The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 25, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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l\Idn.h : _ . _ 25 _ , _ _ 1904. _ " ' , . , ' ' . THE ' " FALLS . " . CITY TRIBUNE . 3
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; . . : ' Blair has an epidemic of scar-
t let fever
: , : , The work of track laying ' on
the Omaha & Southwestern elec-
tric : line will begin April 1st.
r . . \1rs. J. E. Robbins of Nebraska
Cite by mistake poured ammonia
: In her car in place of some merli-
, . nine , that she was using. The
ear'is in a serious condition and
. . : : she will lose her hearing
- - : ; , . > Wm. Jones of Papillion has
' : ' ' ' , been awarded $375 damages in a
"suit against the : Missouri Pacific
' Railway Co. A railroad grade
; caused the plaintiffs land to be
" 'overflowed and his crops were
. The : Murphy 'l lunch counter ,
. near the depot at Table Rock was
' . ' 4 ; < ' 1 entered by a sneak thief about
: '
; noon 011- Friday : , the person in
charge 'having stepped out for a
, few moments. The tin was rob-
, ' . .
. bed of about $ 8.
r - . John Ha rrigan of Fremont
J . had a narrow escape from death.
L I i' \ ' . He was hunting on the Platte
river , when he slipped through ,
the the ice and went under. His
. .
, gun caught across the hole and
after twenty minutes oflabor he
, \ finally extricated himself.
The bank at Firth , Nebraska
was entered by burglars Friday
. : . : . , morning , who succeeded in wreck-
' : ' ;
, , , . ing the building and vault , but
" " " , .
1't. : , : " . ; . . ! . . Mailed to force the safe open. The
r. /
report of the explosion alarmed
I the citizens of the town Fear-
- " ' . ing they would be captured the
i robbers fled in great haste with-
out securing any booty.
. Carl Strecht a 4-year-old son of
I Henry Strecht in the South ward
1 of Edgar was run over by Mr.
; Strawsers corn sheller about noon
; Sa turd a ) ' . His head was so bad-
Iv } crushed , that he died in a few
< minutes. The sheller was pass-
' , , ing up the street and small boys
< ' , " were.climbing on to ride. Little
. . ' r'-.J ' . Carl lost his hold and fell under
the wheels.
: i i fA Great Victory.
iI \I : " The republican party in Gage
county has been going through
! ' bout the same experience as has
- the party in this county. On ' last
Saturday primaries were held
\ there and the result was a crush-
k jug i defeat for thc bolters and renegades -
t cgades and the triumph of true
. .
t r ' r pu blicanism. Commenting on
! this victory the Beatrice Express
I says :
) \ 'l'he result of the republican
, i ,1- " " . primaries is an excellent example
1 , . ' 1lr of what the people can do when
\ they ) become thoroughly aroused
l ' . to the existing conditions and be-
I . gin to realize their meaning.
" You can't fool all the people all
I , " the time. " 'Vhile we boast of
our free American institution and
' , t .
the fact that every man is a sov-
t .
I r
, . -
_ .
; a
ercign , yet the fact is that we arc
usually so engrossed witlm , . our personal -
sonal matters that we pay but
little 1 attention to public miLtters.
The result is that matters of the
most vital i importance are allow&l
1- '
to go by default or fall into the
hands 'of men more interested in
their personal schemes than in
the prosperity of the city or
county. Nevertheless the people
will stand about so much Rndno
more. When the limit is reached
the bonds are broken and the
men who have allowed themselves
to be imposed upon and deceived
rise in their wrath and make
things right.
This is what happened in Gage
county last Saturday. The republicans -
publicans of the county have been
so occupied in gathering in their
share of the republican prosperity
that they have paid but little attention -
tention to party business. A ring
of self-seeking , scheming politi-
cians , most of whom were demo-
'crats , laid their plans to capture
the republican party and hold it
as a captive. By devious ways
and crooked paths they had led
many of the voters of the county
away from the straight and nar-
row road to patriotic republican- :
ism. They had become so strong
as to become defiant , but the long
suffering voters at last became
aroused to the situation ' and you
know the result. It must not
stop at this. The republican
party must be controlled by the
rank and ' file of the republican
voters. Men who have professed
the democratic faith , arc welcome
in the republican ranks , if they
become converted , but the people
of Gage county are now and ever
will be opposed to any attempt of
democratic politicians to control
the old republican party. 'chat
is what the landslide of Saturday
Ou Weekly Market Letter.
Kansas City Mo , Monday , jVlar.
