, March 18 ' 1904 a TIII ALLS I CITY TRIBUNE . . . , 1 ' _ _ J . - - - - - - \ . Dr George H. Neal. ) { , . llr George H. NCi 1 ( lied tit \ his I home . in this city Thursday , after \ : ' . ; . ' a lingering 1 11 ncss , I' is hard t' i ) . - to , realize that Dr. Neal had been j ' called away. So many years of I : . . his life had been spent in this . . . city , and being very successful \ ' 1'- in the practice of his profession , ' he had come in contact with 'J : . 1 many people and was wldcly " , ( known. For he years was a : t . . . . 'J ' . familiar figure on our streets r I ; .l , going to and fro on his errands ( of relief , and now that he will be I ' ! no longer seen and his presence no longer known , he will be mis- , I. . - scd and to the friends whom he i 3 I had so often greeted with word and smile he shall live only in ) f mcmory. Not only was Dr. Neal I 4 i (1 ( skilled .in the arts of the physician , , y but he was skilled in the arts of. ; : ' ( . the gcn tleman. His was a pleasing - I ing personality , a frank manner I , ' and a kindly nature i : I' lIe was born in l\lays\.il1e , I \ Mason : county , Kentucky , Janu- uary 1 , 1860. He attended school i there until 1877 when he came t with his father , \V. E. Neal , to this city and here grew to man- ' . . : : . - , hood. When it came to deciding } ; ' " upon a life career , the young man determined upon the medical pro- fcssion and entered Pulls college at Cincinatti , Ohio. He later at- i I tendcd H'ahncman college at Chi- 1 sago and graduatcd from that ! ii . institution in February 1881. He I ' ' * : j returned to this city and on Scp- 1 t tember 29 , 1881 was married to ; I Clara B. Reynolds Severalyears 1 ago he removed to Hiawatha , . Kan. , and later to Little Rock , Ark During his residence the l latter place hc passed through an 1 illness so severe . as to cause the &t I . gravest alarm on the part of his " friends. He recovered however \ f ! . and returned to this city and ' . found a hearty , welcome awaiting . ) r him. His health improved and . lic soon built up an extensive practice. Dr. Neal leaves his wife and one daughter , Bessie , ' , C and they share the sympathy of , / a wide circle of friends. This sympathy is Ekewisc extended to ' an only brother , Dr. Dwight.Ncall ' II of Little Rock , Ar\ : r ; The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from the Christian - church , the services being attcnd- J . cd by many friends , including \ i : ; ' - members of various fraternal and ? benevolent orders to which thc deceased belong-cd. Crushed Under Pia.no. Clarence , the fiftccn-ycar-old a son of Riley Jones of Plattsmouth ; 1 . , was instantly killed Saturday evening by being crushed under a piano. The instrument was being - ing hauled from Sattler & Fos- Fos- benders furniture store to thc 1 opera housc. Clarence was riding h on the rear of the wagon when t one of the wheels struck a rock P . . ' t , T.- T - . - - - - . causing the piano to topple over and fall to the ground , carrying thc boy with it , and pinioning' him undcrneath. His body was terribly crushcd. Coroner Bozck held an inquest. \1rs. George AhIrcp of this city is a. sister of thc dccemicd. She with her husband left on Sunday morning for that place to attend the funeral. Saw DUnn , Hanged. . Upon invitation of the sheriff of Buckanan county , : Missouri , Sheriff Hossack went to St Joseph last Friday and was .prcsent at the execution of'Iark ' Dunn , the , , murderer : JoeValker formerly of this city is a guard at the jail and guarded the prisoner during the last hours. Before his exc- . cution Sheriff Hossack who was present ; in the cell assisted the condemned man in malting his toilet. The prison physi an is Dr. Linn Walker a son of Joe \VaIkcr and a. young man who was raised it this county. By his own efforts he has risen to a high position in the medical fra- tcrnity and has a bright future before him. It was through his brave deeds and action that Dunn was captured and returned to jail a short time ago. