6 THE I FALLS CITY TRIBUNE March 4 1904- 1 i : THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , I , Ii i ; Published Every Friday at t 1 ALLS CITY , NEBRASKA I' ' Br 1 ' ROSS & HAY f. I . Entered as Hccond.claHs matter , Janu- ; ary 12 , 1904at thc post oflice at Falls ! City , Neb. , tuuler the Act of Congress of March 3 , 1879. I . J ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR I Telephone No. 22J. , I l Congressional Convention The republicans of thc First con- gressioeal : district of Nebraska arc hereby called to meet in convention itl thc city of Lincoln , Nebraska , at tcn o'cloclc a. m. , on March 22 , 1904 , for thc transaction of thc following business : For thc nomination of a representative - tive in congress and to select two dis- trict delegates and two alternates to thc 1.cIHthlican national convection to bc held in the city of Chicago , 111. , on 'l'ucsday , June 21 , 1904 , and for thc transaction of sl\ch \ other business , as may collie before thc convcntion. ' ' . the The basis of representation to several counties of thc district itl said convention , shall bc the vote cast for Hon. la. J. Burkctt for , congress at the regular election held November 4 , 1902 , on a basis of enc delegate for each one hunched votes or major fraction \ thereof , so cast , and one delegate at large for each county which ' said ap- i portionmcnt entitles thc several COUtI- tics of thc district to the following representation - t'cscntation in said con vcn tion : Cass------------------------------- 23 Utoc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20 Nemaha _ _ _ _ _ _ . . 17 - - - - - - - - u - - u - - - - - i Richardson _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ u. _ _ _ _ - _ _ 23 Pawnee----------------- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16 Johnson . . _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ 14 Lancaster , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ u. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ 60 ) , 'l'otal _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ li3 It is recommended that no proxies he allowed but thc delegates bc authorized - ized i to cast thc full vote of thc county represented by thcm. By order , of thc congrcssional com- mittce. Dated at Lincoln , Neb. , February - nUlry 13 , 1904. E. L. HOI.\'OKH. ; 1' . C. MUNCIu , . , Hccrctat.y. Chairmatl. Senatorial Conveniion. The republicans of Pawnee amid Richardson counties in Nebraska , arc hereby called to meet in Pawnee City , Nebraska , Otl Saturday , April 16 , 191H , at 50'cloclc p. m. , for thc purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for ' . thc state senate for thc fit.st senatorial district in Nebraska , and to transact such other , bnsitiess as may come before - fore thc convcntion. I S 'rhc apportionment of delegates will ' hc on a basis of one deleg'at tu each one hundred votes , 0' ' major fraction thereof , rcccivcd hy thc Hon. C.H.No'- I . ris for state senatorltm 1902. as follows : . Pawnec county------------------- 15 Richardson county----------------- 22 By ordcr of the senatorial coml\aittcc \ ' February , 22 , 1904. G. A. J. Moss , JoTI T-4. CI.HA\'HI , Pawmiee Co. Richardson Co. County Convention. The republicans of Richardson count - ty , Nebraska , arc hereby called to meet at thc court house in Falls ; City on 'l'hursday , March 17 , 1904 , at 1 p. m. for thc puq > ese of placing in nomination candidate for thc following offices : 3 members of thc legislature and one county attorney , and to elect twcnty- two delegates to the state convention to hc held at Lincolt May 18 , 1904 ; . - wcnty.tht"cc delegates to thc congressional - sional convention to hc held in Lincoln - coltt March 22 , 1904 ; twcnty-two delegates - gates to thc senatorial convection to hc held in Pawnee City Ncb. April l 16 , 1904 ) , and to transact such other business - ness as may come before said convcn- tioll. The several precincts shall hc entitled to one delegate for each test votes , ot" major fraction thereof , cast for Martin Zoolc for county treasurer , at the general , election held on Nov- ember 3 , 1903 , as follows : Speiser--------------------------- i 7 Humboldt precinct----------------- , H Humboldt , First ! Ward------------- . 12 Humboldt , Second \ tiVarl----- _ _ _ 9 ranlc1in _ _ _ _ uuuu _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 Ncmaha . