The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 18, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE ' March .8 , 904 ,
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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11\ order to increase our subscription list in a short time and also to help our Boy and Girls Friends to earn t , i
Ii a Nice Premium _ by _ working l _ a few hours among their friends for us , we make the following special offers : I ]
, . . ,
; Watch for the Boys
g It is very natural that every boy should want a
! watch of his own to carry , that is one that will keep time
and one that he will not be ashamed to show to his
friends. The rribune " is going to help every boy in
! this county tQ get one. All we ask of you is that you
i go out among your friends and secure FIVE YEAR-
LY SUBSCRIBERS at One Dollar per year , and
bring or send the money to this office and we will make
r you a present of a Good American Make Watch , guaranteed -
Ji an teed to keep time for one year , This is a beauty and
you should take advantage I Of this offer.
! : :
- - - - - - _ _ _ _ - - = ann _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ '
. . - - - - . - - - - - . - - - ) ; '
_ _ -'Ir. hO
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Ring for the Girls
'While it is natural that a boy should want a watch , i 1 :
it is tnore natural that a girl should want a ring . and
knowing this we will make it possible for all of them \
to get $ one free of cost. To every girl who' ' will get '
one dollar per year and bring or send the money to liS ,
we will give them absolutely free , a nice gold ring , set 1 , . , 31 '
with your birth stone. This is not a cheap . trashy .1
affair , but one that you . can wear at any time or place
and not be ashamed of it , You can earn one of these P Q ,
beautiful rings in a few hours by asking your friends ! i
to subscribe for "I 'he 'Tribune.
: ;
. : = = = : : : . . : ; j
't That while we arc making these offers to the Boys and Girls that our Cash Offer of Twenty . ' j
eme er
Five Cents for each subscriber still holds , and if , wOIlI father have he
e fOr yearly good ( yUll ( : '
, , , , , : .
) IJ cash than either , of the premiums , It is all the same to us. Sample copies , to be used In soliciting , wIll be fur- /4. /
Wished all appltcants. For further partIculars call or write , .
_ ,
- - i - - - -
_ _ - I
Seward is suffiering- from an
epidemic of thc mcasles.
A new building and loan association -
sociation has been organized at I
\ Harvard is rejoicing over thc
fact that she is soon to have
electric lights
vIcarI Drcbcrt of Pierce dicd
at the Methodist hospital in
Omaha of lockjaw due from
Visitors to thc state capitol in
Lincoln must keep ofT. the grass
hcrcaftcr. They must stay on
thc pavements or sulTcl' arrcst.
Ned Marrisscy : a prominent cit-
izen of Johnson county dicd at
thc home of his son , west of Tecumseh -
cumseh Friday morning- Hc was
85 years of ag-c.
'l'ccumsch win vote on the
proposition or voting S17 , 000
bonds for the erection of a new
school house at thc regular election -
tion to bc held April 5.
Governor l\Hckcy was allowed
to name his own delegation to
thc state convention from Polk
coun ty. This is \'lickcys home
county and his endorsement was
without opposition.
Owingto the . investigation
which resulted in showing that
there were o\'cr'a thousand children -
dren of school age that do not
attend school in that city , Hast-
ings has elected a truant officer
to look after such affairs.
, .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ n
Mrs. Anna Twyford , wife of
John 'rwyford of Bancroft , was
arrested Saturday on a charge of
insani ty. After an examination
by thc board she was declared in-
sane and was taken to thc hospital -
al at Lincoln today 'by Sheriff
KJoke. The woman is violently
insane , tWo attendants being required -
quired to control hcr. She is thc
mother of three small children.
Hcr mania was caused by religious -
ous exci temcnt.
r-.lrs. : John C Eswein , wife of a
prominent farmer living near
Sfanton , committed suicide l + ri-
day night by hanging himself tea
a clothes prcss. She was forty-
five years of age and thc mother
of nine children
J. l\1cClintock , a lodger in thc
European hotel at Fremont was
found dead in the hall way just
outside of his room early Satur-
day morning. He had been afflicted -
flicted with consumption and had
been drinking heavily.
Will Ncimity of Columbus was ?
shot in the face by a fellow hunter -
er while shooting ducks Friday.
Ht shot two ducks after he was
shot and then hc walked home
to have his wounds dressed.
Thc post office and saloon at
Meadow Grove were burglarized
Friday night , but nothing of
much value was sccured.
A complete line of fresh , salt-
cd and smoked : fish during lcnt.-
Coupe 1'horntol1.
Mr Leeldns Replies.
Editor Tribune : With your
permission I would like to reply
to the scurrilous attack made up-
on me in last weeks Journal. I
am denounced for placing thc call
for the caucus in The 'l'ribunc.
The adage , "Thc galled jade
winced , " is self evident in thc
Journal's casc. The : Martins are
renegade democrats conducting
their paper in the interest of the
democratic p lrt ; ) ' . 'IL' liey were
dispensers of 'a portion of the
slush fund that was furnished by
thc democratic party for the pur-
pose of defeating thc republican
ticket last fall. They arc masquerading -
querading in republican livery
for the ; raft they can get from
the party. If they are such loyal
republicans , why is it that not a
: Martins name appears on the
Roosevelt club list ? Why are
they opposed to thc state convention -
tion indorsing E..T. Burkett for
U. S. Senator ? They arc al-
ways prating about snap conventions -
ventions and dishonest methods
and yet they arc leaders in as
piratical a gang of politicians as
ever cut a throat or scuttled a
ship. One of thc "PcclistHttTs" :
is drawing salary from nis appointment -
pointmcnt by thc democratic
judge hc helped to elect last fall.
Thc other is engaged in traduc-
ing loyal republicans who assisted -
ed in making it possible for him
to draw a salary from thc county
of SlOOO a year for which hc
- - -
renders no adequate cquivalcnt.
The statement is made that , be-
cause I owed them for subscription - ' ,
tion to thc Journal I refused to:1 - : ' '
place the call in their papcr. At °
thc time I subscribed for thc
Journal I paid one year in ad-
vance for which I hold a receipt.
At the expiration of the year thc
paper should have been stopped ,
but shortly after , thc r-.lartins :
came into possession and at that
time there was boarding with mea , \
a your.g lady school teacher on
which F. E. Martin was very
much smitten , so much so that it
required his time four nights in a : '
weck. I did not object so much
to thc midnight oil consumed as j
I did to thc dancing of the can- \ . \ J
can and breaking of thc furniture , " > ; '
which was never made good. As "I
was said by thc Humboldt Enter- :
prisc last fall the Martins were ,
never known to acknowledge a
favor. I should bc extremely
pleased to square accounts with ,
. "
the I " paragon of punty. " . \ . r. . , " '
' \ T.V. . LHEKINS.
"Tilliam Shaffcr , brakeman of
Dennison , Ohio , was confined 1 to
his bcd for several weeks : with inflammatory -
. , .
flammatory rheumatism. "I used
many remedies he said and final- . ,
1y I sent to r-'IcCaw's : ' drug store '
for a bottle of Chamberlains Pain
Balm , at which time I was unable 1
to use hand or foot , and in one " .
wcek's time was able to go to' . j
work as happy as a clam. " For . ' , ' .
sale by A. G. \Vanncr. 9-4