The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 18, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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12 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE March 18/ 1904
- _ _ _ _ - . _ . u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - / - - . - ,
I \ _ I DECORATIONS _ _ . ! V ,
J \Vc are now showing a very extensive line of new
: ; dress decorations. Band and edallion effects continue -
J , t ue the leading feature in these with much more of color
in their make up. Our display of Persian and Bulgarian -
ian galleons and medallions includes some exceedingly
dainty designs , which when even sparingly used , lend
Jf ' an air exclusiveness to a costume , that is pleasing
and effective. Many wood fibre bands , silk chiffon
:1 : i ! j embroideries , spangle all overs and medallions are
+ :1 : I among our late arrivals.
. . -
It I is with a pardonable pride that we display this
; ; 1 1 stock in the most COfSpiCUOUS place in our center isle.
. ; Coming from one of the largest manufacturers of pop-
ular priced embroideries , the prices are moderate , the
d styles are strictly up to time. In low priced muslins
\ : J we have a superior assortment suitable for nluslin underwear -
1\ derwear , &c. For corset covers a new lot of entirely
fresh and novel designs have just come in ,
! = : . , .l _ - - : . _ _ . . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - . - - - - - . r" " _ WL'- .
- - r . _ 3 - - . . . . . . . . . - . . ' ' "
'f' ?
Our display is Especially rich in allovers in white , ,
butter , ecru and black at from Sac to $4 per yard. In
v " ; notting-hams , clunys , plancus , repousses ,
cliantillys , we are prepared to meet every whim. As p
laces are to be extensively employed in costume , decora- m
tion both in wide and l1'arrCJW edging , bands and medallions -
. .
dalltons , we challenge all competition to match our !
variety in kinds , widths , colors and quality.
_ _ . . " . . . . u " - .
- "
In I other words , we are making our store the
in Richardson county. Our stock . is the most complet .
up-to-date , right in price . .
- _ _ _ _ _ _ u . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ a.1n- . . . _ . " _ _ . _ . . \t.
- . . - . . . . . - - - - - . - . " . . . - y - - - - . - . - " - . - - . - - . . . - - - . . - - - - - . - - . . . - - - - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . - - - - . .wW1. . . - - . . - . . . .
i ; ,
. I V. G. L YFOR-D . I
_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ jci _ Lc e f1
. - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
Married. e
Miss Ona McCul1ough : , deputy :
postmistress at Stella , and Ji'red 1
, Stringfield , Missouri Pacific operator . - 1
erator at that place , were married
at Auburn last week. The mar-
riage was kept a secret until after
the ceremony. Time young peo-
ple will make their home in Stella
where they are "ery popular and
where many friends unite in congratulating -
gratulating : them.
' : Minta Curry of Stella and Chet
Clark of Verdon were married at
the home of the brides father on
Wednesday evening , the cere-
mony being preformed by a min-
ister from Auburn.
The marriage of Katie Cunningham -
ninrham : ; and James Davies took
place at thc home of the brides
I sister , Mrs . Dan Griffiths of Ver-
n . don on Tueslay : , Rev. Doha omi-
dating. _
Lena Huffman and Homer Watkins -
Idns both of Verdon were united
in marriage at the Evangelical
parsonage in Verdot ! on Sunday.
'Villiam E. Smith and Miss
Ethelle Emmert both of Salem
were married at the home of the
brides parents northwest of Salem
on Wednesday e'ening"
Prohibition Convention
The anti-saloon people held a
caucus at the court house 'IondaY
- evening for the purpose of nomi-
nating a city ticket. There was
a large attendance and considerable : -
able interest manifested. 'rhe
meeting was called to order by
l \V. H. I\'Iaddox who was made
the chairman. 1' J. 'Vhitaker
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
acted as secretary , The deliber-
ltions of the convention resulted
in [ the selection of the following
: Mayor , V. G. Ly fonl.
City clerk , Dr. E. R. : Mathers.
Treasurer , Jacob Schaible.
Councilman first ward , Samuel
r ichty .
Councilman second ward , L . C.
School board , Ben Foster , S.
Hofnell and D. C. Kirkpatrick.
: Mr Lyford , Mr Lichty and
Nir. Foster delivered speeches of
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Money r ! Moneys !
Do you wish to pet : a loan 01'
pay an old mortgage on your
land ? Can arrange for yon t'm
pay annual interest the first of
ally month you may name. Op-
tioned payments. Private rUl1ds.
Some good lands to sell \Vrite ,
Henry C. Smith It'alls I City , Neb.
Catalpa Grove.
Airs John Snyder was called to
Omaha last Friday to the bed-
side of her brother ( who is ser-
iously ill
Dale 'Vagnerson of Earn Wagner -
ner , was \ 'isitingjn . the Grove
Hall Stouffer was in the Grove
l repairing the rural phone
A number of the republicans of
the Grove attended the caucus in
Salem Tuesday. They reported
a good turn out.
Geo. lvlcDowell and Thomas
Martin : are chopping wood for
John \Villiams. .
- - - - . - - - - - - - - - -
Clay Prine delivered about for-
ty head of hogs to Joe Windle o'f
Salem Tuesday.
Clay Prine returned from Okla-
homa Friday.
'r. L. Snyder . has been on the
sick list.
lvrrs. George Lawrence , has
been quit sick this week.
Mr. Ernest Wagner and fami-
ly who recently returned from
New , Mexico win make their
home in Merrill ' for the present.
Ollie Steward has been very
sick , but is reported as being
much better.
Mrs Joe I-Iolems went to Hia-
watha , for a few days visit with
relatives and friends.
Sam Hays had a valuable horse
to die this week
Rib roasts and chuck steak for
'Bc at Knox & Simon's.
Pork steak and spare ribs lOc
at Lnox & Simon's ,
For Sale if taken within ten
days , S450 Everett piano , about
new ; a S35 leather rocker , a black
parlor wicker chair. -Dr\Vaters ,
1 door north of W W Jenne.
A very charming kensington
was that at which lvIrs. John Os-
wahl was hostess yesterday after-
The Royal Highlanders had a
jolly time at their hall on 'l"'ues-
day evening. After the long
form of iniation had been exem-
plified a short program was ren-
dered and refreshments served
. ' " '
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
The Tribune has been forced \ I
to omit a great amount of good
local matter this week because
the republican county convention
was held 011 Thursday and in or-
der to give the official report we
had much extra work to do and
much extra spare to fill.
Mrs John C. Martin enter-
taincd at a very delightful ken- .
sington Tuesday afternoon
H. U. Landolt , one of the lead-
irig merchants of Shubert , came
down Wednesday in response tea
a message that his mother was
seriously ill at her home. _ . in this
ci ty.
l\-lrs. C.V , Breitluupt ha
been ill this week , having suffered : -
cd from an attack of pneumonia.
Her condition is , much improved
at present
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
No. 51 Omaha and Lincoln ,
1xhress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A :2:28 : : a m
No. 57 Omaha and Lincoln t
passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:48 : p 111 1
No. 233 Local Freight , Au-
burn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1:051'111 : . .n I
SOUTH 'v '
No. 52 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver . . . . . . A 2:28 : a 111
No. 58 hatisas City and St.
Louis and Denver . . . . . . . A 1:46 : a 111
No. 232 Local , Atchison. . . 10:30 : a m
No. 220 Stock reight ! , Hi-
awatha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 8:30 : p 111
A. Daily. B. Dail.r except Suuda ) " .
'J. n. VARNlm [ , Ageut.