21st , Y04.-Cattle receipts here !
last week were 35.449 , about
6,000 more than previous week ,
and 4000 more than same week
last year. .All the markets had
liberal l supplies of cattle , and
, lower prices were the rule after
Tuesday , market . being steady
first two days oJ the \veek. 55,35
was reached Tuesday for beaf
steers , which have heretofore
stuck at the 55.22 mark. Best
grades of , beef steers lost 10 cents ,
and others were 25 cents lower.
Cow and butcher stuff showed
some \veakness about Wednesday ,
but closed the week steady with
the close of previous week Good
choice cows sold from 53.40 to
53.85 for car-load lots , and choice
heifers brought up to $4.25.
Stockers and feeders were 25 cents
lowe , but that stilll left them at
a high figure , ranging from 53.25
P - . .
. . .IuIIMuuuIiar---- . : jl - - . f' ' . - ' - " ' " ' 1. . ' . .
. : , - - - - , . .
. .
r _ ;
W-A -L , 'PA _ EI3I ,
Yes all kinds ! Our stock is now complete.
If i11 need of anything' in the line of vVall
Paper call and inspect our line. That's ' our
long suit'Ve ! have the exclusive sale for
Richardson County of the BERGS Special
Papers , nothing finer.
110n't forget while buying Paint you had just .
as well buy the best and have us give you a
. .
to $4.25 with scattering sales up
to 54.50. The decline on beef
steers , when n\arly.everyone has
been expecting an advance , scared
off many buyers of fleshy feeders.
rhe receipts today are 6,000liead
but a liberal Iun at Chicago and
10 cents lower prices there makes
the market slow here. Beef steers
arc plentiful and prices barely
steady with close of last week.
Cows and butcher stuff arc scarce
and steady. Stockers and feeders
are steady as the spring like
weather always benefits this trade
at this season. < .
Hog receipts at Kansas City
last week were 34OYlabout 6,000
more than previous week , but
2,000 less than same week last
year After Tuesday the prices
were lower each day , the week
closed with a net loss of 20 cents
Market is lower again H > -day and
and the best price is $5.15. with
bulk of sales at $4.96 to $5.10.
Light hogs sell relatively better
than they did two weeks ago. Depression -
pression in provision market and
lack of support ' is given as a reas-
on for continued lower prices
for hogs , ,
Sheep receipts last' week were ,
23,734 , practically the same as
previous week ; also same as cor-
respon ding week last year.
Lambs made up large majority of
receipts , and were mostly common
quality , Best lambs and yearlings -
ings sold steady , but the common
lambs were 15 to 25. . cents lower.
Ewes and wethers gainell0 : to 15
cents during the week , owing to
scarcity. Run today is 7,000
and the market is strong on everything -
erything except medium to common -
mon lambs which arq very steady.
The largest bunch of fed cattle
sold here today was marketed by
J. S. Snethen of Hum oldt , Neb. ,
consisting of fortr carloads of
shortfed steers that brought 54.40.
Live Stock Correspondent
. . . p. - - ' - . . . . . . . ' - - - -
Burlington Time Table
Falls City , Neb. I
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St Louis and all
points east and
Butte .
Salt Lake City
San Francisco
and all points
No. 42. Portland-St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and aU points
east and south. . . . . 5:12 : p 111
No. 13. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver and . .
all points west and
northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 : a 111
No. 14. Vestibuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kansas -
sas City , St. Louis
and all points east
and south. . . . . . . . . . 7:44 : a 111
No. 15. Local express , daily
Lincoln and points .
westnorthwest 2:05 : p m
No. 21. Vestibnled express ,
. daily , Denver , and
all points west and '
northwest . . . . . . . . 1:55 : p 111
No. 16. Vestibuled express
daily , St. Joe , Kansas -
sas City , St. Louis
. Chicago and points
east and south. . . . . 4:33 : p m
No. 22. Local express , daily
Atchison and points
south and west. . . . 4:42 : p 111
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tacoma and
Portland without .
change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : p-m
No. 116. Local accommodation -
tion daily except
. Sunday , Atchison .
and intermediate
points . , . . . . : , . „ ! . 10:1'1 : pm
No. 115. Local accommodation -
tion , daily except
Salem Ne-
. Sunday , , -
111aha and Nebraska
City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:25 : p 111
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on through trains.
Tickets . sold and baggage checked to
any point in the States or Canada. For
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart ,
Agent , Falls city , Neb. , or J. Francis ,
G. P. & T. A. , Omaha.
Special Sale.
A special clearing sale at Mc
Nails on all Oak brand canned
goods. 25c cans for 20c. First
quality tomatoes per can 10c.
Remember the place is .
Mc Nails Grocery. 12tf
. Coupe & Thornton handle noth-
ing but the best of meats. '
, . , - . , - . - ' . . -