The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 18, 1904, Image 1

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1 : 'Ir'Official ' Report of Convention
t Yesterday was house-cleaning
1t day in the republican party in
' Richardson county. At one
o'clock there convened at the
court house one of the most enthusiastic -
J' ' thusiastic anelfirepresentative conventions -
ventions thatever ; . . . . met in the
county. It was a gathering of
republicans loyal and true to the
! 1
best interests of the pady.
' The convention was called to
- order by Hon. G. J. Crook , chair-
mail of the county central com-
mittee. Rev. 1eyers invoked divine -
vine blessing J. R. Cain , jr. , of
Stella was the unanimnus choice
. for chairman of' the convention
: Mr. Cain made a short speech in
' 44 which he explained his position
1' ' and urged the republicans to lay
li aside personalities and get to-
; ; ether for the good of the party.
He was frequently interrupted by
appl.aus Allan D. flay was
j made secretary. John L. Cleaver
; 1 was made assistant secretary.
'i The chairmen of the various delegations -
; l/ egations handed in their creden-
i If . . . . . ; , , , tials which \ showed that every
( . ( ' ) I precinct In the county was represented -
sen ted and as there were no contests -
p tests the convention proceeded to
business under the call , the tem-
pontry organization having been
made permanent.
John L. Cleaver introduced the
following resolution which was
received with great applause and
was unanimously adopted :
Whereas The Honorable E. J. Bu.-
kett is i a candidatc for .eclection as
congressman from thc First ! congrcss-
ional district of Nebraska , Mr. Bur-
' kett l having represented said district in
- , congress for the past six years in n
3t -A \ . manner most creditable to himself and
, very satisfactory to his constituents in
. this county , and
r Whereas The Hon. G. J. Crook of
t Falls City , Nebraska l , has for many
sears taken a great interest in the welfare -
; far and advancement of tla republi-
I can party in this county , and as chair-
+ man of thc republican county central
I committec for thc past two years , , has
been an an active and successtul : ; ; leader
of our party to victory , for which it is
: both a duty and honor for this convcn-
tion to give him praise and honor , and
tk Whereas The congressional com-
mittccman of this county , thc Hon.
0. A. Cooper of Humboldt , by his : ; ; abil-
iii and industry has done much to secure -
cure thc election of Mr. Bl1l"1Ctt in f01'-
i' rater campaigns , therefore be it
: .
- '
A , 'f # ' Resolved 'l'hat thc thanks of this
{ convention he extended to Mr. Burlelt
for thc opcnillg'of rural mail routes and
other courtesies to thc people of this
rt COl1l1t ) ' . \Ve endorse him for.l fourth
' te1'1ll. And furthcl'
Resolved 'rtmt that thc thanks of
li this convention bc also extended to
Ml" : Crook and 1 Ir. Cooper for the
i ' . . great good they have done the rcpubli-
, (
, - . . . . _ , - , . ' -
" :
. . " , . . . . , I . - - \aoI" ' ' d "
can part and as a further mark of cs-
tccmthcy bc and arc hereby authorized
to select twenty-thl'cc delegates to thc
congressional convention to bc held at
Lincoln , Nebraska , March 22 , 1904 , amI
bc it further
Resolved That the secretary of thc
convention present to Mr. Budctt , Mr.
Crook and Mr. Cooper a copy of these
. .E 'ft'l\'I. Boss of Humboldt intro-
- , 4' l
lured the following resolution
which was enthusiastically adopted -
ed :
Resolved , That thi convention
heartily endorse thc nomination of Hon
E. ' A. 'ruckcr for float senator for thc
First Senatorial District , and as a
mark of courtesy , wc extend to him
thc privilege of selecting his dclega-
tion from Richardson county to thc
Senatorial cocvcntion.
: v1r. 'rucker was called upon for
a speech and thanked the conven-
tion and at times was compelled
to pause and wait until the applause -
plause had subsided.
At this point a motion was
made to proceed with the nomi-
nation of a county 'tic1wt. ' This
brought forth considerable discussion -
cussion , some preferring to'host- :
pone the nominations until a later
date. A viva voce vote was taken"
showing the sentiment of the
convention to be overwhelming-I"
in favor of proceeding with the
nomina tions.
This point having been estab-
lished the convention proceeded
with the nomination of three cah-
didates for the legislature. The
following names were brought
before the convention : .
R. E. Grinstead of Salem ; Geo.
Smith of Grant ; , V. H Hogrefe
of West Muddy and Cass Jones of
l ulo. It was moved and seconded -
ed that an informal ballot be tak-
en , the three receiving the highest -
est number of votes to be declared
the nominees. The motion pre-
vailed and the roll was called the
ballot resulting as follows :
Grinstead 157 ; Smith , 184 ; Ho-
grefe , 1.93 ; Jones , 151. Hogrefe
Smith and Grinstead having received -
ceived the highest numb of
votes were declared the nominees.
Each appeared before the conven-
tion aim niaifc a brief address.
A. R. Kcim introduced the following -
lowing resolution which was
adopted :
Resolved , 'I'hat the three members
of thc legislature from this county and
the state senator from this district be
and they arc hereby instructed to vote
for Hon. E. J. Burlctt for United
States scnator.
w. 1-1. Morrow vf East Muddy
was made the candidate for coun-
ty attorney by acclamation. He
expressed his appreciation in a
neat and very clever speech.
C. P. Reiivis called the atten-
tion of the convention to the fact
that A. R. Keim was a candidate
for state auditor and Fred Miner
a candidate secretary of state and
asked that the roll be called anl
that the delegations express their
preference. Mr.leim : hastily secured -
cured the floor and declared that
he was not a candidate.
