1riIw . . . - . . . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ i I I April I , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE II Correspondence - } , News of the County as Told by' Our Special Correspondents ti fi Shubert ' - Mrs. M. H. Taylor drove to emaha. Monday. 5 -Re.asoner . and wife entertained - fained relatives Sunday. L. 1 : L. Jones visittd relatives in ' Peru on Friday of last weed. Simmie Weddle , who has been sick for some time , is improving R. M. Gillan of Auburn was a business visitor here Wednesday. ' A number of our young folks drove over to Stella Sunday even- . mg. mg.W W- H. Morrow made a business ' trip -to Kansas City during the . week : Geo. Randall and wife of Stella were visiting friends at this place Sunday. . Miss Merle Shubert entertained II : her cousin , Nora Pond , the first . . . . . . \tJ . " of the week. . vIrs. Morton of Nemaha was the guest of M. H. Taylor : and . over Sunday. , Ivirs. Tory Nettleback visited her parents , Henry Leslie and wife , Monday. Mrs. Jack Jones entertained . Mrs. Cha Felt and daughter , .w . Eliza , last Wednesday. ' I' : Miss Ange : Leslie left Tuesday for an extended visit with rela- 'I tives at Fremont , Neb. . Gertrude Weddle and Ella Berg visited with \ , alter Weddle and wife last Wednesday even'ing. . Will Harris and wife have been entertaining his cousin , . Mrs. Henderson , of Kansas City the past few days. . vIrs. Jim Bolejack left Tuesday for Verdon where she' win visit with her son , E. E. Bolejack , and family for some time. / . , John Harmon who has been " sick the greater part of the win- , , I .ter , is in a very critical condition with very little hopes of recovery. _ . Guy Harper and Adam Follmer bade their friends good bye Mon- .day. They drove down to Falls . - - City taking the afternoon train : for Eugene , Oregon , where Guy ' has secured a position with the base ball league for the summer. , Mrs. Josie King , who has been visiting relatives here for the past few days , returned to her home in Peru the first of the week. Preston. John Neitzel jr. , is among the sick. Elmer Hosiltol1 was in St. Joe last week. F. W. Schroeder went to Falls City Monday. Geo. Neitzel went to White Cloud Monday. A. E. Heacock went to St. Joe Thursday night. Richard Kaiser went tp Okla- homa I'I'hursday. W. A. Margrave was in Fans City ec1nesday.- - . vIrs. C. C. Shell is very sick at the present writing. - G. C. Kaiser reports two cases of measles at his home. June Mcl\iillen was a passenger to Fans City Saturday. H. P. Rieger went to Lincoln Monday returning Tuesday. Mesdames Shelly and Pyle drove to Falls City Monday. Mrs. H. P. Rieger returned home from Rule Wednesday. Wm. Pyle came clown from Beatrice the first of the week. . Herman Hahn shipped a car of sheep to Kansas City Thursday night. The post office will soon change hands , Dr. Griffiths . will take charge. Henry Painter returned to his home in Valley Falls , Kansas , Wednesday. Laura Schaible of Falls City spent last week at the home of L. A. Banks. A number from here attended Too Proud to Beg" at the Geh- ling last Tuesday night. Dan Ratekin formely freight agent at Falls City will act as night agent at this place. Ed Pribbeno will leave for Im- perial , Nebr. , to assist in running his fathers ranch this spring. A farewell dance was given at the 1\1. W. han on Saturday even- ing in honor of Ed. Pribbeno. I Preston held a meeting Qn Sat- urday night for the purpose of nominating six village trustees. g FLOUR FEEl AND SALT n 0 D o I have just received a car of salt which I can furnish you in CJ ) 3 : lump rock , crushed fine rock salt 100 lb. in sack , No.1 rock salt for J : Y ice cream , No. 1 Michigan barrel salt , No. 1 Michigan sack salt 70 , . T' C lb in sack just the thing for house use. . "TI . Z Also received a car 'of Illinois washed suit coal , just the thing 0 for cook stove or range , $6.00 a ton delivered , satisfaction gnar- ] ] < ( anteed. I can deliver you flour , feed , grain , hay and straw , wood .J for heating and cook stove , on short notice. I pay cash , for butter fI1 ] : eggs and poultry , rubber , copper , brass , zinc and old iron. < G ) I g O.P.HECK ' - - - , k1- I . - , . . . . . . I - , - - - - . - - - - . _ _ , _ _ . . " " . . ' UNION BUS & CAB LINE WALLACE & HAUCK , Proprietors. - . I Passengers conveyed to and from all trains and to and from all parts oj the city. Call a cab when you want to make a train. It ; will cost you no more than to call a bus. Parties meeting friends or seeing friends off will be carried free of charge both ways. " For funerals , our cabs are ideal conveyances. For receptions ; balls , theatre parties , etc. " . call a cab. - Careful and attentive drivers PHONE 56 t CALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT. . . . They were as follows : J. Morris and Freed Shelly for the term of 1 year ; H. Zoeller , C. J. Hoppe , O. H. Bush and Ed Rieger for the 2 year term. Judge of elec- tion J. R. Shelly , clerk , H. P. Rieger. Four of the supervisors came to this place Wednesday to inspect a narrow lane which was com- plained of not being wide enough for traffic. The committee de- cided to leave the road unchang- ed. Henry Amlersons farm house south of town was destroyed by fire. It caught fire about noon and when discovered the flames had gained such headway that nothing was saved. Julia Cronin has taken charge of the primary room. We are proud of being able to get a good teacher at this season of school 'work. The new sidewalk around the Daeschner block was complete last week. This is a step which others should foIlow. A merry quartette consisting of two ladies and two gentlemen came to Preston Tuesday evening in a carriage from Rulo. Catalpa Grove. Crete Stewart is very sick. She is suffering from a gathering on her neck. C. B. Snyder and little daughter - ter Lillie were visitors in the Grove Sunday. Wm. Grush went to Dawson Monday in the interest of the Rural Telephone Co. Geo. Saville , Lee Snyder and C. H. McDowell went to Verdon Monday to help organize a new lodge of 1. O. O. F. . . Married , at the home of G. A. SaviIle and wife , their daughter Lillie B. to Scott W. Carlisle of Bradshaw , Wednesday evening , March 23 , Rev. Porter of Salem officiating. The bride has grown up in our midst and was noted for her lovable disposition and , wo- . manly character. The groom is a young mar. of good habits and industrious and is wen worthy 0 f - the prize he has won. They left immediately for Bradshaw where they will make their future home. Died , Saturday. little Olive Bates , aged 5 years 11 months. of typhoid fever. Funeral ser- vices were held from the house Sunday afternoon and the remains were interred at the Maple Grove cemetery. Many people are trimming trees raking yards , building fence , sawing - ing wood , and otherwise prepar- ing to begin farming in the near future. , future.McNa.11's McNa.II's GROCERY . Fancy and Staple Groceries. Fruit in Season. Satisfaction Guar- an teed. , Free City Delivery Phone 40. Storage for Household and Other Goods. t 1