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Was Very Drunk. A stranger in an intoxicated conditition started to go from this city to Rube Saturday on a pony. He missed the road and wound up at Tom Nelson's place on Evergreen - crg-reen 1-leights. He went through two gates and closed them after him , but when he got into the hog lot he fell from his pony and lay there } in a drunken stupor. His nose began to bleed and the fresh blood attracted t11e hogs which would probably have attacked him had not 1\lrs. Nelson came to his rescue. She was un- able to arouse him , but kept the hogs way until 1\-'lr. Nelson camc. After much effort he was restored to consciousness and was soon in a condition to proceed on . his I w.ay. A Good Precedent. The Beatrice Express says : 'The many friends of Hon. C. F. Reas win be pleased to learn that the republican primaries held in Richardson county yesterday - day resulted in an overwhelming defeat for the enemies of \1r. ' . Hea vis. It is said that not one of the "boltcrs" will get into the con- vcntion. Now let Gage county treat the " democratic ring" that bolted Babcock and Reavis- the same manner Cord Wood . Good hard wood < l , oak and hickory for sale. C. F. Rea \'is. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . ' . . - . . . t , BARNETT"S MILLINERY OPENING ! = _ _ . . . . . . , . . . , . - _ . . _ . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Ladies you arc cordially invited to attend our op- cuing of - - I Early Spring Millinery l FRIDAY t&l SATURDAY MARCH 25 and 26 J L _ . . . . . _ - - - - - - - , - - 1 .Opposite Court House . . " . ' :11"r. : - _ t. . . . . . . . , . " . . _ . ' ' 4' I. , . . . Cheap at the Price F-- . . . - _ \ / tnv ' Good coal is one of the cheapest _ L things in the world. Poor coal. one . of the dearcst. Our coal is ex ( ccd- / I' ingl ) cheap at tlie price , atld the price is no hig-her than the poor . . _ _ . - . . coal price. Ou coal is all coal ; 110 JI- dirt , no slate. It is dry , clean and . , , fun weight. It is delivered prompt . ly I by careful , polite mcn. E. A. MUST & . ser s. PHONE NO. 38. Supt. Pillsbury Re-etected. At the meeting of the board of education held on Monday even- ing W. H. Pillsbury was reelected - cd superintendent of the city schools and his salary increased from S1200 to S1300 per year. Supt. Pillsbury has given excellent - lent satisfaction and we believe this action on the part of the board will meet with general ap- proval. . Guy Spencer Married The marriage of 1\-'Iiss Jose- phine vlcNulty to Guy R. Spencer - cer , the orld-Hcrald artist occurred - curred at Butte , \'lont. , yesterday. The groom is a son of the late Dr. t1' . J. Spencer of this city and having been raised here has many friends who have watched his rapid rise as an artist and who will be glad to extend congratu- lations to himself and his bride. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chas Hoffman Injured. Charles Hoffman fell on the concrete walk in front of the post office Tuesday morning sustain- ing severe injuries. His right ankle was badly sprained and some of the ligaments torn loose. He was taken to hb place of bus- incss and surgical attendance secure ( . He will probably bc laid up for several wecls. \Vhen bilious try a close of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver tablets and realize for once how quickly it first-class up-tQ-date medicine will correct the disorder. For sale by A. G. \Vanner. 9--l Flour , Feed , Coal and Wood : Look over this and see what you want and what you have to sell. I have for sale Flour ! , Feed , Baled Hay and , Straw , Grain , Ground Feed , Bran and Shorts , Coal , Wood , Rock Salt , Pure Cider Vinegar , Walnuts , Rye and Wheat for chickens , Ground Oil Cake , Poultry and Stock Food. Cash paid for Butter , Eggs end Poultry , Hides , Rubb . rCopper. Brass , Zinc , Old Iron , Corm and Oats. Flour exchanged for \Vhcat , Meal for Corn. Yours for Business , . OP. ; HECK 'Phone 101 5th Street Bargains in Fruit Tress You can ' get first class Kief- fer Pear tree for Sl ; one dozen of the finest budded peach trees for S1.50 ; one dozen 3-foot Scotch Pine trees for S2.50. A fun line of first class trees , vines , etc. , on which you don't have to pay freight or agent's commission by going to the Falls City Nursery for your Fruit 1"recs. Sale Ground one block north of Court House. W. H. MADDOX REAL ESTATE AGENCY . - - - - Land bought and sold Hartford Fire Insurance Houses , in city for sale Honey to loan Telephone 178