The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 25, 1904, Page 10, Image 12

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10 TI-IE l : ALLS CITY 'TRIBU'NE March 25 , 1904 '
- J
, News of the County as Told by
n . ' Our Special Correspondents
Shed Turner was up from Falls
r City over Sunday.
Will Crawford was a Table
Rock visitor Friday. '
1 Ella Fisher was a Pawnee City
visitor over Sunday.
, George Schmelzel was up from
t ; Falls City the first of the week.
Mrs. A. A. Tanner visited
friends in Tecumseh over Sunday.
Art Smith was up from I.eaven-
r ,
worth spending Sunday with his
4 family.
Harry Quackenbush was over
r' ' from DuBois , visiting Sunday
with friends.
t ;
l ; . Dot Stol p arrived the first of
the week from Adrian , Mo. , and
' is a guest of the Segrist fami1y.
) Henry Voellers and family were
G down from Table Rock the latter
'i part of last week the guest of
relati ves.
.i . Miss Pearl Garver is back from
' Kansas City and will devote her
attention this summer to her
music class
S. G. Wright of Lincoln , was
In the city Friday and Saturday
the guest of his neice , Mrs H. P.
Marble and other relatives. .
. . ' . .
- - - - - -
Miss Laura McCool , who has
been spending a couple of weeks
wit relatives in this pity , left
Saturday for her home in Daw-
. son.
I The six months old babe of
Judd Davis and wife died last
; Friday and was burie on Sun-
. i day , the services being conducted
by Rev. Beery.
Judge Tucker and the delega-
tion from the west end came
home from the county convention
' - well satisfied having received
all they asked.
Rev. Calvert was in Falls City
\ Tuesday and Wednesday attend-
ing the district missionary raU ) ' .
From there he went on to Brock
for a short visit.
- - - - - -
Mary McKee was run over by
her fathers team while it was attached -
tached to' the meat wagon one
day recently , but fortunately the
little one was not seriously in-
The firemen took their home
talent show HUncle Rube" to
Stella Saturday night and was
greeted by a full house. They
go to DuBois Saturday night and
to . Dawson a week later. ,
A number of the friends of
Rudolf Leech and wife gathered
at their home seven miles north
on last Saturday and gave them
a pleasant surprise in honor of
anniversar ' of
the twenty-fifth anniversary
their marriage '
, . [
, ,
" - ' " ' '
, . . .h' . . _ _ , . - _ , ' - . - . . .f'tIIL . -
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The local K. P. lodge have
made arrangements to build a
hall over the new store of F.
Wozab which is to be erected
soon , The hall will be 30xl12 ft.
and will contain office rooms in
the front part.
Z. O. Dean left Saturday for
the Philippines to spend three
years at least teaching the na-
tives in the ways of Uncle Sam
and his language. Mrs. Dean
and baby have gone to St. Joe
to live while the former is absent.
Mrs. John Pearce died last
Sunday afternoon at her home a
few miles west of this city at the
age of sixty-soven years and fune-
ral services were held pn Tues-
day. The lady has been a resident -
dent of this section for about
forty years and leaves a number
of gro.wn-up children.
The telephone controversy is at
a standstill , the only move made
being a resolution passed by the
old company cutting off the ten
cent rate which has been levied
on outgoing connections with the
rural lines. This was one of the
main points in the controversy
but whether or not it will have
an' effect on the actions of the
new concern remains to be seen.
Rev. John Calvert of the Methodist } -
m1ist church delivered a lecture
on HTravels in the Shetland Isles"
before the high school literary
and debating club on Friday
evening of last week. Mr. Cal-
vert is a native of England hav-
ing been in this country but eight
years , and has spent considerable
time in the islands referred to , of
which very little is learned in his-
tory. His talk was most interest-
ing and the large crowd present
showed their appreciation by care-
ful attention. Special music ad-
ded considerable to the program.
Nellie Harper has been quite
sick the past few days.
J. M. Evans attended the con-
vention at Fans City last w < 'ek.
John Cummings and wife entertained -
tertained relatives during the
, . . " ' "
Let us Show
PAPERS . . . .
Painters and
. .
< ' " .14
. .
- " ' \ -
" ? - . . , " - - . ' , - - , . ' - = . . , 2.-- . - - - 11. " < . r'1 . - - - - - - ,
. . . . .
r ANEW LINE OF ' 1 .
- HAS - ) : : j
JUST , - - - - -
For newness of design as well as for excellence - '
cellence of quality this line cannot be ex- , I
celled. Prices are equally attractive. . . .
' . _ ' _ _ .
. . . . WE ALSO CARRY . . . _ I
' . _ _ '
. . I' " ,1
A most superior artIcle of guaranteed ex- ' -
. .
. cellence. Costs no , more than inferior
paint. Inspection soiicited. , . , , ,
. - . , '
A. G. WANNER ' "
. . .
. . ,
The Cheapest Way
To provide your winter's
supply ot coal is to have it put
in all at once , and to , buy it of
us. You'll get - the best coal
money can buy , and you won't
be bothered all winter by having
it put in a little at a tin1e.
. . . . .
t .
- ' ' ' -
, z A . ' " .
, , .
MI I : . , ( .
w ( . _
u + w " " ' , . ' " .
E. A. MAUST tSONS. " ,
. PHONE NO. 38. '
. . . . . . , ,
Walt Ahern left Monday for
the Dakotas where he will spend
the summer.
GUY Harper is able to be out
again after a few days suffering
with tonsilitis.
L. L. Jones has been making
some repairs on his farm north of
town the past few days. .
John Harmon , who has been
under the care of Dr. Shook for
some time is much better
Mrs. Lucy Shubert was the
guest of her daughter , Mrs. Chas.
Felt and family last week.
Quite a number of school children -
dren were absent during the past
week on account of sickness.
Mrs. Jim Weddle and son who
' have been visiting relatives the
past few days , has-returned home.
Dale Jones who has been quite
sick for some time is much better
but still unable to attend school.
Misses Nickels and Cutler of
Falls City returned home Sunday
after spending a few days with
their friend , Gertrud Weddle , at
this place.
Jessie Kenton entertained a
number of young folks at her
home west of town Tuesday even-
ing. All present enjoyed the
evening very much.
Henry Leslie and wife were
taken by surprise Monday after-
noon by the return of their son ,
. ' , "
. .
! Y ' ' ' ' ' ' --iit--x : . . . . - -
Will , who had been away from , .
home for almost two years. , r
A very sad tradegy happened ! ' ;
near Nemaha last week. David
Carroll shot and killed Anna ,
Maxwell then placing the revol- t , .
. .
ver to his own temple fired the
fatal shot When found both -
. .
parties were dead.
. \
Aunt Lucy Shubert metith :
a very painful accident lat ly.
She was leading a horse which
followed behind the buggy and . . . . . . .J J
the horse became frightened { and ' , .
jerked back causing her hands to . , .f' "
; : ; " ' " 'I"r
be badly lacerated but with no ' " "
serious resul
While it is all very wen for us .
to be wanting new industries for .
Falls City , we should be sure first , .
that we are giving the proper . - ,
patronage to the ones 'we ' already -J
have. It is true our manufacturing -
ing establishments are not very
extensive but they : can be made
so if we will all put our shoulders
to the wheel and keep pushing.
Stand up for Falls City.
w. . H. MADDOX
Land bought and sold '
Hartford Fire Insurance '
Houses in city for sale . _ ' , . ' r ,
Money to 10-0 '
. .
Telephone 178
, .
, , . ,
. . . ,
: : J "V = .o."J ' ! ' ' \ \ ' --1'