A motion was then made that
11.1'tLiller be allowed to select
the delegation to the state con-
vcntion.tIre Keil11 opposed this
motion vitiorously and offered a
substitute motion to the effect
that the delegation be selected in
the usual manner and that they
be 11I1im tructe < 1. 'This drew forth
a general debate atd Mr. i ( cim
finally agreed to amend his sub-
stitute motion so as to allow the
delegates to be simply instructed
for : Mr. Miller. The substitute
motion was lost and the original
question was called for. The
motion was stated and the con-
vention expressed its willingness
that Mr. Miller should select the
delegation by tumultuous applause -
plause and prolonged cheering.
W. E. Dorring-ton was called
to the chair while J. R. Cain , jr
read the following resolution and
moved the adoption thereof :
Whereas , The Republican State
Central committc has recommended
the endorsement of a candidate for
United States senator hy the state con-
ven tion.
Resolved , That wc recognize iJJ
HOJJ. Elmcr J. Burkett , our congrcss-
maJJ ) , thc ability , integrity , and high
personal qualities , which particularly
fit him for thc office of United States
Therefore , We favor his promotion
from thc House of Representatives to
the National Senate and hereby instruct -
struct our delegates to the State con-
vcntion to use all honorable mcalls to
secure his 1ol'semcnt by the State
con ven tion.
The resolution was adopted as
rea < 1.
The convention then took up
the matter of selecting a county
chairman and members of the
central committee for the ensuing
year. John Hossack was the
unanimous choice of the conven-
tion for county chairman and
made a speech of thanks. The
roll was called and the precinct
committeeman were announced as
follows \ :
Arago , Louis Suess ; North
Barada , Charles Martin ; South
Barada , James Stephenson ; Grant
1\-1. Riley ; Franklin , C. O. Avery ,
Falls City precinct , H. G. Pence ;
Fans City 1st ward , \V.Abbey
2nd ward , \ V.V. . Lcekins ; 3rcl
. -
ward , J. A. ' ! vIcCormick ; 1-Iu111- -4
boldt precinct , O. E. Zook ; Hum- , r. I
boldt 1st ward , Irvin Shirley ; 2nd
ward , Ii' IV1. Boss ; Jefferson , C.
F. Daeschner ; Liberty , W. H. .
" .
1\1ark : East Elmer . . : '
; Muddy , Ray ; . .
West lVIuddy , H. D. Wel1er ; Ne- ' " . . .
maha , J. G. 1\1cGinnis : ; Ohio J.
W. Dodds ; Porter , A. J. Wixon ; t' "
Rub , B. J. Huber ; Speicer , Otto . . . . . . . ;
Porr , Salem , J. P. lVloore. "a . ;
The committee on the selection If''oJ
of delegates to the congressional
. .
I . .
convention to be held at Lincoln
" ' )
I" ?
March 22 reported as follows : _
G. J. Crook , delegate at large ; rJ
Speiser . , W. J. Peake ; Humboldt : -
precinct , John Leatherman ; I-I11111- 4
boldt 1st ward ; O. L. Bantz ; 2nd ,
ward , E. A. Tucker ; Franklin , ( " '
P. W. Gutzmer ; Nemaha , P. A.
Smith ; Grant , W. G. Hummel ; s- :
Porter , Jason Timmerman ; Salem . .
A. J. Wheeler ; Liberty , J. D. r1
Grifliths ; West Muddy , J. H. . ; ,
. . . . .
Overman ; East Muddy , lV1. ? H. . ' . . . . . : f
Taylor ; Falls City precinct , B.
Simanton ; b.t ward ; G. M. Bar-
rett ; 2nd ward , W. Ii. Dorrington
3rd ward , J. A. McCormick ;
Ohio J.V . Dodds , South Barada ,
James Stephenson ; North Barac1a ,
Jesse Ankrom ; Jefferson , H. P.
Rieger ; Arago , Martin Werner ,
Rub , Charles I-Iuber.
E. A. Tucker has announced
his delegation to the senatorial
convention to be held at Pawnee
City , April 16 , as follows :
Speiser , R. S. Conrad ; Hum-
boldt 1st ward , Irvin Shirley ; 2nd
ward , Kev. E. Meyer ; Grant , D.
F. Harbaugh ; Salem , J. A. Shef-
fer ; West Muddy , H. D. We1Jer ;
Falls City prec. , W. R. Holt ; 1st
ward , W. W. Abbey ; 2nd ward ,
T. J. Whitaler ; 3rd ward , Nick
Lippold ; Ohio , B. F. Leachman ;
N. Barada , Jess Ankrom ; Arago ,
John Kloeppfel : Humboldt prec. ,
A. E. Stalder ; Franklin , J. B.
Babcock ; Nemaha , J as. Ayres ; . _
Porter , Jason 'l'immerma11 ; Liberty - ' :
ty , J. A. Jorn ; E. Muddy , J. 1\1.
Evans : S. Barada , C. : Madowse ;
Jefferson , E. Dowty ; Rub , Prank
Rev . Schmidli has been in Bern ,
Kan. , this week attending the
Evangelical conference. One
week from next Sunday Rev.
Schmidli will preach his farewell , .
sermon in this city '
Dr A. Gaiser of Lincoln has
purchased the dental office of the '
late Dr. Gemme1. Dr Gaiser is
the vice president of the Nebras- '
ka Dental association and stands .
high in his profession.
11rs. Cecil Graham and little
daughter , who have been visiting
in this city left Wednesday for a
visit with Mrs. Graham's father
at Republican City
_ . ; . . . .