The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 01, 1904, Page 1, Image 1
1P w . ' \ iw . - t a.5 t + t Jl tt nut. I : : . . . . , _ " - . . " . . . VOLUlVIE - - I - FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , APRIL I , - 1904. - . NUMBER - - - 13 - ' - - - ! , - . SOME SOCIETY NOTES ; { t t ' The Young l'vlen's Dancing : club has issued invitations to a i ball to be held at Ryan's hall on i - next Friday evening The boys ' ' are planning a good time and , ' ; , their expectations wit ] doubtless - -be realized . Mrs. Allan D. May entertained the Married Ladies Kensington club yesterday afternoon. Mrs. . , Geo. Holt and Mrs. W. R. Holt will entertain the members of the club and their husbands on next Thursday evening at the home of . the former. - The kensington club which was recently organized by the young " ladies held its second meeting Wednesday with Miss Bessie Davis. This meeting proved that the hopes of the founders of the club : are to be abundantly real- ized. It was a pleasant meeting in every sense and no little part of the enjoyment was due to the t . dainty refreshments served by the hostess. f ! " ' . , . B. T. t T * t } For many years the L. was one of the best _ known social organizations of this city , but , during the last season no regular . meetings had been held.On Wednesday afternoon , however , in response to invitations from I l'vlrs. Dan Sargent , the members , met and reorganIzed the club. One of the charter members of , the club was Mrs. A.- G. vVanner , I but during her incumbency as I- , - _ librarianat Lydia Bruun Woods library she was forced to abandon .1 the club work , and the fact that . : _ -L she is again able to take up the same was very gratifying to the members. At this meeting Mrs. - J. L. Slocum was admitted to membership. The meeting on- - Wednesday was a delightful one . and recalled to all many pleasant reminiscences of former meetings. . : , l\1rs. : Sargent entertained in a - most delightful manner. " More Railroad R.umors. For a long time it has been , generally understood that the Burlington contemplated some . , important changes in its schedule and some alterations and some ; . * l Improvements in ItS yard facIl- ities at this place On Wednesday - day a company of surveyors . worked in the yards and left { _ . . stakes which are said to mark # .i the future site of a turn table. ' - ' , , ,10"- ; . It is supposed that a , daily . train ' > " . : : t..t. . ; . . - , . \ . . . . - ' . . . . . , . . . . . . . - . ' , - - ; ? : : - ! ' ' ' ' ; ' " " . service is to be established between - tween this city and Nebraska Citv. It is also cnrren tly reported , that a train is to be run daily between - tween Rule and Atchison. Rail- road officials admit that there is something in the air but decline to give details. . Fraternal Union. The committees in charge of the arrangements for the frater- nal picnic met at the G. A. R. hall } : Monday evening and held a business session. It was decided to change the dates of the picnic from Aug. 25. 26 and 27 to Aug. 23. 24 and 25. It was decided that the permanent name of the organization shall be Fraternal Union. The next meeting shan be held on the evening of April 11th. Joe Davidson Dead. Joe Davidson died at Excelsior Springs , Mo. , yesterday at the age of 54 years. Mr. Davidson had been in poor health for a long time and had gone to Excelsior Springs for treatment. For a number of years Mr. . Davidson had resided in 'this city and had many warm personal friends who sincerely regret to learn of his death. He leaves a wife and eight children who have the sym- pathy of many friends. Railway - general Superintendent Rus- sellDivision Superintendent Ver- million and several other officials of the : Missouri Pacific were in town Wednesday. They arrived on a special car and spent about a half hour looking over the prop- erty of the company in this city. They declined to make any state- ments as to the intention of the company in the matter of re-lo- cating the division Severe Injury. Frank Werner , who is employed - ed at Paul IIesslers harness shop has a badly injured hand. He was working with what is known as "stuffing rod , " an instrument resembling very large awl , and accidently drove the point there- ot' entirely through his left hand ' For a while it was feared that blood poison would result but this has been prevented and the wound i.s slowly healing. Fred \Vylie who is attending Nebraska Wesleyan university at Lincoln is