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 ( rant-------------- ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ 15 Porter , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ 7 Salem , _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ 13 1-4ibct.ty _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ : . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ 14 'Vcst Muddy _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ - ' - u _ . . . . . . _ _ 11 ' East Muddy-------------------- _ _ 9 Falls City preci nct. _ _ _ . _ . . . . . ' . ' . _ . - . . _ 11 " "Io'irst Ward-------------- 14 ' " " Second 'Nerl _ _ _ , . . . . _ _ _ _ 20 ) " " 'ThirdVatd. . _ . . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ 12 Ohio----------------- _ _ _ _ _ ' _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 South Barada.------------------ 9 North l3aracla------------------ . _ _ _ _ 9 Jefferson _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 At.ago _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . - : . . _ _ _ . . _ ,10 Rub-------------------------------- 12 Tor.u-------------------------- _ _ 238 By order of county central commit- tcc. Dated at Falls City , Ncb. . fi'cbm- + at"y 24 , 1904. H. E.LHMMON , G. J. CitooK Secretary Chail"lttan. REPUBLICAN CAUCUSES. 'l'hc .cpuplican , voters ' of North and South Barada precincts , are hereby ' called to meet . iii i caucus in thc village of Harada at two o'clock in the afternoon . noon of " 'cdncsday , ! \'lu.ch 16 , for the ptu . post : of selecting nine (9) ( ) delegates from' North Harada and nine (9) ( ) delegates - gates f\"Om \ South Ba.ada , to represent said precincts at thc county convention to hc held at Falls City on Thursday March Ii , and to transact such other hu51I1e95 as may come before thc ca n- cns. ROHl Wl' HOB\CK , . , JA\IHS S'rHI'HJtN . Com m i ttcl mCII. - , - - - - 'l'hc republican voters of thc Second ward of thc city of Falls City arc re- ( IUcsted to meet in caucus at thc court house Olt 'rttesdaevening , March 15. at S o'clock for thc plII.pO IC of selecting twenty (20) ( ) delegates to thc county convention to bc held March Ii , acct to transact such other . business ; as lIIaY CDIIIC before thc ca IICUS. , " " . W 14HHKIXS. COl1lmi ttccl1la n. - - - ' - The republican voters of Fall City " township arc hereby called to meet at thc , town hall in i said township Olt l\IG1I- day , March I-t , at 10 o'clock a. 111. , for the purpose of selecting eleven (11) ( ) dcl- cgatcs to thc republican county convention - \'cntiolt at Falls ! City on \Ia.ch Ii , allli to transact any other , business } : that lIIay come before thcm. H. E. T4H\DION , CO\llmittecm\1I. \ , . - - - ' ' The .cpuh1icalls voters of the Second ward of thc city of r'alls ; City arc hereby - hy called to meet in caucus at thc Li- b.a.y , Bid ldieg ( city hall ) Olt 'Tuesday , March 15 , at H o'clock p. 111. , for thc purpose } of selecting 14 delegates to thc county convention to be held on : \Iarch Ii , and to transact such other business as may come before thc caucus. 1V. , V. AUIIIty , Coutmitteetnan . ANNOUNCEMENT. I ' . camli- hereby announce myself a - late for thc nomiltatiolt as county attorney - torncy subject to the action of thc republican county con\'elltiolt. W\I. J. MOlu " , . If thc people wu1t to do thc trusts it favor , let them turn clown Prresident Hoosc.c1 There is gooingto bc something doing in city politics. Some people . pIc arc going to bump up against thc fact that conditions have changed and ; that it is not as : easy to count votes before they arc cast , as it used to bc. -----1 When a man aspires to office , his ability and fitness should bc thc first considcration. His claim in thc party shou1d } conic ncxt. If found worthy fr0111 these two stand points hc should bc allowed - cd to enter thc racc. If not hc should bc ruled out. - - - - - - It is not Opi.obablc that other powers will become involved \ in . . thc oriental war. Of course every nation is looking : to its defenses and are preparing for war in timc of pcacc ' \ Te do not believe that there will ever be another world war Russia may whip Japan , or Japan may whip Russia and then whcn it comes to the terms of surrender tlc other powers will simply stand by and see that justice is clonc. - - _ . - . - _ . . . . Slowly but surely thc salvation of republicanism in this county is being worked out. Great forces arc at work and thc party is pass- ing through a new birth. Out of the old shall he cl1\'oh.cd thc new ; out of thc old discord shan be wrought thc harmony ; the evil forces that have so long been act- h"c shall bc neutra1izec1. After the night made hideous by - . thc phantoms of factionalism and personal hate , and envy and selfishness - ishncss shall conic thc better day. 