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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1904)
r . March THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE ' < tr < _ 25 . 1904 _ _ . g i Correspondence I : " News of the County as Told by I7 Our Special Correspondents I Dawson. , . Tom Draper was down from - " , " Humboldt during the week. . Matthew Byrne was over from Sabctha thc first f of thc wcek. 1-1amc and Bca Riley spent Sunday at their home in Wymore ; W 111. 1\1 alley is able to be out after a serious attack of rhcuma- . tism. . , . James Riley was down from I' , Omaha " , this , week visiting his brothers. } Alf and Hanna Bourke of Au- I . ; burn visited Henry Farrel and . ' family over Sunday. t A number of the girl friends of ' : May I-Icim gave her a tin shower 1 . at < her home last Saturday even- .l . mg. ' \ . . , . .r ' J. M. Stitzel is in Oklahoma . this week looking over the territory - , - ' : . tory with a view to . locating : I . . there. ; : Mrs. s. \V. Alexander left the I first of the week for a visit to her . daughter , 1-1rs. V. H. Shire at Fremont. Nebr. , . \V111. Bonner came down from . Omaha Saturday to visit old friends i1lr. : Bonner was form- 'erly miner at this place. . ; M .4'- " ' Chas. Young of Auburn , John I - , Bash of Humboldt with their . families were Sunday visitors at the home of J ! . P. Page. H. E. Patterson , former station agent at this place but now of c ' . . Campbell , was greeting numerous - \ _ ous friends here Monday , and h 'Tuesda } . , D. F. Harbaugh shipped a' . , , couple of carloads of cattle to St. Joseph Friday night. Thc stock was accompanied by Chess Har- . bauo'h and Steve 1\Hles : . " b I . , , . George Belden and Mary Heim k-41 ' were married at the brides home t north of , town on \Vednesday ' - evening of this - week by Rev. hively. The happy couple will ' \ , soon be at home to their friends ; ; . at the Belden farm north of Daw- son. They are among our most ! popular young people and they have the best wishes of the en- , tire comnmun ty. , \V. Williams . one of the pioneers - veers of Dawson , died at his / home south of Dawson Satudray " - ' . . . night at the advanced age of eighty years. The funeral was held from the Evangelical church . . : 1\Ionday afternoon and the remains - . mains interred in theHeim ceme- tery. 1\11' Williams was a sturdy : , farmer and was highly respected . by his neighbors and friends. I The cause of his death was gen- " eral debility. He leaves a wife ; and a number of children , all , , . married , to mourn his loss. . I \ \I . r Verdon. Born , to Van Sailor and wife on March 21 , a boy. Geo. Hall of Falls City was calling on friends Sunday. : Mr. and 1\1rs. Combs of Salem visited in Verdon Sunday. Everett Crouch visited Orval Batcman at Stella Saturday and Sunday. 1\1iss Camma Hall leaves in the near future for Canada to visit her brother. C. M. Heinzc1man was transacting - acting business in Missouri the first of thc weck. Will Cox came over from Daw- son the first J of the week to visit Warren Douglas. Henry Bahr came up from St. Joe to visit a few days with Jess Weaver and family. Mart 1-liller , who has been suf- fering with inflammatory rheu- matism is reported better. Sam and George Harris of 1\'Ic- ' Candlass Siding visited at the home of Jess Weaver Sunday. Millard Goodloe and wife came down from Stella to attend the funeral 'lrs. ' Goodloe's uncle , G. \V. Goolsby , on Saturday Joe Veal came up from St. Joe in answer to a telegram that G. W. Goolsby was not expected to Ii vc. He arrived a few hours be- fore his death. . While chopping wood last week a man working for Beecher Cor- nell cut his foot so badly that Dr. Taylor was called to dress the wound. Saturday morning between four and five o'clock a car loaded with wool jumped the track damaging the car considerably , tearing up ties and splintering the rail. W. W. Funk 1110vetl his house- hold goods into J'vlrs. Foutch's residence on Christian Ridge last Saturday. He thinks lie is located - cated for a year at least as he finds little pleasure in changing. - McN II's GROCERY I , . . . . . . . . . Fancy and -Caple Groceries. ' Fruit in Season. Satisfaction Guar- anteed. Free City Delivery Phone 40. Storage for Household I and Other Goods. - " ' " ' . ' - ' " . . . ' , . . . . " " ; > > " r Closin8 . ' Out tt. A "t Cost - TO GIVE POSSESSION- . . . - - ' - - It beIng necessary for nle to give pos " ession of the south room of the Goldner building which I have been using as a store room , I will sell at cost. . . . . . . . 1 Surry 4 Spring Wagons 1 Stick Seat Driving , Wagon 2 ( Sop Buggies I also want you to call and see my stock oi HARNESS , Etc. Repairing a Specialty. 11. U' DIXOfl South Side Court Houoe Square Falls City. Nebrao$1a ' . r t. .i.1. . \ .mm G. W. Goolsby died Friday at his home near Verdon mill. He had been sick since December with crysipelas. He was buried thc following day at Maple Grove cemetery. He leaves a wife , two sons and three daughters 'to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father. 1-1. 1\leliza and wife , west of town I gave a party Saturday afternoon to their daughter Katie and Cleta Moran , it being their birthdays , the former fifteen f and the latter sixteen years old. Seventeen girls of corresponding ages were invited A program was carefully prepared consisting of music both instrumental and vocal. Refresh- men ts were served much to the delight of the girls. The invited guests presented each of the la- dies with a beauti medallion as a token of esteem. After wishing thc girls many more pleasant birthdays they returned to their homes. Preston. Joe Glaze was in Falls City Saturday. . , John Grant went to Falls City . Saturday L. -E. Simons of Rule was in town Sunday. John Neitzel went to Palls . City \\'ednesday. 1lrs. J. S , Wilson returned from Rule Friday. 1\1rs. John Iorris went to Rule Friday evening. C. C. Shelly and wife were in Falls City Friday. Dr. Griffiths returned hqme from Verdon Friday. Henry Hoffman of Falls City was in town Friday. Louis and Geo. Neitzel spent Sunday in Falls City. . .l\tlrs. H. P. Rieger went to Rule _ Monday evening : to visit a' few Clays. : -t. : . - ; - - . . ' ' " , . . , ; . . . . . . v1rs. Albridg-c Pylc's father is her on a short visit. Fred Bristol of 'Vymorc was a Preston hunter Monday. Joe Glaze accompanied a car of hogs to St. Joe Monday nig-ht. The town pump is in operation the first f time for about a year. H. P. Rieger went to the state convention being chosen delegate. , A number from here attended the ball at Falls City , St. Pat- ricks night. Louis and John Neitzel attended - ed band practice at Reserve last Saturday evening. O. S. McCarthy PROPRIETOR OF CITY DRAY LINE Special Attention to Household Moving- Phone 211 Falls City - - Nebraska . -k II SARGENT II , . Our Line 13' AS VARIED AS IT IS GOOD . Watches . Clocks , Jewelry Edison Phonographs And Records Eastman loda1J' and Supplies Kodak De Jelop- inl Machines Musical Instruments One Third Off Repairing a J"pecialfY Eyes Tested Free. . . . . Dan Sa.rgent II SARGENT II