The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 04, 1904, Page 7, Image 8

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    March 4 , 190- 'I'II I I E ; FALLS CITY TRIBUNE 7
- . -
o _ _ _
( Impaticnt I long for thc strain c'f the
) .
a' song
'J'hat shall echo from valley , and hill ;
\\ThclI thc mcadow-larks "
- sing of thc
, coming of spring
I r AmI thc heart of aU nature shall
I"l thrill
I Impatient ! I wish I mig"ht go out and fish
, b'or thc croppies that live in the lakes
Forgetting strife aud thc sorrow of
AmI my frost bitten spirit that aches.
Impatient I fret , for the frost lingers
. yet
her fifty feet clown in the grounl , I ;
'rhoug-h I dig with a pick till I'm weary
and sick
. .
Thcre's not a lone worm to bc fouml.
. I know for a fact , 'tWCI'C a foolhardy
I .
1'0 g-o forth with a line and a pole
'fill hc spring is dcsccl'llcd and the
worm shall have turncd
AmI crawled up near tflC top of his
. But I dream in the night of thc fishes
that bite
' And the fish that I catch inm\ ' dreams
' '
" Are bigger by far than the biggest
fish arc
" . : 'l hat wc catch from the lakes and thc
- . , . strcams.
\ ' \ , There arc fishes f as big as a 'Pcrchcl'on
! pig ,
13y thc million in Shlmbcr-land'slake ;
But no one 'CI'C tool such a fish from
the heel < -
' They wiggle off just as you wake
- -
S , A pessimist is a man who is
" '
' . : , " al ways looking for thc worm in
, : ' , ; - - ' " . ' the apIle.
" ,
. " " . ' ) j „ 1 , " There is always something
. ' _ ; . . } " . , I. ' good to look forward to. It waitt
S 'r ; , : , , . _ ' ' , , be long until the lisp 1 are biting
1 . . , , , , , " ; ; , " : . , . : ; , : - , . . , . : - . , , ' : : , . - . , in great shapc
\ > ' "X" .
' , . 1' , .
. , . : : Don waste . your brcath abus-
, , ' . ing- the chronic loafcr. Hc dun't
ktr '
. /VI'
'z 1 care what You say about him. Hc
. -.1
, , " , , ' is , past that pain
: . > ' The prettiest woman ip town is
' . . '
_ thc wife of the ugliest man in
' : , . . town. Now we Suppose all thc
; , ; , . . r r ladies will feel flattered and all
thc men win feel insul tcd.
. .
' ' a } ; Nothing , ' is o pathetic as a sick
cat. Our large dapple gray cat
is on the sick list and we fear he
. .
, is going to dic. ' His temperature
is 10 ? , pulse )0 and respiration 48.
He either has cancer of tHc stom-
? r , ach or cholera morbl1s-"we. : can't
; ' ten which.
"t : " .
: : ' " A tall li111 man approached us
. .
r . . . " on thc street thc other day and
# ' '
; introduced himself as an old
, . . . - : , ; : . , school mate. Hc had been gone
I .Y : ; < : : : " . " for many : years and wc had for-
i. I , - ; , , . .i'5 , ' . . . j , , " gotten 111m. \Ve I remember that
: ' ; . . . . ' when he went to school . he had
. i b . ' 'r , a nickname but it was two days
: . . , -"j before wc could recall it. It was
" v. , " " .
i I , : l" HFattp .
. . . .
" . , - - - - -
: ' , r , , - . a. . < Stella , Nebraska has won for
" . . ; , . . . . itself thc reputation of being one
" of the biggest small towns on thc
I map. It lies it the midst of a
; fertile country , surrounded on aU
sides by well kept farms owned by
a class of the hest people on earth.
\Vhcn.thcse farmcrs have reaped
their harvest or fatted their steers
they haul thc product of their
labor to Stella and top the mar-
ket. Thcn they : : , .in v , ( .l. . , Jail'
share of thc proceeds in all of the
necessaries , and many of the lux-
uries of life so temptingly ] dis-
played in the stores of Stella's
hustlirng and progressive mcr-
chants. 'l'his all goes toward
making Stella a good ( town. \Ve
have never seen a town of this
size that presented so ) leasing
an appearan ' .Clue houses arc
all neatly painted ; thc lawns are
well kept ; thc streets arc wide and
bordered with trees and there arc
some business and public huild-
ings that would be pointed to
with pride by the people of sonic
much larger towns that we know
of. There arc in Stella ( at least
three stocks of general merchan-
c1ise that would invoice from
$7,000 to 810,000 which wc subunit -
unit is a pretty good showing.
