of Horton , Kas. ,
assistant superintendent of the
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co" , ,
of New York was in town this .
week with a view to establishing
an agency of this company here
Tom Glines , manager of Fred
Beaulieu's news emporium has l 1
been weilding the paint brush '
this week with good effect and
the appearance of the interior of I
the aforesaid emporium has been 1Ia
greatly imJrm'ed.
Miss Melia Ricschick , ' vho is
visiting in Pennsylvania , had the
misfortune recently to fall and ' . ' "
sprain her ankle so severely as to
cause her to be laid up for some x
time , but she has so recovered ' ,
" ,
a8 to be able to be around. She
intends to visit Niagara Falls , _ .
Buffalo , Chicago and other points . - ' ; '
before her return. ' ' " - '
. ,
, . , '
' f' L0. . , ' j - : . . ! ' . - . . . . : "
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