at home this week spending the easter vacation. . . - - . . . . - - . . . . . . - - Easter a.t the Church.cs. The district convention of the churches of Christ .will beheld in the Christian church in this city April 11 to 13. More details will be given next week with the pro- gram of the convention. Regular services will be held at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning and evening. The ser- vices will be conducted by Rev J. E. Chrystal of Omaha. All are invited. : Rev. E. E. IIaskins , the pastor , will return from the east and oc- cupy his pulpit at the Brethren church Sunday morning. Rc\ Rawlinson of Pennsylvania will preach at Silver Creek , north of the city , at the same hour. Easter being the time when our memories are being refreshed upon thoughts of the resurrection of the Saviour , services appropriate - ate are being arranged for at the Christian church Sunday. . The subject for morning sermon : "The Keystone of the Christian Doctrine. " The evehing service will consist of an extra musical program and short sermon by the pastor. Junior and Senior C. E. and bible school at the usual - ual hour. All the services at the Methodist - ist church on Sunday will be in harmony with the Easter idea The pastor , Wharton B. Alexan- ler ; win preach in the morning on , "A Risen Saviour the \Vor1 < l's Hope , " and in the evening the theme win be. "Easter Echos. " The choir , under -the leadership of \Ir. . Simon Davies , win render appropriate music at. both ser- vices. Our missionary offering will be taken in both the Sunday school and the congregation. A most cordial invitation is extended - ed to all the people to attend these services M At St. Thomas church , the following - lowing Easter services will . be held : Holy Communion at seven and at eight o'c1oc1 a. 111. Choral - al Eucharist and sermon at..eley- en a. m. Choral Evensong and sermon at seven-thirty p. 111. The following special musical num- bers will be rendered by the vest- ed choir : Lyric Eleison _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uu _ _ Hall Sursum Corda and Sanctus. .Gregorian llenedictus Qui VenituuGilbert Agnus DeL _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ u _ _ _ _ u . u Merely He is Risen------------- . . . - - _ _ _ . -Clare Te \ _ _ _ _ Von Boskerck - - - - - - - - - - - - Strangers are cordially invited to attend these services. Rev Henry ! B. Smith , rector . - : Fire at Humboldt IIumboldt , Neb. , March 30. ( Special Jo 'l'he : rribun e-At five o'c1ock this morning fire broke out in the home of A. L. Shaffer near the Baptist church and completely ( destroyc : the household goods and gutted the building beyond repair. The house was owned by Mrs. Emma Grinstead Insurance on goods of $200. . Mr. Burkett Sends Thanks. On receipt by Mr. Burkett from the committee of a copy of the resolutions passed by our county convention , he writes as follows : "I desire to thank the republicans of Richardson county for this tribute of respect and confidence , and I trust I may always retain the very kindly feeling of the good people there. J. A. McCormick has produced the first green onions of the sea- son. The Tribune was furnished with a sample and they tasted better than a hot toddy on a cold night It is reported that Dick Bros. brewing company of Quincy ' 111. have purchased the building for-- men ) ' occupied by Dr. W H. Kerr's ' pharmacy and will conduct a saloon there during the com- 'ming municipal year. George Abbott stopped a Tri- bune reporter Wednesday and subscribed for the paper. He explained his action by saying that he was already taking both of Falls City's democratic papers and thought he could stand for one republican paper. A team belonging to Leach- man Bros. who reside north of this city ran away Monday morn- ' ing. The team was hitched tea a hay wogon , before they were . stopped they demolished about sixty rods of wire f nce. No other damage resulted. The Tecumseh Chieftain says : H Dr. A. Gaiser , a former citizen Tecumseh but who has been in business in Lincoln for some time , will locate in Falls City for the practice of his profession , dentistry. In his profession Dr. Gaiser ranks high , and he is one of the most wide-awake. public spirited citizens Tecumseh ever possessed. The Chieftain de- sires to congratulate Falls City on the acquisition of so desirable addition to the town's an professional - fessional and business circles . . x + , . . , a i ' \ < ' . . . ; > - - , ' ' ft ! ) r1 . { 1 . f