All other lines of business arc
equally well rcprcscn tCl1. A few
years ago Stella cxperic\1c \ d a
very disastrous fire , but new brick
buildings have taken thc place of
thc old frame structures and you
would hardly rcalire that there
had ever been a fire there. 'rhc
people are very hospitable and
always really . to . extend , " , the glad
hand to the deserving stranger
who chanccs'ro stray within their
g'ates. There is one suggestion
that we would like : to make , how-
ever and that is that more of thc
merchants ' display signs in front
of their places of busincss. 'rhc
other day wc had occasion to interview -
tcrvicw a certain merchant and
were compelled to' make inquiry
in ; six stores Before \vc could lo-
cate him. And besides whcn a
stranger sees a nice store , with
attractive display , windows hc
likes to know whose store it is
A Favorite Remedy for Babies.
Its pleasant taste and prompt
cures have madc Chambcrlain's
Cough Remedy a favorite with
thc mothers of small childrcn. It
quickly cures their coughs and
colds and prevents any danger of
pneumonia or other serious con-
seq ucnccs. For sale by A. G.
'Vanner. ( ) -4
. ,
- - - - - - -
Chance of Long Lite.
A doctor says that persons who
attain their thirtieth year with
out suffering from any serious dis.
vase arc likeIJ'--al1 things being
equal-to live till they are at least
73 years of age. .
. -
Protecting the Whales.
Henceforth whales are to be S3
eyed to the Norwegian fisherman
The Norwegian parliament hu'
passed a bill prohibiting the ca teh.
ing and landing of whales on the
coast for the next ten years.
- - -
, -
Our new line of Wall Paper will soon be
ready for your inspection.
For the next two weeks , or until it is
ready , \ve are giving
h-1WLaY1 : . + Li4 Sta3l - : ' . ' . 'U"M"i'.x. : . .y..liL. : . ; : : ; ; rz : . _ - " 'l IY = ' .
, 20 'Cellt Per I d iscunt m t
eilYtST7LLLSLTJSRRliIAT.37R1.Y.731.1' . , . . , Y ' [ i. 1f _ K- - - = A6'LTJ.tSS !
on all of last years patterns.
- - , _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ _ ' 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _
. ( YJ. b Y I
in many of the simple patterns among . our F
low ( priced Wall Papers. There's variety
and beauty at an figures at 5 cents to 40
cents per roil.
We give a Written Guarantee for Five '
Years with Pattons Sun Proof Paints , the
best Inade. ,
, . . . , .
" ' ' .
' . ' ,
! ! : ; j "J" " 'f : s' \ , ' " '
A. \V"ca\'er was in Stella on
legal business 1Ionda ) ' .
Rev J. 'L\ Smith of Nebraska
City was a halls City visitor . 1\'lon-
day. r
Ralph ( A. Clark of Stella was
in Falls City on business 1\lon-
V. G. Lyford has returned
from his trip to thc eastern mar-
John Ahcrn , sr. , and son 'Val-
tcr of Shubert were in town on
business 1\'londay.
S. L. Slocum went to Stella
fnnday afternoon for avisit with
friends and relatives
George Hancr went to Hiawa-
Uta Sunday. Heexpectsto spend
thc summer near there on a farm.
Mike Casey of Cashion , O. ' 1' .
spent several days thc first of thc
week visiting his old Falls City
1\1'8. Kathcrinc'Vylic and ( laughter -
g-htcr 1rs. 'Vm. Uhlig left Sun-
day for a visit at the home of Gco.
W. Marsh in Lincoln.
When bilious try a dose of
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
tablets and realize for once how
quickly a first-class up-to-date
medicine will correct thc disordcr.
For sale by A. G. 'Vanncr.4 < <
William Shaffer , brakeman of
Dennison , Ohio , was confined to
his hcd for several weeks : with inflammatory -
flammatory rhcumatism. "I used
many remedies hc said and final-
ly I sent to l\1cCaw's drug store I
for a bottle of Chamberlains Pain
Balm , at which time I was unable
to use hand or foot , and in one
weck's time was able to go to
work as happy as a clam. " For
sale by A. G. 'Vanncr. . ( ) -4
A live wire created some ex-
citcmcnt on south Harlan street
Sunday evening . 'Plne balls of
fire that played about thc ends
of thc broken wire terrified a
number of pcdcstians ( but no one
was injured.
Ben Potect has purchased thc
Schock property in thc cast part
of thc city and expects to erect a
fine new residence in the spring
\'Ir. Drake who has been visit-
ing at the home of T. . L. Hum-
melrcich returned to his home in
South Dakota l\-Ionday.
D. S. McCarthy
Special Attention to Household Moving
Palls Nebraska
City - -
. ' .