'I ' he party has learned now who its real enemies are , and haYing f\rced them out into thc light will deal with then in no uncertain - tain manner 'l'hc voice of thc party has spoken and all her forces arc relying to thc dcfcnse. , V ill you enlist ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h. _ _ _ RENEGADES. I-listory makes frequent mcn- tion of the retiegade and never in very flattering tcrms A rcnc- g-udc , is an oposta from thc faith , without necessarily going so far as to become a convert to another faith-hc has simply renounced - nounced thc faith that was in him , gcncrall . } " from some ulterior 11l0ti , .c. Perhaps history affords us no more striking instance of apos- tacy than that of Judas Iscariot. St 'Iatthctclls us that : 'l'hen one of the twelve called Judas Iscariot , went unto thc chief priests and said unto them ; 'V hat will you give mc and I will deliver - liver him unto you ? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of sih"cr. " Judas did not promise thc high priests that hc would become a convert to their way of thinking. . I-Ic did not 1. , . .t promise them that hc would renounce - ' nOt1J1CC thc teaching of thc Christ ; hc merely stipulated that for a very trifling reward hc would betray - _ tray his master unto the hands -I. of. his encmics. From the very inception of his treacherous idea down to its consummation , Judas . furnished a perfect model for all thc renegades that have come 'aftcr him. How often have nice , - followed ; his example in every dc- tail when they went to the cnc- mics of their country , their poetical - ! ica1 party or their church , and ' 1 said , \Yhat will you give mc and Ii I will dclvcr all into your II hands ? " In political parties have ! thc renegades , been especially ) ) ' J , " active and , eliminating thc sacred ' element from thc paralle1' the lengths to which they will g.o and thc means to which they will resort , arc scarcely less infamous - than those of their notorious ' . model. Instances are too fresh in thc minds of Richardson county . t people to need specific illusion. t Then a republican goes to the ' chief priests of democracy and says " \Vhat will you give mc , , and I will deliver my , party unto , ! your hands , ? " hc becomes a renc- ' . : r geHlc-an apostate from thc faith. I 'T ' hey may covenant with him for thirty pieces of silver or thc sal- . ary attached to an official 1 posi- ' ' \ - ( . J tion , it matters not. l'he ' harm that such a man does his party is . . _ ob\ " ous. Hc not only gives aid . . . . , : : and comfort to the enemy , but dcmora1izcs to certain extent , his . ' own party as well ; for many of the faithful , seeing thai thc betrayal - . ; ' . ' : < : trayal has been made , arc ' constrained - strained as were thc apostles , to forsake thc party and to flee In thc Christian world today , there is no name that is spoken with more contempt than that of Judas Iscariot and in thc politi ' . . , cal worM I there should be no . - " name more abhorred than that of the apostate who betrays his ' 1 " 'l , : ; party and claims his reward from " . " - , , ' > t ; ' \ . " . thc high priests of thc cnCl11 , - . . ' ' " But here thc comparison between - : , : twecn Judas and the political ren- J" , . . cgadc ends. Judas repented ; apolitical _ . political renegade never docs. Judas gave back the money ; the political renegade keeps it. Judas - das ranged } himself ; the political rcncgadc is not so accommoc1a ( ing. He continues to live , move and have his being and if he will not riel thc party of himself , thc party must rid itself of him. Let . thc party appropriate thirty \ ' pieces of silver , or , as much thereof - . of as is ncccssary to buy some place away Gut in thc dreary wastes of oblivion , a potters field 1 wherein to bury him , politically ] spcaking. . . . , . ' . J" ,